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    cely replied to the topic Violence Against Women Continue To Rise Anywhere In The World in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago




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    cely started the topic Violence Against Women Continue To Rise Anywhere In The World in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago




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    cely started the topic Human Sufferings in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Your Touch Consoles Me Momentarily




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    If you happen to drop by, this poem is for you to ponder by…




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    We need to be strong…

    Yes, true, I need you now. I am alone here. Do comfort me and make my life anew.LOL. What else can I say except to let you know I feel the emptiness now that I am alone in this LB universe. I am so worried about your commitment here as a writer and to your responsibility to reach your goal as price of your total hardship…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT MODS 7 years, 10 months ago

    We know that marvel superheroes are cool because they have a lot of things they like to do in the day when we know about it all. The mine craft mods are fun to get when we work hard for the matters at hand. The […]

    • yes, awesome game, you may play this on line.Sometimes I play mine craft mods to have our brain in the active zone. Our brain needs to be always in the active zone so it won’t become idle. Once you play this, you are guided the same way as driving first time, there is like a TV we call the locator to help the new driver reach his destination.The blocks used by mine craft are so numerous and amazing sizes and colors are al there for us to choose.
      Thanks and happy New Year.

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    cely wrote a new post, SHOULD YOU DESIRE TO BE THE BEST PLAYER OF MINECRAFT MODS 7 years, 10 months ago

    We know that the rest of marvel superheroes are some of the most special parts of your day that will not be out there for most of the time. We know that  can be some of the ones out there like Spiderman or maybe […]

    • I tried to play this mine craft in an on line games, and all I can say is, this is very challenging.It is not easy to form the mine crafts. It needs the players to be fast and smart, nit fast and furious,lol.I like the blocks that are used to form the craft big and sturdy. I enjoyed it, but I cannot spend much time playing this mine craft mods. Children especially boys, very much in love with this fame. For the adults, they like DOTA 1 and 2 this time. This game turned themselves game addict and most of them failed in class at the end of the school term.

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    cely wrote a new post, Stop Hair Loss Through Guava Leaves 7 years, 10 months ago

    One fruit famous in the world is guava. This fruits varies in sizes and taste. In our city, I can find here different sizes of guava. The smallest one is so sweet. There is also big one but too acidic. When a […]

    • I will tell my brother and friends who have hair loss problem. I hope they will be excited to know that the solution of their damaged and losing hair is guava leaves.It seems unbelievable, but there are so many who started applying this and they told me and my family that their hair grow like cray hehehehe.Try this if you have hair problem and any kind of problem mentioned in this blog so you will be happy again seeing yourself having hair grow like crazy,lol.

      • Cely thats good to hear if u wilk tell people to use it so as to cure the hair loss because it will help eradicate baldiness in the societies and the world at large

    • I am interest of the last benefit to stop anti ageing hehehhe, I am just curious. What do you think, what is the flavor of the water from boiled guava? Actually I have tasted this one when i had a diarrhea , the water has an amazing taste. It does not follow the taste of a ripe guava. The color of water is changed to reddish brown, but when I drunk the tea guava leaves, they are fine and after few minutes my upset stomach got rest ,LOL. It no longer complained.God gave us all everything on earth to be consumed and served as medicine in case of emergency.

    • Thank you Joseph, yes I will people abut this herbal treatment way to stop hair loss and to bring their hair again to their heads and see them grow like crazy hehehehe, meaning they grow well back to the root.

    • Guava leaves have taken the internet by storm with claims of it being a miracle solution for hair loss. It is also gaining popularity as a hair thickening ingredient that promotes rapid hair growth. But how exactly are guava leaves beneficial for your hair?

      More often than not, hair fall is a direct result of unhealthy scalp conditions. Guava leaves have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that have made it a popular ingredient for maintaining scalp health (1). It is often used in hair rinses to treat scalp issues such as dandruff. It is also rich in B Vitamins and Vitamin C, which nourish the follicles and aid hair growth.
      Using guava leaves on your hair can leave it feeling soft and looking lustrous, while thickening its volume. A guava leaf lotion is the simplest thing to make. Follow the steps below to make your very own guava leaf hair care solution that will battle hair fall and promote hair growth.

