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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Independence and Satisfaction as Essential Life Tools 6 years, 11 months ago


    Freedom is the courage to sacrifice for what we want. And everything we want has a price. There’s a price for every freedom, something to be given up for every liberty. It’s up to us to weigh the […]

    • Truly there is a price for freedom

    • There are two types of freedom: Freedom of mind and freedom of soul. Freedom of soul creates satisfaction of mind is a part of human brain that displays our ideas on the screen of memory. You you do not have freedom of soul tou canot anything in your life.

      Life power and man’s achievements are performed by the power of soul not by the power of mind or memory or brain. When someone’s soul uplifts by any means it performs great deeds on earth.

      It is our soul that makes a composed mind in our brain but most of the people do not know this secret. Peoples have just heard the words not their philosophy and real meaning of the words.

      What is independence nothing but a stat=e of mind as when we say he is blind saying is wrong we must say that have eyes but lack of sight. Kisy like people do not ponder over words.

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Conquering Your Fears and Gaining Trust 6 years, 11 months ago


    Trust is based upon something – the evidence of things not seen. To have faith, we must have evidence. Trust is not blind. We can know the invisible by seeing the visible. We can see the trees bend and know […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, GoingBy What is and Not What Seems To Be 6 years, 11 months ago

    requirements; to develop resources; to recognize no impediments; to master circumstances; to act from reason rather than rule; to be satisfied with nothing short of perfection. Put the uncommon effort into the […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, The Environment Should Be Taken Into Considerations 6 years, 11 months ago


    We become like our environment, and our environment becomes like us. Everything around us moulds and shapes us. So it is important to choose our environment with care: one that is positive, one that […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Getting Pleasure Look For You 6 years, 11 months ago


    If we enjoy what we do, we will be successful. If we do not enjoy what we do, we will not be successful. Our success in any occupation depends upon enjoyment. Loving our work makes the difference. He who […]

    • I agree with you 100%to be successful you have to enjoy what you do because if you’re miserable it’s hard to be successful

    • Doing things that you want will lead you to success 100% but of course always get this into your mind. Not because it is your passion you cannot experience loss or failures. Failures are part of the success also without it you cannot humble yourself after you go to the top.

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Knowing How and When to Use Will Power 6 years, 11 months ago


    Events tend to repeat themselves. The tide of

    opportunity comes to us all. And when we are

    prepared for opportunity, our chance is sure to

    come. Success depends upon more than being at the

    right […]

  • Profile picture of Isaiah

    Isaiah wrote a new post, Building Cumulative Result Through Valour 6 years, 11 months ago


    Courage is the power to face difficulties. It’s the

    opposite of being discouraged. Courage comes from

    a reserve of mind more powerful than outside

    circumstance. When we are bigger than our problems,

    we […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Control Direction and Relationship Matters 6 years, 11 months ago

    Control Direction

    If we let others make decisions for us,

    we have no control. When we control the decisions,

    we control the actions. The best decisions

    are the ones made with appropriate forethought on how […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Developing Self-Control is Good Thing 6 years, 11 months ago


    Knowing when to do something and doing it just at the right time and in the right extent is a very good way of mastering one’s self

    We have self-control to the degree that we make the

    decisions. To […]

    • indeed we must control our emotions and though it s good to exhibit confidence, it is imperative that we do not use our confidence to be disrespectful to others

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Focus in Other to Practice Well 6 years, 11 months ago


    Concentration is the magic key that opens the door

    to accomplishment. By concentrating our efforts

    upon a few major goals, our efficiency soars, our projects are completed – we are going somewhere. By […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Situations and Optimism the Mix of Results 6 years, 11 months ago


    We can know what people are thinking by looking at

    what they do. Actions mirror thoughts. And by taking

    a good look at where we are and what we are doing,

    we can understand what we are thinking. The […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Making the Right Selection Considering Your Heart 6 years, 11 months ago


    Having heart is the knowledge that we can do something.

