• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Nutrients Your Body Needs 8 years ago

    Do you know how to balance your diet?
    A well-balanced diet means to eat food that
     provides all the essential nutrients your body needs in
     order to be healthy, strong and fit.
     It is wise to know what nutrient […]

    • Thanks for the info. Always looking for healthy ways to eat.

    • That is great- getting information for balanced eating is very useful and always welcome.

    • Very informative your post. I think our body needs the body nutrients but the problem is we just don’t know how to do it and sometimes we just ignored it. With this informative post, this really help to us.

    • Those are some good tips to follow. I always try to incoperate my daily good with a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc. I k is how healthy eating is good for your body, so I try to keep up with routine. Though sometimes it’s hard especially when you have people in the house who will want to eat something totally different from what you are used to it what you want to cook. Like there are people who will eat the same good every single day and when you try to change the diet that would lament and say that good will not satisfy them or they don’t like that type of food. How can you convince them that it is good for them. And these are the same kinds of people who don’t take juices or tea that has milk neither are they keen on taking water after meals. Honestly I don’t know how some people survive without taking water the whole day it buffles me.

    • Yes, vegetables are full of vitamins not minerals. Human body makes just scan vitamins when we take vegetables as vitamins A B C D E ….these vitamins are most important for human body if our body is lack of vitamins our great and small intestines will not work properly and we will have a lot of problem.

      The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body’s mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients.

      The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body’s mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients. Click on any of the vitamins below to find out more about its health benefits.

      Vitamins can be consumed in a variety of ways. Most common vitamins are acquired through the foods we eat, but depending on your cultural or cuisine traditions, it is possible to be low in some natural vitamin intake. Therefore, the nutrition industry has made supplements available that can boost the vitamin content in your body.

      A multivitamin is often considered one of the best options for improving the overall balance of your body, particularly if you have a job or a lifestyle that frequently causes you to miss meals, eat at strange times, or eat the same food very often.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    oh yes, my posts are approved too.

    At least, they are published, don’t have to worry much.

    And got paid too!

    Happy to be here but sad that the forums aren’t moving much

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Oat Crunchies 8 years ago

    A few years ago, I had found this Oat Crunchie recipe in the local newspaper , cut it out and paste it into my recipe scrap book.
    I must admit that this is the best cookie I had ever baked, very satisfied […]

    • One is supposed to eat oats to keep cholesterol in control. But eating porridge every day could be quite boring. This could be a great alternative.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      This is a very long recipe,but worth to cook this. I also keep some of your recipes for future cooking especially during summer when i am free, no work and only cooking will be what I will be very busy about he he he. I hope it won;t make me fat as i am maintaining my weight 55 kilos.I have to discipline my appetite or just do series of dancing to break the calories ,lol.Eating does a lot of fun and the body does not react and refuse hehehe.

    • Oats in the crunch mode in our mouth, wow, this cookies rocks. This might be good to my children and I think it will give them health body because of the oats, of course. I think I need to learn this too.

    • A crunchie is the perfect sweet treat to enjoy with a cup of hot coffee or tea, or with ice-cream for dessert. Follow this easy recipe and make a batch or two of the crispiest oat crunchies on the planet.

      180g margarine
      2 cups oats
      1 cup coconut
      1 cup flour
      1 cup sugar
      1 tbsp syrup
      1 tsp bicarbonate
      Melt butter and syrup together.
      Add bicarbonate and stir until it froths.
      Mix dry ingredients in.
      Flatten the mixture out on a greased baking tray.
      Cook at 180ºC for 20-30 minutes.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Egg Tofu with Minced Meat Sauce 8 years ago

    This is an easy entry meal!
    A perfect main course dish for my family, who loves tofu and minced meat very much .
    Yesterday, after I had browsed through the fridge for any left-overs ( my hubby always reminded me […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I salute you peach you are a very hard working lady in terms of cooking.I hope your kids are not over weight hehehe kidding aside. I love tofu. I can cook this.I bought a recipe in the mall that contains only different recipes of tofu, so I learned to cook the recipe of my preference.I am so thankful that I have just dined or else I will be so hungry hehehehe.Good work @peach purple.You have many posts approved this time.

    • Your husband is correct, no waste on food. Even when I eat at restaurant, I’m always the last one to finish because I sometimes eat left overs in the bowl. Its been my habit because there are so many people not eating in a day and here we are just wasting these leftover food. I salute you for making some twists food in your fridge.

    • I think your recipe is a bit different for me because I am male and I tried to make the dish you mention in the article but could not make properly and got disappointment standing in the kitchen. Now I read in the nook and find this recipe that is very easy for all. as

      1: What you will need. Ingredients: You’ll need water, 3 cups of dry soy beans and 2 TBSP of Epsom Salt. …
      Step 2: Soak and Blend. …
      Step 3: Stir and Simmer. …
      Step 4: Strain Out Milk. …
      Step 5: Coagulate. …
      Step 6: Add to Mold. …
      Step 7: Finished.

