• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Proper Absorption of Food Nutrients 8 years ago

    Food nutrients absorption
    Much of the food nutrients are absorbed in the mouth provided the food is properly masticated.  But every one seems to be in a mighty  hurry to swallow it down without even chewing it […]

    • 32 times? My teacher insisted that we chew our food 28 times before swallowing. She said it helped with digestion and also, we would tend to not overeat because the act of chewing would send early signals to our body that we were full. Sounds logical. 🙂

      • That’s interesting. 28 may be because kids would have yet to get their wisdom teeth. But I do not think anyone does it more three or four times 😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia It is a mistake writing too many posts as the rating, as I have mentioned earlier, is far less. But I am not bothered. I will write and reach my 10 dollars, hopefully this month. I missed it last month all because of delay in approval.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Chrysanthemums a Must for Every Garden 8 years ago

     Chrysanthemum,mums for short and that is how they are normally called as the full word is quite a mouth full are a must in every garden.
    Although they are seasonal they do last on the plant for several days a […]

    • Chrysanthemums are beautiful flowers that can grace any garden. I fancy the yellow ones.

      • I had the yellow colour which is quite common here. I must get back all those colours that have now vanished from my garden specially the colour with a combination of chocolate and yellow.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Dark Chocolate – Nutritious and Healthy 8 years ago

    Chocolates are my first love.

    My fridge is always loaded with chocolates, either bought my me or gifted to me. My connections know how obsessed I am when it comes to chocolates and they always give them to me […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, It is Important that one Loves Oneself 8 years ago

    A splurge on oneself is good once in a way – What say? 
    I had to pick up a frame for my glasses. I selected the best one that was available in that shop.   – a Ray Ban. Yes. You re right. It was kind of expens […]

    • I find the information about chakras quite interesting. Especially the idea that the color for the heart is green, instead of red.

      • For me colours do not matter but knowing the chakras and their role is important to me. 🙂 Having said that, now that you have pointed it out I too think the colour of the heart should have been red 😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Message for Seniors 8 years ago

    In the good old days when joint family system was in vogue the situation was entirely different. There was always someone to take care of seniors. But this is history now. The nucleus family system has taken a […]

    • you know, you cannot rely on your adult kids anymore.
      One day, they might put you into old folks home when you become useless.
      Of course, there are chances that your adult kids might take care of you for life.
      Hard to say but it is wise to keep some money aside for old age.
      Just to be safe side

    • In the African culture parents are very very crucial and important to a growing child so is a grown up. I for one value my mum very much and would have done the same for my dad if he was still alive but he’s not. The thing is as we grow up and go to put own homes yes we won’t be there for our parents everyday but we will always be there whenever they need our help. I have never thought of putting my mum in an old peoples homè when she gets old, I just feel that they is not right. We need to take care of our parents whoever old and stubborn that get because we will also get there he some point and we need to ask ourselves some questions as well, will we want the same thing done to us when we get there? Am sure most of us will say no. So take some time and attend you your parents when they are old don’t leave them with strangers when you their family is still around. I always think that sacrificed so much for me why can’t I do the same for them. I saw my mum do the same for her mum and that moved me a lot. Don’t just say that they should plan themselves and learn to live by themselves that also need your help.

    • In all Islamic countries old persons and parents are considered blessing on earth and home and house. Here in my country old parents are more respected than young men and women all respect the old parents and never leave them alone in old age.

      In other countries what the young men and women do with the old parents I do not know piratically but know verbally read or heard from someone.

      I think personally old men and women must be respected because their fruits we are and we reject our second creator on earth is cruelty on earth. When some one ignores old parents the same process is repeated withe man who ignores his parents.

