• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of Anime recommendations/discussionsAnime recommendations/discussions 8 years, 1 month ago

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    bestwriter started the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    Literacy Base may as well say that they will pay every two months.  They do not approve of our blogs and heaping up blogs would mean that they will not rate them fairly too.

    Literacy Base should know that these tactics will be their undoing sooner or later.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Just looking around to see how I can keep my cholesterol in check

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    I don’t want to go outside, it’s heat is burning my skin. I am praying for rain now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Lola  Go for it Amazon are reliable

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of LolaLola are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @suny  I fully agree with you. But now that they have floated their site I think in our own interest we must rally round them. As, at the moment this site pays good.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of Gil CamporazoGil Camporazo are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Earning is the last benefit I get writing for sites 8 years, 1 month ago

    While there is a bit of thrill when those coins jingle in my paypal account, there is more to writing for sites like this than earning. 

    1. I keep in touch with the English language as there are not many I […]

    • You can write for Wikipedia by creating your account there. I prefer correcting the wrong information available in certain posts. I have done that many a times and received thanks message. I have also received counter correction message at one particular correction I did.

    • Yes right. For me it really helps to improve my vocabulary everyday. And also I learn what’s going on in the world which isn’t shown in the news..like very small but interesting topics. 🙂

      • You are right. What we get to read here is not available anywhere. Here users write about their own life and also their blogs are compiled from info gathered.

    • What you have shared is very true. This writing sites are not just for writing but they offer information that most people wouldn’t know. It also helps people become more efficient in their writing and others gain confidence in what they believe in which is a good thing. For me it has opened my eyes first and foremost on ideas and ways of making a few pennies and I have also had the oppoertunity to learn about other people and their cultures

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Check lists 8 years, 1 month ago

     Working out a Checklist is   the secret of managing one’s life efficiently, without worries.  Just a scrap of paper or two stuck on the fridge using those grand looking magnets helps one move on in life  wi […]

    • I am not a forgetful type but when my wife has to remind me about something she keeps small chits on different places. Like on TV table where I keep my wallet, her dressing table that is very much in view all the time and top of the fridge where I go often take water bottle. However a to do list is a nice way of keeping your schedule intact.

    • Usually am upto per with my house chores and to do lists. Whenever I wake up in the morning I always know what it that I want to do in the house and on that day. It has actually become like a routine I guess that’s why I don’t struggle doing what I need to do. The time that I usually have a check list is when I go out shopping. I knowsometimes being a woman you would be tempted to do some extra shopping that you really don’t need. So I carry a list just so that I don’t go over board with anything, and that really helps a lot.

    • Never underestimate the power of the list. List-making is encouraged for writers and bloggers in many ways.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Walnuts the king of Nuts 8 years, 1 month ago

     We keep receiving conflicting reports about the goodness or otherwise of what we eat but so far walnuts have been spared in that there are only good reports about this nut. 
    I had done a lipid profile a co […]

    • Walnuts are very good and they happen to be my favorite nut to eat. All other nuts seem to taste the same but they have a distinct flavor to them. They are good for filling you up when you want something healthy to snack on!

      • May main reason for eating walnuts is to take care of my cholesterol levels without medication. Changing my lifestyle rather than eat pills is my challenge.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    having some good vegetable lumpia here

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Video Ad Is Out In LB! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Shavkat I am sure many of us would have shown concern and sent messages to Admin. Happy about it. You are right. I do not see it either.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Shavkat This site is new. They are still giving finishing touches. Ofcourse you can provide 200 words for a blog. Happy writing.   🙂

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Party games 8 years, 1 month ago

    Most informal parties are not complete if there are no party games.A well decorated  venue, good food  and  party games bring life  to parties.

    Being a party organiser I have to think of party games each tim […]

    • Where I come from party games are usually held for kids, like when you are doing a birthday party for a kid all these things are i ncoperated to keep the kids busy, so that they don’t have a room to disturb the adults when they are ha ing their adult talks. They also keep them alert and very creative. But if it is an adult party you wouldn’t find such things. Maybe in team building events that’s where you can get such like events so that people can mingle and get to know each other

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, I Miss Sleeping In This House 8 years, 1 month ago

    In Filipino, we call this home ‘bahay kubo’ or in Ilocano ‘balay’. You know it as nipa hut. You know also that this is the traditional house for every Pinoy. Before 1980’s, most of the houses in the […]

    • There are nipa huts being sold in our community,the prize is P10,000. its so happen we are only seeing them in the backyard.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic 2nd Redemption at tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @suny. I mentioned what was told to me.

    And incidentally I too have redeemed. You and others seem to have missed my comment here.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of Ak22Ak22 are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of Mayah HendersonMayah Henderson are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic 2nd Redemption at tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anand  @shaloo walia @suny @Lola  @Rajaraman K

    I just redeemed.  I checked about that quality admin fiasco  There seems to be some glitch. I was told to clear my cache.  From yesterday I was having this issue. So many of my posts went under quality admin. Hence the delay. It is no fun having to write to them and even call

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