• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, All-in-1 Stew Recipe: Meat Patties and Vegetable Stew 8 years ago

    Whether you are a meat lover or a vegetarian lover, I am sure you will love this all-in-1 Meat Patties and Vegetable Stew for sure !


    I found this recipe in my old recipe scrapbook yesterday, and it the […]

    • Garlic and onions are the heart of most tasty cuisines and dishes around the world.

      Off the top of my head, the only dishes I can think to make that don’t involve garlic or onions are suitable mostly for kids: scrambled eggs, French fries, and grilled cheese sandwiches, or a nice pan-fried salted steak. And while all of those items are delicious, you can’t eat them night after night.

      Never fear: the rich flavors of garlic and onions can be duplicated or mimicked with the careful and clever use of other vegetables, herbs, and cooking ingredients, once you know where to look.

    • onion i love it in some foods but not all, i like onion rings , i like onion with tomato and eggs too, i like to eat when its cooked only but nto raw

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Good day today in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    At the moment, I had been writing 500 words post daily, 3 posts per day, I earned 22 cents exact for each post.

    Since you wrote double the words of mine, I am sure you can earn 30 cents per post at least

    Do let us know how much you had earned.

    Once I wrote 1000 words, earned 35 cents,that was the highest i had earned.

    But now with 500 words, 2…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    sorry for my mistake, yes, I will try to reach $10 by 31st and redeem it.

    No way I could reach $30 while I am now still at $9 as at today.

    Best of luck to all

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Why I Consider Them As Heroes? 8 years ago

    Today the Philippines is celebrating the National Heroes Day. The day is to honor the war veterans and the Filipinos who fought for the freedom of the country during the World War 2 and the war before that […]

    • Indeed there are heroes apart from war heroes who help make a country strong.

    • I think I have heard of this day. Is it also called the Day of Valor?

    • You have missed to mention the parents, the mothers who have raised these men and women. Because of them, the heroes of today are made. The values they have learned from their parents. The attitudes that they possess in treating their fellow beings. Their traits of being polite, courteous and religious are all influenced by their parents.

      I may consider my father as the hero in our family. Because of him, we were all educated. We had our education and professional which we’re proud of having them. My father is the best example we have in our family. No wonder why that we consider him the hero of our own family.

      My mother is another heroine. She is working side by side with my father in rearing up and making us a law-abiding citizen of our community. She has taught us to be reverent and prayerful in all our undertaking. She has led us to be obedient, to be responsible for our own good. She has served as our model of righteousness.

      They are our heroes. If they are living today, we would be glad to give them the best honor which the sons and daughter could give to their parents.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sugarless Raisin Buns 8 years ago

    I love to have Raisin Buns with a cup of hot coffee for breakfast.

    It feels pleasure and enjoyable to have these lovely buns which I certainly do love munching on raisins very much.

    Ingredients to […]

    • I like this post. Your raisin buns reminded me of raisin bread, which my late father really liked a lot. My siblings and I loved it too! Especially toasted with butter. 🙂

      • thanks Treathyl!
        Most old folks love raisin buns, so did my parents and me!
        Actually, I love picking out the raisins, leaving holes in the buns and then dipping the bun into hot MILO!

    • Nice one will love to follow

    • Looks quite tasty. Sharing ahead also.

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      @purplepeach, thanks for sharing this recipe, the “roti” really looks nice and tempting, again, my mouth is watering.
      Me myself, with the bread maker machine at home, would try to make no sugar, sometimes, no egg, no butter plain toast for the breakfast with coffee.
      My raisin on the top of the bread always get burn, darkie, son does not like it at all. If not mistaken, the raisin need to be soaked first, right?
      And, only put on the top of the bread during half way of baking instead of from the beginning?
      I would follow more of your recipe, hehe!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips for Healthy Body 8 years ago

    Our body is alike a machine.

    You will need to maintain your body well in order to live well and age well.

