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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Just watched the video on how to earn here in literacybase, it was so informative. I think every member should take take to watch the video to know how to earn here.

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    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 8 years ago

    Hot discussions now in the Philippine showbiz, do you believe President Duterte should name celebrities using illegal drugs.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 8 years ago

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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Still raining today, but its okay, at least not to heavy.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Dragon Fruit Farming 8 years ago

    When you drive through the national highway in Ilocos province particularly in Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, you can find vendors selling dragon fruits along the national roads waving the fruits to the […]

    • Have heard so much about this exotic fruit and still have yet to taste it. I have never seen it at the grocery store but it will probably be expensive because they would likely have to import it.

      • It was expensive during the first years, but now, with the abundance, the price even goes to $1 per kilo.

    • Interesting to learn about dragon fruit, thanks! I’ve never tried it, and I don’t know if it’s sold here. I’ll have to research that!

      • Try to look for it in your place, the fruit is said to have medicinal capabilities.

    • I had a cactus which looked exactly like the image you have uploaded, with flowers and all but I did not see any fruit.
      I have learnt something new today.

      • There are varieties that only bloom flower but not fruit. The fruit taste good, not so sweet.

    • Love doing it, the feeling of picking that fruit without even care pricking with its thorns.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Dragon fruit as far as I know is a very nutritious food.It is anti cancer fruit.It is also very expensive fruit,Though I haven’t tasted this fruit, somehow, I long to buy and taste this fruit. This is a rare fruit in our city. I only saw this kind one time.It was sold by a farm owner of dragon fruit.That time was the supposed best time for me to buy, but that was a Sunday and I was about to attend the mass. When i went out after the mass was over, gone was the big truck selling dragon fruits.

    • Really? I’ve never been heared about dragon fruits but i hope one day i can go to ilocos all the way from manila and see the hystorical place in Vigan. I think Vigan is one of Philippines’ most beautiful
      cities, as it showcases the Spanish heritage of
      the country.

    • This reminds of my first time eating this fruit. It was added on a fruit shake that I bought in our school. It kinda tasted like watermelon while the seeds were like nuts.

    • Really dragon fruit is one of the best and sweet fruit in Pataya and along with it is most useful for heath. I gives many benefits to human health. As…
      Dragon Fruit Cholesterol
      Keeping a heart healthy low cholesterol diet? Don’t worry about your cholesterol Dragon fruit cholesterol is not an issue. Dragon fruit is both low in cholesterol and has little to no unhealthy cholesterol producing fats (certain fats which are metabolized to cholesterol contribute to increased cholesterol levels more than even cholesterol itself in food sources of cholesterol).

      Dragon Fruit Vitamin C
      The amount of vitamin C in dragon fruit is high, and because the dragon fruit is a natural fruit providing you with a rich balance of nutrients coming along with the vitamin C, you absorb the Vitamin C in dragon fruit efficiently when you eat dragon fruit as part of your fruit healthy diet.

      Dragon Fruit Antioxidants
      Eat dragon fruit as a good natural source of anti-oxidants which help to prevent the dangers of free radicals which can cause cancer and other undesirable health detriments.The number, quantity, and variety of antioxidants in real foods like dragon fruit is completely unmatched by any food supplement or pills – even those claiming to have ‘antioxidant’ health benefits.

      Nothing compares to the rich array of nutrients and antioxidants in a real natural food like the dragon fruit. Forget about junk foods and processed foods, as they are poison not foods! Even though a supplement claiming to offer a high amount of antioxidant benefits may sound good, the fact is that foods like dragon fruit have literally thousands of varieties of antioxidant substances and the supplement likely will contain only one (e.g. vitamin E supplements).

      Taking a single megadose of a single antioxidant compound may in fact cause harm or be toxic! Stick with dragon fruit antioxidant sources and other fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid trying to take a shortcut through a pill.

      Dragon fruit nutritional benefits also include the levels of dragon fruit antioxidants – the antioxidants in dragon fruit are numerous and varied.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Beware of Theft This Rainy Season 8 years ago

    Beware of robbers and theft this rainy season, they are everywhere chancing the heavy rains to climb the rooftop and walk like a cat that their feet cannot be felt by the owners of the house they are […]

    • That is true, many criminals do their dirty jobs during the height of heavy rain. so they won’t be notice.