      Parents are blessings on earth
      We are their youth fruits
      They are our second creators
      They trunks and we are the trunks’leaves
      And fruits and green branches
      Full of maturity and wisdom
      Full of experience and
      Free of sins om old age
      Sin free thoughts
      Leading to heaven
      They are oak trees
      Under its shade we all sit

      We must respect old parents because we are also born to be old one day and keep in mind youth is faithless like a young virgin and leaves you soon, do not boast of your youth because behind youth old age is waiting for its turn will come soon to touch you slowly making you bowing down your gait, hollow cheeks, wrinkled forehead, trembling hand and legs…a scarecrow standing in the field of corn to frighten not the crows or birds but children, young men and women all are fed up with old men.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Moral Recovery Program 8 years ago

    So what now, what the Philippine have made hundreds of thousands of alleged drug pusher and drug user voluntarily surrender to the police, what will happen next? What will the government do with them after […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tiny Cent Stopped Paying? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I have been paid twice already The third one which was to get the benefit of the earlier rate is pending. This I am told will be delayed as those who need to be paid through paypal are being paid now.Paypal issue is just sorted out and all those pending redemptions will be sorted out first.

    I have faith in tinycent as of now but what will happen…[Read more]

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    SuperD and Profile picture of Grecy GarciaGrecy Garcia are now friends 8 years ago

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    Femi Adewumi and Profile picture of Abdul PriesterAbdul Priester are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Ashley Herrington

    Ashley Herrington and Profile picture of Jennifer DombrowskiJennifer Dombrowski are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Ashley Herrington

    Ashley Herrington wrote a new post, DIY Sugar Body Scrub 8 years ago


    DIY sugar scrubs seem to be becoming very popular! It generally takes very few ingredients and is actually very good for your skin, not to mention, how smooth and soft your skin will be after you use it! […]

    • LOL. I’m silly. I don’t mind the oils. But I can’t stand the thought of putting sugar on me. I’m sweet enough! LOL. 🙂

    • Sounds great. There’s a lot of people who have dry skin. I’m sure they would benefit most from the scrub but if the scrub the skin feeling refreshing then perhaps I’ll try the scrubn and see just how effective it is. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    • I love sugar scrubs. I use them to give myself a facial. I never thought about making my own, although it seems easy to make.

    • I wonder if sugar dissolves in oil, since other items are optional, it will be just sugar and oil. Easy DIY though.

  • Profile picture of Ashley Herrington

    Ashley Herrington wrote a new post, DIY Homemade Playdoh 8 years ago

    Looking for a good DIY Play-doh recipe?
    I may have just the one! Having three toddlers, having playdoh is an essential. We have tried many DIY ideas and each one failed; whether it being too “slimy” or too […]

    • That is cute, at first I thought its the doughnut or siopao we are buying in the favorite fastfood chain. This is just so beautiful

    • I love PlayDoh. I think I like it more than my kids did! 🙂

    • Great idea. I was imagining the various colourful shapes that one could produce and yet deal with something that is safe to use, specially for kids.

    • My mum used to make homemade glue for me when I was young.
      She never knew how to make playdough.
      Then, I once tried to make plastercine, also known as playdough for my daughter 20 years ago, different recipe and it turned out allright but doesn’t last long.
      It turns into moss, green stuff growing because it is made from flour base
      ANyway, did it turned into green or black spots for you?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Single Person should Plant 8 years ago

    With concrete jungles mushrooming everywhere it has become a dire necessity to increase greenery which is being removed by builders who build concrete jungles. 

    – One does not need acres to increase […]

    • I think I have already complied with this unwritten rules. I have planted many times by participating tree planting activity, beside I am also planting different kinds of fruit bearing trees in our backyard.

      • Happy to meet another gardener. Wish there were many to discover the joys of gardening. What fruit trees do you have? I have several and there is always a bumper crop on most of them.

    • Everybody needs some greenery around them, whether it’s a tree on the yard or a house plant or both. Besides the fact that it helps purify the air you breathe, it’s just makes your environment so pleasant. 🙂

      • It is in one’s own interest that they should be in touch with greenery. Apart from purifying the air they will discover what it is to see when a plant yields.

