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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of PhotographyPhotography 8 years ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of FALZ NATIONFALZ NATION 8 years ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 8 years ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic What kind of competitions do you enjoy watching? in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 8 years ago

    i like the olympics, so many types of sports to watch and I can say that the Chinese, USA and other countries are very strong competitors

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    peachpurple started the topic Are share medias view consider as a view at Tinycent? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I read that sharing our Tinycent posts at share medias sites are allowed.

    however, I just wanted to know whether the views at share medias are considered as views at Tinycent?

    Although the readers are not Tinycent member, are their views considered as views ?

    Hope that someone can help me out

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    peachpurple replied to the topic I removed all posts from blogbourne in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I have not written anything yet at blogbourne because i see the rules keep changing after a member of literacybase had taken over it.

    Anyway, I have no prejudice over that site but it is for sure not user friendly.

    I have not visited there for 1-2 months.

    I had been focusing here at LB most of the time.

    I think I just leave it there since I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic How to search & reply at Tinycents in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I had just joined Tinycents today.

    I must admit that this site is similar to Bubblews and Mykites.

    With 200 words per post, I have no problem with posting 3 posts per day even though the maximum post are 10.

    Now the problem is how do I:

    1) reply to comments to the writer? Do I add @ before the username?

    2) How do I search the writers…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Worldwide GLOBAL shut down. in the forum Group logo of Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back?Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back? 8 years ago

    I thought there is save the light day, right?

    that is the day when I don’t on my gadgets, laptop, cellphone, tv, etc.

    I just read books, play boardgames, walk around.

    Trying to save a little but not everyone is into this gig yet

    Maybe, it should be a compulsory holiday then, everyone will follow the steps

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Addressing the Elderly, our Parents with Respect in the forum Group logo of Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back?Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back? 8 years ago

    yes it would be nice to do so, but how many of us can remember those old fashion values?

    My mom didn’t tell me about those values, only my grandmother knows but she is gone now.

    Furthermore, I don’t know either, let alone my aunts and uncles, they don’t know either…

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Double Treat Payment for Me in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    congrats, having paid by both sites, I am sure that you are super happy

    I haven’t try at tinycents yet

    I was thinking whether I have the time or not since I had been busy writing 3 posts daily here

    How did you managed for both sites?

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    peachpurple replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    yeah, nobody can edit the post, whether approved or still pending.

    But you can request admin to help you out by going to CONTACT

    Give him your reasons and which part to edit.

    I did that for my featured image

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chawanmushi Custard Recipe 8 years ago

    The first time when I had tried Chawanmushi, I thought that it was just another egg
     pudding, which was my first impression of it.

    However,I was surprised that Chawanmushi is part of the side meal, a tasty egg  […]

    • Custard is a food of love. That’s what I say! 🙂

    • I never heard about it. As such I am interested trying it. I actually try different recipes at home whenever I get leisure. Chawanmushi is the name of the Dish? Why has it got that name?. This is purely made of egg. why are we using chicken also? The name is quite interesting.
      The next important thing is the ingredients chicken and egg both do cause heat. So it must be prepared at home occasionally but, not regularly.
      This is ideal for a side dish as per the information. Am I right?

    • Looks like a delicious dish of baked keisch using a dozen of eggs(not sure of the spelling. I like sweet custard desserts which I never tire of savoring after and traditional meal.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Wow friend this seems a dramatic recipe hehehe, why? simply because it looks so mysterious. It seems only eggs are mixed with it, but many others.I want to taste this recipe. My sister is always happy every time I hand over here another recipe.This recipe is also very nutritious. I am so sure the kids at home, my nephews would surely like the taste of this. Thanks .

