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October 24, 2016 at 11:33 pm

The Walking Dead finally returned October 23 after a 6-month break. It started a new season that left millions of fans is shock. It’s hard to believe that this television series has been on the air now for over 7 years. The new episode was both shocking and very gruesome. Fans had to witness not only one killing but two of the main characters. I won’t say which two died in case someone here hasn’t watched it yet and wants to.

The Talking Dead, a show that talks about The Walking Dead after it has aired, was filmed live on set at Hollywood Cemetery, in the rain. The host of the show said it started raining shortly after seeing the first person being killed. He also says it never rains in Los Angeles. The cast of The Walking Dead along with two of the producers was on hand to say farewell to the two that died.

Does anyone else here watch this television show? Have you seen the new episode? What was your reaction to it?

October 24, 2016 at 11:50 pm

Walking dead is a scary movie and sometimes irritate me and cause me goose pimples. My brother bought it but thank God,it was cracking a lot so he couldn’t understand  any thing therefore,  a stop to the movie.

Even the zombie game cause me goose pimples a lot. When I play them my body itches me so I deleted every game that relates to zombies.

But my friends especially the churcheos ones do not play the game  and they also do not watch zombie  movie not because it irritates them but because they believe that it is satanic in nature. They believe  also that they don’t exist. That they are mere demons evoked to the world. But that’s not my own problem, I have mentioned my reasons earlier. I love your post my dear but am sorry I can’t comment anything on it cos am not a zombie movie  fan.

But because of your interesting post, I will try watching it.

I will hold my mind to the air while watching it. 

Don’t  worry I will give you details in time

October 25, 2016 at 12:02 am

@Ezenwa udochukwu It does have a lot of blood and guts and some of the things the people have to do make you wonder. I can understand your friend’s concern but rest assure zombies are not real. At least not yet anyways. If they do become real it’s because humans made them real. (I’ll blame the United Stated government for it).

I have the game but don’t play it much. I normally play other zombie games especially the one on Call of Duty. It’s all about entertainment and keeping people interested. I hope you will enjoy it. If you get scared I’ll understand if you decide not to watch it.

October 25, 2016 at 12:22 am

Lolllllllll!!! Blaming the US government?

Why will the US government be blamed? 

Wellshall you are correct  because Americans can invent it because they are the only people acting the zombie movies. 

But if you say it doesn’t contain gut and blood then what features makes it a zombie movie. Right from  time I know zombie movies contain a lot of  blood and other nasty things.  But you are directly and indirectly  encouraging  me to watch this movie. Wellshall I don’t buy movies but because of you am gonna go buy it and watch. Am relying on what you said ooo, that it doesn’t contain a lot of blood and I hope it’s interesting.  But the way you are sounding I guess you are in love with zombies and their movies.

Like you said before if zombies should come into existence, the Americans are the cause. Let the zombie just parade there and doesn’t come out to other continents. May the zombies never reach your continent and my continent as well.  Don’t you believe so? 

October 26, 2016 at 7:07 pm

It is the best show  talking dead talks about the walking dead got its end after seven years but it is antique name and idea in the olden days I have read and listen dead walking in the graveyard and old magician tell that walking dead is nothing but the man’s self thinking appears before man and man wonders looking at the dead walking and talking on which the series is constructed. It is a part of necromancy raising the dead bodies in practical  life and people may see the walking and talking dead with physical eye standing before the alive ghost.

I think its end will make sad the watchers and fans old and young because such types of plays are watched keenly at very home, especially young men like such plays too much.

October 26, 2016 at 11:23 pm

I used to follow walking dead but Game of thrones is where its at.