• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Pages on TinyCent not Opening in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    @EvilElf  That Blog that I had referred to  and did not post here erroneously cannot be found there.Probably Admin deleted it.

    I just went there and I could open posts there.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Never Judge A Person By the His Looks 7 years, 11 months ago

    The problem with humans is to judge others
    from the look of the cover.

    You have heard the common phrase” Never
    judge the cover of the book”

    You know what it means; Never judge or put
    a conclusion of […]

    • This is really a touchy article I had seen so far. This is right that people always go by outward appearance neglecting the saying ‘DO NOT JUDGE BOOK BY ITS COVER’.

      One should know that a person does not care for money after reaching certain heights in life. He actually value the relationships and the affection only. He realizes the importance of human relationships in a society and never cares the material aspects. He lives like a highly matured person

    • I know a similar story. One should not judge a person by their dress…for one of the richest men in Jamaica dresses like the example in the article here. He does it so people don’t beg him any money.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 10 Healthy Midnight Snack Ideas 7 years, 11 months ago

    Many of us belonged to the night owls where we
    burn the midnight oil for certain reasons.

    Some of are either forced to be awake throughout
    the night for self-studying , loads of homework to be
    done or […]

    • My favorite midnight snack was and still is cereal and milk. 🙂

    • It is a favorite midnight snacks but very tasty water is running in my mouth looking at the pic and want to eat it as soon as possible in the lunch. I have many ideas abut such dishes as…

      But I like such types of salad I call it salad because all look vegetables and one egg in the middle.

      The Burmese tea leaf salad is one of the all-time iconic dishes of Asian cuisine. Beautifully presented with an array of delicious and healthy items, it makes for a sublime feast of flavors that are stirred together table top.

      Now, professional chef Elizabeth Howes takes inspiration from this super-popular Southeast Asian dish to create innovative salads perfectly suited for America’s farm-to-table ingredients. She begins with a fascinating look at Burmese culture and cuisine before jumping into the dozens of easy-to-follow recipes.

      Readers are guided step by step through the process of making a tea leaf salad from scratch but are also shown how to plate more modern serve-and-stir salads, such as Lemongrass Chicken Salad, Saffron-Ginger Shrimp Salad, and America’s own Cobb Salad.

      With stunning full-color photos, high-quality interior stock, and decorative end papers, this paper-over-board hardcover makes the perfect gift for any salad lover.

    • that is so nice list and well posted, i liked how designed your post and also like the yughurt snake, i like youghurt with fruits and some i like its salty with pepper, i mean black pepper, to give it relly mixed nice taste and power, i like it as snake for night and between meals and also if i take brake at work i like it eat it too, thanks alot for this list agian and liked the style

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 tips to stay safe in high rise buildings 7 years, 11 months ago

    I was excited to have the opportunity to visit my ex-
    schoolmate’s house which is located at a luxury
    condominium in the heart of the city.

    Flats, apartments , villas and condominiums are considered
    as h […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Art of Making Perfect Fritters 7 years, 11 months ago


    What’s in a fritter one might ask that there is art in there. Reading through this Blog you will know certainly there is art when making perfect fritters. 

    I was at my sister’s the other day and there w […]

    • Making fritters is definitely an art. But without a doubt I don’t think I have ever ever ever tasted a fritter I did not like. When I was growing my mom always made conch fritters. For the longest time I thought those were the only kind of fritters. You can imagine my surprise and my joy when I found out there could be sweet fritters as well as savory. Fritters with or without meat. Now, whenever I see the word “fritters” I get happy happy happy!! 🙂

    • That;s a revelation for you that there are more fritters than what your dear Mom made for you (lol)

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Are our posts rated? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    errmmm… purple peach image looks cute but I am too old for that!

    For a mother of 2 kids, I guess that pic is suitable for the young ones.

    peachpurple are 2 colors that my son loved best.

    So that is how I got that name.


