• Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    None, no edit button for us ( this is what I learned from the responses), so what supposed we should do, well we can ask admin to consider this very useful button, second, proofreading our article before posting.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Just taken my lunch and I have a great food , sinigang of shrimps with the young leaves of chili.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of James Bougouer CabourJames Bougouer Cabour are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Getting Ready In Times Of Disaster 8 years ago

    We are facing twin storm in the area of responsibility of the Philippines. These two storms are in the track located in the northern Philippines which includes our region of Ilocos and our province of Ilocos […]

    • very recently also there was an earthquake of 6.1 intensity in the Philippines. These are also common there. But, you are having a good warning system. your Government is capable of tackling this situation in an effective manner.

      • We have to be always prepare because every year we are being battered by more or less 20 destructive typhoons, aside from that we are in the ring of fire, we are also in the disasters like earthquake, volcano eruptions and floods. This is the reason why the government is giving to much fund and attention to this concern.

    • You can never be too careful about such calamities,because they come when you are unawares thereby causing a lot mayhem. The one thing I would like to ask is how those typhoons get their names, how do they get to be named the way that they are. But it’s better to be safe than never. The measures that th3 government has put is for a short period of time that could help but is it a lasting situation? This ar3 things that we cannot anticipate but the best we can do is to stay away from places that are prone to such dangers.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic What type of BBQ meat / veggie do you like best? in the forum Group logo of BBQ TheoryBBQ Theory 8 years ago

    I have tasted the chicken barbecue, and so with pork which is my favorite. I don’t know much of beef barbecue. But in our region, we have kinds of barbecue which is internals of pigs which i like most. I also like the chicken neck and head.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of BBQ TheoryBBQ Theory 8 years ago

    I can smell the good taste of the BBQ now.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of BBQ TheoryBBQ Theory 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    How are you doing guys? Its been raining in our place because of the two typhoons in our region. Just stay safe everyone.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Double Treat Payment for Me in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    Wow, you are very lucky for having your payment in literacybase and tinycent. When will my turn to receive my payment? I hope won’t take long. But you deserve it buddy because I always see you as active as ever, devoting some time in your earning site and because of that I say, congratulations.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Warm Potato Salad with Bacon 8 years ago

    I couldn’t think what I should do with 3 bags of Holland potatoes
     that I had bought at Tesco.
    I know that I am greedy, but it was 50% discount! 
    Just couldn’t resist the huge bargain!

    Went to the fridge, fou […]

    • As I read your article I find it delicious and good. But there is one thing that really caught my attention because it has been my practice of peeling off the skin of the potato.

      Now, I know the reason why I should not take off the skin of potato. I know the health benefits of it, and I should just clean it thoroughly and not peeling it off.

    • Thank you!! I just finished making this dish. It is absolutely amazing. Delicious. I will definitely make this again.

    • That looks like comfort food with double love! 🙂

    • I heard about it but never tried at home. The Holland Potatoes you are mentioning may be good. But, generally, Potatoes are rich in Carbohydrates. They slow down the process of digestion. You are adding Pork which will increase heat in the body.

      In the beginning, you advised not to peel off the skin of the potatoes. But, in the method of preparation, it is stated to peel off the skin of the boiled potatoes. It is somewhat confusing. Will you please clarify?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Toys For The Big Boys 8 years ago

    When the big boys were just little boys, some of them did not have good memories of their childhood. Some of them did not experienced playing those good vintage toys like toy guns, toy cars and experience […]

    • Yes. I do agree with you that the big boys have really not enjoyed the big toys like big cars, Helicopter, Airplane, and other Gadgets. They were asked to be satisfied with what they have. These toys were also not there. The parents were lucky. A big car costs about Rs.11 thousand and after bargaining comes to Rs.10 thousands.How can the parents afford for such big toys? Even now also everyone can not afford for such toys. Only children of rich parents can enjoy them. They do not come cheaply or by means of any donations or gifts.Hence, most of the children are now disappointed more than those of the big boys.

      when my father bought a bear that drinks wine after giving key I showed it to all my friends and they were all enjoying it. After some time we forgot it and it became a toy for my sister’s daughter. The question of sharing the happiness was involved.

