• Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Introducing The Best Family-Friendly Beaches Around the Globe 7 years, 8 months ago

    Do you like to spend some days vacation in a beach, park or island? If so, try to find out if there is one you like to go with your family or special someone. You may spend few days or weeks there of the beach of […]

    • I love to be at the beach. However, it should still have the nice amenities of a resort because I like to sleep where the place is near the beach yet , the room should be complete with bathroom , a ref with some fruits and chocolates and have some gaming activities to play That is because I won’t be swimming at the beach when the sun is up.
      I don’t like getting sunburned that’s why. he he he
      And of course, I like to be at the beach with my husband and daughter or any of my family .

    • I love to be at the beach too although I do not know to swim. Swimming is one of my target learning course of the year too. With learning how to swim, I can enjoy swimming in the deep sea.
      One of the best beach here which near my country, that is Krabi in Thailand.
      However, I believe there are some nice beach in my own country too, so for reduce spending on air fare, I will try to find out some beach in my country first.

    • @Dina, Hi friend? heheheeh social yes those are nice amenities necessary, but all these shown here are the best beaches in the world.We also have nice beaches in our country, but sad and frankly, I have not yet gone to Boracay hehehehe. I hope to reach there. I invited Dennis before when he arrived to our home, but he was afraid of our peace and order situation in our country, which is true. So bad this time, there are many police involved with illegal drugs and the master minds of kidnapping. May all those police be jailed.They are spreading garbage to our country.

    • @Ceci Chow, Yes, your beach in Thailand ranked number 7 as among top 10 best beaches in the world. Can you please elaborate how this beach looks like in Personal. I will tell my friends to have a vacation there in Thailand and we will have our stop over at Krabi. About swimming, if you want to practice, not in sea but i a shallow pool to be sure that you won’t be swept away by high sudden tides.

      Thanks for sharing your nice thoughts of this post, very much appreciated my friend

    • The beaches you mentioned here are super beautiful They are rich in nature. They are so lovely and I believe very tranquil and more fun to spend a week there. You won’t or you’re not at a loss to spend a huge sum of money in going there for they are worth indeed.

      I am just in my own case dreaming to visit those beautiful beaches because of money constrain and I don’t like to travel abroad or to places where are very far from our humble country. We have also some beautiful beaches in our place.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, High Blood Pressure Myths Exposed 7 years, 8 months ago

    Ignorance of health excuses no one. Those ignorant about their health would have a fact come real that ignorance could even kill you. This is so because there are many misconceptions about high blood pressure, and […]

    • My husband takes maintenance medicine for high blood. It runs in their blood , so my hubby always takes it.
      Sometimes, though he can feel that he is having high blood when his nape aches and he feels dizzy. So, the doctor had the dosage increased thus, he is now confident that along with not eating fatty foods he eatsfishand veggies. He complains when we would successivelyfor day eat meat. Though , he really takes out the fats of the meats .
      I am glad I don’t have high blood. Sometimes it would even go as low as 110/60. But most of the time my BP is 110 /80. 🙂

    • @Dina, I have blogs here very helpful for your husband to heal his blood pressure.It is not good to always take maintaining medicine for it still trigger the blood to rise. What is required of him to normalize his blood pressure is to eat without salt and sugar. I have just recently posted what to take to normalize the blood pressure. I may send it to you.

      Your husband requires to stay in a quite place, noise triggers blood to rise and more.There is a veggie I discovered that helps restore normal blood pressure the : garbanzos” . I do not know the Tagalog of this veggie. I also do not know if this is its English word hehehehe.If you know this , buy this and cook for your husband.

