Categories: Pregnancy & Parenting

How to Prepare Your Child for Pre-School

Every parents is protective of his child, especially the first born child for first timer parents.


When I gave birth to my first child, I was over-protective towards my baby daughter that I had not realized that she was lonely when she celebrated her 1st birthday.


Playing had incidentally became an important part and parcel of your child’s life since birth.


After your child’s 2nd birthday, you will notice that your child needed to do more than eating, sleeping, watching TV or playing with mommy and daddy.


At this age, your little toddler required someone else companionship.


He needed friends, people who are not his family members.


That is why pre-school, kindergarten and play group comes into the picture.


Why is pre-school important

– it gives your child a greater chance to play with other children (regardless of race or skin color or sex gender)

– able to interact with teachers, adults who are not family members

– helps to distance parents from child for several hours daily, not clingy

– helps him to develop social skills- learn to communicate

– learn how to share and play with other children

– learn how to work together as a team

– learn to give and take ( at home, your toddler takes, never gives)





Is your child ready to play with other kids


Most pre-schools, playgroups and kindergarten take in children or toddlers at age 3 and above.


Only child care centre or nursery centre takes in babies to age 2 toddlers.


Their responsibility is to take care of children on behalf of the busy working parents but they are not responsible for educating the little ones.


If you prefer your child to play and learn at the same time, pre-schools and kindergarten are suitable to supply knowledge to your child and allow them to mix with other children in order to socialize , become a happy socializer.


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Needless to say, not every child is a happy socializer, not my son.


Symptoms that your child is not ready yet


  • It took him 3 months to let go of my knees at the door of the kindergarten .
  • Cries at home eveyday, before he sets off to pre-school or kindergarten.
  • Giving lots of excuses after waking up
  • Delaying the time, taking own sweet time to wash up, eating breakfast, wearing uniform
  • Cries when he reaches the entrance of the kindergarten
  • Cries when he sees parents leaving
  • Running after parents, wailing, whining, calling out “Papa or Mama” for the last 20 minutes
  • Clingy, refused to let parents go ( grab the hands, the knees or hug parent tightly )



How to prepare your child


  • pretend to be Teacher and Pupil in school at home. Just like the good old game or pretending to be “doctor and nurse”, you can give your child a rough picture of the environment in the kindergarten.


  • Provide a positive play in order to give your child the advantages of going to school. Allow him to be the “teacher” while you act out “the pupil” with the correct attitude. Don’t act out the negative actions which you will embarrass him. Show him how “he” should behave at kindergarten when you act out. Then, he will imitate your behavior when he goes to kindergarten.


  • Ask the teacher of the kindergarten for the names of a couple children who are staying near your home. You can use this opportunity to encourage your child to befriend with new found friends before starting school. However, parents needed to know each other first, discuss how to make children comfortable with each other.


  • Invite mother / father and children to play at playground or meet at each other house on alternative weekends before your child goes to playgroup / pre-school or kindergarten. Encourage your child to “warm up” with other kids. He will recognize familiar faces when he starts schooling.



  • Most pre-school provide “orientation day” or “opening day” before the school term starts. If you child is shy, afraid and fear of socializing with other children whom he doesn’t know, ask the teacher whether your child can spend an hour or 2 with his new friends ( of his class) for a couple of days before he starts attending school formally. My son took a week of FREE TRIAL schooling at the kindergarten to warm up. I didn’t pay any fees at all. The teachers were kind. They gave my son photostated worksheets to do and FREE writing stationary.


  • Make sure that your child is fully toilet-trained because most teachers do not have the time and patience to teach proper toilet training at lesson time. If you child is still under training, explain the situation to the teacher in charge so that she is prepared what to do when “accidents” occur.


Remember that every toddler / child is unique and different.

Do not compare your child with your older child, neighbor’s child, his cousins or his classmates.


Help and guide your child , what to expect at pre-school / kindergarten.


 More articles related to kids

Toddler tantrums

How to encourage toddler to talk

Kids imitate adults



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Photo belonged to peachpurple

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  • peachpurple

    View Comments

    • You say right and your suggestions are very good but your suggestions may not applied on all the kids and toddlers because some baby born with rich wisdom and some are born with dull minded, some are born leaders, some are born comedians, some are born with serious nature and some are born with saintly qualities...You think more...

      All things rest on parental genes that every child gets on his or her birth. Children cannot choose two things parents and childhood environment these two factors build the child's character is called destiny.

      To make your baby great you must choose his or her childhood environment decent and ideal and parents' thinking must be positive. Keep in mind all parents that heredity seed that every child gets on birth as gift of God via parents flourishes in the early environment that we provide to our toddlers and kid and children.

      Check your child's birth trends and provide him or her the same atmosphere his or her birth traits will flourish very soon in the direction of of birth trends.

    • I would guess on the way you present situations here you are a good teacher, an ideal teacher for that matter. This is a very good approach to prepare to mingle with his peers. On this way, he would develop the attitude of standing alone, without the help his parents. He could manage to do what he wants. By doing, he knows what is right. He knows what is wrong. As you have said, you overprotected your daughter and you know what attitude she had developed them for such over protection. To admit it or not, she couldn't make a decision on a simple thing without her mother or without an assistant.

      Anyway, as the child has to undergo the basic growth from infancy to adulthood, he should be exposed to the activities which a growing child should tackle with. I don't believe that the child isn't always ready to go to pre-school if he doesn't display the traits you have outlined above. I believe that every child is always ready. It is just a matter of exposing them, providing what he needs, and giving him the free will to develop himself.

    • When my children wanted to play outdoor, I let them do it and never hold them inside the house. I believe they need to play with other children, sometimes they return home crying because of other children, bruises and wounds but this can be treated. Its all part of their growing. It make them stronger and more participative to other. I believe to develop them is to let them join the community, of course with the guidance of the parents.

    • When you think your child is upto going to school and you wanna introduce him into a pre-school. I don't think it is necessary to know if he's ready or not. If a parent keep on waiting for their child to be ready to go to school,they will certainly not go to school cos they know that going to school for that few hours will make them lose the sight of their parents and they wouldn't like that. I cried even upto the age of 6 but my parents wouldn't heed to weep
      They would just laugh and went home to come back at the end of the day to come take me home.
      Every child must cry at the first year of school unless the mother is a teacher in the school. Once you drop your child and turns your back to go home the child must in one way or another show anger. No matter how good your tactics is the child's brain must relay to him that the mother is going to leave him.
      But once a parent is ready to enroll his child into a school for the first time, he should consider things that made him happy when he was tiny. If he was so much in love with biscuits and cakes and toys and you think it makes him happy, buy a lot of them for him and make sure they are in abundance and do give a bit to the teacher to hold for them and make their teacher keep an eye on every of their step so as not to damage the toys. If they stay with the toys for the whole day, the teacher can withdraw them from him as soon as the parents come to take him home.Next day she brings it out again with the new biscuit the parents buy for them for a new day.
      Your child tends to interact with other children and play with them very much and this will improve his sociality. This will make him adapt to school as day passes. Before the age of 4,he will stop crying as soon as you drop him in school provided you provide him with everything he needs.

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