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    cely replied to the topic CLOSE YOUR EYES in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Anitah Gimase, Hi?You are right.It is in the closing of our eyes that we can find answer to our problems. It is also from the closing of our eyes where we will know the real meaning of life. I always like to close my eyes.Sometimes, I hate to do it for many things in the past like to flash making me sick of those past hehehe.If the intention is to…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Blackout is a universal problem in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    Anitah Gimase, Hi? I am so sorry about the situation there in your country. I hope there will be rain coming there this week or next week. Yes, it is true people will be put to a critical situation if water supply runs out with water. That will be bad . We experienced it here, no water and nothing sold in malls, so we dug water hehehehe then we…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Anitah Gimase, Hi? I agree with you. It is not all the time that we will be available here. I am only having this chance as I am on vacation.After this week, I will be back to work again and I will be here only evening. I supposed to write some in school, but sad, I haven’t saved or memorized my password of this site hehehehe,plus I do not like…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Anitah Gimase, Hi? I agree with you. Not all the time that we are happy in our lives with too many companions at home. They are sometimes annoying and disturbing.Plus, we cannot ave if there are so many people you will feed, especially if only few of you working and have the sharing of bills payment and others.Most of all there is no peace if…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @kaylar, hehehehe, you are exactly right, there is peace in our own and place . If we want a nice sleep, no one can disturb us for we are alone. t home, sometimes, I am upset for despite I locked my bedroom, but the little kids keep on knocking and knocking hehehehe.All they want is to play with me, my gosh, and I am so tired. I also cannot punish…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, CircO2, The Secret Weapon Against Memory Loss 7 years, 10 months ago

    Memory loss is common to the old men and women. Though not all suffer memory loss, but the fact remains that if you do not take good care of your health, do not change your life style there is a very strong belief […]

    • There are so many victims of memory loss.Others they acquired this at an early age, but mostly seniors in their early 70’s acquire memory loss.My friend’s friend had just applied for retirement then eventually memory declined and one day she left home alone thinking that was a wide road only to know , she reached a deep river, thus drowning her to death. Those having memory loss must always have someone at their side. Just recall the years they served you, so now is the time, it is your turn to serve your parents whoever the two of them is having this kind of problem forgetting many things in the past and present.

    • The foods presented her to stop a person from getting sick of memory loss are so reachable and all of them are known to us.I am glad and congratulate myself for every week I but spinach hehehe without thinking that it helps the brain to become stronger. Our vision will also be stronger for spinach contains lutein good for the eyes.Watermelon is also present in malls, even in public markets. In our place melons are sold or displayed along the road hehehehe.They are planted in Bukidnon, and transported to the city.Per kilo of melon in our place is P 25 ( $ cent), cheaper.

      Please do list down the foods here that contain nitric acid to protect yourself.

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    We all know or encounter this element or chemical chromium. Our body needs chromium, not only this, there are several chemical compounds that are built in our body and absence of them can cause bad sicknesses to […]

    • If you only happen to read my blog, you will be lucky. I spent many hours researching on this so I can help those who are sick with diabetes.Those sick of this have low body chromium supply, thereby, the patient must supply the body to make body stronger and diabetes gradually declines its source. You can find in the below part of my blog the foods and the exact measurement to take to make this recommendation effective.

    • Those who are sick of blood sugar low or high, this is now the moment to be happy. Only fruits can heal your sickness. Yes, there are so many fruits and vegetables that cure your blood sugar. If you have high blood sugar, try to eat the foods mentioned here in my blog. I was doing day and night research just to help people having high blood sugar. If you have high blood sugar, there will be many complications your body may accommodate to terminate them in a simple and easiest ways.

    • Those foods that are expensive are the most valuable foods our body needs, Even milk cannot match the natural nutrients that are in foods. We can have the complete requirements of milk in mg if drink all unlike the fruits and foods so complete. What we notice after we eat the best foods ,like celery, spinach, apples, parsley, we feel so active and the while day we are on the go. There seems magic,there is no need to take capsules to gain strength for anti stress, just vegetables and our body will be all right.