    • Those whose blood soars like crazy hehehe, the best thing to do is do not ear foods with much sugar, much salt. Also do not sleep late, avoid volume sounds at home, stop negativity, stop blaming yourself. Also, always talk to God and ask His miracle to normalize your blood pressure. Hyper persons are always having bad temper, so when you to office,eat less so your blood won’t trigger to rise.Thanks for reading should there bejreaders,lols.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Development and the Connections 7 years, 8 months ago


    Back in “89” while in the 9th grade. There was auditions held for a talent show and the one in charge of the auditions was a record producer and manager. Auditioned singing […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I Brought With Me My Lap To School Just To Trace Someone in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Dina, Thank you Dina. Is Dina your real name? I hope that person was already reported. IT is so disgusting having a writer here that feel and act like ignoramus and  ignorance of the law excuses no one. It so happen that this day my class starts at 1:30 in the afternoon , so I was able to submit two blogs awhile ago.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Gummy Candies For Adults That Help Prevent And Cure Prostate Cancer 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are also gummy candies good for adults. These are not just ordinary candies like what we like to buy and chew ordinarily. There are candies that contain too much sugar therefore too sweet and they candies […]

    • I have found candies in our city malls with inclusion of gummy veggies made from black raspberries. The taste is so nice, and the price is not so nice, lol a little bit expensive for we cannot buy by piece, it is by box almost $ 50 .It is so because they are imported. I bought 1 box to see is to believe.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Dementia Rates Are Higher Near Busy Roads 7 years, 8 months ago

    Researchers have found out that people who live near major roads have higher rates of dementia. Dementia is a sickness that lets you forget yourself and the things you usually do can never be recalled. The brain […]

    • In my opinion, as I have observed with demented people, the cause is due to the non-activity of the brain anymore. The person, who is just at home doing household chores compared to one whose brains is active or have a job still, is more prone to dementia.

      My mother-in-law is now mildly demented. She will ask a question sometimes impertinent one many times a day, because she forgets having asked it many times already, but would remember events or happenings in the past. This started when she doesn’t read books or magazines anymore but would just watch TV or do household chores.

      However, I know that engaging in a writing site such as this site would really challenge the brain always, as you would think of what to write and comment.

      I hope that writing sites will still be here when the time comes that I have to mandatorily retire. 🙂

    • @Dina, Not exactly, scientists and researchers conducted their research about causes of dementia and the findings here are among the possible cause of dementia. It is not the reason of having no work because a teacher in the school where I work before was sick of dementia and died after 3 years because she cannot anymore eat due to her disease. She lacks appetite and she describes food as bad foods.

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    cely replied to the topic Goodnews: Message from @Support in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Rosallie Valdivia, Yes instantly, but there are posts spammy and plagiarized and those who did it cannot redeem. There are many writers here removed by the site admin because of repeated violations submitting so long blogs but contents owned by others.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Expressiveness Written on Digital Paper 7 years, 8 months ago

    Thoughts of Summer Rains

    The rain pours down and the sounds aren’t often found

    When the rains appear there’s great appreciation

    Blessed to have rain in the summertime to cool and ease my mind

    Oh what joy to […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Some may Have Difficulties Admitting They’re Wrong 7 years, 8 months ago

    It appears as if “a lot of people” have a difficult time admitting when they’re wrong. Instead any admission, some will try to change the what is, and make it into what’s it’s not. That’s why some alter […]

    • A lot of people will have a problem admitting they’re wrong due to pride. There’s some who have no problem expressing how wrong they are. There should be times when saying there’s been some mistakes made but doesn’t always occur. Be blessed.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    Money is not everything but money is something. So we have to value it.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, There Are Vegetables That Help Improve Breast Cancer 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are vegetables that help improve your breast cancer to survive, in case you are affected with this. These vegetables are called the cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are considered […]

    • Addendum: Should you want to live too long, you have to eat the foods that are introduced in this blog. These foods are tested and scientifically proven effective for the body to fight radical components that may sooner or later permanently stay in your body; thus possibility of acquiring deadly disease is unavoidable. It should be better for us to force ourselves to eat these cruciferous vegetables. there is nothing impossible by research studies of the nutritionists , researchers and scientists abroad specifically in United States.Even in a conceptual framework in thesis, basis of the study is required or a must and only the foreign writers i United States are mostly be the basis .

