• Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, At Last, Our Daughter Is Now A Doctor 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hubby and I , only had one child. She’s our daughter, who turned 26 years old just last December 25, Christmas day for us Catholics.

    Actually, We didn’t expect her to be born December 25, since the doctor sai […]

    • That is indeed a very proud moment, very well done. Congratulations to you and your daughter. Even I wanted to be a doctor but I changed my mind lol, and now I am just an accountant.

      • Thank you. We really are indeed proud parents. Especially that she we have raised her to be a God fearing woman.

        Oh, please don’t say JUST an accountant. Each of our profession has a different way of contributing to society. Each one is important, to complete the cycle of things in our lives.

    • Congrats!Very proud of you, for sure. So glad to hear this, a joyful moment. @harpreet singh good to be an accountant too, a good career provided we love our jobs, all jobs are a good job, for sure!

      • Thank you. And we are so happy that after 9 years, we are through with providing for her. She will be soon on her own. 🙂

        Yes, I told @HARPREET SINGH , not to say JUST an accountant. Each of our jobs are important to make the society a better place to live in. We all have our own contributions to the world having our different jobs. There is dignity in labor as they say.

    • God bless your daughter. I’d like to add that it is truly a blessing to everyone when men and women are given the opportunity to study and to become “the best that they can be” at whatever occupation they choose as a life profession.

      • @Treathyl FOX

        Thank you. Indeed, the best wealth that we can give our children is giving them the freedom to choose the best course for themselves and enjoy doing the job for the rest of their lives and show their best on it.

    • @Michelle

      Thank you. Indeed she is a talented one. Maybe she took it from me. Joke , joke , joke

      We never expected her to pursue Medicine actually. We though that when he graduated on BS Biology, she will already be contented with it.

      But she really has the ambition of being a lawyer actually. But my father a lawyer who eventually became a judge discouraged her because there was a scholarship waiting for her for the science related course so she took BS Biology then pursued Medicine.

      At least she also likes so much to be a doctor.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Getting Married Is Now Getting Complicated and Expensive Over Here 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last Saturday, I , together with some of my officemates, attended the wedding of the one I talked about in my previous post […]

    • For those who can afford never care about how much to spend. What’s on their mind is happiness and fulfillment of their dream , yet there are practical people that better like to weed simpler and have the most money save to start for a family.

      Thanks for sharing this factual happenings in our society this time.Write more , blog more and earn more,lol.

      • Well for the rich, money doesn’t matter indeed, as long as they will be happy with it.

        But for those that are on budgets, they really choose to be more practical.

        And that’s what me and hubby did when we got married. It was just a simple wedding with just the family, closest relatives, friends and officemates present.

        At least we already have appliances in our rented apartment when we went there to start our married lives.

        We didn’t regret having the simple wedding. But simple thought it may be , the guests really appreciated the foods that were served. We just added lechon and chicken macaroni salad.

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Strategies applied for getting the best bargain at the second hand goods centres 7 years, 6 months ago

    I love to visit and buy something second hand or so called “antique” things in the second hand goods market/shop, not only because of lower the cost, but also the story behind the goods.

    Sometimes we might fai […]

    • You have a taste for antiques my friend. I don’t.

      Even with the designs of houses, I am not into the antique ones. I like the contemporary ones with minimalist touch, so the house will have the illusion of being spacious.

      I don’t like furniture that are darkly colored mostly brown as antiques are. I like furniture that have colors that makes the house appear bright and spacious.

      But good thing I don’t have a taste for antiques because they are expensive. he he he

    • Dear @Dina, thanks for reading and commenting my blog. I love to have you here.
      I believe you going to cash out this month end too, right? Glad to seeing it happened to you and me.
      The reason why I love those old stuffs, first, I think it is a waste if just throw them away or into the dustbin. It is not environment friendly, and wasted of the limited resources we have on the earth, right?
      It just a choice of lifestyle, yeah, I go for postmodern style too sometimes, it depends. You are right, we are all try to be minimalist touch, but having said that, I think my house is a bit messy with some old books stuck in my book shelves recently, sigh!
      Again, you are right again, I think my hunted goods are not antique too, as I am not affordable, I just shopped and hunted for old and unwanted goods of other, I guess. Haha!

    • I love antiques or second hand finds. I visit the flea market once a week usually.

    • I love second hand hunting someone’s trash is someone’s treasure goodwill stores are a great source of second hand treasures. I’ve got a friend that was remodeling her kitchen she wanted a unique island and found a second dresser made of cherry she sanded down restrained and put a granite top on now it is the showpiece of her kitchen. Yard sales are great spots for hunters as well. Nothing like finding a nice piece taking it home and making it into a great piece of furniture.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Would You Like to Attend A Wedding If The Attires Are Too Formal? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last Saturday, three of my officemates and I attended our officemate’s marriage to a fellow executive assistant of mine.

    Prior to that, I decided not to attend just like most of my officemates.

    Why? B […]

    • I enjoy attending formal weddings and wearing formal clothing. I would never wear pants/jeans to a wedding. I think dressing up once in a while is fun and interesting. It’s a good occasion to wear a dress and get all dressed up.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of ManuelManuel are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of CathyCathy are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, How to make your children fall in love with books? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Knowledge is power and reading is a good habit, thus the parent should cultivate the reading habit among the children since childhood.

    How to make it? Some parent found that their children do not like to read. […]

    • Reading to a very small child is a wonderful experience not only for the child but for yourself it helps the child develop a wonderful love of reading and they carry that with them always in turn when they have children they begin to read to thier children and carry on a wonderful tradition, my sister recently became a grandmother and she began reading to her grandson while he was a baby , he now loves books and reads to his younger sister.

