• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Shredded Chicken with Scewpine Leaves 8 years ago

    The best way to learn how to cook different chicken 
    recipes is to copycat the dishes serve in restaurants!

    Recently, my brother-in-law had treated us a wonderful 
    meal at a well-known Chinese restaurant to ce […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Papaya Coconut Jelly With Soya Bean Milk 8 years ago

    In my backyard, there are 2 papaya trees which were accidentally
     planted by my mother-in-law.

    You see, she threw away the papaya seeds into the backyard garden
    and who knows, out grew 2 papaya seedlings which […]

    • It is nice but difficult in eating as I think but other people what think I do not know. i will have to make it to taste it at home I just combined soy milk and papaya together with sago pearls to present a lovely and healthy dessert for my guests at home.

      You really don’t have to spend a lot of time making this dessert. What you need is to cook the sago pearls for about 10 minutes and use a melon baller or a smaller rounded measuring spoon to scoop balls out of the papaya. Sounds easy, right?
      It is easy toprepare as

      Cut papaya into half lengthwise and remove seeds. Cut each half in half again. Insert a melon baller into the papaya half.

      Twist the scoop around completely, cutting out a perfect ball. Place the papaya balls in the fridge for later use.

      Rinse sago under running water in a sieve till the water runs clear. Drain well and pour into a pot of 1200ml boiling water. Let it keep boiling for 5 minutes and turn of the heat.

      Cover the sago pearls with a lid for another 5 minutes or until you see the sago pearls are clear with white dots. Pour out sago pearls into the sieve and rinse with cold water, drain well.

      Then combine the papaya balls, soy milk and cooked sago pearls together in a large serving bowl, stir well and chill until ready to serve.

      Alternately pour soy milk into individual serving cups, add some papaya balls and a tablespoon of cooked sago pearls and stir well before serving.

    • wow got a lot from the post papaya also contain a nutural remedy for ulcers and heart burns.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of CalmgeminiCalmgemini are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu and Profile picture of CalmgeminiCalmgemini are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Lost the urge to write in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    my friend, please don;t give up yet

    I wrote 6 posts, only 2 published, then the next day 4 posts published.

    I don’t expect LB to publish all 6 in a single day.

    However, I noticed that if your posts are consistent, the same topics, much easier to get publish and I wrote 500 words for each of them.

    Maybe you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to bake Madeleines 8 years ago

    I had often seen bakery shops selling lovely, soft and spongy Madeleines.

    Little did I know that Madeleines is a French butter cake that is often baked for teatime snack , which is one of the well known sweet […]

    • We have restaurants here in America by that name and they are French. But I never knew it was the name of a cake. I also didn’t know the cakes came in “flavors”. Sharing this. 🙂

    • Madelaine, I remember the this food in the movie of Jason Statham which I forgot the title, I think its Transporter. I love the taste of this bread and we have also the version of this in our region. Homemade is I prefer of this bread and I think the method above is really nice to follow in making some.

    • It sounds like the name of a pretty lady. I love cakes but do not know how to make them. One day I took all the ingredients. Mixed them thoroughly well. Then I poured enough oil, put it on an open fire, added the dough to the oil. I then covered the cake to bake. I went for a walk. When I came back, there was much smoke and the house was almost on fire. The cake was burnt but the inside was uncooked

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Does Anyone Got Any Payment from Blogbourne?!? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    I have not even started writing any post there because there isn’t any confirm value of the coins.

    Furthermore, 400 words , I might as well stay here for 500 words and get my cents, confirmed.

    I doubt anyone had earn any payments yet

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Eating Out Increases Calories and Health Problems 8 years ago

     Do you prefer eating out on weekdays or 

    How often do you dine out in a month?

    Many working parents had been eating out 
    with their kids for years because they are 
    too busy to prepare homecooke […]

    • You are very right. As more and more women are working outside homes, it has become very convenient to eat out. Children also prefer to try cuisines of different countries and it is very difficult to prepare all these things at home.But still, all things should be in moderation and eating out once or twice a week can be okay if at other times, we prepare and eat home made meals.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      @peacpurple, eating outside does a lot of fun and dies a lot of money spending nonsense foods. We are advised by nutrition experts to cook our foods for we know much the value of what we are cooking than eating outside foods that may harm our health. I noticed that those who always eat at Jolibee after few months their body expanded ,Lol. Simply because the foods they prepared contain lots of fatty foods and oil that sometimes cause LBM. Try to squeeze their fries, oil comes out.