  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    @EvilElf   Over to @suny.  He has taken over.    😀

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    If just a month of not being paid, I am sure there are some hidden reasons.

    Unless they owe writers for months or wipe off the earnings, otherwise, I think that everyone should wait and see.


    By the way, I haven’t write that many post yet, just 2 until now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    @suny I do not need to go to FB to know what is going on at TinyCent

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    @suny  I thought I had attached it here but when I went back and  searched  again I do not find it there. It must have been deleted by Admin or the user. It talked of not getting paid past a month which is quite disturbing.  Also compared to earlier days views have gone down sizably. There are just a handful that are getting reasonable amount of v…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, LiteracyBase is back on track 7 years, 11 months ago


    With heavy competition among online writing sites it is imperative that for a site to survive it should listen to its community,. Many a site have gone into limbo when they ignored their community. Bubblews […]

    • Video I think was from Daily Motion Videos I saw it too but it was long time ago. Now it is gone.

    • This is a very good news for bloggers. Once the bloggers feel happy with the site and have satisfaction with the payment the developmetn comes without any effort. What all one needs is sincerity. The bloggers also know the problems involved in maintaining a site and running it. They are not cruel. They know what the other site pay for their blogs and how they pay. They will always have a comparative statement witha detailed sketch in their minds.
      I hope LB would definitely come up to the expectations of the bloggers and other online writers and make a big success in the online writing.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, How to Deal With Online Harassment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Unfortunately technology attracts all sorts of individuals and some will abuse the rights of others by constantly harassing or bullying others to gain power. These sort of things occur when there’s been some foul […]

    • I just don’t want to give my id data online and regret it. Now I know one more page where I can not participate because they ask personal ID card. Bulling online – click and delete contact, very effective.

    • Online bullying is something that has been with us for such a long time. Many people don’t realize it until it’s too late. There is some unusual I formationthat people ask for and that should be suspicious enough to make someone know that things are not right.

    • I generally take the bull by the horn and show them their right place.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, How To Choose A Pet Wisely 7 years, 11 months ago

    Since time immemorial there are certain species of animals and birds that are considered to be pets but this thinking is slowly changing many a time not to the advantage of the birds or animals chosen to be kept […]

    • I don’t believe I can have rooster for pet. It is a bird for lunch?

    • A rooster as a pet? That’s quite weird but everybody has their own taste. Am just wondering how does a rooster live for 12 years that’s unbelieavable actually never seen one never heard of one until now. Well for me i would not keep a rooster as a pet but I will keep it for meat. I remember I had a few chicken that I used to read and I would eat chicken like every week whenever I wanted to, and that was a good feeling and good idea because at the end of the day I don’t have to buy chicken for consumption it was right there by my door step all I needed to do is get someone to slaughter it for me and voila! Anyway I have always known pets are animals like dogs, rabbits, cars, horses and such like but not chicken, what would you do with a rooster surely, like when you train a dog or a cat to jump, run, come,tell it to go out and such would you do that for a rooster

      • I have covered a bit of what joy a rooster gives when he is kept as a pet. You do not have this experience and therefore you do not know. As I have mentioned in the Blog the only reason why I would not keep a rooster as a pet again is because they suffer when they get old.

    • This is an interesting and a unique article. Rooster as a pet …everyone can have a choice in choosing a pet. There is no hard and fast rule on that. But nowadays most of the people choose a dog or a cat as pets. They are quite friendly and move along with us. There is a cat in my house. whenever he sees me entering the house it makes ‘myaoe’ means I should give her some milk in a bowl or in a plate meant for him. So this is a very naughty one. Another dog will jump over me with great affection. This is really a terrible experience. Even our own kith and kin do not show that much affection. It shows a lot of happiness moving around me till I take the dog into my hands and speak some ‘chu..chu..’ words . Really this is the greatest creation of God. My friends’s mother was bed ridden and she was in a serious condition. His dog stopped taking anything for lunch or dinner. He wondered why was it so. That was entering and sitting beside the cot of that old lady.She was giving her meals and lunch every day. After a few days the old lady passed away and after a gap of 3 days the dog also was no more. This is really a terrific experience.

