Categories: Pregnancy & Parenting

Reasons Why Students Should Not Bring Cellphone To School

10 years ago, students in secondary school and pupils studying at primary schools were not allowed to bring cellphones to school.

Back then when my teenager was still in secondary school, teachers would conduct spot checks every week, on random days to confisticate cellphones from students and request parents to meet the school principle in order to inform that of their children misconduct.

However a couple of years ago, I had noticed that my nieces and nephews had brough cellphones to school which was against the school rules.

I was wrong.

The secondary school had admended the rule against cellphones.

All students are allowed to bring cellphones to school because:

  • In case of emergency:Many parents had been complaining that they were unable to reach their children at school because the receptionist doesn’t pick up the phone. They claimed that in case of emergency, when the calls were not answered, they had to rush to school in the middle of their work which was much of their inconvenience.


I found this reason is quite ridiculous because there are many interval time parents could call up the school. They should know their children lesson timetable so that they could estimate at what time the receptionist or the teachers might be in the office to pick up the phone call. (Recess time- break time is the best way to contact the school where teachers had to jot down their job schedule and attendance at the office)

Sometimes when I had called the school after school hours, the principle teacher answered my call too.


  • Parents wanted to know their children whereabouts: This is a headache and problematic situation. There are many cases where students played traunt, purposedly absent from school for days throughout the year without parents knowledge. They would pretend to go to school as usual ( whether by school bus or parents private transportation) and leave the school authority by secret lanes. The fences were bended down or cut into a huge hole or the students simply leap over the school gate before the lesson started. Hence, teachers had to informed the parents by email, SMS -sending text messages to cellphones, post warning letters to parents or personally called the parents to notify them of the students absence. This is the reason why parents wanted to know their children whereabouts by calling the cellphone.


However, parents should know that students are great “actors” themselves. They could lied to parents that they are in school, what they are doing, getting their buddies to talk to parents to ensure them. Some even had older friends with adult voices to pretend as their “teachers” while talking to parents over the cellphones!


Reasons why parents shouldn’t allow students to bring cellphones to school


#1- Cellphone distractions

Everyone including school age children, teenagers and even adults like you and me are totally absorbed into the IT gadgets world of technology.

Cellphone is one of the portable and convenient way that had lead us by the nose to distractions because we are anxious to know what is going on now.

Most of us are into social media updates, uploading photos at Instagram, celebrities gossips, watching video online and listening to MP3 music.

Whenever the teacher is teaching in the classroom, some of the students are not paying attention at all.

They are either napping on the desk with a book standing infron of him or texting messages to friends ( social medias or schoolmates ) under “Silence mode” where the sound and vibration of the cellphone are disabled.

Students unable to concentrate well during lessons because of these distractions from their cellphone updates or their friends influences.



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#2- Lack of communication and accidents

Students are facing lack of communication with schoolmates, friends , teachers and own family members due to the existence of cellphones.

Students are lazy to speak to each other. They are trending on sending text messages to each other as a new way of communicating with each other, using abbreviation language ( such as LMAO, LOL )

When they are in school, you can see students holding onto their cellphones with their eyes glued to the gadget without knowing where they are walking to.

Accidents do happen in or outside the school compound.

Bumping into other schoolmates who were holding something ( for example a bowl of hot noodle soup!) is a dangerous act that may hurt both parties, leading to arguments.

Outside school compound, there was once a case where a student was knocked down by a school bus when he was crossing the road. Both of his ears were plugged in with his cellphone earplug, listening to his favorite boyband BigBang music. He was in coma ever since.


#3- Cyber bully

Parents may not know that bully involves both physically and virtually.

Physical bully are extortion of money, demanding weaker students to join the so-called gang by force, bully the smarter students by forcing them to do schoolwork for the bullies and many more.

Cyber bully is a virtual bully that exist in the cellphone world.

Weaker, smaller in size, petite and smart studets are often the targets of the cyber bullies.

Their dark secrets are the golden card of the cyber bullies who often leak out secrets online at social medias to disgrace , humiliate and tease the school victims.

Since social medias are instant, messages and images are spread out immediately with updates to those followers of the cyber bullies.

Hence, the victims are traumatized, unable to perform well in studies and suicides are often the cases in the school compound.


Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple

Photo belonged to peachpurple

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  • peachpurple

    View Comments

    • Could not agree with more on this topic. The cell phone menace in the school has assumed very high proportions and their use is starting since class 7 or 8 or even less. For some it has become a fashion statement. For others it is to be a step ahead of their peers by getting the latest model. If the parent does not buy the phone many have committed suicide or hanged themselves. Some others do not behave properly with their parents treating them as their enemies. Today's children are smart but a lot more vulnerable to pulls and pressures of school system, society and image. Counselling and guidance is very much the need of the hour. Trust and belief between parents and children plays a crucial role in this matter. Cell Phone does work as a security system for the children but it depends on whose hand the phone is. It has its plus and minus features. But more minus features. In my opinion children should be given a cell phone only when they land in a job after they are major having completed 18 years. A timely and useful article.

    • I do think that using mobile phone should be limited to students. I must admit it should be imposed for the primary and secondary level. This is what they need to know the importance of education. For a college student, they need to have to be sensible knowing the simple principle of self-control.

    • RE: Schools IN America
      First, let me start my comments by saying I have put 10 children through the American public school system and my 11th child has two more years until she gradates from high school. Never gave any of them a cell phone. The main reason? Couldn't afford it!

      That being said … any receptionist or phone-answering personnel that doesn’t pick up the phone at a school SHOULD BE FIRED!! Especially for an elementary or middle school. Lunch breaks and other breaks can be staggered so that at all times, somebody is available to answer the phone. With children (including teenagers) there is no such thing as a “convenient time for an emergency!”

      That being said … given the fact that in America we have had several mass shootings at our schools, ALL teachers should have a phone in their classroom. Cell phone or land line? It doesn't matter. There should be a way to communicate and call for help!

      Should the child have a cell phone? I have heard all the reasons against it. All the reasons don't eliminate the real fear of a parent thinking a mass shooter is going to get into the school where their child is a student. It's a legitimate concern.

      So what we have here IN America is Phone Control -versus- Gun Control.

      America's politicians are dragging their feet regarding gun control. How I see it? As long as they're “working on NOT coming up with an IMMEDIATE practical solution to a CRISIS SITUATION!” … give the kid a phone!!

      Or at least let them wear one of those “emergency button beepers” - a Life Alert button - around their neck so they can push it!

      We're only talking about life and death.

      If you can train a child to know how to use a cell phone, then you can teach and train them how to use that life alert button! It might save their life!

    • The topic you posted is one of the best I love to read. The reason is that I like student because they are youth and the leaders of tomorrow.Take phone to school or using phone by student is dangerous to their education.
      By making use of phone during the school hour will make them lost the concentration in there study. instead of facing the study, They will be pressing phone and some of them will be browsing

    • Using of phone must be stop in the schools. This blog makes me remember a incident that happened to one student some years ago. She came from a rich family and her parents always show to love to their children by giving them whatever they ask for. This student have been using phone for months.
      But on this devil's day, One boy called the lady through her phone and the girl have to keave the school and went away to meet her so called boy friend. To cut the story short, the lady student in question was raped.

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