      We can add meat to our veggie but at the right measurement especially those old people They are required to measure their foods if sick with something malicious.
      Heath is wealth and we all aspire to live too long and disease free.

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    cely wrote a new post, RISKS OF HAVING HIGH BLOOD SUGAR 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have so many friends who died due high sugar in their blood. They died at younger ages. The life span of a person according to medical doctors in United States of America is between 125-130. I think only few […]

    • The best prevention of a high blood sugar is WATER. This is a very perfect prevention. While you are on your desire to eat sugary and sweet stuffs, also enjoy the taste of water that could right aways drain the system that involves accumulation of sugar to the blood.After eating sweets, drink water right away. Do not drink cold or refrigerated ater for it diminishes its natural taste.

      In my own point of view, a person may never be sick of diabetes if only believe on the power of WATER.

    • When people are told to try and drink at least a litter of water everyday they tend to ignore this, but truth be told water is what will keep you going and will also fight toxins in the body. When we drink water it also loosens our blood and avoids blood clots in the veins. Water also neutralizes sugar and fats in our bodies but most of us don’t see the need to take it. I had a friend who had a very sweet tooth. He hails in the United States. I always used to keep telling him to take water but what he did was take it in the form of juices and soda. In a day he would take like 5 glasses of juice not freshly squeezed juices but the ones from the supermarkets. He will then too up with sweets chocolates and cakes. Then he also used to snack a lot. So with all that going into the body you can imagine how big he was. So I warned him once out of the blue and told him that he was causing himself trouble by not taking water. Believe you me after 3-4 months the guy had to be admitted in hospital to have a gastric bypas operation. I was not surprised when I heard that he was not allowed to consume sweet stuff for some time. He really had a hard time, but I encouraged him and right now, he consumes more water than I do. Sweet things are not so much on his mind like before. So water is extremely important for our bodies.

    • Diabetes mellitus is one of several persistent conditions causing high blood sugar levels. For someone with diabetes, hyperglycemia has many possible causes:

      Carbohydrates: Eating food containing too many carbohydrates, a form of sugar. The body of a person with diabetes cannot process high levels of carbohydrates fast enough to convert it into energy. Blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes can rise within hours after eating.
      Insulin control: Not producing enough insulin action (either by injection of insulin or taking medicine which stimulates the pancreas to make more insulin). People with diabetes must control blood sugar by a combination of dietary discretion, taking medication, and physical activity. When food, exercise, and insulin are not balanced, blood sugar levels rise.
      Stress: Emotions can play a role in causing hyperglycemia, but should not be used as an excuse for poor control of diabetes.
      Low levels of exercise: Daily exercise is a critical contributor to regulating blood sugar levels.
      Infection, illness, or surgery: With illness, blood sugar levels tend to rise quickly over several hours.

    • Drinking water is the best, though some diabetics could not just dispose sugar easily even if they drink much water. The best thing is to avoid eating sweets and foods with lots of starches and carbohydrates.

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Shavkat, hahahaha, you always hear me mentioning your name in this site. You have high IQ friend. Your job as on line teacher is not easy.You need preparations or else, the company fires you hehehehehe, joke , joke only. It so happened that it is vacation week, that is why I utilize my vacation writing blogs here. This is among my goals in this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Remove the Slave Mind Mentality 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all should be treated with respect and due to history which often times repeats itself. So many are living a slaved life. Thinking they’re not worthy enough to receive the best or to be treated fairly. We’re […]

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    cely wrote a new post, Cure Your Diabetes Through Mango Leaves 7 years, 10 months ago

    Those sick of diabetes and hate capsules and prefer herbal, this is now your time, to promote your preference that is to use mango leaves to cure your diabetes. There are so many sick of diabetes this time, In our […]

    • Diabetes is very common this time and those sick of this are always in the sad mood for they cannot anymore eat those foods that cause them to get sick of diabetes.By the way, you may want to ask the nu,ber of minutes to boil the leaves. Just boil the leaves good for 5 minutes.Boil the said number of leaves in two glasses of water for it is your first time to drink this. The result of the boiling might not be okay to you. But I was told that the taste is like tea just normal taste with a combination of its own enzymes.

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