    • Why is Chinese good so comply eyes of I may ask? I say that because I have never heard a Chinese meal that only comprises of two foods in th3 plate there ar3 usually so many foods incinerated with something. And i also find their recipes a bit complicated. Now yo this recipe custard is known as a dessert to many people soft sweet and succulent yet light to th3 stomach. Why do you have to spoil th3 taste with something sour or salty mmhh I wonder what this dish tastes like. Is it a sweet sour taste?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Warning, Do Not Catch Tadpoles! 8 years ago

    Beware those who love eating exotic food that includes the adobo (cook in soy and vinegar) because this is now prohibited in our place. No these creatures are not considered endangered, its just a move to […]

    • Tadpols when I think of what we used to do when we were kids I just laugh. There was a small stream where the neighbourhood kids used to come together with containers then get into the stream and start catching the tadpols.usually it’s th3boys who used to go ahead and catch them while we watch from afar. So I remember telling them that they were not fish they were frogs but they wouldn’t listen, so we would play around them and watch them grow but at some point my big brother pours it out. It was adventourous to do such things but not anymore

    • But now, our kid’s play will be halted because of some ordinances and laws prohibiting people to catch them. For the good of human kind we need to follow the rules.

    • I have never heard this kind of ordinance. What I know is about the protection and preservation of endangered species in plants and animals. But tadpoles seem to be “weird” I should say. In any manner, it is a good move. Your government deserves to be lauded. In our country, there are various laws and ordinances protecting the environment including those on the air, on land and on the sea. Well, logically, these tadpoles probably are also included.

      Frogs are exotic foods. People cook them and eat. Frog delicacy is delicious. It tastes good and it is good for the body. By the way, these tadpoles have reminded me of my early days. We used to catch them from the canal where we always passed after our classes. They’re so many of them in the canal, swimming to and fro. We picked them up and placed them inside the small bottle. We enjoyed watching them inside the bottle. When we’re done playing with them, we threw them back to the canal.

      • I have heard in some towns having the same ordinance passing in their council. Maybe there is already a law protecting this tadpoles because of its importance in farming and the towns and cities are just adopting this into their town. But it is a laudable move because frogs now are on the verge of extinction because it is considered to be a good food.

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    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    none yet

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    SuperD wrote a new post, The Dying Of Tradition 8 years ago

    Filipino tradition about caring of the department relative is extra-ordinary. It’s not the last wish of the departed but the relatives and family giving all the best that they can for the last time to s […]

    • There are many tradition that filipinos must follow when one of their love ones passed away, like never ever leave a deceased unattended specially at night over their wake, praying for the repose of their soul, having bless the body by a priest, and offering mass for them.

      • And that makes our tradition unique no other race can have. Giving importance to our beloved one, giving the last sacrifice is always a treasure culture we can always practice.

    • I don’t know when it started or who started it, but there is one tradition that has developed in the United States that I really like and that I think shows honor to the departed and that is … instead of flowers for the grave, donating money to a charity or a non-profit foundation or any kind of good work. Usually it’s a contribution to an effort that the deceased was passionate about or maybe it’s continuing research on a sickness that was the cause of death of that person or something like that. The family would request that in lieu of flowers, make a donation to ________. It’s a lovely and practical tradition!

      • We have different of practicing this tradition, but we call it “saranay” of helping. The community that include friends and relatives will donate money to the family of the departed one and then it will be used for the funeral service. Always, we have a feeding for the people who attended the funeral procession and the money collected is what we used to buy pigs, rice, vegetables, water among others.

    • By the way it seems like the traditions that people used to have back in the days is slowly dying away. It’s high time that people stopped all this manner of traditions and just did things in the right way without having to do certain things. Like in our tradition it is said that when a father dies in a family the kids are supposed to shave their heads clean in respect of the dead we never knew what all the symbolized to date but it’s a good thing that most people are slowly walking away from this kinds of things that make no sense at all.

      • I believe some traditions need to be forgotten because some are practice by paganism but I believe some are good enough to brought to the next generations because its part of our humanity.

    • It is a fact that people are forgetting the old tradition. It is very pathetic when I was crossing from a road I saw funeral but very sad that there were a few persons with the funeral. Looking at this site my heart wept and really tears floated in my eyes thinking this that all old traditions are dying with the modernism

      Is it our new civilization that is making the new generation away from the old cherished traditions. I think old traditions are dying like the some old species as Diasporas and flying and Phoenix….

