Categories: Computers & Internet

Tech Support Scam Online for Windows

These days many fake companies are coming up with online scam sites. And they are into tech support. And they trick people into buying the fake tech support services. They usually charge 100$ or so for fixing that. Most likely the sites are setting up their own virus. And then they make sure to get that virus removed. I think this sort of scams are running rampant. And one has to understand how these products are going to affect the genuine people. So make sure that you don’t fall for some of such scam. Many people are not even aware of some of these are going to be hard for sure.

There are some of the Youtube channels which are showing the scam of such people. And they are sharing how the scams are being made. I am sure if you check how they are doing the same. You can easily understand that what you have to do to get rid of them. And with some of the efforts you can skip with such people. I have found that tech support scams usually happen because people fall pray to the phone numbers on the popup and the messages. You have to skip those set of phone numbers and avoid working with such type of scams. It may not be easy but then again nothing is going to be that easy.

Windows is complex system and so is linux. But it is often a good idea to avoid windows and viruses like that. It may not be easy for many people. But if we learn how to use the tech support system then it’d be really good option. I think many people are going to find it harder to convert to linux. But if you know what you are doing then it is easy to switch to linux. And it can get rid of many of your problems. For example using the Ubuntu or the Mint, that may be easier to be done. It just takes time for learning small things over for that.

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Be very careful if you are falling for such tech support scam.

Image by Pixabay.

  • Tags: tech support

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