      Tofu is great in so many recipes and easy to make. Along the way you will also make soy milk and have some okara left over. Okara is basically just bean pulp but it is great in breads, burgers, or cookies.

      You’ll need water, 3 cups of dry soy beans and 2 TBSP of Epsom Salt. As an alternative to the Epsom Salt, you may use 75ml of lemon juice. Most of the nicer grocery stores will have the soy beans and you can find Epsom Salt at the pharmacy.

      Food processor or blender, 2 large pots, 1 colander, 1 strainer, and a mesh bag. Instead of the mesh bag you could also use a few layers of cheesecloth.

    • Egg tofu, as its name suggests, is made a type of savory tofu flavored with egg. It is usually (if not always) available in the tube form.

      As with all tofu, egg tofu is high in calcium, protein and iron, while being low in calories at the same. It helps guards against colon cancer and heart diseases. It is also known to promote energy production and aid in weight loss.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Handle Your Stress with your Child 8 years ago

    Sometimes, when I am facing stressed out, I couldn’t make myself cheerful in-front o […]

    • Our child is the joy of our home but of course, sometimes, they cause stress because they might be annoying because they are just too repetitive and stubborn. Or maybe they break some porcelain or appliances in the house.

      Your tip to handle stress is so important to us, I think this really helps to us.

    • The main cause of stress is that when someone’s be uncertain about the problem he or she facing in such condition uncertainty terror spreads in human soul and we call in stress in modern language.

      When someone makes a corner in his or her mind the preaction result of any action causes stress in human soul. Actually it is created in human soul and its appearance becomes on human mind screen and its mirror becomes human face.

      If you have stress in such condition think what is your mistake in this matter that causes stress because there is no action that has its reaction. The same formula is applied in case of stress. You do something wrong in any shape and its reaction appears in semblance of stress prevailing on human face.

    • At present this is the best blog that I can relate to.

      I’m really short tempered and handling a naughty kid is no more than a big challenge for me. I usually cannot handle work pressure be it household or professional.

      The situation further worsens when you have a kid eating up your head the whole day long.

      But i shall follow your advice from now on and really hope the it will help me to make my life better.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Congrats to you.

    Last month I did reached $10, but as for this month, I don’t know yet.

    Right now, I am in the midst of $4, still a long way to go

    I guess I have to write 3 posts per day in order to reach the min payout

    Best of luck to all

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    congrats to you.

    I just got mine to , 11 sept, very happy even though my earning is smaller than yours, but am happy.

    I am glad that LB still pays us on the dot.

    Hope that everyone is being paid

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Pastor Died In Road Accident 8 years ago

    A female pastor in died in a road accident while his husband who is also a pastor was in in critical condition when they were slammed into an Elf van in a vehicular accident happened in the national road, […]

    • Just this morning I learned that even the husband pastor died in hospital. I learned this from a person who belong to their sect that told me the husband did not survive the operation.

      Its accident happened in an area where many accidents have had happened there. Many lives have been sacrificed in the said place.

    • May his soul rest in peace. Motor bikes ar3 a sure way of getting to where your going fast but th3 bad thing is that it carries with it a lot of dangers. Many people don’t see them as dangers but they ar3. If only th3 riders could be more cautious and try their luck with cars. They need to take extra care especially when it rains. Back in our country this accidents are pretty much an everyday occurence and it’s really taking a toll on families, where people are taking into riding without taking proper riding lessons before they get to the roads.very unfortunate.

    • This is a case of overtaking. while overtaking generally the youth can not guess the speed required while overtaking a front vehicle. They should also know how to handle the situation if any vehicle comes in the front. They do not have any estimation and are prone to such accidents. Here the motorbike driver and the pillion rider both expired. Both are above 45. Why and how he took such a decision to overtake another vehicle is really not coming to my understanding.

      The road conditions also are responsible for such accidents. The position is not good with India also. Here also the manholes are not covered properly with responsibility and sometimes during rainy season people disappear into the manholes. But, the opposition doie not make an issue over such incidents. They make out an issue over other indecent , indisciplined activities.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How do Chinese celebrate Mid Autumn Festival 8 years ago

    Mid Autumn Festival, also known as Mooncake
     Festival ( in chinese – Zhong Qiu Jie ) will be held
     this on the Sept 15th 2016.

    This is one of the four important festivals widely 
    celebrated all around the wor […]

    • Cool! Sharing this via my foodie blog. I collect stuff about world cuisine. It’s interesting to know the story behind the dishes.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Avoid Stress Eating 8 years ago

    Everyone love living in this modern techno world.