    A human body that is nurtured, protected and used properly, it will function efficiently alike a […]

    • To keep body healthy is not easy in this modern age where every one is running after money. Happy are those who pay attention to their health. Our life is a simple biological cycle which depends on what we eat to survive.

      A strong mind and healthy body makes a complete person. Our health can be easily maintained by our food habits and daily. It might sound silly to take care of health while we have lot of wealth to treat our sickness or diseases.

      A wise man would definitely realize that health is more important to survive; not wealth. We should never forget the saying “Prevention is better Than Cure”. If we, ourselves, maintain our health there would be no necessity of treatments in future. So, we should learn that “Health is Wealth”

      Remembering these thoughts would definitely give you ideas on how to keep yourself healthy. Keep yourself engaged with healthy thoughts; regular exercises and walk would help for sure. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of health. One who follows these and gains a healthy life is a wealthy person. Just before running after money compromising your health, time and happiness, remind yourself

    • Want to become a very healthy person? It’s all about making gradual changes.

      In order to be a very healthy person, you need to consistently get enough sleep. That means 7-9 hours per night for adults, 8-10 hours for teenagers, and 9-11 hours for children. This keeps you awake and alert, so you don’t have to drink caffeine and sugar-loaded energy drinks. Sleep is also when most of the body and mind’s healing and detoxifying takes place. If you are a kid and have early school times, go to sleep earlier on school nights.

      Don’t overdo it, though. Sleeping too much can be as bad as not sleeping enough. If you miss some sleep one night, you can sleep longer another night to make up for that. But in general, try to stay within the right range for your age.

    • Other thing is that we should eat an appropriate, healthy balanced diet containing all the nutrients your body requires. A proper diet contains the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables, and fat. For carbohydrates, try to eat whole grains. Lean meat, fish, eggs, and nuts are some of the best sources of protein. Try to get at least 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A certain amount of fat is also needed to keep your body functioning smoothly; fish oil, olive oil, and coconut oil are some particularly beneficial fats.

      Drink water. It is key in making you run throughout the day. Try drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. It helps you re-energize and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water can lead to acne, headaches, and even dehydration. Do this, and you’ll become a very healthy person.

    • For someone who is busy, get some exercise every day, even just a little. This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day. Research has proven that exercising regularly helps you feel better because endorphins released by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during exercise produce a feeling of happiness and well being. Walking is a great exercise. Walk to work or school if you can. If you can’t walk the whole way, try parking farther away from your destination so you can walk a least part of the way. You can get of the bus or train a stop earlier if you don’t drive.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Does Oily Food Cause Acne? 8 years ago

    There are many myths spreading around the world that oily /fatty foods and sweetened beverages caused acne.

    What is the truth behind this Acne Myth that you had heard […]

    • When I was in my teen years I had a problem with acne. I had two friends that had the smoothest skin in the world. To contrast and compare, there was definitely a difference in our diets, such as eating greasy potato chips versus not eating greasy potato chips. So in response to question does oily food cause acne? Cause acne? OK. I’ll compromise. It contributes. Oily food contributes to acne.

    • No oily food foods not cause acne because acne is the cause of lack of water proper amount in human body cells. I am a medical astrologer and and I receive many questions daily on this topic from my country and out of my country. Check my gig on Fiverr.com writing my name jhsayyaar gig

      Two main things work in human body heat and water. Its process is easy when water becomes less in human body cells they become heated and acne appears on human skin surface as you know water balance heat in human body and there is no other cause of this disease.

      I recommend medicines for those who have this problem.

      Use (Euginia jambos) 30x

      Ten drops daily in one fourth glass of water three times in a day in semi hot water.

      If the skin is weather beaten use this medicine

      Dulcamaria 30

      Use 10 drops of medicines in semi hot water in the one fourth glass of water. three times daily

      You will get these two medicine from any Homeopathy Store.

    • Acne is caused by oil-producing glands in the skin getting blocked, leading to blackheads, redness and spots with pus where bacteria infiltrate the area. Production of oil (sebum) is increased by sex hormones, hence the appearance of acne at adolescence. Acne is definitely not caused by dirty skin. However, diet may have a role, albeit a small one.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Black Pepper Fried Rice 8 years ago

    I had been a fan of fried rice ever since I learned from my mom that it is easy to cook when you are hungry.

