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    SuperD and Profile picture of sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanamsivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of Shauni WilliamsShauni Williams are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of RebeccaRebecca are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Let’s Try Zipline 8 years ago

    Have you ever experienced riding zipline?
    Yes, that long line of wire descending from the top of the hill to the lowest point of the end of the line. Sometimes it’s just 500 meters long while others are one k […]

    • To carry positivity is always good. But there are many who can not dare to play with their Adrenaline content. Further, there are many who got Altophobia. The pleasure one gets out of zipline is also remarkable no doubt. still, people are searching for alternatives.
      Once they are assured that it is a perfect safety sport they do participate in it and try to enjoy it.

      In India, the like for this sport is not encouraging. The students are totally lagging interest in such activities. They concentrate more on their academic activities. The middle-income groups always will be busy with their earning. It is here, some change has been observed. They are nowadays taking up touring activity besides earning money. This particular group is increasingly showing interest in visiting temples situated at different places, hillsides, ocean parks etc., depending upon their taste and finance. The Tourism Industry is also concentrating more on this group by offering good discounts, arranging loans with EMI facility etc.,

    • Your ziplining tour begins 30 minutes outside of Puerto Viejo. Transportation is provided from your hotel and we drive you to the first canopy platform. We’re excited to boast one of the most spectacular lengths of cable at 285 meters long, 80 meters high. This is the cable that will carry you directly to the heart of the jungle where you will take a short hike with your nature guide.

      You will be hiking in primary forest growth and your guide will show you various flora and fauna as well as how indigenous communities utilize these plants. After the hike you will continue your canopy adventure.

      This tour includes 10 aerial platforms and 12 on land for a total of 2,760 meters of ziplining adventure. Once you climb the 7th platform, you will not touch the ground again until the final run enabling you to have a spectacular bird’s eye view of the jungle.

      At each platform stop your nature guide will continue to explain the curiosities found in this lush environment. On the last platform, you will have the choice of making a descent by rappelling, by a Tarzan swing or by a zipline cable to the ground. We now also offer the possibility to have your last zipline descent head first –

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to be a Wise Grocery Shopper 8 years ago

    I don’t really love grocery shopping but then, every 
    housewife has to do this weekly or monthly grocery
     shopping trip in order to supplement the kitchen and
     household supplies that had ran out of stock.

    • Whenever I was asked to do the grocery shopping, planning ahead of time is also my way.I also made some list of what to be purchase.

      In my list, I put the prioritize item on top before those that are not necessary.

    • planning ahead is not good and i always keep forgeting the things i want to buy, i need to find another way to make the list, because when i do it on paper of on the phone i feel lazy to get the phone or the paper from my purse, really i feel no i know what i want tno need to waste time and look at the list

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)Kevinsaga (1876) are now friends 8 years ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Skin problems in adolescence 8 years ago

    Adolescence is where children are beginning to experience puberty period.

    The puberty development in girls grow rapidly in 2 years, where the body take changes and developed from from a child to a mature […]

    • During my high school years (age 13 to 16) I hated my skin. The acne was horrible. When I got to college it went away. Guess it was just a part of growing up. Although I know it’s not that way for everybody. My acne fixed itself.

    • Human skin is personality of men and women because it adds charm in women’s grace and women look cute if the skin is damage human face looks bad and no charm init seen. The attraction of face is due to skin that be silky glowing.

      Your appearance can say a lot about your personality, in fact every little detail about your appearance can show what type of person you are! Have you been wondering what your appearance says about your personality?

      People with blonde hair are often known to be vain, because blonde girls are the ones who are usually pretty. People who color their hair wild types of colors, such as pink or blue are known to be crazy. Your appearance says it all! Take this quiz now to find out what your appearance says about your personality.

      When the personality and skin tone do not match, the person has been pushed out of their natural self, due to pressures in life. When this happens, finding and wearing their own colours can be a wonderful release, as they start to relax into their natural self. The only problem is that it may distort your responses to the questionnaire.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, The Best Rice Delicacies Of Ilocos 8 years ago

    Ilocanos love food. Long time ago people in Ilocandia have already been cooking good food. Good foods include the rice delicacies that embodied the culture and the tradition of every Ilocano. This is part of […]

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    SuperD and Profile picture of OfonimeOfonime are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic What kind of competitions do you enjoy watching? in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 8 years ago

    Cheer competition is not my kind of competition because I am more to running competition. Maybe I will also be into biking and dreaming to become a part of triathlon. I love to watch cheerdance competition but I did not try participate in it.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 8 years ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic What are the side effects that can occur when taking medicines in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    This is the bad side of the chemical medicine, its the side effects. I think all manufactured chemically medicine have their own distinctive side effects. Its so happen the stronger the medicine the stronger its side effects. But we have no choice but take it because it said can cure us and we do not want the herbal medicines, traditional…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of ailema eryanailema eryan are now friends 8 years ago

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    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    I hope to learn more about health matter here.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Happy Sunday everybody, how is your activity today. Have you went to church or you went to the market to buy few things? Sunday should be relaxing day so we should enjoy the day.

    • yeah.. I stayed at home and attended some work here on the site. I am new. I could not get some sun menus here. There is some problem also with the Ads that are coming while going through the posts. Do you have problem with the Ads coming in the middle while reading the posts?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Moms’ Golden Pomfret with Spicy Sambal Paste 8 years ago

    In the past, my mom used to cook a wide variety of 
    curry seafood dishes which I must admit that she was a 
    fantastic chef of the household.
    With a Baba Nyonya background, she has the talent of 
    cooking Nyon […]

    • For me, you said the magic word: spicy. For my husband you said the magic word: fish. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Also, thanks for the link to those low cholesterol recipes.

    • It sounds pretty good

    • Looks great. I am feeling mouthwatering. By the by who is Swamy Nyonya? Who is he? I just want to know about him.

    • Oh my, the name alone is making me hungry. You know we are in different country but it would have been nice for us members here to have a moment of exchanging our foods and tastes. The recipe of your pomfret is spicy which not for me but I’m willing to try because I think this is delicious.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Hi peach? You make me hungry again this evening upon seeing this so yummy foods.It looks so tasty. How nice to be a chef. Having a talent in cooking would bring you to richness.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Celery with Beef 8 years ago

    Today’s recipe is Stir Fry Celery with Beef.
    I have not cooked beef for a year because the beef odor is so strong that I wanted to try my hands again this time with less odor.

    How to remove beef […]

    • oh..very nice to hear the recipe here. I tried it at home. The pity is that there I used more soy oil and the Onions were roasted more. The onions became slightly black. I did not want to waste it and proceeded further. The dish could not be cooked properly. Now I will try.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Caring For Indoor Plants in the forum Group logo of GardeningGardening 8 years ago

    Its always nice to wake up in the morning and holding a cup of coffee while roaming around your garden and appreciating the blooming of the flowers and the growing of the green leaves.

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    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of GardeningGardening 8 years ago

    Oh I love gardening and that includes flowering plants, ornamental and vegetable gardening, so I think I do belong here.

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