• Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I just drop by before leaving home for work to submit a blog in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    That’s how we are. Though we have our full time job, while on our way to work we try to formulate in our mind what are the posts we have to make, its title and how to expand it.

    Sometimes, I would just jot it down on my cellphone and when I arrive home I expand it.

    Along the way also, we look around for anything that we can make as topics to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Let’s Try to Beat Cancer With The Help Of These Vitamins 7 years, 6 months ago

    Cancer is a disease that can devastate one stricken by it . Though, if one know how to stay positive and find ways to control it, then they can survive.

    And for those who wants to prevent themselves from having […]

    • Useful information. But my experience with people who I knew who had cancer is what I would like to share. In many of the cases people were healthy, ate good food did not have major health issues for more than 20 years. But suddenly were diagnosed with cancer when they had some other health issue for which they went for treatment. Two of them passed away within six months after coming to know of it.

      While the third gentleman whom I knew well had put up a fight with cancer and doctors were surprised with his recovery as it was in final stages. But after a few months of this recovery which took place in one and half years. Cancer again reappeared in his body and he suffered a painful death.

      This person had no bad habits was a teetotaler and ate food in the house only did not consume junk food. It was unfortunate that he could not succeed in his fight. But there are many success stories too. That was because in their case cancer was diagnosed early. That did the trick.

      • @Krishna Kumar ,

        That is true. It is an advantage that we discover an ailment earlier than discovering it later because it will already be so difficult to battle it.

        Sad indeed that others lives a healthy lifestyle, yet they still had cancer.

        In this case, i think it is already in the genes. It is said that when family members had cancer, we are at risk too.

        That is why, Angelina Jolie had done what she can to combat cancer of the breast while it was early. Her mother had it and she too may be at risk with it.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Reading No. 4 : Think Positively So Worry Will Be Far From Mind 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am a positive thinker. When I failed over a plan, I still would have plan B and plan C. And when all else fails, I pray and leave it to God to do the rest. I always just would think that it’s not what God wants […]

    • I agree with you, one needs to be a positive thinker so it can attract positive things happening in his life. Blessings will come naturally and unexpectedly if a person thinks of good things about himself and of other people around him.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Reading No. 3 Some Important Things We Must Know 7 years, 6 months ago

    Nowadays, countries are into organic foods , meaning fruits and vegetables organically grown or grown without the aid of pesticides and chemicals. They only use natural fertilizers like animal manures and the […]

    • Thanks for the nice tips. I also do that, but I add baking soda in the water for soaking tomatoes, and other leafy vegetables. Organic foods are the most-sought food items now.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Reading No. 2 : Vitamins & Nutrients Than Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s 7 years, 6 months ago

    My daughter, hubby and I, live with our in-laws since our daughter started her high school studies in another province, for a scholarship in Philippine Science High School.

    They pleaded for us to transfer to […]

    • I never want to have alzeimers or cancer for that matter. Luckely i love my veggies and friuts! So hopefully i will stay healthy and strong with a clear mind. But ill start taking multivitamins again. Why not ive got nothing to loose and everything to gain. And maby ill be oky! I can think that alzeimers or any other sickness can be very frustrating. Im so thankfull that im so blessed to be healthy ad clear minded.and luckely we dont have ever had any one in our family that has or had alzeimers. Not in my mothers site nor in my dads! I just wanna say al my sinsere good wishes to those who have alzeimers and their familys who has to deal with that! God will keep you strong and save!

      • That is good, because it means you are far from getting alzheimers.

        Indeed, nowadays it seems that people are already so aware of what are the benefits of eating healthily , especially fish, veggies and fruits.

        At least, those foods in addition to taking vitamin supplements such as E and also fish oil, which I also take, we can be assured of having a healthy mind until our death.

    • It is one of the dreaded diseases when people grow old; I wish there could be a good medicine to offset it. Though I am still not that so old, ha ha ha! I list all my passwords in a notebook, along with important bank numbers.