    There are tons of wonderful advance technology, fast food but experiencing stress is one of the “thing” that everyone has to overcome one way or […]

    • Food is necessary for human body but too much eating is bad for health and human spirit because too much full stomach produces problem for blood circulation and human spirit. Full stomach cannot pass air and water in the whole body and. Too much eating hurts human stomach.

      Full stimach problems as
      Gallstones are stones that form in the gallbladder, a tiny sac that hangs out under the liver, disgorging bile as needed to digest fats.

      Such meals trigger the gallbladder to contract. “If the gallbladder is inflamed, any contraction of that nature will be amplified and typically will cause pain to the patient

      nflammation of the pancreas can cause burning pain in the upper or middle abdomen. Some people even have shooting pain that drives right through to their back

      Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can cause pain in the upper stomach and lower chest

      Eating too much food or the wrong type of food (fatty, for instance) can make it worse

      n some areas of the world, the lactose intolerant outnumber those who can digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products.

      This type of food intolerance causes milder abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, burping, gas, and indigestion.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sharp Decline in Children and Teen Reading 8 years ago

    The joy of reading has decline sharply over the decades.

    School age children and teenagers in secondary schools have shown poor pronunciation due to lack of practice in usage.

    Pupils in Chinese and Malay […]

    • Good. Let me know about another article of yours. I like your writing style.

    • It is very true unfortunately that kids nowadays have no time for reading school books. Even the story books that our parents used to buy for us when we were younger so that we could improve on our English language, spellings and grammar, things that made us better are things that are not being done by parents nowadays. If I look back in the days parents had a day in everything that a child was doing and it was their word against the kids. No one had a right as such to decline what the parent said you just had to do it for your own goodness sake. So would I be wrong to say that parents nowadays are slacking behind when it comes to taking care of their kids? I don’t think so .like you have said kids from the age of 5 spend so much time online, who teaches those kids how to operate those gadgets and how do they get hold of them is it not the parents in the pretends that they want their kids to be well informed and not slack back? If anything the best thing a parent would do for a child is to get them various books and teach them what the real world is all about.and not lie to them that the world is an easy place to be. It’s only the parents that can decide what a child should and should not have not the other way round that is my opinion.

      • yes, if parents had initiated the first step, then children will follow suit later.
        Back then, my parents couldn’t afford to buy story books for me.
        We had borrowed from libraries and got free old encyclopedias from my rich cousins.

        We never had computers at home since we cannot afford one.
        So that is how I got hooked to reading

    • The question now is how to bring back the interest in children to read stories. It will never be a question if there are good stories because we have lots of books and stories from the past up to now.

      Maybe the parents should invest time to read some stories to their children. This one will develop their interest to read more stories. When I was a kid I love to read stories and now I am a writer.

      • true, parents should spend more time on reading books, newspapers to kids when they are young.
        because once they becomes adult, they are not keen in reading anymore

    • It is a fact that children are not interested in reading due to computer or YVs or movies all dancing on the screen before their eyes that is why reading trends in children are losing interest but I think it is a very serious matter we all must think abut this serious and dangerous matter what to do now?

      f we want our young people to read, it won’t happen automatically. There are too many other fun things to do. But it’s not rocket science. If we care about reading, and if we put good books in front of students, and if we foster a love of reading, then young people will read.

      Your life evolves into different sets of responsibilities, interests and aspirations that are reflected by how you utilize time. In other words, one day you were a readaholic and then next you discover internet video surfing which replaced your reading times. Surfing time became more important to you.

      The best part of reading is that not only do you gain knowledge but the process of reading books helps unlocks different parts of your brain that enhances your ability to acquire different perceptions and interpretation about life that leads to deeper insight.

      Let us think why children are losing interest in reading?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Barangay Basketball Tournament 8 years ago

    Barangay Basketball Tournament
    Do not question Filipino because of height because the passion their passions are taller than of Americans who have the National Basketball Tournament.
    Do not belittle the skills […]

    • I don’t usually watch barangay tournament in our place maybe because its not my interest but still many folks have always been over gaga in some basketball tournament in their barangay like it seems a much awaited event to watch out for! My youngest brother has been a MVP of their league but later he stop playing in the tournament due to a certain fracture in his right legs.

      • Still one of the hottest sports in the Philippine backyard. Basketball have been always part of barangay fiesta. If only Filipinos have height then we have also in the top teams of the world.

    • It is not a question of the place which you are coming from but how you are playing. Basketball is my favorite game. I like it. My daughter represented Nationals also. Though she is short she plays extremely well. That is why she was selected. You could understand how much I like the game.

      This is the game meant for quickness and mental alertness. One should keep on moving throughout the time and watch for the ball.

      Your country is really doing a good effort.At the same time, the Government and people are also equally showing interest in improving their game.

    • Yes, taller than the Americans are playing today national basket ball tournament in Philippine with full zeal and zest among the national and international audience.