    • Even if sunny or rainy theres a lot of criminals roaming out there like a lion looking for someone to devour. We should always check our house before going to sleep if all doors are tightly closed and we should be extra careful to trust a virtual stranger knocking at home. You could also installed a cctv camera to monitor the surrounding around your house if there is a intruder coming in. Always call the police for help.

    • Good thing we have a dog in our house. She’ll bark if someone comes in. Keeping a guard dog can go a long way, considering that they can help protect your house at times of need.

    • Rainy days ar3 very tricky for many people. In our country sometimes people dread sleeping at night for feet of being attacked when it is raining coz that’s when thugs take advantage of the situation. But nowadays it is not as rampant as it used to be before. We have all kinds of security measures that have been out in place to avoid thuggery, but all in all thugs will always be thugs if they want to steal that will steal it’s only God who watches over us.

    • You say right in rainy season most of the criminal roam in the street and roads to make robbery in the stores and shops because nobody come out their homes in the rainy season. But is it not the fault of rain but our society if full of criminals.

      As we see in Saudi Arabia there is no robbery in rainy season or out of rainy season because in Saudi Arabia laws are most strict for any crime. If anyone is caught making theft or any other crime his anon hanged among the public. You can watch videos on U Tube how to cut off the head of the criminals among the mass.

      That is why in European countries there is no hard punishment for the criminals who make theft. That is why criminal and culprits are at large in making thefts easily because they know they will be released after some years.

      It is the fault of political parties that do not make strict laws for criminal and culprits. In Saudi Arabia if becomes any robbery and does not find the police the Saudi Government pays the damages anon to the victims.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Yes, finally uploaded my profile photo. Actually, I have had hard time finding way how to upload a profile photo, its now okay.

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    SuperD changed their profile picture 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Why the rain don’t want to stopped, oh my.

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    SuperD and Profile picture of bestwriterbestwriter are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of pcworkpcwork are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu and Profile picture of Ashley HerringtonAshley Herrington are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    At the moment , i waited a day for all my post to be publish


    I noticed that if i publish them at different times, one or two posts will be delayed too.


    If i publish at night, tey will be publush by evening.


    If i publish in the afternoon, have to wait another day or two to publish

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    peachpurple replied to the topic How much can you earn if you stick to LB? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Yes you can share yr post, forum links at share media to earn cents.


    I used to earn 30cents daily on that but nit anymore, don’t kniw why.


    How about writing ten posts per day , i am earning 22 cents for five hundred words per post, what do u think ?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Is Doing Homework a Waste Of Time 8 years ago

    The answer is NO, doing homework is NOT a waste of time.

    My […]

    • “Homeworks” is too general. Really. The homework you do in school are, in my opinion, useless. But I think that the way teachers explain you stuff is useless itself.

      Our brain doesn’t work in “read and repeat”. We learn by doing, watching, explaining. The most advacend methods of study does not involve much reading and stuff like that. Plus, many homeworks are essentially based upon nothing, and you just finish to waste your time. In that time, you could have studied the subject without getting bored by the same exercises over and over again.

      To teach something, you need to involve your students in what you’re teaching. That’s why students prefer the lab instead of the theory and that’s why nobody really cares about excercixes. And they go up to the top grades anyway.

      I think “homework” has to be redifined and, most of all, it should not be mandatory if not for essential part of the educational system. You can’t tell a 6 years old “do what you want”, but you can tell a teenager that school is a part of HIS education, and he can manage how he wants to persue that goal.

      Let me know what you think! 🙂

    • My homework was never a waste of time.

    • For me, homework is something i enjoy to do at home when i was still studying in my early years. I’ve learned so much from it doing sort of things which is very challenging to me. I still remember in my high school days, when one of my teacher in a particular subject assign me to check our class test paper and gave it to her in the other day! My favorite subject then is biology and history which i often got a higher grades of my class activity.

    • i was lazy to finish the homework and now i am difficult get the job

    • alina replied 8 years ago

      I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I actually was among the few of my colleagues who liked to practice in math. I remember I also liked english. anyway I think that doing homework allows you to practice what you learned in class and be sure that you fully understood what the teacher explained

    • Homework will never be a waste of time, it will always help the students to enhance their studies.

    • I have been a teacher and I always give my students something to do at home and it is a form of their homework. It may be a research work for their next lesson or unit of learning. It may be an enhancement of their present skill which they got it fairly. So they should be doing more study or practice the skill they have like in their math subject. The more they practice is the more the skill they may get from studying. As a teacher, I know that practice makes every student feel confident, get used to the skill they have learned.

