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I was disappointed to see rear tire of my car flat so my wife and I decided to go to city by roadways city service bus. We here so much about use of public transport in the interest of environment but it was more disappointing as it was too crowded and everyone seemed to be in a hurry.
As I have mentioned on different occasions that I am considered one that respects the elderly people and elderly ladies because I am already reaching in that age-group myself. But I find it extremely disgusting when some of them push through a group of people walking on overcrowded roads in my country. If I dislike something most I dislike how people try to be the first one everywhere. If they had made half as much effort in the Olympics, we would have captured all the gold at stake there.
The buses and trains are always overcrowded due to uncontrollable population in our country and how they hold everyone up everywhere including the escalators, stairs or in the malls, railway stations, hospitals etc and other public places are a scene to watch.
Perhaps that is the reason I have to use my car to work and spend at least 4 times extra. I do not deny but agree, I’m slower or lesser mobile compared to you, but I always let people in a hurry go first, maybe they have to reach somewhere urgently and I must look at their urgency but please look at me too.
Remember dear friends, I always gave my seat to ladies and older (older than me) even when I have no car or traveling by the public transport in extreme crowded conditions but the younger lot never considers my claim and don’t even let me board a bus or train easily. I am so disgusted to see people have forgotten all about good old civic sense.
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I agree with u completely. It is most observed in public places that Indian people do not have any manners or civic sense. The moment the airplane lands, they scramble to reach out to their baggage on top and will stand for 10-15 minutes but would not sit as if they dont hurry the plane will take them to another destination
Same is the case with trains, before letting people out of the compartments, passengers try to ump inside to occupy seats.
I think it will need a generation to change this mindset, this is a mindset of a third world country where the resources are scarce, we are taught from childhood to be number one, we are taught that there is competition all around, we are never taught that people around are to help each other.
In metro trains, people are so rude, that unless there is a guard stopping the people, people going in metro trains won't let out the people coming out.
Twice I was among 10s of people, who were pushed back in at a crowded station, because there were 15-20 stupid fellows(yes and I am not feeling sorry for calling them that) who pushed all inside, and yes the guard could not do anything other than running away from the scene. :)
I thought our country was the only country where people are always in a hurry to go nowhere, whether it's the cars in traffic or the people on the side walks. But one thing is that there is always order of things, and public vehicles are not crowded because it's law that no one is to be found standing in any public vehicle. And that's a good thing. I have always heard friends talk about India and it's many people and crowded streets may be the government should do something to regulate the moving around of people.
The gross lack of civic sense among people is something I am very much annoyed with. I see it in Metro Trains, where people push around, not even sparing Mothers with their kids, or young kids.
Then on roads, many people talk on mobile while driving. Many drive on wrong side.
Four years back, when I was driving at a place in Delhi, a bike person was driving on wrong side, and he nearly collided with my car.
When I showed an angry face, he showed an expression as if he was right and would attack me.
Why such aggression?
I feel our society likes people who are loud, like to play down other people.
People have double standards- they teach morality to others, but themselves do not practice.
Where do we lack- perhaps at our homes, we are not teaching values of human respect, compassion and patience.
As for I, I am an exception, a bit like you, and at times, I feel I am not from this planet!
I'm like you. If folks are in a hurry, let them go! :)
Yes India is a big country and every people in every country is in hurry not in India but in all over the world is the same condition but only the difference is that somewhere less and somewhere more in hurry are people.
My friend told me last year with sad heart that In USA people are also in hurry. After completing our annual drive across country from the East Coast of the United States to Colorado, in the Far West, I found myself asking why people are in such a hurry that they do dangerous things. My experiences and observations, as I drove, were of drivers tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, passing cars from the right lane and going at alarmingly high rates of speed and well beyond speed limits.
I think that in many ways this essay is not only about traffic and driving but about how we live our lives. People are in a hurry to get to their first and second jobs. They are in a hurry to complete tasks at home, in school and at work. People rush from one place to another but rarely take time to think about what they are doing. I have a good friend who is working endless hours to put his son through a top notch college so that he can go to medical school. He is living life at a break neck speed and is not taking time to think about what he is doing to himself. This good friend already suffers from high blood pressure, and high cholesterol addiction to several other health problems.
There are healthier ways to cope with life’s difficulties such as getting plenty of exercise and using yoga and meditation to release tension and getting in touch with living in the moment rather than hurrying. Remember, when driving, when living, being in a hurry can result in never getting there.