    • Eating out generally is due to

      1.saving of time 2. Easy to taste various varieties 3. for a change

      When husband and wife both are employed then there is no alternative to relay on ‘TAKE AWAY’s. Even if the food is cooked at home, at least once in a week for change sake, eating out is acceptable as there is a scope for tasting varieties of food stuff also. But it should be in minimum frequencies. Frequent visits will definitely spoil the health of family members. Once in a week, I prefer to eat in Punjabi Dhabas. There I prefer only 2 Masala kulchas with Kaju Butter masala which will be quite sufficient for a dinner.

    • It is Amazing how many people Take Eating out as a Treat. They view it as Something Special. Least do view Know of the ruin they are causing.

      Meals Prepared in the house are both nutritious, Fresh and Take into consideration the calories Taken. Most of the Food out are not even Fresh. It is Better to avoid such.

      My Suggestion is that if It is a must to Take your family out then prepare your Food and Take them for a Picnic or order your Food in Advance

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The Filipino Lemonade 8 years ago

    When I was still a child and sick, I remember my mother getting 3 to 5 calamansi fruit and extract the juice, mixed a tablespoon of sugar or honey and let me drink it up to the last drop. She said it is good […]

    • You post made me thirsty Hehe. I would love a glass of lemonade right now:)

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      SuperD, you are right, there are lots of bottled calamansi juices in Philippines. I am happy to know that you are from Philippines.Where are you in Philippines? I have just read about calamansi juice , it contains high level of vitamin C that could give enough protection against bad sicknesses.I always drink bottled calamansi juice .

    • drinking calamansi juice is really refreshing! I love the taste of it coupled with sugar or honey. When i still a kid my mother used to serve us either dalandan juice, santol juice, or carrot juice. My favorite refreshment is carrot juice. It really taste good aside of it’s many healthy benefits in the human body. I love its sweety taste with milk shake favor.

    • During my tour, to U.S I never heard of this. But, my sister recently visited Philippines, Singapore, Hong-kong, and the Malaysia. She brought a bottle (of course an empty one) and said that she became a fan of this juice and through out her tour she had the opportunity of tasting it. The bottle is nice and simple.

      Are they on the move to export now?

    • One bottle = 20 glasses? That’s a good deal!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Quaker Oats Chocolate Chip Cookies 8 years ago

    Baking cookies has been one of my favorite passion since I 
    started to bake from scratch.

    I know that Chocolate Chips Cookies are American favorite 
    cookies and so are my kids.

    There are many version of Cho […]

    • I love cookies and anything biscuit. But th3 only cookis that i know how to bake are baking powder biscuits i tried them once just out of curiosity and they came out so well I was even shocked. But the one thing that i have always wanted to know how to bake are fluffy cookies. I don’t know how to bake them and I am all over trying to get the best ingredients and the methods of how to do them. Am not a particular fun of oats but I think the recipe can work without the oats. Thanks for sharing. I think at this rate I may end up being good at my baking because of your awesome tips thanks.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 8 Tips to burn calories with household chores 8 years ago

    Calories are […]

    • Archie’s comics talks of Betty and Veronica where Betty a poor girl has a perfect figure doing household chores while Veronica the rich girl struggles at Gyms and envies Betty 😀

    • This is very informative. I do a lot of household Chores but I capture back all the lost calories when I sit down with my cup of mid morning tea and eat a slice of brownie or cake:)

    • Exercise is a must for everyone though most of us don’t like to do them or even take the time to try. At least I try to do most of the exrcises that you have mentioned above. The one I did not know works to burn calories is chopping vegetables. Even though I tend to do a lot of cooking and chopping I didn’t know am doing myself some good. Brisk walking is my favorite because I do this like literally everyday for like 45 minutes though I feel tired after walking am hapo that some calories have been shed off which is a good thing.

    • We can burn our calories by doing these jobs as
      Exercise to Burn Calories. …
      10 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism. …
      Do Strength Training to Build Muscle. …
      Drink Caffeinated Green or Black Tea. …
      Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals. …
      Don’t Skip Breakfast. …
      10 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism. …
      Eat Low-Fat Dairy.

      When you exercise, you use muscle. This helps build muscle mass, and muscle tissue burns more calories — even when you’re at rest — than body fat. According to Wharton, 10 pounds of muscle would burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories.

      “Studies have shown that with increases in exercise time, the elevation in resting metabolic rate is prolonged,”

    • For those reluctant to do their household chores, the knowledge you might burn a significant amount of calories might just be the motivation you need.

