Categories: Science & Mathematics

Thing You Don’t Know About Saturn

Many of us are fascinated with the Saturn. And the things about that planet are mystical to us. Many people have made stories of the Saturn in their astrology. And some of the stories are made for the sake of fiction. There is a lot that can be learned if we let the science speak on the matter of astrophysics. As we have managed to grab a lot of images and data based on the planets. So it can be really good thing if we learn a thing or two about Saturn and the rings that make it look awesome. Take a look at some of the facts about Saturn.

Saturn ring is formed from the small rocks which are now having ice on them. And they are sizing from small salt rock to big mountain like rock formation. Most of them have different minerals on them. Some of them also likely to have formed some other chemical reaction. This way they are getting some specific color. So you can find that there is really good chemistry going on there.

You can see most of the planets with naked eye to view some of the planets in the solar system. However in order to see the Saturn you need a telescope to magnify and view the full size of it. Also the amount of time it takes for the imagery to register in our brain, is higher. So it’s not easy for us to view the Saturn and it’s ring. Especially the ring portion requires magnification. And there are some of the satellite out there who are taking the imagery on constant basis.

One more interesting fact about the rings of Saturn is that they are alphabetical named based on the discovery made by the people who observed them. And so you may find multiple layers of the planet. You may notice that each of the rings discovery took some time for it to be validated. So it’s an interesting discovery. These rings are starting from A, B, C, D and upto E. And you may find there is specific data collected for each of them.

It is said that most of the comets who tried to colloid with the Saturn ended up in the ring. The reason being the gravity of Saturn is huge enough to keep the comet crashing within ring region itself. This way it formed the ring region. And the region itself goes to show that there is very strong gravity belt around the Saturn. Moons, comets and dwarf planets that collided with the Saturn resulted in this form.

Saturn has some of the moon that has known to have some of the different gravity. Each of those moon are different than each other. And it is said that some of them are likely to have chance of life. Though advanced civilization is less likely to be possibility. So the life is going to be in water as far as scientists think. It’d be interesting to find out more on that. As we have to land any satellite over there. Real data on those moons would surely be worth checking.

Image by pixabay.

  • Mahesh

    View Comments

    • Interesting scientific information about one of the most important planets in our solar system. Saturn as per astrology plays a major role in the happenings of events in the lives of people and the planet. Astrology apart the information provided in the article above provides information on how to view the Saturn, possibility of chances of life on Saturn. It is interesting to note how the rings have been formed around the Saturn and the reason behind it. The gravity of the planed in one more information which is a new discovery for me.

      Yes many of the asteroid's have tried to collide with Saturn but they could not reach their target and got stuck in the place where gravity is more forming the asteroid belt. The rings I have read are of different colors and are different gases which give the shape and color to the ring. It is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar system after Jupiter. As per Roman mythology Saturn is the God of agriculture. It has a diameter of 1,20,536 kms equatorial. Its orbital period is 29 years. The distance from the sun is 1.429 billion kilometers. Some of its famous moons are Titan, Rhea, Tethys and Dione to name a few.

      • You have added quite a few interesting facts to the above article. I knew that Saturn is the second largest of the known planets. It is good to know that it is consider the God of agriculture in Roman mythology. I wonder why? I guess because of the water that the article mentioned.

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