Categories: Society & Culture

When it’s time to change your job?

It’s Monday, and you again feel tired, do not want to go to work, have no motivation? Many feel like this, but for some this feeling passes, and others it  accompany for years. As the desire to give up everything. So how do you know whether it is time to change your job, or is it just a temporary phase?

Signs that it’s time for a change:

You are afraid to go to work. And not because of the fact that today is Monday or you are not prepared for the important meeting. There are people who feel stressed just because think about the job. Some have very strict boss, others have unfriendly colleagues. Unfortunately, experience shows that it is easier to find another job than constantly fight. Do not need to keep quiet, and do not give up, just keep in mind that constant fear and stress is very bad for your health. Consider how long it goes on and what can be changed.

Your competence is higher than your boss. It may happens that your boss is less skilled, less educated and have less experience than you. And it is not necessarily directly related to age. The problem in this case is not even a difference in competencies, the fact is that such company’s future seems to be uncertain; that you will constantly doubt boss decisions and you can not to learn anything new.

You have not any motivation to work. It seems that you are satisfied with the salary, the manager is good, with colleagues you get along, but still you do not like your wok. You completely  do not have the motivation to work, and it continues not for one month and not a three even.

The bottom line is that without the motivation you will fail to go forward. So, think about it, perhaps a lack of motivation is related to the specifics of your work, or may you just have a depressive time and it’s  time to take care of your health, and to discover a new positive colors at current work or find a new one.

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Salary does not meet your competence and the type of work.  Topic – very specific, but if you know that for such work as your should be paid much more, if the manager is satisfied with your work, but to raise the salary does not intend to, and works only getting more and more, perhaps your skills would be useful elsewhere? First of all, talk about it with the manager, do not make ultimatums and do not require – simply lay out the facts and find out what options is to get a higher salary.

There is no room for your growth. While the younger generation often change work, there are also those who feel very comfortable with their position and are afraid to get out of the comfort zone, even if feel it is necessary. Do you work the same thing all the time? There is no space for your, as an employee, growth? You have reached your potential career ceiling? If anything new cannot be learned, sooner or later you begin to dislike your work, the routine starts suffocate. Moreover, it can hurt your career – if time is running out, and you do not progress, to find a better job will become increasingly difficult.

Suffer your health and personal life. No matter what size and what kind of salary you receive and what additional benefits you get from your work – if you regularly work overtime and are experiencing high levels of stress, if the work is suffering health and personal life, the work is not worth it. The consequences can be depression, insomnia, persistent headaches, exhaustion and various chronic diseases. And in terms of personal life, such work threatens with a divorce, quarrels and the loss of friends.

No matter what you will decide – to remain at work or to change it, it has to be well thought out. And if ever you will leave it, do that nicely. After all, you never know, maybe your paths with former colleagues or employer will meet in the  future.

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  • Fortune

    View Comments

    • A very useful article highlighting the problems faced by workers and when they should call it quits at the particular job they are in. I feel there should be many professional job consultants who just do not offer a new job but also understand what the individual's state of mind is and why he is unhappy and what is it that is making him seek change so that the next job which they search for him should satisfy him from all aspects in his life.

      Workers or employees are busy and are so involved in the daily routine that there is no one to check and tell them what they are going through and what their health is telling them. They continue working until the health crashes leaving one helpless and devastated. Job consultants should also have a health professional to asses the problems which employees are found to suffer in the course of work and provide proper guidance to them. I think individually it is difficult for employees to decide or know about this not many will come to know. Job consultants is a specialized which has not reached its potential.

    • The points you raised were enough basis for one to let go of his job and find another good one there is better working environment. He must really get away from that toxic situation.

      Never mind if he earns less in a new job, but he will not get stressed or sick by it; compared to the former job that offers bigger salary but he is always tensed that could lead to health problems.

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