    So far, I had cooked Pattaya Fried Rice, Tuna Fried Rice, Pasta Sauce Fried Rice, Village Fried Rice […]

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      The fried rice looks nice! My son loves to have fried rice too. I love to fry the overnight rice in order to kill it. Hehe!
      My son looked at your picture in front of the laptop just now, he mentioned he doesn’t like the green peas, as usual.
      Thus, I not really buy those chopped veges, like carrots, corns and green peas from the supermarket.
      I chop the fresh one for instead, and just put anything I can find from the freeze. That’s all.
      And, off course, eggs are always the most convenient ingredient can be found at home.
      I remembered that my brother and me loves to fry rice by own after school if found the dishes not in our favour, and egg is the only ingredient. However, the fry rice still very delicious. What a sweet memory!
      I have fried rice and take some pictures as well, but still have no time to convert it into a blog in the order way like yours.Salute!

    • This is indeed a great recipe! I think many would like this recipe.

    • Lola replied 8 years ago

      This sounds very yummy – except for the mushrooms. I think I would leave those out! I’m just not a mushroom fan though. I love all types of fried rice. Shrimp fried rice happens to be my favorite because I am a seafood lover. There is a Chinese food place in a very bad part of town which has the most delicious fried rice in the entire city. It’s dangerous to go there but from time to time I can’t resist because the food is so good.
      I envy you being able to make your own fried rice! I’m horrible at cooking and always have to buy it out somewhere.

    • This looks so good! I love fried rice! I have only made a few time, now I have your help! Thanks!

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      This is a very long post worth to cherish for like me, I can add my knowledge about a kind of cooking like this. This is a great recipe .It is very nutritious.the ingredients alone can attest its nutrition value. I truly believe that if we only try , we can achieve our gal.The try to cook from we can become a perfect cook from our constant practice.Very yummy food, love it.

    • ksp replied 8 years ago

      Several times I have consumed Vegetable friend but I have not tasted this Black pepper rice, now a days black pepper is costly. 50 Grams of Black pepper is more than Rs100,00

    • It is a delicious dish for the new comer sometime my mom prepares it at home but I do not like it most because I like sweet dish every time that is why salty dish I do not like it.

      My mom makes it add Chinese sausage and long beans; stir-fry well. Add bird’s eye chillies, the cooked rice, and seasoning. Toss and fry over high heat until thoroughly mixed. Turn off the heat and sprinkle in coarse ground black pepper to mix.

      3 tbsp oil
      1 tbsp dried shrimps, rinsed and finely chopped
      ½ tsp chopped garlic
      2 egg whites
      1 tbsp diced Chinese sausage (lap cheong) or other sausages
      2 long beans, finely sliced
      2 bird’s eye chillies, finely sliced
      3 bowls cooked rice, cooled
      1-2 dashes coarse ground black pepper

      Heat two tablespoons oil in a wok over medium heat and fry dried shrimps and garlic until fragrant. Push aside the fried ingredients.

      Add remaining oil and scramble the egg whites until just cooked.

      Add Chinese sausage and long beans; stir-fry well.

      Add bird’s eye chillies, the cooked rice, and seasoning. Toss and fry over high heat until thoroughly mixed.

      Turn off the heat and sprinkle in coarse ground black pepper to mix.

      Make it and enjoy it at home.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I had posted 3 blog posts daily, whether or not LB approve or not, I still keep posting because I had ceased posting when my son’s exam approached, 2 weeks ago.

    Hence, I am late 2 weeks.

    Luckily, I had managed to catch up and right now, my earning is at $8.29 as at today.

    I am sure that I can reach $30 by 31st of this month.

    Redeem for this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Snack Recipe: Pumpkin Fritters 8 years, 1 month ago

    Pumpkin Fritters!!
    Have you ever had pumpkin fritters for 
    tea time snacking?
    These pumpkin fritters use the same 
    batter for banana fritters which you had 
    seen at roadside stall or food court.