      Boredom is more often than not associated with cleaning and DIY, however the vigorous exercise that goes into it is often forgotten. A jog or spin class is not the only way to burn calories and lose weight, after all.

      The home improvement service Plentific rounded up how many calories you burn each hour from doing the following chores based on an adult’s weight of 150lbs (10.7 stone).


      For light cleaning jobs like dusting or hanging up clothes, you can burn 171 calories in an hour. So if you add in some more strenuous cleaning methods like hovering, you can burn even more. The amount of calories burned cleaning are therefore equivalent to almost four jaffa cakes.


      Brushing away the dust on the kitchen floor or leaves outside on the patio for one hour can result in 269 calories being burned, meaning just 30 minutes of sweeping will burn 135 calories – almost as much as a can of coke.

      Moving furniture

      While re-organising the furniture in your home is often an arduous task, the benefits, in addition to rejuvenating the feng shui, are evident by burning 408 calories. Therefore, one hour of furniture moving is similar to playing 50 minutes of tennis.


      While the weather might be too cold to venturing out into the garden just yet, when spring arrives putting on your gloves and getting your fingers green can burn you 339 calories. Similarly, pushing around a lawn mower for an hour burns 376 calories – more than two bottles of Stella Artois.

      Painting a room

      If a New Year’s resolution was to freshen up the home with some redecorating, you’ll be pleased to know it burns 306 calories. If this is a longer job, which it very often is, and takes four hours that is 1200 calories burned on painting walls- the same as two Big Macs.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Regulating The Use Of E-bikes In Our City 8 years ago

    The good thing about the use of electric bike or e-bike in the community is how it helps to protect the environment. By using the no exhaustion machine will contribute the fight against global warming and climate […]

    • Cycling is one of the most important vehicle for every man and woman because those who drive cycles daily can safe from diabetes and all parts of the body remain active 24 hours that China is the best country where everyone drives cycle on the road and uses cycle for going school and coming back from the school.

      The benefits of cycling
      increased cardiovascular fitness.
      increased muscle strength and flexibility.
      improved joint mobility.
      decreased stress levels.
      improved posture and coordination.
      strengthened bones.
      decreased body fat levels.
      prevention or management of disease.

      Cycling is one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your daily routine because it’s also a form of transport. Cycling also:
      saves you money
      gets you fit
      helps the environment
      It’s a low-impact type of exercise, so it’s easier on your joints than running or other high-impact aerobic activities. But it still helps you get into shape.

      The best way to build your cardiovascular fitness on the bike is to ride for at least 150 minutes every week. For example, you could cycle to work a few days a week, or do a couple of shorter rides during the week with a longer ride at the weekend. You’ll soon feel the benefits.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Top 10 Dr Seuss Quotes 8 years ago

    A Short History About Dr.Seuss
    Who is Dr.Seuss? Heard of “The Cat In The Hat”?
     It is an animated children program that is aired
     all around the world w […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?WHYZ'DAT? are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @cely this surely help me my friend. Actually I observed this too that sometimes I run out of forums and blogs in the preface for me to replay with. What are you saying is that even when you are just making replies here you can make that $1. Then, if we add more the articles that we post here, that would be great, isn’t it?

    Maybe this is the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD started the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    So, we know that for us to redeem we should reach the minimum amount of $10. It should be easy if you can do a great number of posts here. How many articles have you posted here before reaching the threshold amount? How did forum discussion help you to reach the amount?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why do children steal 8 years ago

    Early Childhood
    Toddlers and children below age 3 do sometimes take things 
    home even though the items belonged to other children or adults.
    However, this is not considered as stealing because they do not 
    h […]

    • Stealing is a bad thing and if not stopped early could lead to very bad behaviour later it becomes a habit. When stealing becomes a habit it’s very dangerous because at this point a child could do anything or take anything in order to fulfil his needs. Regardless of what they know about stealing nothing would stop them. So I feel a child should be taught at 4am early age that stealing is bad and that there are consequences that follow that way he or she will be well informed and wouldn’t steal anyone’s thing.

    • This is what we call kleptomania. Stealing the items belonging to others is a bad habit. The children should be taught and can be about it without any physical punishment. Taking them to the neighbour’s house and allowing them to move with others will expose them to the different surroundings. This is a teaching which the parents do not do. Observe their movements with others and if they do wrong just tell them that it is wrong to do so. This action needs a lot of patience and tact.