      Homework is a part and parcel of student’s learning. Time which the students have in school is not enough or sufficient for them to learn. They have to practice and practice to make it perfect. The rote method of teaching may sometimes work. Memorizing doesn’t prove to be effective in the process of transferring learning to the students. That kind of technique is short lived. It has no lasting effect.

      So you are right that doing the homework or assignment at home is not a waste of time. It maximizes the use of time for in the school, time is not sufficient. So it should be followed up at home and that is the unfinished school work should also be brought home to finish it.

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      An interesting question! For those Chinese primary school which has a lot of exercise sheets, repeat the same scope of learning of revision could be too much for a small kids, like my 7 years old daughter.

      She has no time for relax, according to her. She need some leisure time, for pursuits her own hobbies, like reading. And, I hope she has more time to spend on doing some house core with me,like cooking,cleaning, learning all these life skills.

      And, she need some free time to do exercise as well for grow well and healthy.

    • During our days in school homework was one big issue for our parents. If you came home and you were asked if you have homework and you said no your parents would think something like your joking right, which school and which teacher would be that carelesz not to give kids homework? It was a big thing in families very crucial if I may say that. But I would agree with you that homework is not a waste of time at all. Why because it gives a child better understanding of what was taught in school that very day and that stuck better of in the brain than just being in class. I personally loved homework because I knew what it did for me and I am greatful to date that we used to have it. You know it’s very easy for a child to forget what they are taught in school during the day especially a child who is slow in catching up on studies it helps a lot. When we didn’t have homework which was very rare we were asked to read the next chapter of a certain subject so that we would have an idea of what itsvall about when wevernt back to school the following day.

    • Doing homework is not a waste of time but is saves human future. Keep in mind homework improves human sitting power is the root of knowledge. those who can sit may gain knowledge of all type. Those who cannot sit may not improve knowledge is a law of nature.

      It is a concrete fact that intelligence cannot make the deficiency of hardworking and homeworking while hard working can complete the deficiency of intelligence.

      Homework does not mean a lot of work beyond the children age is a wrong concept it is just to make money and to impress the parents. The motto of the school owner is through schooling just to make money and nothing else.

    • In my opinion homework is very important. parents should see that their children do their homework regularly. If parents donot give importance to it, their children wont show interest in it. what I want to emphasize is that the progress of a student is based upon the triangle, that is the student, the teacher and the parents.

    • Homework is a waste of time. It takes the enjoyment out of school and it takes up teacher time. Students need more free time for other activities such as sports, homework takes it away from spending time with family and friends.

      Students need more free time for other activities. Education isn’t the only important activity in everyone’s life. We all need some time to ourselves to prevent stress or blow off from some steam. It can damage family relationships and stresses parents out as well as their children. School takes up a lot of time that children can be using to do something more productive.

    • It takes the enjoyment out of school. We would enjoy school more if we didn’t have any homework. When we only get homework occcassionally we will consider that piece more important. Especially if we get too much homework it can take the enjoyment out of learning. No matter how engaging the teacher is in class , homework will almost certainly be stressful , boring and tiring. We know that there is no direct link between how much homework is set and grades.

      Some people believe that homework isn’t a waste of time. You have to try your best to do the homework that’s given to you. Millions of people work for themselves or work from home. The main aim of education is to prepare us for the rest of their lives. Homework is teaching us a key skill that we will need in the future . When we do homework we are learning on our own.

    • School is like breakfast and lunch to the brain and home work is like dinner being served to the brain. As our memories are unable to retain everything being told or explained in the class. We have to come home and recap what has been taught. Homework is ideally given for this purpose. So that it is like a reconfirmation for you that you remember what you understood in your class well.

      If homework is given in excess or is given just to make them something ten times. Then it becomes a bore for the students as it turns out to be mechanical and it would also stress the minds of the students. But we find that majority of the students are lazy and are into things other than studies and hence do not find the time or are not interested in doing the homework. When we get a package we have to take a whole package and we cannot pick and choose. Same is the case with studies as it is a package and homework is part of the package.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Successful Tips for Job Interview 8 years ago

    When you are out of money, you have to get a job or 
    simply marry a rich spouse and live happily ever after in 
    your wonderland world. 
    Generally speaking, it does not matter whether it is a 
    full-time job or […]

    • Good interview tips. Besides … the thing with marrying a rich spouse is that riches are not guaranteed and also your marriage isn’t guaranteed. Your rich spouse might find “greener pastures” and leave you in a heartbeat! It’s best you learn how to take care of yourself.

