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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, How does column candle being made? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Column candles include an exquisite touch of magnificence to your own home or notwithstanding for your supper work area as a part of a centerpiece. I’ve seen then utilized sooner than on the tables at wedding […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Ballet dancing: An attractive dance that benefits our body 7 years, 8 months ago

    Have you ever been mesmerized with how a ballet dancer performs in the crowd? I am always a fan of ballet dancers. Though I don’t dance like them, but I always admire them. Their gracefulness, their f […]

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    Miranda Hunt wrote a new post, Different ways to cook chicken 7 years, 8 months ago

    CHICKEN!! Isn’t pretty sure everyone eats chicken, unless your a vegetarian of course. How can you not like chicken. There so many different ways to cook it. You could never get tired of chicken.When I was a […]

    • Thanks for sharing these few simple cooked chicken recipes. I should give a try later for make my cooking life easier.
      I think the most time consuming or difficult part is the sauce, like cooking the chicken teyriak, we need the sauce teyriak, for baking the chicken, we need 1 or 2 jar of Alfredo sauce. Luckily that, we can get the sauce in the supermarket easily nowadays.
      Out of the topic, I forgot to grab a bottle of BBQ sauce in the supermarket that day, if yes, I think I can bake the BBQ chicken for dinner tonight, lol!
      And, for those not really take chicken, I use pork for instead for the same recipe, sometimes. But, in fact, the price of chicken is cheaper than pork in my country.
      We have a paper wrap chicken here, quite selling well in the restaurant. The chef will dip the chicken in oyster sauce mix for hours, then wrapped with a baking paper, and deep fry for half an hour.
      You may give a try on this recipe! Enjoy!

    • Chicken adobo is one of my favorite chicken recipes.

      It is inspired by the Philippine national dish, this Easy Chicken Adobo uses a simple blend of garlic, vinegar, and soy sauce to give chicken a zingy boost. Traditional adobo sauces are commonly enriched with coconut milk, and the dish is frequently made with pork. But for everyday cooking, we like this lighter, simpler version. Serve with rice.


      1 tablespoon vegetable oil
      6 bone-in, skinless chicken thighs
      3 cloves garlic, minced
      2/3 cup apple cider vinegar
      1/3 cup soy sauce
      1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
      1 bay leaf

      1. Heat oil in a medium frying pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until lightly browned, about 5 minutes, then turn over and cook an additional 5 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate and set aside.

      2. Pour off all but 1 tbsp. of pan drippings and return pan to low heat. Add garlic and sauté until soft, about 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients and stir to incorporate. Return chicken to pan and cook, covered, for 20 minutes.

      3. Uncover, increase heat to medium-low and cook 15 to 20 minutes more, occasionally spooning sauce over chicken, until sauce thickens a bit and chicken is tender and nicely glazed with sauce. Remove bay leaf before eating.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, GREAT LEADERS INSPIRES US TO GROW AND BE THE BEST WE CAN DO 7 years, 8 months ago

    Great leaders inspire us to change, to grow, and to become our best selves. The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to […]

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    Miranda Hunt joined the group Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Miranda Hunt and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    faisal waheed qureshi and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Miranda Hunt wrote a new post, The Great Hair Loss Remedies 7 years, 8 months ago

    There is nothing more attractive than a head full or thick beautiful hair. Hair that shines and glimmers with natural health. Hair loss is a problem to many people all over the world. And these people really feel […]

    • Thanks for sharing this topic. I love this topic as my hair is very tiny and loose, and even have some grey or white hairs now after entering 40. Haha!
      I love the natural remedy rather than the chemical one, I believe the latter will hurt our hair root and scalp , later ruins our scalp or hair at the end.
      I am practising shampoo free style for not apply any shampoo, just rinse the hair with some warm water.
      I do use some handmade soap for cleaning and washing my hair every one week during this year as my hair is a bit oily when having some headache and tension working life.
      I will try to apply some coconut oil , but it is expensive now, so I will opt for olive oil. For instead. An aunt of a friend who apply olive oil often managed to have a very darky hairs even during her golden age. So admire of me!

    • I experienced alopecia areata a year about a year ago. But all that is gone now , after I have discovered online the concoction of blended ginger , alcohol and drops of virgin coconut oil.

      Although, it took about 3 months before hairs started to grow.

    • Personally, I had gastric bypass and hair loss is part of the side effects. There are many recommended ways to keep hair loss to a minimum. The number one recommendation is Biotin Vitamins. 10,000 mg per day. Look closely at your bottle and find the best quality and least amount of capsules you have to swallow!

      Nioxin shampoos and conditioners are available online and in stores. Don’t wash or brush only as needed to avoid the strain on your hair. Sleep in a turban so as not to have it all over your sheets.

      Most importantly, keep your protein over 60 gms per day and stay hydrated. And keep the faith- it will grow back and it is a small price to pay for being slimmer and healthier.