    • I am currently serving a stint as a teacher and have encountered these experiences on a recurrent basis. Stealing can be caused by no more than our old sinful nature no matter the circumstances. Some kids steal out of the fun of it, the danger of being discovered. Others do it for secondary purposes like sadism. It appears that in every society, some people steal some of the time. I have discovered that the children most likely to steal are neer do wells and they tend to have resentment yelling up in them due to the constant bashing and scolding by the parents and teachers. So the society has to examine the whole issue of rewarding performance, a paradigm shift should occur in which people concentrate on the child’s strengths not weaknesses. The best punishment should involve lecturing the child by placing him or her in the footsteps of the one who has suffered material loss using one of their possessions as an illustration. This approach has seen of change some children. Its the best time to pull them off the brink.

    • That is a lot of reason why children why children tend to steal something but the numerator are the parents that should guiding their kids to a good and moral character. Just lately in our town, some kids were caught stealing junk foods in their school. The parents were given notice to come to school.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Mom’s Curry Crabs 8 years ago

    Eating home-cooked Curry Crab is a blessing in my family, 
    especially Mom’s specialty in crab recipes, the curry is simply awesome!

    Why choose live crabs
    Mom insisted on buying fresh , alive, crawling crabs […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Rainbow Salad 8 years ago

    Kids get easily bored with dull salad.

    Green vegetables, that is something that 
    they hate when it is place on the dining table.
    What is the difference between salad and 
    vegetable dishes?? They asked. […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Is Children punishment necessary? 8 years ago

    All parents have the right to punish and discipline 
    their kids but not the grandparents or other family
    Many parents including myself, felt the need to 
    punish our kids once a while when the situa […]

    • I have my own personal beliefs on reprending my children. I believe that explaining why they are being punished is helpful. Letting your child know why they are being punished and know right from wrong is .y go to. As a last resort will I spank. If it is an on going thing and they know they should not be doing it. I would rather try to get the message across in a non physical manner than resort to a spanning.

    • It is very necessary how else would they know that they are doing something wrong. Scolding or talking to them will not solve th3 problem because they will eventually get used to that and get worse on their mistakes, but canning or punishments who would want to get used to such life? I believe there is no one who would want that. Back in th3 days I won’t say that we were beaten thoroughly but punches were th3 order of the day, none of us wanted to cross my mum’s path or my dad’s path in the wrong way coz we knew what would follow was not so good. So it was upto is to decide do we want punishments of about them, we all used to try and avoid any trouble with our parents. I guess we were good kids when we grew up coz we hardly got beatings out parents brought us up well. And again it’s not only the parents who taught you manners grandparents also had a part to play, so we had no room to be rude to anyone else you would have to deal with the whole community. For me yes I would spank my child when he/she becomes unruly teaches them to behave like the saying goes spare the rod and spoil the child.

    • I think the best way to reprimand children is to talk to them like adults. I believe it works. Teaching them what is good and what is good through discussion is the best way. What is more important is to train them through our actions and in-actions. We should always bare it in our minds that whatever we do they will surely emulate us.

    • I think that punishment is must for children because evil spirit enters into the children mind and compel them to make mischief as I have read in all holy books and the the Mischief of the Spirit.

      But some parents are opposite to my view and want to talk children like an adult is not a positive approach to mend the naughty children at home and out of home.

      Psychologist say about children punishment in these words….
      Parents should avoid physical punishment. If they find themselves using it, then something is wrong and their method of discipline is not working. They may as well admit that spanking is more effective in relieving the parents’ frustration than in teaching the child self-control. More effective methods are needed.

      Punishment by itself doesn’t really work. It teaches children only what they shouldn’t do. It doesn’t guide them towards what they should do, so it doesn’t work in changing their behaviour. It might also have negative long-term effects on children.

      In families where parents yell, threaten and punish children, children often keep behaving in challenging ways.

      What does work?
      Linking the punishment, or negative consequence, to your child’s behaviour and showing your child how you’d like her to behave will help in improving her behaviour. For example, if your child takes a biscuit without asking, she might have to practise asking for the biscuit using her manners.

      Punishment also works better when you balance punishment with praise and rewards for good behaviour.

      Praise and rewards for good behaviour teaches your child what to do and how to behave – for example, ‘Good listening, Callum’. And when your child gets praise for behaving well, he’s likely to want to keep behaving that way. This means you probably won’t need to use negative consequences or punishment as much.

      Also, your child needs a warm and loving family environment to grow and develop. She needs you to guide her with family rules and to let her know what behaviour you expect from her. A key way to do this is by talking and listening to your child

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