Categories: Environment

Refrain From Venting With Fools

Using the word fool sounds a bit negative but fool is used plenty in the bible. Argue with a fool and don’t expect to win. Some may want to get reactions for whatever reasons. It appears some are losing a lot of self worth. Trying whatever to gain something. Sometimes not much at all but the thrill of winning. “Go back and forth and some may not know which is the fool.” Foolishness will take place in any environment and at anytime. Some use argumentative tactics to try and distract whoever they’re competition with.

The competition will allow some to “continue” to try and seek a response from others. Either to take away or to ruin. No matter what tactics are used. It’s best to just carry on so there’s progress still being made. Not every situation needs a response. Some may become bored and that’s what they’ll try to create a scene so there’s some excitement. If there’s work to be done then it’s best to not bother. However if a response is needed then make sure it’s not a foolish response.

There will be disagreements and not all are able to disagree the correct manner. Sometimes just moving on will stop the individuals from going on and on. Stopping what can be an all out fight. A fool will carry on but the wise “will complete” the tasks at hand. We’ve all been a fool and have behaved foolishly. There comes a time when the ways of a fool must be released. In order to make any progress. We’ll have to ignore some of the communications from others.

A fool will have many tricks. So in order to avoid the trickery one will need to leave the fool behind. There may be more dealings with such individuals because some seem to behave as if they’re losing their minds. Trying to find ways to irritate others. “The words” start flowing and then the arguments begin. Leave some of these situations alone and live happier. Foolishness doesn’t need to be a focus. The foolishness will add no value whatsoever. Just create stress and that’s about all.

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Deal with a fool and find out how much time is wasted. If the communications make no sense and there’s always trouble surrounded around the individuals then go in the other direction. No need to get all bent out of shape for things which will add absolutely no value. Some feel the need to distract others because they know where the individuals are headed. Trying to slow the process down. That’s how fools think.

The ones who want to elevate won’t bother with the nonsense. Oh and there will be a lot of nonsense going on. A lot of people aren’t satisfied with how so many are moving about so they’ll try all sorts of tactics to try and hinder. Leave the fools where they are. Trying “to reason” with a fool is like pulling teeth. There’s no way to win and a lot of time will be wasted trying to incur any reasoning.

Life is filled with a lot of disruptions and we’ll come across some who behave as if that’s all they know. Not wanting to grow just causing havoc for others. There should be no time for the things which will never help one get better. If there’s no sense in the matters then leave the matters to the foolish ones. Some behave foolishly because that’s all they know. For some there’s an underlying issue. Make progress by refusing to go toe to toe with the fools.

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  • Tanikka Paulk

    View Comments

    • Why should we argue with a fool. Doing so would also make us a fool, knowing that we cannot get any good answer from a person like that.

      Anyway, maybe if one vented it out with a fool, he /she may never know what will be the reaction of a fool. Good if he only will laugh. But what about if he gets angry and slap you. Now , who is the fool ? ha ha ha

    • We really cannot trust anyone that easily. Despite venting all the misery in life, they won't listen and ignore your feelings. Life is not a perfect world. The best people whom we can trust heartily is our family. They can never neglect or ignore your sentiments in life. They are always there to accept and embrace you as a whole.

    • When you argue with a fool, you will also look like onebecause no one is going to know the difference between the two. If you get into an argument with someone, and you notice that that person just keeps going on and on and is not relenting even if they are wrong please just surrender and walk away, make them feel like they have won even though you know what is true. If you know what is right why sit there and listen to what the fool is saying you know your stand don't waste your time. I am one of those people who really don't like arguments, so I try to avoid them at all costs. Because it makes no sense to me to keep arguing when I know that whatever I say will not change the other persons mind. Just walk away.

    • I learned that foolish people never want to know what they are being foolish about so they will not listen if you try to tell them. The best way with a fool is to walk away and not engage in them as it puts you on an equal footing and wastes your energy. Spend time with those with enough wisdom inside them to understand they need to listen to advice as they may not always make wise decisions.

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