      • Flora and fauna has been a part of my life for years that includes a lujch landscaped garden, cats, dogs and a menagerie full of birds that visit us every single day frolicking in the bird bath specially installed for their comfort. The rooster was just an addition I had 5 birds 3 hens and 2 roosters as mentioned in my Blog.

    • I also love fauns and flora but the most essential part of fauna flora is birds, singing birds or talking birds. singing birds as nightingale and stalking bird is mountain parrot with semi red wings and a red strip around his neck.

      I am fond of taming mountain parrot. I bought it of 5000 Rupees and he is five years old and talk as human being talks. His memory is sharp and he is expert in cheating human voices of different. He also cheats crow’s and cat voice in the s same way.

    • There is a bird that visits us among other birds known as Greater double racket tailed drongo. This birds chirps in atleast six different ways including a cat’s meow.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Lots of time Isn’t Needed in Order to be Effective on Social Media 7 years, 11 months ago

    No one has to spend lots of time on social media in order to generate the results they’re looking for. In fact lots of time shouldn’t be spent in environments that can possibly cause lots of stress. Each site can […]

    • Please, is there any body that would guide me through this litracybase?

    • I hear various arguments FOR and AGAINST social media and also “in between”. I use social media for my home business projects primarily because it’s a an audience and it’s like “free advertising” (unless you want to pay for more followers and traffic). The fact that I meet new people and make new friends is an added “benefit”.

      Zuckerberg (Facebook), Page (Google Plus) and all those other tech geniuses have allowed everyday people like you and me to create social accounts free and you get to connect with people you may not have had a chance to communicate with otherwise, and possibly grow a customer or subscriber base for your websites and blogs.

      In my humble opinion, there are more advantages to using social media than disadvantages. But I do agree with you that it’s not necessary to spend a huge amount of time on those sites. That can be counter-productive.

    • Every new innovation will have pros and cons. The cons when it overtakes the pros then the problem starts automatically. It increases not only our stress but also creates stress among others.

      Recently I have come across a post with hate speech against some section of the people of a Religion. It was a recorded video of a Member of Parliament of India. He was speaking totally thrash. Once we hear the speech one is sure to develope hatred against a particular community of a religion. Could we stop the person who has determined to post it and bring to the limelight the activities of the Member of Parliament? The person who had posted it should feel the social responsibility and see that such posts should not instigate hatred among the people.

      The social network sites are nowadays being used for effective interaction by the terrorists and other anti-social elements. Both educated and uneducated are using these site for their own purpose.

      These sites are taking sides in the matter of politics and making a big franchise for a particular political party. This is very bad concept. The members of political parties directly scold each other on the websites which will be quite funny to watch. Added to this some youth post dirty pictures and using these sites for pornography. Even ladies are hesitating to explore such sites. Ultimately they are being disappointed and forced to withdraw their account from the website itself.

      As you rightly said it is only certain important and useful posts that need attention. Not each and every post of some Tom, Dick, and Harry.

    • You say right wise men earn everywhere on earth be social media or mart or other country because earning rests on birth qualities just as some have traits to be a doctor, some to be lawyers, some to businessmen, some to be leaders, some to drivers, some to be come engineers, some to be pilots, some to teachers…

      Before you become famous online you´ve got to pick a platform, now if it´s money you´re interested in then YouTube is always going to be the place to start.

      If it´s easy fame you´re looking for then Tumblr is the place for you and if it´s constant fame you´re looking for then Facebook is going to be a sure thing.

      Twitter is one of the easiest sites to become famous on, but it´s one of the only sites that does n´t really have any value from being famous. You won´t earn loads of money and you´ll never be noticed.

      Use face book, twitter, Instagram, tumbler, blog…but you me creative and you will earn very and get popularity among the readers of all over the world.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    Here is a Blog that I read at TinyCent which is quite disturbing. I was the one who praised it to the skies but now I too feel the same.