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Tips on preparing a healthy lunch box for your children 7 years, 6 months ago

    In my country, the canteen in the school sells more of carbohydrate concentrated food to the children to make sure they will not feel hungry, however this kind of diet might not be healthy or balanced enough for […]

    • dear @Michelle,thanks for reading my post. I almost ignore your comment here as there is no notification to alert me. How I wish there is a notification feature set up by LB team.

      And, there is no comment notification at the dashboard too, so we know nothing on the progress of our blogs. I feel a bit sad on this, hope there will be a little bit improvement from the team of LB in the future.
      Back to your question, what I send to my daughter for lunch, right? I don’t send, will ask her to bring along in the morning, she just need some snack for tea break or recess time only. She will go home at 1.00p.m, so no lunch box needed for this year.

      I try to reduce the carbohydrate content food for her, as she is a bit overweight and this caused she has foot ache.
      I try to give her more vegetables and fruits beside some cakes, noodles, chapatti. 😛

      Do you still remember what did your mummy prepare you during your school time?

    • good tip and the best is the tomato really super healthy choice and got water along with vitamins to make you more healthy. good tip amazing

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Do you believe in Trojan Horse? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are many interesting events in Greek history and mythology, this is one of them.Yes it is an interesting ploy applied to enter the enemies ranks and win the war. Whether it is true or not one has to speculate. But my take on this is something of that sort has happened at that time may be on a smaller scale.


    Later as historians and story…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of akofa aboloviakofa abolovi are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar posted an update in the group Group logo of can we live without technology nowadays?can we live without technology nowadays? 7 years, 7 months ago

    We can live without technology if we want to. For example the work which I do required full time attention hence I stopped viewing television or using computers or internet and now the work is over hence I use the interned but still am not using television. I generally do not communicate on telephone and do not have a mobile. Whenever when I am…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar joined the group Group logo of can we live without technology nowadays?can we live without technology nowadays? 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Anthony DavisAnthony Davis are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, How to increase your work productivity? 7 years, 7 months ago

    All the working people hope can go off on time every working day, however the jobs seems never endless and overtime is required. If one always over time after work, this will surely affect his/her after work life, […]

    • “How can one become more productive?” is a question that will continue to always come up.

      Everyone wants to get more done and feel a sense of accomplishment as each day comes to an end. There are a million different productivity tips out there, but here are other five ways to increase your productivity levels that can work wonders in y our life.

      1. Arrive early, stay later
      2. Plan each day the night before
      3. Leave the office for lunch
      4. Minimize distractions. Stay concentrate or focus
      5. Keep your goals in sight at all times

    • @Nemzie, thanks for your feedback. I agree with you, this is a continue to come up issue in the office. Hehe!

      Yes, can’t agree more, there are thousands of tips on increase the productivity, the willingness to learn is the key.
      And, thanks for another 5 tips.

      I love the first tip, arrive early, so will have a quite section to do our own things. And, won’t waste our time in the traffic.

      And, planning is important too, so we won’t miss out anything and will focus on the important things.

      leave the office for lunch can help too? An interesting point! I love it! Does it because we can have a rest from work, and come back with a fresh mind and head, so can help in increase the productivity?

      Stay focus is very important, I agree too, it will help us not divert from the goal and make sure we are heading toward our goal, and in the fast way!

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, How to turn the children’s birthday into a memorable and meaningful event? 7 years, 7 months ago

    The children are so happy when their birthday is approaching, as this is one of the most important of the year to them.

    As a parent, how to turn the children’s birthday to a memorable and meaning event, and m […]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Tips on preparation of the children’s birthday party with limited budget 7 years, 7 months ago

    Birthday is one of the most memorable events in our life nowadays, especially the children. They are so eager to celebrate their birthday and have a small party if possible.
    How to arrange a birthday party for the […]

    • I really like posts like this , good to do it your self and carfted your self, i guess its really will be done with love, that no one can really do. we all like our kids but we also we are limited with money, so what to do, just like you posted, do it with budget caue im sure there are things tomake a great party while you are spending maybe just few things to buy.
      I made birthday for kid with recycling things such as bottles and spend some money on things i was nto able to doat home like plates with superman and cups and so on. you know sometimes you do know thing but you do have to find someone to remind you about

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Cruelty To Chicks:Poultry-Different Methods Adopted By Hatcheries To Kill Chicks in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    This only makes me think what would happen if some other predator or species existed and if it had treated humans with the same methods which these companies are adopting. It would be called violation of human rights which we all value, cherish and would want to be respected and safe guarded. But we do not know how to value life of others living…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic English Language: Ten Unique Words – Their Meanings in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have heard and read about the above words for the first time in my life and was happy to gain the knowledge. As the same can be shared with others as and when it is needed to  be. The other thing is that we can use the words to condense a sentence having a particular meaning which is specific to a topic or a word or a place in one go. That’s a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Quotes: Ten Quotable Quotes – 9 in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    I liked the quotes one, three, four and five in that order of ratings. I was reading the quotes and was reflecting the meaning it conveyed. Majority of us know most of the things but a quote puts the spotlight back on that particular thing which we forget over a period of time due to information overflow.

    Quotes help us to refocus on that issue…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Master Brain in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Agree with you the teachings of Gautama Buddha are widely understood, appreciated and followed all over the world. There are similar teachings in the repository of Indian and world history each is a unique gem which has to be respected on its own as all are distinct in their identity as is of Buddha too.

    Indian history has blessed us with many…[Read more]

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