Categories: Science & Mathematics

The Sun is Getting Brighter

Although many people want to create panic with ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ or whatever is the current term for ‘humans are destroying the Earth!’ It happens to be a scientific fact that our Sun is becoming brighter.

You won’t notice it because it is happening so slowly (in our perception) that it would take a million years for one to actually measure a one percent increase in brightness, but it is getting brighter.

In a billion years it is expected that the extra energy in that brightness would boil away our oceans and atmosphere.  There would be nothing left but a burned-out ball of rock, very similar to Venus.

In fact, that is exactly what happened to Venus.

Most people assumed Venus was always that hot lump of rock where life could not ever exist.  Recent scientific data has prove that is simply not true.

A billion or so years ago Venus was very much like Earth.  It had oceans, it might have had life.   A billion years or so ago, it is believed, that life, as we know it, could have existed on Venus.

However, the sun became brighter. The oceans that existed on Venus began to evaporate. Carbon dioxide filled the air and Venus became warmer. And warmer, and the oceans slowly boiled away, the atmosphere was thick, and if there was life it ended.  (Unless of course the Venisuvians left the planet for Earth.)

Before you put on your sunglasses and sun screen,  the increased brightness of the sun has nothing to do with us.  As science will reveal, the sun is like a nuclear reactor.

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The reason the sun shines is that hydrogen is being turned into helium.   This causes the release of a great deal of energy, that is the shining.

As hydrogen converts to helium, the core of the sun becomes denser. This causes it to shrink and get hotter. As it gets hotter the rate of the nuclear reactions increases. This means more energy is released, and the  Sun is shining even brighter.

It is calculated that the sun is about 25% brighter today than when it first came into existence.   This means that there was a time Earth was somewhat like Mars is today.

This  brighter sun has nothing to do with ‘global warming’ or ‘pollution’ or anything humans are doing.  The Earth will get hotter because the sun will be brighter.  It is a simple scientific fact.

A billion years from now it is predicted that the sun will be so much brighter that it will heat the Earth’s surface above boiling point.

The Earth will turn into Venus.

Of course, by that time, we should all be living on Mars.

  • kaylar

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    • Yes. I do agree that the Sun's brightness is increasing year by year. Last before year in Hyderabad the temperature during summer was a maximum of 41-42 deg. But the temperature was between 42-46 during the last year. At some places it even touched 47.2 degrees Celsius. People could not come out of their houses.

      The temperature of the Sun is no doubt increases gradually. There is no way to stop it either scientifically or technologically. But the God has provided necessary arrangement for this. He created a layer which stops and filters the amount of radiation reaching the Earth. This we call it as OZONE LAYER.

      Unfortunately, the Ozone layer is becoming thinner and thinner. At some places it is allowing even the maximum radiations from the Sun reaching the Earth. As such the temperatures are felt very high in many places.

      The reason for the depletion of the Ozone layer is mainly due to Atmosphere Pollution.

      The pollution in the atmosphere is actually destroying the Ozone layer. The mankind is aware of this fact. But did nothing for many years. Now they are stressing more on the Pollution Control. Recently the U.S has taken the lead and drafted guidelines in the PARIS CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE for pollution control. These guidelines are expected to be followed by the member Nations.

      The Pollution in the atmosphere is expected to be brought down to the minimum by the countries which are contributing to the Atmospheric Pollution by way of their Industrialization. They are expected to minimize the release of Carbon dioxide into the Atmosphere.

      If the countries responsible for most of the Pollution take appropriate steps there is some hope of maintaining the Ozone layer for another 100 years and the humanity can be saved from the wrath of the Sun.

      • One can effect certain human aspects of pollution surely. But regardless of what we do, the sun will get brighter. That's how stars are. They get brighter and brighter and then get larger and larger and swallow the planets. It takes billions of years, of course, but it is in the life cycle of a star whether there are inhabited planets, uninhabited planets, or no planets.

    • Yes the is becoming brighter day by day with the passage of time but most of the people do not know it they just they today is very heat or today temperature is more. The sun to be brighter day by day is sign of the day of Judgement is drawing near written in all holy books but I think peoples do not read holy books but they are spending time making wrong deed injurious to all human being.

      Men are leading their lives meaning less and without aims just a bark swimming in the sea. This universe is just for human being sake all these elements of this universe are for men but human beings are wasting the treasure of earth in useless work thus we all human being are to destruction knowing what we are doing in life? and have forgotten God who creates us and now give us all blessings to eat. I think we all are thanks less to God. Let us think over it.

      • Don't see it as a bad thing; it is the life cycle of a star. Humans will be able to travel to Mars in a few generations and so when the Earth is not inhabitable, they will all be on Mars. That is why we have brains and have been given the knowledge and ability. I don't see it as a judgement, I see it as an emphasis on knowledge.