      Do we have this sharing of happiness among the present children? Can he share his big car with his friends liberally? Even if he shares the parents interfere and ask him to remain inside the house compound and play with the big toy. They do not like him sharing the big toy purchased with his friends. This means, the element of sharing the happiness is missing among the children.

      Time and again they remind their children about the cost of the big toy they purchased for him and not to show to his friends who may mishandle it and damage it.


    • Buying and playing with big toys is dream of the poor because they cannot buy these costly toys. the rich buy the costly toys and when a new toys like car, motor bike comes in the market they buy the big toys because they have money a lot that is why they forget every big toys. I have seen a lot money spending on the big toys make memory weak day by day that is why the rich cannot remind of their childhood and childhood memories.

      While on the other hand, those who are poor cannot buy the big toys keep in mind all things present and past big toys and small toys because they have nothing but desire and desires cannot be slipped from the memory till death.

      I think time wasting on the big toys is useless because big toys neither increases memory and wisdom nor makes men genius in any filed. Big toys mania makes greedy of more big toys and thus he or she becomes greedy and thus her or his eyes turn into evil eyes.

      The best toy in the childhood is natural atmosphere and education that builds human character as role model for the coming generation.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Fried Rice with Ginger Strips 8 years ago

    Ginger is known as a wonderful spice in Chinese, Malay and 
    Indian cooking methods. 
    Its’ natural strong, spice flavor produce a fragrant smell in most
     dishes, both Asian and Western cuisines.

    I love to use  […]

    • I love fried rice especially the chao fan of Chowking though sometimes I cook my own version of fried rice at home. I have not known the ginger for fried rice and as I read the article, I was given the idea to use it in my future recipe. I just hope the kids would like it because of its spicy taste.

    • My Japanese friend introduced me to ginger. I have never regretted it. 🙂

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Ways to Self-Motivate when Feeling Down 8 years ago

    What do you do when you are down and out?
    Everyone has a time when he may feel stressed out due to
     failure in relationship ( or friendship ), financial problems ,
     family matters, job related problems and st […]

    • Very good suggestions indeed- could be hard to implement but can be real stress busters.

    • Maybe procrastination will help you as long as you do it to set goals that you would want to achieve or reach. But if you set and makes you just lazy, never do it. And the number 6 which is declutter, I think not always. I have once talked to a boss who’s table are always messy because of too many papers and things above it, but he said “do you know why this table is messy, that means I am always working.” That is true, when the table is organize and very clean, we can say the boss is not working because its always clean.

    • Usually when am feeling down I like to listen to music it helps me quite a lot. Never underestimate th3 power of music, however said that it speaks to the heart was not wrong it is very true. Just listening to the music that you like can boost you up at anytime. Then there is also the thought of being positive with oneself. Declaring to oneself that you are able and annoited will do magic. You wont6even know how positive that will keep you going.When we keep speaking negative things and thinking negative thoughts we don’t do ourselves any favor other than put ourselves down, making us feel unworthy, unwanted and useless. Another thing is to always be around people who make a difference in your life, do stuff that makes you happy. If it means going out meeting up with friend will keep you away from stress than at all means do that.

    • Go fishing

    • Good advice. Also, if you have memories of a time when you had an abundance of energy and bounced out of bed each day and conquered the world … try to remember. 🙂 Say to yourself: “I did it once. I can do it again!” 🙂

    • Your tips and advice are inspiring especially the one about music. I do not listen that much to music but I do enjoy a good up beat tune once in a while. But putting on music when I am blue or depressed never occurred to me. I wonder why? Oh well, now I know what to do when the self-doubt, the self-negativity etc creep in, I can always rely on a good tune to cheer me up. I have to admit that I rarely procrastinate. I am always cleaning and decluttering my place. I hate having a messy surrounding. That also helps me but not for long usually.
      By the way, very good article, very well written and informative and entertaining.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      @peach purple, I am feeling down now,I want to change my email add and I wrote the admin last night, but got no reply. The yahoo mail that I presented here is not pay pal connect.The first time I applied here they did not accept my email pay pal affiliated and now the problem comes for I cannot redeem. My email add here is not affiliated with pay pal. Do you know how to remedy this problem? Thank you sis.