      Regarding Vitamin E, your post reminded that I have to take it again. I had hysterectomy also due to myoma. But my OB-Gyne prescribed hormone replacement therapy which is safe to use. I remember I have to take it again.

    • One just need to eat healthy diet then they can probably reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer.

    • Vitamins are very good in combating Alzheimer disease and also there is one type of diet that I found in Internet that can effectively reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer and other chronic disease which are ketogenic diet that consist of food high in healthy fats like Omega3.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, A BLESSING IN DISGUISE , I WAS ABLE TO READ SOME BOOK S 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last Saturday, at 6:00 a.m. in the morning the electricity suddenly went off. I immediately called the Maintenance and Operations Head at our office to ask if there is a scheduled brownout ( those in other […]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I suppose you are one of the bubblers at the now defunct Bubblews?

    Actually, I was one of the members there. I super enjoyed it there while it was paying us well. Though, there was a time when a lot of my posts that I redeemed weren’t paid. I waited for them to be paid, while I kept posting and kept being paid again for them.

    Overall, I was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, The Fashions I Get To See In My Lifetime 7 years, 6 months ago

    Being already a 57 year old woman, I have seen a lot of fashion changes as I grow up.

    In my grade school, the fashion was the latex jeans. I remember us , dancing in the field demonstration paired with a […]

    • I am mostly in jeans and t-shirts or in shorts and t-shirts, because I am home most times. I still like the shape of bell bottoms and a skinny jean with a baggy shirts is comfy to wear. Sometimes I think fashion keeps going back instead of moving forward.

      • That is true. Fashion just keeps coming back though there are some twists already and under a new name.

        I think that kind of get-up is here to stay. I also love being just in my jeans and shirt when I go out of the house to go malling or visiting my parents.

        I think the denims or “maong” is here to stay forever. It is the craze then and until now and for the years to come. I feel young whenever I am in my faded denims. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic There are so many Mylotters joining here at LB,Cheers! in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @cely ,

    Really! So who are these myLotters also that you were able to invite here?

    I invited some to come here, but they haven’t yet. Maybe because they are busy with their full-time jobs while others are already settled of just being there because they don’t need the extra earnings anymore. ha ha ha

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Causes of red lips. in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 6 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa I also have a bit dark lips. Imagine, I have been using lipstick since I started working in a bank since 1983.

    Yes, lipstick can make our lips dark.

    So lemon with honey can make our lips get the natural color. How many times do we have to apply that to our lips? Can we make the concoction and put it at the refrigerator so we…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Can we possibly reach $100 here in a month? Share me your thoughts in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I really hope we can. But just estimating it, I fully know it will not be possible, especially that we have our full-time jobs to attend to first.

    Even if you wreck your brain in making posts as long as 500 words, i think it is still not possible.

    So, we just enjoy it here and post and comment whenever we can.

    What is important is we get to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, My Wishes For Literacy Base To Make This Site Easier To Navigate And Popular 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have been here since January of this year already. But still until now, I am still groping as to where I should be seeking things with regards to the comments in my posts.

    Though, through clicking and […]

    • I joined yesterday and same with your concerns, I found it hard to navigate the site and edit published posts.Maybe the admin can modify the site to make it user-friendly and be popular.

      • Yes, it would be nice to have those that I have wished here, especially the notifications bar.

        And I forgot, how I wish they have the emoticon board too.

        It would be nice if they would take this as a constructive one and maybe think about implementing them too so this site will have more members. Some are deterred by the complex ways here and maybe by the minimum number of words.

        Actually the 300 word minimum is not hard for me because even at the other site, I write long post also and I always have to edit it to make short because I know the members there don’t like reading long posts, just like me. ha ha ha

    • I think the site in it’s current state is navigable. But recent posts and the blogs, and forum updates are not easy to access. I mean if it were all in front page, that would be lot better. Instead of widget such as active members, we could see more recent topics link posted. Then again they have tweaked the website that way. I am sure they have their own reasons.

