joe garcia
@mrdprince active 5 years, 2 months ago-
There is this saying that goes like “LET GO AND LET GOD” if you read between the lines you will understand what I mean by that statement. Though it is straight forward you don’t need to expound on it. It’s all about leaving everything to God. Don’t keep dwelling on the things that keep putting you down, sometimes it’s good to just lay on Jesus feet and let him do his work. Don’t keep stressing over stuff that you cannot change. When we pray to God, our words go up to him and he brings down answers. God let’s us go through stuff so that he can teach us something, or warn us, or protect us. We should not always take disappointments to be a bad thing, we should in fact embrace them because it’s through this trials that we get breakthroughs. Think about it this way you have to have a disappointment in your life to be able to get to your appointment. So don’t disregard them they happen for a pretty good reason. I am an example of such I have experienced so much pain and hurt in life but when I look back at it I realize that it was all for good course. If i didn’t go through the turmoils I would never have travelled to the places I did, i never would heave built the house that i built and so many other things. That’s why I look back and just thank God for his ever loving mercy and grace upon my life.
Trust in God and he will never fail us. His path leads to truth and freedom.
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