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    cely replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @kaylar, hehehe, you are unique. How I wished I have a strong heart like yours happy to live alone. Sometimes in my life, I long to live alone, but no matter how, I cannot make it. Besides, my mind keeps on imagining many bad things if I am alone hehehe. I am coward, not brave,in fact, I am afraid to walk in a dark corner. Hay, what a life full of…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    This is my second evening being alone here. Despite this, I was able to submit 4 blogs this day and all approved and published after some minutes. The feeling is awesome and amazing. There is no one to share with here my happiness , except myself hehehe.There are so many who testified that they feel happy and comfortable being alone, so they are…[Read more]

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    cely started the topic There is typhoon coming to our region Mindanao in the forum Group logo of Mysteries, Myths, SuperstitionsMysteries Myths Superstitions 7 years, 10 months ago

    Storm Nina has just left the country leaving almost 4 billion worth of damages, and now here comes another typhoon on the way to Philippines specifically in Mindanao and we are part of the Mindanao archipelago, region 10. The storm is schedule to arrive next week. It is sighted still on Singapore sea. There are so many typhoons coming or having a…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Blackout is a universal problem in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    We are hoping here that what the electrification office told last day  was true. That was all about the scheduled blackout supposed to be next this week. We are no so sure if that was true or just a mere fabrication of fervid imagination of the electrician to trick our worries .Who wouldn’t be sad if it is light less during the celebration of the…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, You Can Keep Google TV Update 7 years, 10 months ago

    The way we do it will keep you tons ready to move into the touchdown zone and celebrate all the things you need to do to knock down those haters. This will never move you out of a house but your beloved mom might […]

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Life is lonely if alone but if you are used to it, you will be unhappy if there are  people with you,lol.Though we need some privacy, but the fact remains that man is a mortal being subject to commit mistakes  and does not also live alone. We are not like an island where only you live and cherish the beauty of nature God set for all His children o…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Shavkat, hahahaha, at least you heard my echo calling your name here as not anymore visible ofetnely. I just write and write here so there is something I can write and submit what I write for the sake of my joy and passion in writing. I never feel tired writing. I like here , for I can directly write long bogs and discussions unlike in ML so…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, I want to laugh alone for I know I am alone here blogging, discussing.I cannot anymore see you my friends like @EvilElf, @Shavkat, seldom only and others. Well anyway, with or without people here during my visit, I am still paid if do activities that let me earn. I am so glad to share you my feeling this time, the happy feeling for I am able…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    I enjoy watching the dog here as my photo image washing dishes alone and in complete attire like a professional cook lol. By the way, I feel alone here.I also feel the site remote for until this day, I see only 3 messages and 4 blogs approved plus mine 3 blogs also approved making al in all 7.

    If you only know that it takes only few minutes blogs…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Marijuana Seeds May Be Legal In Your Country, Ours It Is Not 7 years, 10 months ago

    Marijuana Seeds are considered medicinal and are made legal in some countries in the world.

    Many will be ready to watch some weed grow in the garage and there will be tons of people in the zone for a catch if […]

    • Many confessed that they forgot their problem in life if they smoke marijuana.Others said they are always happy and always in a happy disposition.I think , if this plant is not abused only for medicine purpose, they won’t get addicted to it. The problem with other users is, they cannot control the,selves. They smoke any time they like. My father smoked marijuana seeds , but so horror, he was sick with cancer of the large intestine and the cause according to the doctor is smoking tobacco, though my father smoked no other but marijuana seeds. Therefore, from the experience of my father, I may say that not all are lucky in the use of the seeds.

      It might be case to case or age to age.

    • There are many problems and they are and will be there as long as they are entertained. Once one is habituated to entertain the problems the actual drama start. The scene will shift to the problems. They occupy a dominant position and push one to search for the ways to come out of them The result is searching for other ways like smoking, drinking, drug addiction etc.,
      What I mean to say is that we should not let the problems occupy a place in our beautiful life. We should have the willpower to come and bear with the problems.
      Though, Morgana is used in medicine in the treatment of some diseases people after the treatment is over the patients run after them.The actual problem starts here.
      In India, the drugs in any form are not allowed. Moreover, the parents will have full control over their children and sometimes even after marriage they will be under the scanner of their parents. Of course, this is all with a good intention only to see that the couple should lead a happy life.
      But, nowadays due to the influence of anti-social elements some people are becoming drug addicts. Even then the Government is taking very strict measures to keep them away. The Government is establishing Rehabilitation centers also for these drug addicts. At the same time, the parents are also asked to take a responsibility to watch the movements of their children By Gods grace this devil is not that rampant in India as in other western countries.

    • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam , Very well said my friend, once get used to it, they will surely long for it as an addict to the seeds.Until now, the bill passed by congress to legalize marijuana not yet taken for approval.The more this time under the new President , for we are under war on drugs. There million drug addicts in Philippines. Yesterday, the PNP were able to seize 6 billion worth of shabu produced in the raided laboratory. There was a huge plantation of marijuana somewhere in a remote place in Luzon the police and military forces destroyed. That was almost 6 hectares marijuana plantation, I cannot understand the mind of those drug protectors, traffickers and drug lords, why they want to kill people especially the young generation and the innocents. The only answer is, they earn high value of their produced illegal drugs.

      Thanks for sharing your brilliant thoughts on this mater.Happy New Year,at least there is you in this site this evening here hehehe.

    • Point 1: Most people don’t use marijuana because they’re sick.

      They just want to get high and feel happy; even if the happiness is temporary.

      Point 2: Marijuana is a gateway drug.

      Though many may only smoke weed for recreational purposes not for health reasons, many others will tell you that marijuana was the drug that opened the door to the “not so wonderful world of substance abuse and addiction” for them.