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I Brought With Me My Lap To School Just To Trace Someone in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Dina, all you to have my friend is to message Support through private Inbox. Click the message sign in your posts beside your name and when it is open write to: Support

    Just follow what to do .There are instructions to follow, then write there the name of that spammer. We have to report any spammy writings here so this site survives for many…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic I Brought With Me My Lap To School Just To Trace Someone in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    This day I brought my lap top to school just to trace that writer posting vulgar rants and spammy posts. There are three of them. So sad, one uses a dialect which I could also utter in our vicinity, but never that dialect be used as the medium in writing a blog. Should you be that person, please you have to decline writing here for you cannot…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Cheaters in the Site: Who? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Shavkat, I messaged Support about some anomalies of the three writers.There are three writers I sighted here writing and posting spammy articles. I already messaged Support about the first lady having a post language unknown. I thought Spanish language,but it was not.

    Can you please help trace the name of that writer? Support message me…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Support Wants to have the names of the two persons writing in vernacular in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @peachpurple, Thanks peach, I hope you can help the site by tracing those culprits posting spammy articles. What they are doing will be harmful to our interest and to the site.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Support Wants to have the names of the two persons writing in vernacular in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Anitah Gimase, Thanks friend, I hope you already reported the two persons. I already sent to Support the name of the first person that posted about language many here do not know hehehe. Then the next day, I saw the blog of the said person in mixed languages, her own dialect and few English, and too long nonsense blog. Only she knows what she is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, When to get the Lawyers Involved 7 years, 8 months ago

    There’s many reasons to get lawyers involved. When matters can not be solved between individuals and there’s a lot of risks then one should consider consulting with legal advisors. Being harassed and bullied are […]

    • Lawyers should be involved when matters can not be solved by individuals. If there’s harassment, bullying, or threats then lawyers and authority need to be involved. There’s lawyers who will not take any money unless the lawyers win and they’ll work with clients who have cases which can produce some money. Lawyers have to eat. A lot of matters online require lawyers.

    • Get a laywer and sue me or something, I’m letting my fist go, left jab right jab knock out. Break laws because then whos going to make sure there is laws.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Better Days are Still Awaiting 7 years, 8 months ago

    Not everyday will be roses and sunshine. There will be some days when staying in bed seems to be better choice. Some days may appear longer than others. Depending on what’s happening throughout the day. Days which […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Simply Don’t Have to Engage in Everything 7 years, 8 months ago

    There’s some people who may want to be apart everything that’s available. Some may want to attend every party, every event, and just want to be involved in somethings they shouldn’t be involved in. not every […]

    • Oohh my goodness you have just nailed it! I know someone who is exactly what you are trying to describe. And I can say for a fact that’s it’s the most annoying behavior anyone would have. It almost feels like the person is in a competition alone. They are constantly competing with themselves that’s very disturbing, even though they don’t even notice it. You know always having someone in your space, whatever you do that want to also do it, when you but a new cloth they are all over you asking questions like where did you but it, how much did it cost, what sides do that have, can I get it in a color lighter or darker than yours, or they may even start being sarcastic as in making comments like ar3 you sure it’s going to fit? It looks either too big or too small, but usually they would say it looks too tight on you with that suggestive look as in your too big, yet you appear smaller than then. This are the types of people who will always want to make themselves look better than others in every sense of the way. They will always squeeze themselves in places where they are not needed. When they are asked to stay away they will always look for an excuse to be part of it regardless of whether they are needed or not. How would you really get rid of such people. I would suggest that if you live with them in the same place please make arrangements to move out and start your life elsewhere, if not assume them every time they try to come close to you and make it known that you are really not interested in what they are up to.

    • I never engage in anything for the sake of competing. I engage in one activity because I like it and not to brag that I am “in” in what is the latest activity.

      Besides, if you are into a lot of activities, you cannot excel in any one, because you are just giving a part of yourself since you still have to give some on your other activities.

      I value myself, so I value rest. It has to be that I have a moderate number of activities so that I can also have a time for myself – rest. Rest is important because it’s what reinvigorates one and makes one think well for what could be done still for what he is aiming at.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    Happiness is the only good thing in life. So be happy and make others happy.

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