11 Sep 2007, Garnerville, New York, USA --- Assortment of High Fiber Foods --- Image by © Envision/Corbis
I have so many friends who died due high sugar in their blood. They died at younger ages. The life span of a person according to medical doctors in United States of America is between 125-130. I think only few reaches ages 70-85 this time because of too much abuse to the body. Medical studies revealed that too much blood sugar puts you at risk for serious diseases and accelerated aging. This is so because sugar is highly inflammatory and generates excessive free-radical activity which is too ad for the body. After I learned about this, I am now so afraid to drink coffee and juices. I may not do it at one time, but gradually. You, too, try to at least little by little minimize the liking to drink plentiful mugs of coffee a day. I doubt if you can make it. Like me, it may take me few days to cease drinking too sugar stuffs.
Why is excess blood sugar harmful? According to health experts, this inflammation oxidize (“burns”) your cells and tissues, a major cause of aging and disease. We also notice that teeth of coffee drinkers get ruined because they do lack knowledge not to drink cold water after drinking hot coffee or tea.
It is my 7th year drinking coffee and I notice that when I cannot drink coffee, I feel weak and sleepy. What I did if feel this, I sweat out. Thankfully, when I went to the doctor, I learned my blood sugar is in the normal level. Few hours after I drink any sugary drinks, I drink two or three glasses of water at 10 minutes interval to discharge the sugar through urination. That is my secret. I enjoy drinking coffee and juices, enjoy too, eating sweets stuffs like moist cakes, dark chocolates, ice cream and more. Plus, I do exercise at least 25 minutes a day.
It is also emphasized by doctors that chronically high blood sugar levels will make you fat. This is so because left in our blood stream excess glucose, that turns into fats called triglycerides. These are then stored in your fat cells, this can lead to rapid weight gain, and fatty tissue accumulation around your belly and hips. My goodness, it is so horrible picture self gets accumulated sugar and transformed to fatty tissue.
I maintain my weight, 110 pounds. You bet.
Controlling your blood sugar has never been more important in our entire life. And now it’s easier than ever. Let us be thankful to a remarkable new discovery.
Reference: Dr. Al Sears
Image credit by Pixabay Free Photos
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The best prevention of a high blood sugar is WATER. This is a very perfect prevention. While you are on your desire to eat sugary and sweet stuffs, also enjoy the taste of water that could right aways drain the system that involves accumulation of sugar to the blood.After eating sweets, drink water right away. Do not drink cold or refrigerated ater for it diminishes its natural taste.
In my own point of view, a person may never be sick of diabetes if only believe on the power of WATER.
Very helpful, thank you
@Linda Michelle , thank you for dropping y and read this very important blog about health. You may like to apply this to you and to your family. This time, medicine is so expensive, and sickness could be prevented through our lifestyles, food intake and the love you always give to yourself. We need to be smart this time in relation to the right foods to eat that really boosts good health.
When people are told to try and drink at least a litter of water everyday they tend to ignore this, but truth be told water is what will keep you going and will also fight toxins in the body. When we drink water it also loosens our blood and avoids blood clots in the veins. Water also neutralizes sugar and fats in our bodies but most of us don't see the need to take it. I had a friend who had a very sweet tooth. He hails in the United States. I always used to keep telling him to take water but what he did was take it in the form of juices and soda. In a day he would take like 5 glasses of juice not freshly squeezed juices but the ones from the supermarkets. He will then too up with sweets chocolates and cakes. Then he also used to snack a lot. So with all that going into the body you can imagine how big he was. So I warned him once out of the blue and told him that he was causing himself trouble by not taking water. Believe you me after 3-4 months the guy had to be admitted in hospital to have a gastric bypas operation. I was not surprised when I heard that he was not allowed to consume sweet stuff for some time. He really had a hard time, but I encouraged him and right now, he consumes more water than I do. Sweet things are not so much on his mind like before. So water is extremely important for our bodies.
Diabetes mellitus is one of several persistent conditions causing high blood sugar levels. For someone with diabetes, hyperglycemia has many possible causes:
Carbohydrates: Eating food containing too many carbohydrates, a form of sugar. The body of a person with diabetes cannot process high levels of carbohydrates fast enough to convert it into energy. Blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes can rise within hours after eating.
Insulin control: Not producing enough insulin action (either by injection of insulin or taking medicine which stimulates the pancreas to make more insulin). People with diabetes must control blood sugar by a combination of dietary discretion, taking medication, and physical activity. When food, exercise, and insulin are not balanced, blood sugar levels rise.
Stress: Emotions can play a role in causing hyperglycemia, but should not be used as an excuse for poor control of diabetes.
Low levels of exercise: Daily exercise is a critical contributor to regulating blood sugar levels.
Infection, illness, or surgery: With illness, blood sugar levels tend to rise quickly over several hours.
Drinking water is the best, though some diabetics could not just dispose sugar easily even if they drink much water. The best thing is to avoid eating sweets and foods with lots of starches and carbohydrates.