      • Yes, of course they have their own reason and style . Though, perhaps they should also try to hear what our suggestions are to make this site user friendly.

        That way, even those other people who would come here for the first time, would find it easy to post and be here, and be an active one here.

        If there are more active members here always, this site will thrive.

    • I’m a newbie and just joined today. I have to say that I agree with you. It’s kind of confusing because I don’t even know how to navigate around the site. There seems to be a lot of wishes that you are asking for but would LB be able to fulfill them? I sure hope so because those are interesting points that you raised. And yes, a notification button would definitely be useful.

      • Actually, what I did is to click all those icons I see and discovered my way around.

        Well, I don’t expect them all to be fulfilled, but at least I tried to voice out what I wish for this site to become- popular!

        If this site will be so user-friendly, a lot will come here and be a member too. If there will be more active members, interaction will increase thus it will be a joy to be always here.

        I don’t actually expect my wished to come true. I just want my wishes heard. Who knows the fairy godmother here will grant some, if not all.

        Besides, my wishes are also for the good of the site. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Happiness is ___________. ( What's Your Line? 🙂 ) in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    @Treathyl FOX Thank you for tagging me.

    Actually I do all those enumerated tasks. However, with complain less and appreciate more, I think I cannot help complain when something not good is done to me. I always complain when I know that I have been mistreated badly or when my complain would right what is presently being done wrongly or in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Traditions of the Filipino Catholics In Observance of Lent 7 years, 6 months ago

    Today, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten season, a season of fasting and prayer. It is done at the start of the so called “quaresma” or forty days before the resurrection of Jesus on Glorious Sun […]

    • Very nice blog my friend, but sad this day, i was not able to go to church for my class starts at 7 and ends 12, then in the afternoon at 1 to 6 in the evening. I felt so very tired, plus so heavy traffic here due to mass goers of Ash Wednesday. I pray to father our dear Lord to forgive me for my body cannot anymore handle extra hours and go home very late.

      I am so happy for you.At least we are the same RC and let us not be affected with negative feedback against priests and priests against the people and government.Let us just do our job for it is God we glorify not priests.

      • Thank you @Cely. 🙂

        I think if the mall we manage has no chapel, I will not have the patience too, to go to a church teeming with people. I experience vertigo that’s why when I am in the midst of so many people.

        Luckily, for 10 years now, I always get to attend the Ash Wednesday mass, because our company would always have a mass said on the chapel and before when we are not in this mall yet for our office, we hire a priest to do the mass in our office.

        As for you, don’t worry. You can just pray in the confines of your room with a contrite heart. 🙂

    • Filipinos have a deep sense of religiosity which they show by attending Sunday Masses or observing religious activities like the Lenten Season.

      God has been the center of their lives as expressed in the way they express their religiosity. The God-fearing attitude prevents them from committing negative acts towards other people. Though there are so many religions in our country (Philippines), majority of them are Roman Catholics.

    • Nice article!

      Lately, I have not been as religious as I should have been. Coincidentally, I just submitted a similar topic but more of my not being active than the celebration itself.

      It is so nice to know that there are still many Catholics who stick with their beliefs. There maybe flaws in our religion but it will all boil down to one: that we will all return to our Creator, no matter what religion you believe in. Even sinners, like San Dimas, was forgiven by Jesus for he repented and he believed that Jesus is his savior.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, At Last, Our Daughter Is Now A Doctor 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hubby and I , only had one child. She’s our daughter, who turned 26 years old just last December 25, Christmas day for us Catholics.

    Actually, We didn’t expect her to be born December 25, since the doctor sai […]

    • That is indeed a very proud moment, very well done. Congratulations to you and your daughter. Even I wanted to be a doctor but I changed my mind lol, and now I am just an accountant.

      • Thank you. We really are indeed proud parents. Especially that she we have raised her to be a God fearing woman.