    • When I’m down I appreciate the little things like physical and mental health. Afterward I decided to eat anything to get my mind off what’s bringing me down. If all else fails I begin to exercise and that surely takes the brain off of whatever I was thinking about because I’m too busy trying to stop sweating.

    • Very inspiring. I do struggle with keeping my head up. Its very difficult being in a small apartment by yourself while your husband is at work all the time. I love the fact that you included music in this post. Music has helped so much. It gets rid of the loneliness and the silence.

    • In times I felt down, sometimes I cannot control myself from setting in one corner thinking so deep. I am focussing on the problem and thinking what is best to do and it really depressed me.

      However, I agree with you that we need to stay in a happy mood so what I usually do is to listen to my favorite country music or pop music. It can turn my mind into positive thoughts rather than think of what makes me sad.

      Listening to music probably a good tip to have a good and happy mood despite downfall.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, What Will Happen To Filipina Maid In Drug Trafficking Case In Indonesia? 8 years ago

    The news gave sleepless nights to the family of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso—that Philippine President Rody Duterte gave a go ahead signal to Indonesian Prime Minister Joko Widodo if they want to execute the F […]

    • I was watching this story on tv the other day and it is so unfortunate that people who ar3 so vulnerable ar3 th3 ones who get caught up in this kinds of things. It’s very sad that poverty can drive people into doing things that risk their lives If people had a way to make money and just take care of their lives, I doubt if we would be having such incidents. I wish some countries would come up with certain things or jobs that would help the lessfortunate in the society to avoid this kinds of things. I feel so sad that the maid could be executed because of someone else, while they got in jail the owner of the drugs comes out clean and safe. It saddens me but I cannot do anything.

      • I have no question if that person be firing squad as long as they are really drug traffickers. But she is a maid and have no money and all she wants is a good future for her two child. She may carried that but she is not the real suspect because she was only used by the syndicate. Its so sad the government who should give assistance seems don’t mind at her.To think they are considered modern heroes.

    • I think the president should show some compassion, he may have strong stance against illegal drug but showing some favorable action not to the family but to the whole nation who are shouting for Mary Jane, he should do some move for the benefit of this modern hero Pinay.

    • I think there is no place for compassion. We are thinking from the platform of a common citizen. He might have viewed the case from the human point of view. How many innocent youth might have lost their beautiful days due to this drug trafficking? Because Veloso happens to be a woman he should consider his plea. If he takes such stand then the stand taken becomes diluted.

      Because it is not only an issue pertaining to Filippino but also to Indonesia where there also the President bent upon chastising the drug pushers. He can not plead time and again his neighbouring country to show sympathy on her.

      Such decisions appear to be quite indigestible. What about the efforts made by the police and other Agencies if the criminal is let lose? They lose confidence and control over the public. People will take these agencies very light. At the same time, the position comes back to the point of origin only.

      The lady was kept in prison for the last 9 years and a decision for her execution was taken when Mr Duterte took charge of the office. Unfortunately, he had to take such decision which would have been taken by someone else if he had not been in the office.

    • The decision of president is not good and also not in favor of nation. I think that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday that he would not interfere if Indonesia decided to execute a Filipina inmate convicted of drug smuggling, whose case drew international attention last year.

      “I told him about Mary Jane and … that Mary Jane brought 2.6 kg of heroin,” said Jokowi, as the Indonesian President is widely known, according to the Indonesian Cabinet Secretary’s website

      The Philippine President had previously hinted that we would appeal for Veloso’s life. Before leaving for a regional summit in Laos on Sept. 5, Duterte said he “might just accept the system and plead for mercy.”

