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Ezenwa udochukwu

@udokings18 active 6 years, 2 months ago
Rank: Newbie
Education is not the preparation for life, education is life itself… …. John Dewey View

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October 27, 2016 at 8:46 pm

To be sincere. I really can’t say love inspires  me apart from the family love. Money inspires  me the more . both inspire me but I think money inspires the more.

Money inspires me to enter the supermarket, buy things for myself, cloths, shoes, bags and other things. 

It inspires me to help people monetarily. When I have money I think I can help people who are in need of it. Make them see reasons to live there by using money to give love (internally and externally). I don’t think someone is going to be inspired by love more than money because when money speaks heads bow. Money can see very clearly but love is blind. You behave stupid when in love most time.  I really don’t see what love can inspire me to do other than helping people. The love I can easily show people is providing help to them and thus help comes from money. I can even assure you that money inspires love. When money speaks, love bows and obeys. 

In fact love cannot exist without money apart from the family love. Money inspires you to fight for your right and seek for justice when you feel you are been intimidated and am sure just love can’t inspire that. The only thing love inspires me to do is to love God(love of God). 

Apart from the family love, other love depends on money…… 

October 27, 2016 at 8:14 pm

A medicine can be very good to someone and very bad to another one. I usually react to some medicine when taken and they really disturb me for a very long time. This post has brought me back to when I was still 8,  my mother gave me chloroquine when I had malaria, and through out at night I couldn’t sleep, I felt like collapsing. I scratched and scratched and scratched until my body started aching me so badly. I had to wake my mother to make her know the agony  I was going through that night. She was very sorry for me and promised never to give me chloroquine again and till today I have never taken  that drugs. There are also medicinal creams I don’t rib on my body due to its harsh effect. My siblings might rub it and they still will feel fine but once that cream touches my body, I will be in he’ll. Though after everything, I will still be well but I would have to go through troubles.

This makes my mother to be very careful when assigning any drug to me. She will have to consider if I react badly to it. If I do, she will look for alternative. Even my doctors tell me this. My doctors also consider which medicine suits my body system and do not give me the ones that will heal me smoothly without stress. 


October 27, 2016 at 8:01 pm

Not every one really plagiarize articles and post.  Someone might post something right from his brain and it matches  with something from the site.

But I think plagiarizing is just a lack of creativity. If actually  one has the ability to write on his own he wouldn’t have the idea of copying from another site.

I really think plagiarizing is similar to spamming especially in sites like LiteracyBase.

When I came to this site earlier I was used to copying from other sites not knowing fully well of the rules guiding the site. When I was sent messages from the support and my score was deducted drastically, I was pushed to know how to be solely dependent on writing from my head.

I now realize that writing from my opinion is the best. Is better than copying from other sites, at least it saves you time and strength.

Plagiarizing is never the best way. Being creative is the best and I love this site for detecting the plagiarizers and punishing them accordingly like I was punished.

Nice post my dear  

October 27, 2016 at 12:27 am

For I me I don’t think dwarfs exist. I know that dwarf have supernatural power but I only see them in American movies  but until now I still don’t think they exist even to the extent of coming to disturb the peace of the humans. The people in this part of my country see Americans mythical movies as film tricks, so for one day we never believed in any of them.

But we very much believe that spirit(ghost)  exist and they come in the shape of a full human beign not a little creature and spirit don’t attack the innocent but from your post it seems like these creatures called dwarfs attack anyone around them for those that believe it exists. 

But what generally we know as dwarf are humans with small hind and limbs thereby making them short. The very short people in my area are those we call dwarfs and I  believe to some extent that they are caused by improper growth. What’s your say? 

October 25, 2016 at 12:22 am

Lolllllllll!!! Blaming the US government?

Why will the US government be blamed? 

Wellshall you are correct  because Americans can invent it because they are the only people acting the zombie movies. 

But if you say it doesn’t contain gut and blood then what features makes it a zombie movie. Right from  time I know zombie movies contain a lot of  blood and other nasty things.  But you are directly and indirectly  encouraging  me to watch this movie. Wellshall I don’t buy movies but because of you am gonna go buy it and watch. Am relying on what you said ooo, that it doesn’t contain a lot of blood and I hope it’s interesting.  But the way you are sounding I guess you are in love with zombies and their movies.

Like you said before if zombies should come into existence, the Americans are the cause. Let the zombie just parade there and doesn’t come out to other continents. May the zombies never reach your continent and my continent as well.  Don’t you believe so? 

October 24, 2016 at 11:50 pm

Walking dead is a scary movie and sometimes irritate me and cause me goose pimples. My brother bought it but thank God,it was cracking a lot so he couldn’t understand  any thing therefore,  a stop to the movie.

Even the zombie game cause me goose pimples a lot. When I play them my body itches me so I deleted every game that relates to zombies.

But my friends especially the churcheos ones do not play the game  and they also do not watch zombie  movie not because it irritates them but because they believe that it is satanic in nature. They believe  also that they don’t exist. That they are mere demons evoked to the world. But that’s not my own problem, I have mentioned my reasons earlier. I love your post my dear but am sorry I can’t comment anything on it cos am not a zombie movie  fan.

But because of your interesting post, I will try watching it.

I will hold my mind to the air while watching it. 

Don’t  worry I will give you details in time

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