    • Very good and interesting piece on attending job interviews. I love the part that says ” Do your homework on this information so that it may be

      useful to you when you stumble upon hard core questions

      that your interviewer deliberately asked.

      This is to ensure that you have the knowledge and ability

      to handle difficult situation that props out in critical

      problems.” i think the most important thing is just to be yourself and tackle every question as it comes. job interview are really sweet and interesting when one fully prepares for it

    • Very interesting and helpful tips about how to pass the employment interview. Uphold the the good work. Keep on posting relative topics which is beneficial for all.

    • alina replied 8 years ago

      such things are good to know. I remember I had about 3 job interviews that I failed and I got out so disappointed of it. it’s true at the same time that I didn’t go too well prepaired

    • I remember three things that had worked me well when I applied for a job for the first time. my potential, my willingness and my openness to accept the unexpected. Since it was the first time for me to look for a job, I was, of course nervous. I didn’t know what to do in case my prospective employer thru their manager would interview me. I just prepared myself with a prayerful attitude that God knows what is best for me.

      It was my turned to get inside the manager’s office of the bank. What should I tell the manager of my experience since I just graduated from my commerce course, except for the apprenticeship I have had with the cooperating bank of the college which I studied. I handed in my letter of application to the manager. He took a short glimpse of it and put it down on his table. I thought why he didn’t read it a bit. He asked me the first question: “Why should the bank hire you?” With confidence, I rehearsed what I had learned from my bank apprenticeship. When I was done I looked straight to his eye.

      He asked the second question: “Are you married?” I answered him straight yes. No explanation. No elaboration. Then he threw a follow-up question: “Would you do if you are working when your wife gets sick and you’ve an important job to finish? Whom would you prefer to do?” I firmly replied that I would have to attend to my wife who is sick. My wife is my priority for she’s sick. She’s the reason why I should work.

      Third and last question: “What should you do when the company fire you?” I would accept it. I know that the company where I am working knows what is best. Therefore, if I deserve it or not, I have to accept me. I know there is still God who finds what is best for me. The manager stood up, shook my hands. He told me to start on Monday for I was hired.

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      Thanks for sharing, although I might not need these advice for the time being. Anyway, they are really useful for those school leavers, fresh graduates.
      According to my observation and experience, attitude is every thing. There are many newbie whom have bad working habits and attitudes.

      Take an example, they won’t call up and inform the human resource department if they are sick on a particular day, only when the human resource folks called them up only they will tell and request for a medical leave. It is really terrible.

    • All the above tips ar3 good for anyone who is planning to go for an interview. Many people oftenly assume or don’t take interviews as serious business. You would find others going here in tight fitting clothes, or maybe wear something revealing, and this can be very devastating for the person being interviewed. Others may think when you wear revealing clothes you will get favor from the but boss but that doesn’t work at all it instead works against you. Always be straight with your answers dont beat about the bush, say it like it is. Always wait to be asked to sit down don’t badge into the office and take a seat wait until you are asked to sit down. Actually it’s really all about ettiqute that’s all.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Tips How to reduce Stress 8 years ago

    Stress, is something that no one would like to encounter 
    It is not 100% a disease but a common problem that 
    emotional feelings and worries that are kept inside had 
    affected a person’s health, physi […]

    • Number 3 is hard for me because I love coffee! 🙂

    • For me, one of the easiest way to release stress is laughter. Not only it is good for your health and body but it also relieve all the physical tension and stress in your daily lives, leaving your muscle relaxes in a certain period of time. It is easy, effective, natural, enjoyable to laugh. Worry Less. Be positive. Don’t cling on a negative side. Have a grateful life with full of laughter.

    • These are very good tips. I try to do something in the quiet almost every day, like coloring or my paint by number. Or I might play a little background music, because music destresses me, too. As for dark chocolate, I love that so I’ll treat myself anytime!

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      Everyone has his/ her own stress. We might have a wrong perception that only those working people facing stress which from their work. For those not working, might face the stress from the other aspects of life, like house maker might not have enough time to fetch children to school, cook, and her/his own leisure time.
      Thus, how to handle stress is really important to make a happier life. To me, a cup of coffee is a must to make up my day. Hehe!
      On the other hand, exercise is very important to kick away the stress.