    Pu […]

    • that looks really delicious. I must give it a try

    • Whenever my gran brought a tray of these delicious pumpkin fritters out after lunch, I jumped up and down like only a little girl in love with her gran’s cooking can. I was obsessed with the light and fluffy fritters covered in sticky, gooey sauce. And now, years later, I feel no different.

      My gran’s pumpkin fritters | Pampoen koekies

      Light and fluffy pumpkin fritters (pampoen koekies) with caramel sauce. This recipe handed down to me by my gran is nostalgia on a plate.
      Author: Alida Ryder
      Recipe type: Dessert, South African, Pumpkin
      Serves: approx 20
      For the fritters
      1 cup pumpkin, cooked and pureed
      1 cup flour
      2 teaspoon baking powder
      2 tablespoon caster sugar
      1 egg
      ¼ cup milk
      pinch of salt
      oil, for deep frying
      For the Caramel Sauce
      ¾ cup sugar
      1 cup cream
      1 teaspoon vanilla extract
      3 tbsp butter
      ½ cup golden syrup
      1 teaspoon sea salt flakes
      For the fritters
      Combine all the ingredients and mix until you have a smooth batter.
      Heat the oil in a medium saucepan and fry spoonfuls of the batter until golden brown and cooked throughout, approximately 2-3 minutes.
      Remove from the oil and allow to drain on kitchen paper.
      Continue until all the fritters are cooked.
      For the Caramel Sauce
      Combine all the ingredients in a medium saucepan and allow to cook over a medium heat for 10-15 minutes until the sauce is thick and glossy.
      Pour the syrup over the fritters and serve.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Pumpkins with Yellow Onions 8 years, 1 month ago

    Recently, there was a big sale for locally pumpkins which are far smaller 
    than Americans pumpkins.

    Our pumpkins are not large enough to make a Jack-O-lantern for Halloween 
    but you can enjoy a variety of pump […]

    • I love pumpkin seeds. It is delicious to eat and is good to have it as a snack or while waiting for someone elsewhere. It kills boredom.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Steam Corn Cob in Rice Cooker 8 years, 1 month ago

    Locally, Steamed Corn on the Cob is one of many people’s favorite street snack that one can buy throughout the whole year. You don’t have to wait for seasonal time of the year to grab a corn cob. Fresh corns are […]

    • Tiada replied 8 years ago

      Did you steam the corns with its leaves? My son loves to eat corn too!
      I normally cook it in the hot water for time saving,fast!
      I found the corn is more expensive nowadays if compared to those old days. It costs RM1.50 or even more per piece. I don’t really understand what is the reason behind.
      Thus, I not buy very often, just wait when there is some offer, like 5 for RM5. The cheapest I have ever gotten was RM0.50 per piece at the wholesale wet market.
      However, it could make me scared on if it contains too much chemical residuals or not. Thus, I did not purchase too many.
      The corns from Cameron Highland are very nice to eat, very sweet and have two colours, white and yellow, it could be DNA modified type.
      After steaming, apply some butter and salt on the top would make the corn taste even better and sweet, I think. However, I not do in this way very often as I am the lazy type mummy, again. Haha!

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Rain Is Important To Farmers 8 years, 1 month ago

    The farmer must have pray so hard. This is some of the comforting words of the villagers when the rain never wanted to stop again. It’s been raining in the Ilocos Region since yesterday, just like the o […]

    • I think rain is extremely important to everyone whether you ar3 a farmer or not. The only thing I can say is that rain in th3 city sometimes can be a nuisance to the residents there because it ripples up a lot of things. Like for example when you think about driving to work in the morning or evening you will always be caught up in the jam, meaning you have to wake up extremely early to get to work on time, then you have to sacrifice something’s because you will leave the office late and get home late. So this are some of the inconveniences that people have to go through in th3 city when it rains. In fact most people in my country would rather use public means to get to where they’re going as opposed to using their cars, because you and up using too much petrol on the roads stuck in jams. For th3 farmer in the village to him rain is a blessing just like you ha e said. That is what they want and need so that their crops do not for it either in the hot sun. And we all know that when there is no rain food is a little bit scarce and it becomes very expensive. So when it rains they know that at th3 and of the day they will at least sell their produce and be able to take care of their families and also get some income out of it. So either way rain helps people in different ways there are those who do taxi business that’s also an opportunity for them to make money during those days. People ask willing to pay some extra money just to be dropped at their door step without having to hassle for public means.

