A business will thrive in a healthy environment. - Featured Image Credit: Pixabay.com
We become like our environment, and our environment becomes like us. Everything around us moulds and shapes us. So it is important to choose our environment with care: one that is positive, one that lifts us up and gives us wings to soar. Every experience in life, everything with which we
have come in contact in life, is a chisel which has been cutting away at our life statue, moulding, modifying, shaping it. We are part of all we have met. Everything we have seen, heard, felt or thought has had its hand in moulding us, shaping us. You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyse your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success- or are they holding you back? Your outlook upon life, your estimate of yourself, your estimate of your value are largely coloured by your environment. Your whole career will be modified, shaped, moulded by your surroundings, by the character of the people with whom you come in contact every day … We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because
environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted. A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favourable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires. When I get my room the way I like it, Mom makes me clean it up. Perfection Going far beyond the call of duty, doing more than others expect- this is what excellence is all about. And it comes from striving, maintaining the highest standards, looking after the smallest detail, and going the extra mile. Excellence means caring – it means making a special effort to do more. To do the right thing, at the right time, in the right way; to do somethings better than they were ever done before; to eliminate errors; to know both sides of the question; to be courteous; to be an example; to work for the love of work; to anticipate
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View Comments
I agree with you our environment shapes us and molds us everything around us makes us who we are
Indeed our environment has a direct impact on our health and well being. We are interconnected and interdependent on the environment. There for We should care for the environment so that it can provide for us.
I agree that the environment we live in does shape our everyday lives.