Finding a way to obtain peace is necessary.
There has to be a time when one just shuts everything off. Just ponder on the next. What will the future hold? no one really knows. We’re not even sure what will happen from one day to the next. Life is easy and a lot of times there will be some that won’t make life any easier. There’s certain things that we must go through and there’s somethings that we simply don’t have to tolerate. It’s wise to take some time out and gather those thoughts.
Sometimes staying in certain situations and environments can create bitterness. The feelings of frustration and the need to just break free. A journey that’s been filled with more dark moments can leave one wanting to stay clear of those who can not add any value to the journey. There’s nothing wrong with dismissing some people. No need for a large crowd or for false friends. Sometimes traveling alone is the only way. Lack of support is one of the things that causes people to stop what they’re doing. If there’s “determination” then they will be a proceed.
Even the television is filled with so much negativity. Shutting it down allows peace and time for “reflecting.” It’s funny how we’re giving choices in life but so many will try to alter our choices. They will try to choose for others. As if everyone knows best. Life should be lived as one sees fit. No one is in no position to force another to live a life they want those individuals to live. Sometimes it’s best just to distance ourselves form those who add nothing but stress to our lives.
Sometimes people are only satisfied if others are dissatisfied. No one can really know what a person goes through or their life unless their living it. Unless they’ve meant long periods with those individuals. It’s impossible to know how one’s life truly is. If people focused more on their own lives then perhaps they will find themselves happier. It’s always up to the person and persons whether they want to make changes to their lives.
Whatever we do. There will always be those who will disagree. Absolutely impossible to please everyone and no one should try. We learn more as we go along. There will be plenty of times that we’ll mess up. Having some peace and quiet is needed. Being exposed day in and day out to negativity can take its toll. Deciding when to shut those devices down, leave the television, off, and just relax can create rejuvenation. Choosing to not interact with certain people. The ones who add nothing but stress to our lives.
Choosing to help those who are appreciative and who can also help others. There will always be the givers and the takers. Some take and never give. If they’re taking one’s peace of mind away then those are certainly the ones to stay clear of. If an environment if filled with nothing but negative people then we’re in the wrong environment or if we’re in a position to make changes then we should. No one has to be exposed a stressful environment everyday of their lives. Peace is needed. Peace helps cleanse the mind.
Sometimes so many people get a person’s life wrong. There’s a wonder where the ones who can get it right are. Perhaps they will come into the lives of those who have suffered through attempts of mental beat down. The right people will come along. The right friendships and those who will have no problem lifting others up. Sometimes we will know right away who those people are and sometimes we’re fooled. May not find out until a lot of damage is done.
We will be judged. Judged by those who know all too well how damaging judging is. We will be criticized and in some cases by those who have absolutely no business criticizing others. Always remember that digging into someone’s life opens up a door to dig into the ones who are and were digging. There will be those who will make up things just so that our character is tarnished. Through it all. We’re conquerors. Made to be strong. There will come a time when we say, “Will not Tolerate What I’ve Tolerated” and wave goodbye.
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View Comments
Wow that's some piece of writing right there. It's awesome that's just what life is all about givera and takes, hatersand people genuinely. We live in a wicked society where all sorts of people hail from but we cannot run away from it all because it is part of us and we have to face it to move on. And I concur with you on all those sentiments sitting around negative people will always bring negative vibes, thereby causing one not to be productive. And switching off the television and the radio even phone is sometimes very therapeutic. I always do that once in a while whether consciously or subconsciously and it really helps a lot it's like waking up from a beautiful dream
Life on the fast track will eventually take its toll on your health and your relationships with others. The pressure to perform and live up to unrealistic expectations leaves you yearning for a simpler more peaceful life. By adjusting your schedule, reprioritizing your life, and changing your physical environment you will attain the life you desire.
Slow down. There are times when you are so used to doing everything in a hurry that you don’t notice how fast-paced your life has become. Simply reading the words, “Slow down,” will allow you to pause for a moment and notice. This step is mentioned first so you will carry the thought with you throughout this article and beyond.
Avoid multi-tasking. It has become popular, if not clichéd, to multi-task. Research indicates that there is a point where the quality of what you are doing declines when you try to focus on too many tasks at once.[1] Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean you have to.
Find your threshold of diminishing return on the number of tasks you can work on. Your goal is to do things well so you can feel good about your accomplishments.
Do nothing as if it were something. There is an art to doing nothing. Many people struggle with taking time to pause and regroup. Even if you take a five minute break to do nothing, do it.