      According to CNN Philippines, Veloso is due to give testimony in the trial against her alleged recruiters “very soon,” her lawyer said. The Philippine state department said her execution had been indefinitely deferred.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Who knows, maybe they are discussing it now. The program might be in the process of writing so that it can be easy for us to handle or manage our post here. I’m in favor for an option of edit button.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Long issue or not but maybe because I’m just still in the newbie category and not long been here so there are just so many things needed to clarify. Thanks because its just so informative from you.  We cannot edit but we can repost it so the previous one will be deleted. But I think LB should have their round table discussion now whether or not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Okay, so this answer why I can’t find the delete or edit option for the post articles. I just hope there will be an option for this because I think this is necessary for the writers to edit their post especially when necessary.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD started the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Lets just say I commit another mistake in my post and I wanted to edit some of it in my ‘awaiting approval’ article. The problem, I cannot find an edit button or feature for me to do it. There must be some way to do it, can you please educate me about this?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Philippines Celebrating Eid’l Adha 8 years ago

    Today, the Philippines is non-working holiday in observance Feast of Sacrifice of our countrymen Muslims. Though the red date is September 13 which is Tuesday in our calendar but our government made the holiday […]

    • The news I woke up to this morning was about a mosque being vandalized in broad daylight. I guess the vandal was taking advantage of the holiday being celebrated. I don’t know the whole story. But I do know these acts don’t solve any problems or correct anything. The good news is that they were caught on camera.

      • That is really a bad news because Muslims are celebrating the feast of sacrifice. Respect for other people’s belief should always be given importance. We might have difference in faith but we are all still brothers and sisters and nobody will respect each other but us. Those suspects should be punish.

    • I have heard some stories and even view in facebook updates that some of our Overseas Filipino Workers especially the Domestic Helpers can received some gifts from their employers. In my interview with Imam, he said this is common, they slaughter some animals and give the meat to the needy and poor people.

    • Oh..This is a good development towards religious tolerance. Even then,in some parts of Philippines, there are some stray incidents over religion take place. We can not find fault with them as they happen with a spur of emotion. However, such incidents are very rare in every country. Clashes over religious grounds are almost fading away but are being replaced with terrorist activities. This is the sorry state of affairs prevailing in every country.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 10 Tips to Cure Snoring Problems 8 years ago

    Snoring is not a small matter to be laugh at, making jokes
     about it would hurt the snorer feelings and pride.
    Calling […]

    • Those are quite a number of things or tips to follow so that you avoid snoring. I don’t know how effective they ar3, because I think when you ar3 tired it’s very easy for you to snore. Whether you ha e the above things or not it’s inevitable Anyway the only thing that I have tried is to stop sleeping in your back that will help. Putting your back suspended could cause more snoring instead of stopping it. The next time I hear anyone close to me snoring I will try your methods and see how it all goes.

    • What you have mentioned here really helps but I think there is now a machine or gadget to use that is so effective it does really help. Snoring, I have also experienced this, twice in my life that I encountered two people (in different venue) who have really a very loud snoring. The exaggeration of snoring like a horn of ship, maybe its not. Its really so loud that you can hear it even 10 meters away. I cannot sleep at those occasions. Snoring problem was never really a joke to those people concerned.

    • An interesting and informative to get rid of snoring habit. Problem to health which can arise due to snoring are also clearly mentioned. This is generally found among those people who sleep with their mouth open or have some problem related to ENT. It affects the overall health and well being of the individual. It also disturbs the sleeping pattern which is required for the individual to remain healthy and it also disturbs the sleeping of your partner or others who may be sleeping with you. Thus spoiling their health too.

      Now a days solutions are available to this problem- sleep apnea. The sooner people having problem to snoring visit a doctor the better it is for their health as their being healthy is crucial to them and also for their family too. Appreciate this informative article.

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