    It’s the inner feeling that what we undertake, we can

    accomplish. For the most part, all of us have the ability

    to look at something and to know […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Remember The Law of Averages 6 years, 11 months ago

    Law of Averages

    This is the law of averages; the more we fail, the greater our chance of succeeding. Failure is often the first  necessary step toward success. And if we don’t take the risk of failing, we won’t […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Your Attitude Matters To Others 6 years, 11 months ago


    We have control of our attitude. How we respond to

    circumstance is determining our attitude. The

    circumstance itself should not control our attitude,

    else we become manipulated like puppets by […]

    • I am a firm believer in our attitudes mattering to others. For example, if we are in a bad mood then the people around us will fill the affect and also end up in a bad mood. No matter what the circumstances are that change our moods from good to bad, just think that it could always be worse for you.

    • Yes, it is definitely true that we can control our attitudes but what about those people who want to “try you”? There are some that seem to have nothing but negative intentions and they will go “to the top of a mountain” to accomplish their evil deeds. These are the type of people that I have no patience for at all. They are fully aware of their misbehavior and seem to get satisfaction out of making others unhappy. These I keep far away from because it would seem that their life is so corrupt that they have nothing but time to attempt to make others unhappy as well. Anywho! I continue to pray for those like this, sometimes help is not enough.

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Overcoming Your Obstacles and Having Superiority 6 years, 11 months ago

    Overcoming Obstacles

    We achieve to the degree that we overcome the

    negative. Conquerors are willing to pay the price

    necessary to overcome anything that stands in their way.

    They sacrifice, struggle, work […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Beyond The External Feeling of a Child 2 6 years, 11 months ago

    As an important addendum to what has already been said in this book, I believe that it is

    important to state how important the spiritual dimension is to the ultimate application of

    the principles stated in this […]

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Beyond The External Feeling of a Child 6 years, 11 months ago

    Sitting as a counselor for twelve years and having people give you permission to literally

    look into the recesses of their souls built within me a set of convictions about the human

    race that could not have been […]

    • I have to say that I agree with everything that you posted. A lot of the time I don’t think they we as people and humans realize what we put out into the world. e don’t realize that it has to do with what is going on with us on the inside. Growing up my brothers and I were not encouraged to express ourselves so in return we developed a habit of holding everything in. It wasn’t until I started having kids of my own that I realized how unhealthy this behavior is. So I have started a journey of inter peace and I hope to help myself as well as my kids who are watching me. Thanks for your post!

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    Isaiah wrote a new post, Hearing A Child Is Good – Round Up 6 years, 11 months ago

    REINFORCEMENT compels us to ask the question “when was the last time you

    rewarded the internal child for something the child did that pleased the parent?” Too

    many times the only instances in which the int […]

    • I have learned from reading your post that I am guilty of abusing my inner child. When they say that we are our own worst enemy, I have come to realize that this is so much more than just a saying. I feel that I am so much harder on myself than I am with the people around me. That may be because I wouldn’t want to make others feel the hurt and pain that I feel.
      I couldn’t help but feel like maybe you were speaking from experience in your writing. I wasn’t certain if you were so familiar with the subject because it’s a apart of your career or more so an personal experience. Either way thanks for sharing!

  • Profile picture of Isaiah

    Isaiah wrote a new post, Hearing A Child Is Good 3 6 years, 11 months ago

    Right at the beginning of this chapter I wish to make a statement that at first glance

    might sound heretical. However, I believe that EVERYONE EXERCISES SELF

    DISCIPLINE. Even that person you know who’s never o […]

  • Profile picture of Isaiah

    Isaiah wrote a new post, Hearing A Child Is Good 3 6 years, 11 months ago

    Right at the beginning of this chapter I wish to make a statement that at first glance

    might sound heretical. However, I believe that EVERYONE EXERCISES SELF

    DISCIPLINE. Even that person you know who’s never o […]

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