    • rain is most important for all of us because it is rain that irrigates our land where there is no well water or electric pump water. It is most important for farmers in the villages and mountains where there is no way to plant the field.

      Rain is the means by which fresh water is created; when it evaporates, water leaves behind its salt. … Rain fills aquifers, and it keeps rivers and lakes filled.

      Humans depend on fresh water for survival. While it is possible to remove salt from ocean water through a process called desalinization, it is expensive, and the cost of transporting water inland is prohibitively costly. Rain fills aquifers, and it keeps rivers and lakes filled. Forms of life that depend on rivers would not have evolved without rain.

      Rain has a number of effects on the environment. Many canyons and other natural features were shaped by rainwater eroding surfaces. The Grand Canyon was created by a river, which was fueled by rainfall. Many species of life in the ocean depend on minerals that flow from the land to the sea. Without rainwater, they would not be able to survive.

      We cannot neglect the importance of rain in human life on earth. We must be thankful to God for rain.

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu joined the group Group logo of FALZ NATIONFALZ NATION 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu joined the group Group logo of FALZ NATIONFALZ NATION 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Video Ad Is Out In LB! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    yeah, i know, i know, but can’t help it when those ads are “animating” when I am writing comments at forums, so visible and obvious, anyway, ah…there are pros and cons…

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic What common accidents do you usually hear or read about? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years, 1 month ago

    usually read the news about car accidents, lorry accidents, motorbike accidents.

    However, lately, it is more violent, stabbing and slashing murder plots, I think people are watching too much violent movies that had affected their mindset.

    For example, a stepson murdered 3 of this family members , seriously injured another 3 family members by…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Video Ad Is Out In LB! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    yes, I had noticed that the video is not here anymore.

    Great, now that we all know, LB does listen to our woes.

    However, do you noticed that the ads are getting “yellow minded”?

    Did you see the banana ads?

    What do they look / refer to?

    The one with a lady sticking her tongue out and another ads with the banana tip turned into a man genital??


  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Landscape And Skyline 8 years, 1 month ago

    When you are in the peak of the mountain and you can see the whole surrounding, as if you are overlooking from the sky. All you see are the greens and blue of the mountains covered by the thick bushes and […]

    • Not just beautiful but an interesting history as well.

    • sometimes we forget to stop from our busy lives and take a minute to admire the beauty of nature. it’s the simple things that bring us happiness

    • This is one of the beautiful scenic location in Ilocos Sur. The scene is wondrous, pleasing to the eye, stress-relieving. Is this an aerial view of the mountain? How did you take this picture? The road is snake-like. Is there any reported vehicular accident ever recorded in this place? It’s the wonder of nature!

      I live in the Philippines, but I have never been to places as far as the Luzon. I have gone to Pampanga, the lahar covered placed when Mount Pinatubo erupted several years ago. It was the 11th National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP).

    • November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.

      Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance.

      Sheep farming is heavily subsidized in Great Britain. Without the subsidies, the green grazing in the valley of the River Exe would be gone. The handsome agricultural landscape of which the British are so proud, carefully husbanded since Boudicca’s day, would be replaced by natural growth. The most likely growth is real-estate developments.

      One day, out of irritation, I said, you know all of those years with the Royal Shakespeare Company, all those years of playing kings and princes and speaking black verse, and bestriding the landscape of England was nothing but a preparation for sitting in the captain’s chair of the Enterprise.

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu and Profile picture of celycely are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

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