    • Trees help keep communities lively. Planting trees within communities and generate togetherness. Perhaps more people should be planting trees but planting trees isn’t for everyone. A lot of communities have HOA’s that will plant trees for the residents. Thanks for shining light on tree planting.

    • If this is taught right from the day a child enters a school situations could change and there could be more greenery. Greenery is important if we have to breathe clean air and this is possible if everyone pitches in.

    • you know, 20 years ago, my father in law had planted a coconut plant, a cactus, a tea tree and a few papayas in the garden.
      They grew up well, until my neighbor started to spray weedkillers killing them all except for the coconut tree.
      You may wonder why, right?
      He hated us planting too many plants, trees and thinks that it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
      My hubby and I saw him secretly spraying but we just dont want to declare face off with him
      He didn’t kill the coconut tree because he wanted to drink the coconuts,
      So right now, we only have one coconut tree left

    • I believe we should plant trees not only to have a beautiful and cool surroundings but also to have a fresh air that we could breath in to decrease air pollution and reduce breathing dis order. Trees are important for a number of reason. It used the sun’s energy to perform photosynthesis so that
      plants can store it as chemical energy using water and carbon dioxide to create glucose. Therefore,
      glucose is very essential for all living things for it a source of energy. Plants release this oxygen into the atmosphere. This release is important because most living things, including the plants themselves, use the oxygen during respiration to release the energy stored in glucose in a form that they can use for all life-sustaining processes.
      Planting trees can also help reduce consumption of
      energy due to moderating effect on local
      Maintain 50% of biodiversity. Fauna
      and flora preservation;
      Reduction of noise pollution and wind;
      Combat erosion ;
      Material providers such as drugs, teas,
      essences, pigments, wood, coal, fiber, resin,
      paper, oils, honey, fruits, flowers, seeds,
      Influence on climate (humidity, precipitation, temperature);
      Protection of rivers and springs;
      Soil protection and fertilization;
      Sense of calm and comfort to people
      (stress relief);
      Trees can serve as walls ( visual barrier) and
      they do serve as walls for organic farmers
      when their neighbors deal with pesticides;

    • Yes we must grow plant in our country or town because plants are the beauties of country and nature. WE love growing plants everywhere and all over the world so that we may live otherwise we all will die soon without plants.

      Because nature calms people and it also helps them psychologically rejuvenate,” said Professor Frances Kuo of the University of Illinois. “They are better able to handle challenges which come their way.

      Stress could be one of the largest negatively impacting factors for our health. Exercise and meditation are just an example of how people strive to keep stress levels lower, but as many individuals know, another fabulous solution is surrounding yourself with nature. Walking through the park or sitting in the grass may have effects far more beneficial than having a stiff drink to unwind, for example.

      Another study showing why we should plant more trees analyzed morbidity of more than 345,000 people based on records from 195 different physicians spread across the Netherlands and found that individuals with a higher percentage of green space within a 1 km radius in the immediate vicinity of their postal code had a lower prevalence of 15 of 24 disease clusters.

      Make it a goal to spend some time outdoors every single day. Water the flowers around your house; go for a walk, or stop your car at a park on the way home and enjoy the view. Don’t always turn to artificial and manmade solutions for your health and mental wellbeing.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Silent Enigma 8 years ago

    Death is mystery.
    Because of terror attacks that killing people in the public places, war against drugs that cause the death of drug personalities and the shooting incidents, there are death incident not […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Landslides In The Rural Village 8 years ago

    The mayor of remote and little town of San Emilio makes another ocular inspection to a village where a landslide happens. The incident isolated three villages in their town last year because the cemented road […]

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    Femi Adewumi posted an update in the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    Just got it amazing

  • Profile picture of Femi Adewumi

    Femi Adewumi posted an update in the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    Just got it amazing

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    Femi Adewumi joined the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

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