      To manage thinner hair- a new style may be in order. Most women go to shorter cuts when the hair starts to thin. Wigs are a fun alternative, and you may find your insurance will reimburse for them. Hats and scarfs too. I found that, as mine thinned in the winter, that hats and a wig were helpful. I was getting a cold breeze in the areas there was no hair!! burrr.

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic Money in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    Yes @jhsayyar. As I slowly knowing more about the site, I learned that writing articles on blogs earn more points than writing on the forum.

    Anyways, it’s nice also to discuss with co-writers on forums for friendship or socialization purpose.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, WHOGOAT: A TRENDING LINES IN 2016 7 years, 8 months ago

    “WHOGOAT” has been trending in the internet lately. It was originated from the Filipino word “hugot” which means pull out. It is usually associated with bitter emotions. It is also used to express feelings towards […]

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    Miranda Hunt wrote a new post, Ways to understand and grow a more thicker healthier eyelashes 7 years, 8 months ago

    This was one major thing that bothered me with my face, thin eyelashes. Ive always had thin eyelashes.when I was growing up it never really bothered me but the older I got the more I got into noticing things […]

    • i heard about olive oil, but your tips i did not hear about it, did you for real try it or just firends told you bout it, i like to try it, but sure its good, or no, also i want to thank you for this good post and grat tips that helps lots of girls and women ttoo

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    Do you remember any achievements you have done during your childhood days? Do you think your achievement has something good effect or impact on others?

    As I was browsing for something to read, I found something […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SWIMMING: AN ENJOYABLE AND FUN EXERCISE FOR EVERYONE 7 years, 8 months ago

    When we say exercise, swimming is always on the list. Some people loves’ swimming. During summer time, here in the Philippines and elsewhere, swimming is always the number one popular activity that a family wants […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, NEW YEAR: A SEASON OF HOPE 7 years, 8 months ago

    New Year is not about making a wish or bucket list to be accomplished within the year. But there is more to celebrate than adhering this popular Chinese tradition of driving the bad spirits away through loud bangs […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MUSIC: AN ART AND A CULTURE 7 years, 8 months ago

    Music is art. Music is culture. People in this world make the music as part of their daily lives. Many people felt the joy of listening music. Some get inspired and say that life is worth living just because of […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MONEY IS NOT THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, GREEDINESS IS 7 years, 8 months ago

    The saying “Money is the root of all evil” is a cliché.

    I have actually grown up believing that money is the cause of all the bad things that is happening in this world. But is money really the root of all evil […]


    • I like the way you have thought this one out according to your title. And yes you make sense in what you are saying, but I somehow feel like you are contradicting yourself.
      Point taken that greediness may be the root of all evil according to you, and not money. But why do we say that money is the ROOT of all evil, notice that Root is in capital letters. When we say root we mean where it all started. Realize that without money there would be no greed, it’s because of money that people get greedy, not the other way round. Like the saying goes. When people work and get money, they want to go back to school so that they can attain more degrees to get better jobs so that they can earn bigger salaries and they will keep at that for the longest time.That’s why you find that when people are in big positions they don’t want to let go because they are greedy right? So from that example how do you come up and say that money is not the root of all evil? Isn’t because of that money that someone doesn’t want to let go off his position? Think about it again. Those are my thoughts.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, LET THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING BE BLESSED 7 years, 8 months ago

    It is encouraging to see that there are people doing good for homeless individuals. Knowing that some people still have their humanity is a sign that we still have the chance to change. It just takes a few […]

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    Miranda Hunt wrote a new post, Do’s and dont’s of growing healthier nails 7 years, 8 months ago

    Did you know there were so many different bad habits causing you not to have nails as healthy as they should be? I call it improper use of the fingernail. Just the way you open things using your nails how you keep […]

    • wow lokk so nice and attractive, let us try it and see, thanks for it, and hopt you write more also nice posts, have a great days.

    • I like the article. I than I God I never used to have that habit of biting my nails when I was younger. Instead I used to get so annoyed when I see people biting their nails, it used to look awful. I would oftenly tell my friends off when I saw them biting on their nails. The one new thing that i have gotten from this article is that I should not cut my cuticles and that peppermint helps to reduce the urge to chew on your nails. I have always wanted to grow my nails and keep them long. But the problem is they are usually very soft I don’t know how I can achieve strong healthy nails. I love having my nails long they look so pretty. Thanks for sharing the tips.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, DOING AN EXERCISE MAKES YOUR BODY HEALTHIER 7 years, 8 months ago

    Everyone’s goal why we do exercise is to be healthy. People exercise to be physically fit or to lose weight. For men, they exercise to make their muscles strong and bigger. For women, they sometimes do exercise t […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, BOTH SEXES ARE EQUAL AND NO ONE IS MORE SUPERIOR 7 years, 8 months ago

    Are you a warrior in the battle of the sexes?

    God, the “Great Programmer,” designed man and woman to be allies, partners, and companions to each other, not adversaries. In His wisdom, He created them similar wit […]

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