        Oh, please don’t say JUST an accountant. Each of our profession has a different way of contributing to society. Each one is important, to complete the cycle of things in our lives.

    • Congrats!Very proud of you, for sure. So glad to hear this, a joyful moment. @harpreet singh good to be an accountant too, a good career provided we love our jobs, all jobs are a good job, for sure!

      • Thank you. And we are so happy that after 9 years, we are through with providing for her. She will be soon on her own. 🙂

        Yes, I told @HARPREET SINGH , not to say JUST an accountant. Each of our jobs are important to make the society a better place to live in. We all have our own contributions to the world having our different jobs. There is dignity in labor as they say.

    • God bless your daughter. I’d like to add that it is truly a blessing to everyone when men and women are given the opportunity to study and to become “the best that they can be” at whatever occupation they choose as a life profession.

      • @Treathyl FOX

        Thank you. Indeed, the best wealth that we can give our children is giving them the freedom to choose the best course for themselves and enjoy doing the job for the rest of their lives and show their best on it.

    • @Michelle

      Thank you. Indeed she is a talented one. Maybe she took it from me. Joke , joke , joke

      We never expected her to pursue Medicine actually. We though that when he graduated on BS Biology, she will already be contented with it.

      But she really has the ambition of being a lawyer actually. But my father a lawyer who eventually became a judge discouraged her because there was a scholarship waiting for her for the science related course so she took BS Biology then pursued Medicine.

      At least she also likes so much to be a doctor.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Getting Married Is Now Getting Complicated and Expensive Over Here 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last Saturday, I , together with some of my officemates, attended the wedding of the one I talked about in my previous post […]

    • For those who can afford never care about how much to spend. What’s on their mind is happiness and fulfillment of their dream , yet there are practical people that better like to weed simpler and have the most money save to start for a family.

      Thanks for sharing this factual happenings in our society this time.Write more , blog more and earn more,lol.

      • Well for the rich, money doesn’t matter indeed, as long as they will be happy with it.

        But for those that are on budgets, they really choose to be more practical.

        And that’s what me and hubby did when we got married. It was just a simple wedding with just the family, closest relatives, friends and officemates present.

        At least we already have appliances in our rented apartment when we went there to start our married lives.

        We didn’t regret having the simple wedding. But simple thought it may be , the guests really appreciated the foods that were served. We just added lechon and chicken macaroni salad.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Would You Like to Attend A Wedding If The Attires Are Too Formal? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last Saturday, three of my officemates and I attended our officemate’s marriage to a fellow executive assistant of mine.

    Prior to that, I decided not to attend just like most of my officemates.

    Why? B […]

    • I enjoy attending formal weddings and wearing formal clothing. I would never wear pants/jeans to a wedding. I think dressing up once in a while is fun and interesting. It’s a good occasion to wear a dress and get all dressed up.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I miss to write long blogs, but I won't write this timer, no payment yet in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago


    I know by now that you have been paid for the $20 which was given to you at $30. Congratulations!

    So, you have been to a lot of sites already. And you really are a writer, my friend.

    Basing on your narrations, you have been to a lot of sites already and they eventually closed.

    Can it be that you have a “balat sa pwet”, an inborn…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I miss to write long blogs, but I won't write this timer, no payment yet in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    I know by now that you have been paid for the $20 which was given to you at $30. Congratulations!

    So, you have been to a lot of sites already. And you really are a writer, my friend.

    Basing on your narrations, you have been to a lot of sites already and they eventually closed.

    Can it be that you have a “balat sa pwet”, an inborn dark mark…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic The money earned here, what are going to do with it? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    Just like you, I just let my money just be in PayPal too. I transfer them to my account when they have grown big and I can use it to buy something nice for me or for the house like curtains.

    At least, PayPal won’t be deducting 50 pesos or $1 every time I transfer it to my savings account.

    They may be little earnings, my friend, but over time…[Read more]

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