Star Trek

how to have a real star trek at home

If you like Star Trek you know the main mission is to explore. not to fight battles. How do we… Read More

7 years ago

Feuds on Sets; How Actor’s Write Their Burn Notice

One of the problems with actors are their egos.   Each one thinks s/he is superior.   When the Star,… Read More

7 years ago

Television Programs You Must Watch – Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Before you watch this show, which is the Best Star Trek ever, you need to watch Star Trek, (the Original… Read More

8 years ago

Television Programs You Must Watch Star Trek (TNG)

Star Trek (TOS)  (the original series) was not a success; until it went into syndication.   When it was aired,… Read More

8 years ago

Television Programs You Must Watch — Star Trek (TOS)

In 1966, Star Trek aired for the the first time.  For many it was an incredible experience,  and they became… Read More

8 years ago

How Mind Control Actually Operates

In the Book, 1984 by George Orwell, (which is required reading if you want to know what is happening) the… Read More

8 years ago