    • Also, go to sleep. It doesn’t matter how soon your deadline is; you will slow down if you’re too sleepy. People usually forgo sleep in order to get more time, which is good when the deadline is tomorrow morning. But a good rest will go a long way. There are even psychological research studies on sleep and napping wherein their conclusions show that people have increased memory and spatial abilities.

    • Firstly, let’s debunk one myth: stress is not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing. Without this brilliant ability to feel stress, humankind wouldn’t have survived. Our cavemen ancestors, for example, used the onset of stress to alert them to a potential danger, such as a sabre-toothed tiger.

      Stress is primarily a physical response. When stressed, the body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight or flight’ mode, releasing a complex mix of hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine to prepare the body for physical action. This causes a number of reactions, from blood being diverted to muscles to shutting down unnecessary bodily functions such as digestion.

      Stress is primarily a physical response. When stressed, the body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight or flight’ mode, releasing a complex mix of hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine to prepare the body for physical action. This causes a number of reactions, from blood being diverted to muscles to shutting down unnecessary bodily functions such as digestion.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The La Nina Effect 8 years ago

    Just last night it was raining hard that the road in front in of our home flooded. Then this morning it was so hot that at around 8:30 in the morning the sun rays are pricking to my skin. Then this afternoon the […]

    • Part of me gets happy when the weather reports that there is a hurricane. I’m happy for the rain or the water. But I get very happy if it by the time it reaches landfall it has died down enough not to do any real damage.

    • La Nina is a phenomenon which waters in the equatorial regions of the Pacific Ocean are unseasonably cool. The cooler waters affect the atmosphere above the ocean, causing significant changes in climate, though usually not as significant as the changes that occur during an El Niño. As a result of heavy rain clouds and trade winds it may effect into any form of calamities like heavy rain fall, flash flood, and landslide. We must be responsible to take care of mother nature and used our natural resource in a very convenient way without destroying its value.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Comfort Soup : Barley Corn Soup with Beancurd Sheets 8 years ago

    This is one of my favorite comfort soup that reminds me of my mom’s cooking ( before she had stroke).

    Mom love to boil Barley Corn Soup with Beancurd sheets and sometimes she would replace the beanburd sheets […]

    • Very good recipe to have some alternative dish for a soup

    • alina replied 8 years ago

      I never tried this but I imagine it must be really healthy. anyway since I’m into trying new things when it comes to food I will give it a try and tell you how it went

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Dilemma of Stay At Home Mom 8 years ago

    I often used to think about it.

    Did I made the right or wrong decision to resign from my full-time job with a decent monthly salary to a Stay at Home Mom for good?

    In our modern techno society, most women ( […]

    • “A wise woman builds her home.” Whatever is included in that process, i.e. building your home … be is deciding to stay at home, working a job outside the home, etc. … if you goal is to build your home and have a wonderful family life, your heart is in the right place. For most women, if their heart is in the right place, their family knows that and will help them make a happy home. Do what works for you and your family. Don’t let other people tell you what you’re supposed to do IN YOUR HOUSE. Because if you follow their advice and your home life gets damaged, they’re not going to offer any help fixing it back! They’ll walk off and leave you with the mess that they helped create!

    • A stay at home mum has too many things to think about and also take care of. Many women opt to work because the work of a work at home mum is quite hard it’s not as easy as it may sound of seem. Taking care of children is the hardest job ever that women have to face whether they are working other jobs or not. It entails so much the waking up early, doing laundry cooking an the like. Many women would like to take the time to stay home and take care of their children for free that their children may not fall into temptation of misbehave. I may agree to the idea of staying home but at times a woman just needs her freedom sometimes and not depend her husband for everything. That’s why some of them just want to have a job of their own.

    • As I have said in my many articles that woman means construction and man means destruction. All women must build their homes for their children as you see that a male sparrow builds home first before choosing the female sparrow I saw in The National Geographic Channel. Looking at the scene I wondered really how the male sparrow trapped a female sparrow and after mating the male flew in search of fod.

      And that child needs his own house. He has his own needs that are not personal. Or professional. And these needs become priority because he/she is too small to build his/her own house. We pull more blocks from our various houses. Relationships change. Career goals change. Our personal house falls to the side.

      I have had a hard time finding my own little house… The one I started with. The one I have always told others to maintain. The one that belonged SOLELY to me. The one that had nothing to do with my marriage, career, children…

      I thought of all the women — all the mothers, who some days find themselves resenting the other houses… and all of the bricks they had to pull from their own roofs to build new, structurally sound homes for spouses, and jobs and children

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