  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Ussers at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    Here is a Blog that I read at TinyCent which is quite disturbing. I was the one who praised it to the skies but now I too feel the same.


  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Nyonya Recipe: Fragrant Pork Stew-Babi Chin 7 years, 11 months ago

    Nyonya Cuisine doesn’t has to be spicy at all.
    I didn’t know that Fragrant Pork Stew which is famously known as “Babi Chin” was
    port of the Nyonya heritage cuisine.
    “Babi” is the Malay word for pig or po […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips how to prepare food at home for busy people 7 years, 11 months ago

    Do you agree that home made food is better than dining outside?
    Majority agree that homecooked food is better but how many of us have
    the time to cook at home ?

    Both parents and single adults are seen busy […]

    • This are some really good tips on how to cook for people who he e no time in the kitchen is who are too busy with work. I am one of those people who do most of the things that you have mentioned above. It saves me a lot I time and money when I prepare my meals before hand, do that when I get home it’s easier for me to cook even if it’s late.usually on Sundays is when I do my boiling and stacking of good in the freezer for future use. I boil meat dinner vegetables and anything else that needs preparations before time so that when I get to the house all I need to do is thaw and start cooking thanks for sharing those tips

    • There are some useful tips for cooking at home. As you rightly said that people nowadays are finding it difficult to devote time for cooking for various reasons. Most common reason for not cooking at home is because of tiresomeness and not having a good company to share their work at cooking. The remaining reasons may be specific to a particular family and a member who is cooking for the home.

      The tip on how to cook in less than 20 minutes for the entire home is good. The appliances you have mentioned will be quite friendly in cooking. They save time and money also. They also assure some good physical activity.

      I want to add that eating in a glassware will save a lot of water as they are easy to wash. We need not use a lot of water in cleaning the dinner and lunch plates. The dinner plates and other serving bowls should be kept clean and should be of good material to avoid the reaction with the food items served.

      But, these items should be changed at least once in a year for keeping the kitchen always nice and attractive. This will create a good ambience for eating.

      There are some people who recommend cooking for a whole week at a time. But this is not advisable. The Fridge and other electronic items may be efficient in keeping and preserving the food. But it is confined to only some countries only. It also depends on the climate you are living in . In the countries having colder atmosphere the cooking of food for a week may be accepted. But not with the people living in the countries that have a very hot climate.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The mindset of online writers 7 years, 11 months ago

    Little do these online writers realize that the site owners totally depend on their participation for them to survive. 

    The online writers keep looking for greener pastures and when they find it they […]

    • It is right that most of the online writers do leave the sites if they find any site that pays more. This is not a healthy practice. The only thing they have to keep in mind is that whether the site has made any injustice to them. There is some introspection is needed. If the answer is no, then there is no justification in leaving a site just by finding another one which pays a higher amount.

      The online sites which are encouraging others are really doing a good job. Sometimes in their anxiety to develop the site in a short time they take up some steps which are not warranted.

      They should take the opinion of others and the members, discuss the issues and try to modify them as and when the circumstances demand such change.

      The writers also should realize that whatever they write should satisfy the minimum standards of English. They should at the same time develop their writing skill while writing. They should learn different styles of writing, expressions, quality of content etc and endeavor towards submission of a unique article.

      • Writers do make or mar a site. If they leave just because another pays better that is not fair.They can certainly go for new sites but ignoring those which have paid them is not fair.

    • It works both ways. Site wants me to write my best stuff but pays fractions of a penny. Take Hubpages; once it paid. Now? So why waste a keystroke?