      Point 3: If something has a clear health benefit, then that has a universal application. That means there should nothing illegal about receiving a proper medical treatment for an illness in any country.

      In America, the argument for legalizing marijuana was … at first … it has “health benefits”. Although there was a recent report that a state was legalizing it for recreational purposes. Eh! Why not? They do it in Amsterdam!

      Point 4: When “something” is bad and has an adverse impact on an entire community at large or as a whole … but people still want “it” … they always try to make it “legal”.

      Not RIGHT. Not GOOD. Just legal! Legalize it! Somehow by making it legal, it becomes “acceptable” or “respectable”. It’s put forward as the “fix” for societal “ills”. Not the cure.

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    cely wrote a new post, Top 10 Airlines In The World In 2016 7 years, 10 months ago

    The following are the Top 10 Airlines in the world in 2016:


    It was founded in 1985; at first it flies only two aircraft. It has now 230 aircraft. It currently flies more than 80 countries. It makes 1, […]

    • I made a research on these top 10 airlines and I notice that these 10 are so famous. I do not know the criteria of judging them best. I might research on this to make the news complete. It is not easy actually, but I also like to know as I a always traveling abroad and all expense from my foreigner boyfriend hehehehe. I feel so lucky for having met Dennis from Auckland, for I was able to visit so many countries at his expense, but never had I traveled on these airlines especially this time, there is direct flight going there through Philippine Airlines.Someday, when I go to United Sates, or Canada, I want to choose Cathay.

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    cely wrote a new post, Don’t Harm Yourself With Marijuana Seeds 7 years, 10 months ago

     Marijuana seeds are bad for you…It might be legal in your country, but in the country where I live, it is illegal.

    We are never out there, for the rough times as is, and you will start to love what is going […]

    • In my case, I like to try smoking a medicinal marijuana hehehehe. I have a friend, he smokes this and for many years and he never experiences bad sicknesses.But I cannot find a medicinal marijuana here in my country, plus, it illegal in Ph. Our country is now on war on drugs, therefore whoever takes drugs including marijuana will be jailed. There is a law submitted to congress to legalize marijuana, but until now , not yet acted , and we are now under the new president whose one mission is to eradicate drugs in the Philippines.

    • Marijuana, despite illegal in the country of my residence, but there re some that continue planting this not for the purpose to serve people sick of anything, but personal reason , and that is to earn much through selling the stuffs once marijuana leaves turned mature. This means to say that anyone can transform the seeds through a cigar and puff it right away so many times in the day, making the addicted to it.That is the entry of the illegality of marijuana , no license to show.

    • Marijuana illegal or not is not harmful to smoke. If you go and see statistics about marijuana deaths and alcool deaths you see a huge diference and that is because it is close to impossble to smoke weed and overdose on it. It is a light weight relaxing drug and it is not bad for your health.

      Other illegal chemical drugs are the ones that harm your body. Even medical pills can be more harmful than smoking weed. Some people think otherwise because it is a “drug” but it isn’t anything horrible. It isn’t a drug to alter you state, it calms you down, helps you body cells and can relieve pain in some patients.

      I am Pro Marijuana and i am hoping one day it will be legal here.

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    cely replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @kaylar, really? You live alone? Do you mean to say, you are single? hehehehe, just asking. Well, everyone has a choice. Like me, I am still single at age 36 , but withe me at home my two sisters and 2 nephew kids.My first sister;s husband is a sea man and the other a Medical Doctor in New York. The kids are under ages 4 and 6. We are happy though…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic I Read The Holy Bible, Do You? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Shavkat, hehehehe, 100 years is closer to your grand mom’s age, and it is not possible that you can reach more  than that hehehe for you do not smoke and drink hard liquor, do you? Why did your father die at that young age? My father died at age 81 and he was so desirous to reach age 100, but he was sick of cancer of the large intestine. The…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Avoid to much calories this christmas in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 7 years, 10 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa, It is so vital to maintain our figure  through weight loss or maintenance to get rid off bad sicknesses. As we age, we eventually realize that overweight can cause many health problems . The usual sicknesses we hear are high blood pressure, high sugar, high uric, hyper acidity, diabetes, big C, hear problems and more and all may…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, What if you are pregnant and meet an accident? 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is normal to get pregnant if you are married to a man you love. This time we observe many got pregnant despite unmarried, LOL. Then how do you know that you are pregnant and what you carry in your womb is in a […]

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    cely replied to the topic What Christmas Brings To My Life in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    Christmas time, means happy time with family and friends.

    This is the usual feeling of us every Christmas. The feeling is automatic. We always think of something wonderful every Christmas. We also think about what to prepare so the table looks so abundant and full,lol. Of course, the body be also full and expand more. Thankful, for I maintain my…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    I do not agree with the idea of others about one cause of Parkinson’s disease : Living alone.

    You too surely disagree of what my friends told me about one cause of PD,that is living alone and in loneliness. I Goggle search it if find their contention true about Pd, but none. I do not know why they said this so.Perhaps they just guessed because…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic CLOSE YOUR EYES in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Close your eyes and say the word ” Serendipity” to have peace of mind

    If feeling tired , just close your eyes and say this word : serendipity which means peace. If feel mind exhausted, there are suggestions from a well known author, so sad, I cannot anymore recall her name. What I cannot forget is her suggestions whenever the self feels so tired…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Heart Breaks Because of Love in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    The breaking of the heart implies many things not only love ...towards the opposite sex.

    There might be some causes why a heart break. Usually, when we hear someone saying her/his heart is breaking, right away we focus on the only reason love or sorrow.There are so many reasons. Even one simple problem could break our heart. Even a simple shame…[Read more]

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