Categories: Society & Culture

We Live In A Broken World.

There is nothing new under the sun. Meaning nothing changes ,people are the same no matter what century. We were born to look out for number one, me myself and i. We learn how to manipulate mother at a very young age, crying for food or to be held or changed if were uncomfortable. Who teaches a child how to lie or steal? No one its a natural in stink as we get older its in our DNA, our very being. Like i was walking my dog and he started to eat grass and my wife said why dose he do that, i remember when i was younger my cat did the same thing . They do it because there stomach is upset. Thats crazy right grass and not just any grass it looks different from the grass people grow on there lawns. Its taller and thicker, who taught them that , No one God made them that way. Just like we were made a certain way before the first human beings sinned against God. See the bible says since Adam sinned all man are born into sin. Thats why a baby dose not have to be taught to step or lie Its in them from birth.     I know it seems so farfetched but history proves it. We have a sinful nature. People may say no way a child is pure innocent. That may be the point while there in there infant stage or even when they began to talk and walk. But as that child gets older they will continue to sin because they are a sinner sinning is what they do. The laws says a child docent know right from wrong until there 16. And i find that not true ,because at one they now right from wrong. we all do but we choose to do what we want to do no matter the cost . Why is that? Ive seen kids grow up with loving parents and nice houses good family back ground , and turn out to be homeless ,drug addicts, murders,. I seen kids that had nothing come to school with dirt on three paints, and smell, parents running the streets father in jail mom hoeing or on drugs, and i seen them do well in life. So dose it really have anything to do with how you train your kids. Yes it dose some just fall threw the cracks and it just happened that way . Its sad but true! WE are born evil in away . We may do good things but would you really call yourself a good person. But if its yes ,then lets see when you get mad. We can not control getting angry we can control what action we choose to do while angry. But the very emotion no no control over that. What dose one think when angry ,say to yourself or what you imagine in your head. ,or say to yourself. Especially if its harm done by a person . Reason comes before choice but how many of us use it. I want what i want and i want it now. Selfishness, greed, Lust, laziness, and disrespect is what makes our world broken. God said to love him with all your heart and soul and might. And love each other as you love yourself. But we can not do it if i loved you like i loved myself, i wouldn’t steal from u ,lie to you, want your wife , murder you for being upset with you ,or wanting your stuff, or not having things my way. Yes if we could just love one another our world would be so wonderful, but it will never happen never. world peace is 75000 nuclear war heads pointing at this country and 75000 more war heads pointing at that country thats peace. But theres hope Our Lord and Savior is on his way back and then and only then will this world be unbroken.

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