Categories: Politics & Government

Rapid Remorse

Yesterday, Congress gleefully overruled President Obama’s veto of the bill which would allow the families of the 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia.

In the usual ‘whatever Obama is for, I’m against, whatever he’s against I’m for!’  legislators decided to override his veto.

Legislators decided that the families of victims could sue Saudi Arabia.

Now, that the smoke has cleared and they’ve proven to the world that they are anti-Obama, they are suddenly asking themselves what did they do.

Suddenly, senior lawmakers recognise the concerns over possible “unintended consequences” to the country’s national security and foreign policy.

It is, I admit, almost funny.  The whole world knows that the American Congress is as racist as any Klan member.  For the past nearly 8 years, the world has watched how the Congress fights against everything Obama supports.

It was hysterically funny when they voted Against free medical care.  In fact, for many of us in the 3rd and 4th world, the U.S. Congress is comedy central.

So after President Obama vetoed the bill, the Congress overrode him, and passed it.

And now Republican leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives have reconsidered.

Suddenly, all these brilliant law makers realise what they have done.  Suddenly, they realise the bill’s potential impact on national security.

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House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin said that maybe Congress would have to fix the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) to protect American. troops.

The law Congress has passed has granted an exception to the legal principle of sovereign immunity in cases of terrorism on U.S. soil.  This law would allow lawsuits by the families of victims of the 9/11 attacks to seek damages from the Saudi government.

Of course, Saudi has always denied that it was involved or suppored the hijackers who attacked the United States in 2001.

This, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals.

Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman called the attitude of Congress “rapid onset buyer’s remorse.”

He went on to say; “Within minutes of casting their vote to put that bill into law you had members of the U.S. Senate write a letter expressing deep concern about the potential impact of the bill they just passed,”

There should have come a time when normal logical people who held high political office should have parked their prejudice and focused on what was before them instead of trying to score points against Obama.

Even in 4th World Countries, where politics is often a bloody battle as it really is a matter of life and death who rules and who doesn’t, after elections comes a period of acceptance and of doing what is best for the country.

In America, the shock of putting a Black Man in the White House has not, even after eight years, worn off.

So yesterday Congress cheered, today they ask themselves, “What did we do?”

  • kaylar

    View Comments

    • Obama was right to veto. Put the shoe on the other foot and let other countries enact such a law and not only that, but allow it be enacted effectively retroactively; in other words, going back to the past. Practically everybody would suing America! Keepin' it real! The CIA trained Osama and then left him in the heat of the battle with the Russians to fight on his own with his band of soldiers. The family of the victims of 9/11 might start thinking about suing the CIA!!! When you get a law on the books, all it takes is a really smart lawyer to read between the lines and figure out how to work it!

      • Exactly! Even sitting here... miles away... it seemed to me that America had a lot of things to hide and that to allow people to sue... well... what about those at Gitmo who were found innocent? What about those mistaken bombings which killed people who had nothing to do with anything?

        • You can refer to so many historical incidents you might crash your computer with the weight of them. What about black people who were forced into slavery? What about the Native Americans who were forced off their land? Just watched a documentary last night about the relationships between Mexican-Americans and Anglo-Americans. Especially during the California gold rush period. It was not pretty! That's another potential lawsuit!! With that kind of legal precedent, Americans might start suing Americans! Holler! :)

    • Obama should do a lot of thinking. Much internalizing (I'm not sure about his moral ability to that kind of understanding) in considering the ethos of the Bill that had been passed in May. He must agree with the House of Senate that passed this Bill that allow the 9/11 victims, on behalf of those who lost their lives, to regain their trust and respect in the judicial system.

      He should rethink that he must consider his ways that would lead to standing firm in support and empathy with the 9/11 victims and families. They are his fellow Americans, for heaven's sake! And thus, see to it that the Saudi government will sit in court before a Judge, the Senate of Representatives, and the 9/11 victims that represent the entire American people.

      The 9/11 victims represent the entire united America must fulfill their rights to hold Saudi government accountable for the terrorist attack on 9/11, thus, pursue in putting Saudi in the Justice Civil Court system. The President should be able to see that clearly.

      With Obama-veto conflict that's denying America of suing Saudi-- his persistent veto, stopping Americans from moving to action in Court on suing Saudi. Will the suing enormously affect US financial market? What Saudi is threatening to do is to backfire by blackmailing America. It's like plugging America's financial flow into the US economy. That's Obama's intention why he's vetoing. He doesn't really care about the 9/11 tragedy and the entire American people. His PCness is getting in the way. BS!

      Btw, Clintons receive billions of money from the Saudi kingdom. I wonder if the Saudis are paying Hillary to have some kind of influence on Barrack Obama?

    • Every president of any country wants to reform the world but there are many hard ship may not be seen by physical eyes because behind the president countless forces are being worked and those who helped in making president how can a president make laws against them and they are big boss of the whole world.

      Voters are just to give their opinions and nothing else what the elected president does does not become democratic but dictatorship works behind it, not seen by human eyes.

      What in his eight years term Mr. Obama had done may every body knows or not knows but I write its summary. It is not the fault of Obama but the fault of hidden power that pushes the USA President. I list Obama's failures.....

      IRS targets Obama’s enemies


      Spying on the AP

      The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme

      Sebelius demands payment

      The Pigford Agriculture Department Scandal

      The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.

      Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets


      New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation

      The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer

      Obama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act

      “I’ll Pass My Own Laws”

      NSA Spying on American People

      Foreign Policy

      Lack of solidarity with Israel

      Disaster with the Arab Spring


      Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over

      Handling of Syrian Red Line

      Calling ISIS “JV”

      Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement

      Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits

      Lack of Confidence by NATO nations

      Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Ira

      Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl

      Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval

      Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden

      14. Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane

      15. Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)

      16. Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day

      17. Obama trashed America 18 times on Asian Tour

      Domestic Policy

      Failure to secure the Border

      Illegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern border

      Bowe Bergdahl swap

      Passing on the keystone pipeline

      9 Trillion dollars more in debt

      Vast expansion of government

      Racial Division at all-time high

      Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House

      Disrespect for Cops

      Failed economic stimulus plan

      Constant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical rule

      China overtook America as world’s largest economy

      Double Downgrade

      Housing policies failed to stop foreclosures

      Price of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing it

      Education policies failed to curb college costs

      Highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid

      Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working

      Lowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%

      Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism

      Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016

      Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar Positions

      Mismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, California

      Mismanagement of Gulf Oil Spill

      Disastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim Nations

      Refusing to Listen to CIA/FBI that there is no way to properly vet certain immigrants from Muslim nations

      27. Fort Hood Shooting

      28. Colorado EPA Disaster

      29. Veto of 911 Crime Bill- which was overturned

      30. Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers

      31. Over 94 million Americans out of the workforce

      32. Solyndra

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