      All traditions will die withe passage of time but there are some traditions will never die on earth as
      The Wedding Cake
      Fresh New Idea:
      The Bridal Shower
      The Rings
      Marriage ceremony

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Bacon and dried shrimp hash brown 8 years ago

    Whenever I have breakfast at McD, I never miss out Hash Brown for sure.

    Crispy Hash Brown, hot and steamy, when I tear it into halves, ohhh, you can see the steam oozing out.

    Hot and delicious!

    Hence, […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Learn How To Cook Pineapple Fried Rice 8 years ago

    Okay, let us all agree, fried rice is the meal to […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Malaysian Cuisine: Nasi Minyak aka Fragrance Rice 8 years ago

    This is a mouth watering rice that I had tried out
     today at my friends place. 
    My Muslim friend mentioned that this is called 
    Nasi Minyak. 
    If you direct translate it, it should be oily rice but it 
    so […]

    • It looks good in the dish and I think will be tasty in eating sure but it is most difficult in making at home. Here’s a simple but fragrant rice which goes great with rich, flavorful dishes while still boasting a presence of its own.

      Shallots, ginger and garlic are sauteed in ghee along with cinnamon, cloves and green cardamom to release a wonderful aroma that will uplift your kitchen. Raisins and cashew nuts provide a juicy and crunchy texture. You will love it! This is a family recipe and another one of those dishes that make me think of home.

      usually cook this in a rice cooker. I’ve never understood why people painstakingly cook rice over the stove. I’ve done it with risotto and it was torture. You don’t have to baby sit it, your arm won’t fall off with the constant stirring and the bottom doesn’t burn in the rice cooker. If you are serious about delving into Asian cuisine, do yourself a favor and go buy one of these. You can thank me later.

      Stick a finger vertically into the pot and measure the height of rice from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Mark it with your thumb. Now move your finger (with the thumb still marking the spot) and rest it on top of the leveled rice and measure the height from the top of the rice to the top of the water. The water level should be equal to or 1/2 inch more to the measurements from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Easy right? Who needs a measuring cup?

      Ghee rice goes well with Cucumber Pickled Salad (Acar Timun) and Minangkabau Beef. The tender, spiced beef with coconut undertones meld with the fresh cucumber and sweet pineapple juices from the salad on a base of fragrant rice. What’s not to love? The combined aroma of these three in the kitchen always brings back the nostalgia of home. What food scents remind you of home?

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Motorbike Riders are not Wearing Helmet 8 years ago

    I just couldn’t understand these motorbike 
    Seeing these young residents residing at the 
    same residential area, everyday I could see
     young riders riding motorbikes without
     wearing helmets.


    • yes, you say that every motor biker rider must wear helmet on head to save his body while driving keeping in mind road accident by chance. If you drive carefully, other may trike your bike anon and any life may waste without reason. Therefore I suggest all must wear hamlet while driving.

      Helmets are considered as an essential safety gear for protection from head injury. Wearing a helmet while you are riding a bike might not be very comfortable, but it is obviously the most secured way to ride a two wheeler. Wearing a helmet can give you many riding advantages and it can actually make your riding experience more splendid.

      If you think your helmet is bothering you while riding, you should opt for a good quality lightweight helmet, but should not decide to go without it. First we will discuss on how does a helmet work? And then we will take a look at the advantages of wearing helmet.

      While riding a two wheeler in speed the wind noise can be really bothering for the ears even if the weather is not windy. The more is your speed the wind noise gets that much louder and can be really disturbing while riding on the highways.

      In case there is wind it can even become difficult to ride a two wheeler without a proper helmet. Keeping your ears covered from noise of wind make it possible to listen to the surroundings better, which can be helpful to avoid an accident.

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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Its afternoon again, getting ready to go home now.

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