      • I am fully with you on this. If a site continues paying then it is but fair that we stick to it and not leave them stranded just because another site pays better.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Confidence Doesn’t Have Discouragement in it 7 years, 11 months ago

    When there’s confidence no amount of words or expressions can turn us around. We should build confidence so that we’re able to be productive. So many lack the confidence to do outstanding things because they […]

    • Oh confidence, this is the reason why our Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach won the tilt because of her answer during the question and answer portion when she said she is “confidently beautiful with a heart.” Confidence is one of the attitude and traits that every Filipino must develop because most of us have low self-esteem. We are good and we are outstanding but we have little confidence in ourselves which always reflect in our face. I guess we filipino should have to develop this attitude.

    • Confidence is the cream of life. Whatever work we undertake and is given should be attended to with confidence. Though the term confidence is an intrinsic property of one, it should be viewed both as an intrinsic and extrinsic.
      A boss will ask you to do a job because he chose you for doing that particular job. In his opinion you are a more suitable person meant for doing it than others. He is having confidence in you.
      Now your job is to do it with dedication and do it perfectly reaching to the expectations of your Boss. You can not do it as per your own inner sense and submit something only to displease your Boss. Here your inner will not workout. You will not have the appreciation from anybody including your boss. Here you can not argue with others even if you are right in doing that job with your own confidence. If you do it and still argue about what is right as per your inner will then it will not be called confidence but only as an arrogance. People will hate you.
      Thus confidence is both intrinsic and extrinsic. You can not break the confidence of your boss on you and do things as per your whims and fancies.
      The confidence speaks about the perfection in making and attempting a work that is given and taken up.

      If you are asked to take up some job you are supposed to do it with dedication , with due respect to the established norms and procedures. If you do it as per your choice and preferences people treat you either as a lunatic or as an Arrogant.
      Sincerity , obedience, and perfection are the three jewels of Confidence.
      As a social creature one should look to the social acceptance of the work done. You can not say ‘I go ahead unmindful of the criticism from others’ it does not carry any value. Take criticism as a positive aspect and try to analyze the work done whether it is actually suitable for criticism or not. If the criticism is correct one should accept it and making necessary corrections accordingly to the job done. Even before that have as many consultations with other experts and elderly people as possible and confirm whether the criticism is a healthy one. If it is so, then nothing is wrong In accepting the criticism.
      Seeing positive side of criticism is another jewel of Confidence.

    • I like what you have shared very true indeed. If we listen to people and do what they want then we are loosing our self confidence thinking that what we are told is what is good. When you go out to look for a job do you always follow all the things that you are told? Am sure you don’t, why because you trust yourself to do the right thing. Confidence can come in different ways just the way you have listed them above but there are those people who will take it in the wrong concept as usual.

    • Life pleasure and progress rest in confidence and confidence comes from real knowledge and knowledge come from the holy books reading in depth.
      Every human contains a powerful success mechanism, which is goal-striving. This power success mechanism only becomes activated when a clear goal is in view. Therefore, sit down and decide what you really want to accomplish.

      Do not borrow another person’s dream. Set your goals and believe in their possibility. If you are not passionate and convinced enough about where you are going in life, someone else will succeed in convincing you to look the other way.

      If you have not got a clear vision yet for your life, take time to identify what you want your life goals to be. Ensure that what you have chosen is in harmony with your talents and passions. You will not be able to endure in an undertaking beyond the level of your love and passion for it.

      Make sure that what you build your life around is what you really enjoy doing. “A goal properly set is halfway reached,” said Zig Ziglar, the American motivator. One of the ways to properly set a goal is to make sure that you set a goal that you will be really looking forward to pursuing.

      Unless you detach yourself from the false self, the true self, who is creative, energetic and result-driven, cannot emerge. Highly successful people are those who have tamed their ego and are willing to take the next available actions even in the face of fear and discouragement.

      Their intention is to try many things and fail quicker so that they know what works or doesn’t work. Successful people are more passionate about success than their fear of failure or momentary disappointment.

    • Having confidence is indeed important. But at the same time we must not be so over confident that we enter into the habit of disregarding people and their ideas or be rude to people. We must try to maintain the balance of having confidence to strive for greatness and to achieve our fullest potential, being successful and being respectful.

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