      The tournament is now officially open for this year’s Mayor’s Cup Inter-Barangay Basketball. The Opening ceremony participated by 20 teams from the different barangays was held at the Villasis Gymnasium last March 28, 2015.

      In his welcome address, Liga Pres. Hon. Romeo S. Abrenica said “enjoy game without physically hurting anyone. Huwag kayong papaapekto sa mga kantiyaw ng manonood at para sa lahat iwasan niyo sana ang pakikipag-pustahan dahil ito ang nagiging sanhi ng mainit na laro, gulo at away. Sa mga officials and referees, tingnan mabuti ang bawat call para magkaroon tayo ng magandang laro.”

      Mayor Dita thanked everyone who participated in this year’s tournament and stressed that sports is one of her priority projects intended for youths to have a worthwhile activity while resting from school and to enhance their skills in basketball and to develop camaraderie, teamwork and discipline.

      Municipal Officials who attended the opening ceremony were Vice Mayor Paz Rafanan, Coun. Louie Sison, Coun. Nong Costales, Coun. Cheryll Tan, Coun. Judith Morden, Coun. Richie Cacapit Coun. Rolly Morden and Brgy. Captains of the participating teams.

      Special awards were also given during the opening ceremony. Mayor’s Cup 2015 Muse was Miss Angelica C. Guinto, muse of Brgy. Capulaan. She received Php 3,000.00 from Ex-Mayor Nato and Mayor Dita Abrenica. Best in Uniform winner was Brgy. Piaz team and received Php 5,000.00 cash prize.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Plagiarised comments in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Just I like I just came from this user, its good you have already alerted the admin regarding this matter. Its really hard when someone is making nuisance here because it also affects our mode. Hope the admin will make an immediate action regarding this matter

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Its fiesta time in our barangay San Nicolas, tonight’s activity includes the coronation night of the popularity contest. The King and Queen of the night must be preparing already by this time.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic What Would Be My Future as a Senior Citizen? in the forum Group logo of Seniors and youSeniors and you 8 years ago

    Seniors now have many activities going on because the organization and association are active providing some good programs for you. There are good programs that includes livelihood programs, light sports activities and even pageant. You may also keep yourself busy on agriculture and gardening.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Seniors and youSeniors and you 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    what is embedded content?

    I only highlight the word, add url link for the site and thats it.

    But those url links are wikipedia, etc, not my site.

    Is it OK?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    sorry to hear that.

    But getting 15 cents for 500 words, seems so little.

    I am posting 2-3 articles per day.

    yes, the last few days, there was a big and huge delay in publishing but after the 2nd day, it seems that everything is back to normal now.

    Yesterday i posted 1 article, got published.

    So, maybe 1-2 posts should be ok.

    Tinycent, i keep…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Tiny Cent Stopped Paying? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    maybe it is still early to say about the “scam” thing?

    Let us give that sitea few more days

    Since it is paying to paypal writers now, just wait and see how it goes.

    If it doesn’t pay in 30 days, now, that is a scam site.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Who Wants To Be The King And Queen? 8 years ago

    Do you think it’s the contest for the most popular person in the city or town? In fact it is not meant for the most popular or the most beautiful person in the city. Not even the most beautiful person or the h […]

    • What is the money used for? Is it donated to a charitable work?

      • Usually, the generated money is used for the fiesta activities like prizes on different sports activities, buying things needed for decor in the whole community, for snacks during the activities, or the whole amount can be allotted for a certain project in the village like repair of barangay hall or cementing of road.

    • Philippines has many king and queens maybe because it was a part of our tradition, of our cultural heritage, and of our interest that lives on even up to this day of the modern age of technology. As we look back in this past years, philippines has been dominated the beauty pageant around the world with their own unique beauty, to show the world that we are not only beautiful inside and out but we have the eyes to see people who are in want, to bring equality to all, and to inspire people to never give up and stop dreaming, to follow that dreams, and make that dreams into reality.

      • Truly this is part of Philippine tradition. We have been like during the Spanish colonization of our country. Our rich culture and traditions also credited to our colonizers which we still practice until now. Our village fiesta are so enjoyable because of this traditions we have.

    • I have the same question as @Treathyl FOX has. What is the money for? Choosing a king and queen based on how much one collects does not seem to be a justification for that.

      • Yes, I forgot to mention about it. The accumulated money is used for fiesta activities or can also be used to fund certain project in the village, depending on what the village officials had approved.

    • Ha ha, that is true, we are all king and queen to our own way. We are the royalties without the protocol and without the wealth.

    • We call kind of thing beauty contest and name it something like miss or Mr so and so naming them from where they come from. Some of the things you ha e mentioned are similar to what we do back in our country as well They ar3 usually asked questions regarding the place they come from and if the judge’s are happy with their answers then they ar3 crowned with a tiara for the girl with flowers and so on and so for the. Then a celebration follows.there after.

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