        That we can understand this in 2016 will mean that by 3016 we will be colonising Mars or another world so that five million years from now when the Earth might be too hot, we will be safe.

    • At the end of the end days, during the Tribulation where all men living on the earth will be judged in wrath, there will be three sets of successively worsening judgments (or four sets, if the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10:1-4 are judgments).

      There will first be the 7 Seal Judgments of Revelation 6, they open the Tribulation. Then the wrath of God is demonstrated through 7 Trumpet Judgments of Revelation 8-9. These are terrible judgments, but by God's grace, some repent through them. After that there are the 7 Bowl Judgments. Revelation 15 opens with the 7 Bowl Judgments.

      Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and amazing, seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished. (Revelation 15:1).

      These are the most terrible of all. They are so bad that no one is even allowed in the heavenly throne room sanctuary until they are concluded.

      And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever, 8and the sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished. (Revelation 16:7-8)

      One of the Bowl judgments God pours on the people of the earth the plague of a hot sun. By this point in the Tribulation, no one is repenting. They know that God is sending His wrath onto the world, but they shake their fist at Him and refuse to repent. By this time, battle lines have been set in eternal stone. In Revelation 13 people either took the mark of the beast and thereby signaling their worship of satan, sealing their doom, (Revelation 14:9-10), or they refused the mark, thereby signaling their worship of the Lamb who lives forever, sealing most to their martyrdom.

      The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory. (Revelation 16:8-9).

      God makes the sun hotter, so hot that men will be on fire if they are exposed to it. God is powerful and controls the sun!

      Let us look to a happier time, the Millennial Kingdom. God's Prophets had much to say about this period in earth's history, also. The Kingdom will be set up on earth after the Tribulation is over, and the Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints have been resurrected. Those who refused the mark of the beast and lived will populate this kingdom, too. Because they are mortal, they'll re-populate the earth. It is at this time the resurrected Old Testament saints whom Jesus promised land and an earthly kingdom with Him (the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Messiah) on the throne, will have all their promises fulfilled. This is Israel's gift.

      In Isaiah 30:23-25 we read that during this time of the Millennium Kingdom,

      And he will give rain for the seed with which you sow the ground, and bread, the produce of the ground, which will be rich and plenteous. In that day your livestock will graze in large pastures, 24and the oxen and the donkeys that work the ground will eat seasoned fodder, which has been winnowed with shovel and fork. 25And on every lofty mountain and every high hill there will be brooks running with water, in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

      John MacArthur says of this time:
      In the Messianic Kingdom of that future day, agriculture, cattle raising, food production, and water resources will prosper. The prophet predicted the redemption of nature. (cf. Rom 8:19-21)
      In Isaiah 30:26 we read of further blessings:

      Moreover, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord binds up the brokenness of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.

      The light of the sun will be seven times hotter?

      MacArthur again:
      The benefits from the natural bodies of light will be much greater. Increase of the intensity of their light will work to people's advantage, not to their detriment as in Revelation 16:8-9.

      In the Millennial Kingdom, a gentle, bright sun seven times
      warmer will flourish the earth's crops
      When we read that God is sovereign overall creation, He is sovereign. He created the sun. As the Potter, He can make it do what He wills. During the Tribulation, it will be a mechanism for judgment, scorching men, who curse it. In the Millennium, the sun will be a mechanism for prosperity, and men will bless their Creator for giving them plenteous sunshine, healthful, glowing, and beautiful.

      We groan, and cannot wait for redemption of our mortal bodies into glorified vessels worthy of seeing our Holy God. The creation groans too. When the creation is redeemed, it will rejoice also.

      For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. (Romans 8:20-21).

      This is how the creation will be set free. The sun will shine upon peaceable kingdom, over a flourishing agriculture, making men and crops thrive. Our Creator is majestic in power and sovereign over creation. He is to be worshiped, loved, praised. Our Jesus who was with God at the creation and who sustains all creation and without whom nothing was made that was made, is our hope. He is the hope of all creation. Our eternal Hope, who reigns forever.

      • You remember the Garden of Eden; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Recognise that we have been given the ability to think, to reason, to judge between right and wrong. That we, the people, will be able to survive this hotter sun because we will be given the ability to move to Mars.

        I am sure of it.

    • Starting from May 2015 the sun became whiter, brighter and hotter than it used to be. It was yellow before. Now it's bigger and bright white. Temperature has also increased by 5-10 Celsius in Summer. As a consequense of temperature increase we see China floods in recent years. The reason of this situation is not natural it is happening because of interference of an evil force (most likely illuminati and masons) who has programmed to decrease population on Earth.

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