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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is nothing that you will find  difficult to perform here. Just post 300 or more words and if they are informative you will be paid good.  You write so well and for you it must be cakewalk. Hope to see you here. You can also  earn by commenting on blogs which you will find in the blog categories as also under the ‘blog’ tab and ofcourse gr…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock 7 years, 10 months ago

    Homemade chicken stock is one of the best stock that you can prepare in advance when you have spare time.

    Although you may be put off by thinking of the hassle to prepare the chicken stock ( taking out a large […]

    • I know chicken stock isn’t hard to make and can be very flavorful. But the ready made store bought brands are handy to have in your kitchen cabinet as well. Quite frankly I think Swanson’s chicken broth taste better than my own homemade. 🙂

    • I have no patience to make this kind of cuisine in my kitchen. Iam more for quick fix stuff 😀 But I admire you and your family is truly lucky to have you.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Keep a Healthy Heart 7 years, 10 months ago

    Everyone wants a healthy heart.


    Nobody wants to have a problematic heart with heart diseases or cardiovascular disease that shorten a person’s life span.


    It is alike a ticking bomb that might exp […]

    • Keeping hearth healthy everyone wants but everyone does not know how to keep heart health 24 hours. s a young person, if you start doing small things every day that keep your body healthy, you have a better chance of living a longer, happier and healthier life.

      The things that you do to keep your heart healthy will also make you less likely to develop many other types of diseases, like type 2 diabetes and cancer.” These small steps are not expensive or difficult to take, and taking them can go a long way toward helping you feel your best.

      I say that to keep hearth healthy do these things:
      Avoid smoking and using tobacco products.
      Be physically active every day.
      Eat a heart-healthy diet.
      Keep a healthy weight.
      Keep your blood pressure healthy.
      Keep your total cholesterol healthy.
      Keep your blood sugar healthy.

      Heart disease is also known as cardiovascular disease or “CVD.” CVD is a very serious health condition that keeps the heart or blood vessels from working properly. When our heart and blood vessels are working at their best, blood flows easily and is circulated around the body freely.

      If there is a clog in our blood vessels or if our heart is not pumping blood properly, this prevents blood from being delivered to many important parts of our body. Not having blood constantly delivered to the many important parts of our body can cause serious illness or even death.

      Although some people are born with certain types of CVD, most people develop CVD as a result of poor lifestyle habits, such as eating unhealthy foods, not getting enough exercise or using tobacco.

    • It is indeed a nice and informative post. We should reduce the use of oil and ghee as it is co-related with heart issues. Eating high fat content and sparing no time for exercise or walk will make the things tougher for our heart.
      So, it is a better idea to stop consuming fats.

    • Since I reached 45 , I started getting healthy. I would always eat fruits and vegetables. I would exercise and would do household chores such as cleaning the bedroom, cooking and others just so my body can be activated.

      I also would start dieting whenever my tummy becomes protruding. I would eat just an apple just for dinner.

      Most of all, I learn to relax and avoid stress, because I know stress can make us sick .

      So far, I don’t have maintenance medicines. Though, sometime my cholesterol would shoot above the normal and I have to do medication for a month and two. After that, it would normalize, so I will try maintaining it. However, sometimes it would go up again, so since I don’t do my exercise on weekdays anymore because I am too tired already from work at night, I take medication for a month or two .

      Lately, I know I have been eating some fatty foods again. So, I eat more fruits to wash them and plan to exercise 30 minutes every night once I arrive from work.

      And you are right – commitment to exercise is a must. he he he

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Money is Not the Root of All Evil 7 years, 10 months ago


    I strongly oppose the saying that money is the root of all evil. On the surface it may not seem to be good advice but being financially independent is the way to go.Some religions encourage poverty as that […]

    • Saving some cash is a better idea and one must follow it to safeguard one’s future. We must save something from time to time. It does not mean that we should be frugal but trying to save whenever it is possible is a better idea in this regard.

    • nice post

    • Learning to handle your finances at an early age is always a good thing. I wish someone would have told me when I was young. Maybe I wouldn’t be so bad off now. Learning to budget is another good thing to learn. Learn to say no to things you really don’t need. Learning to say no to my kids is a hard thing for me.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Aromatic Date and Walnut Cake 7 years, 10 months ago

    Come Christmas and our house will reek with the aroma of the  various sweets that are prepared only during Christmas time. The Date and Walnut Cake is one such item.  I do not mind sharing the recipe with y […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Quick fix Sandwich for Breakfast 7 years, 10 months ago


    A good breakfast sustains one for the day. Many do not think much of it but the very word break – fast says it all. Never go on an empty stomach which is sure to have a toll on one’s health. There is no l […]

    • Eating a sandwich in the morning would be a better idea when it comes to improving one’s health. A boiled egg may do the same but I think a sandwich is a better option.

      You shared a simple recipe and it will make the process very simple and easy.

    • Eating a sandwich in the morning would be a better idea when it comes to improving one’s health. A boiled egg may do the same but I think a sandwich is a better option. Doctors do recommend the protein intake in our breakfast.

      You shared a simple recipe and it will make the process very simple and easy.

    • Boiled Egg Delight? That’s a perfect name for that sandwich. 🙂

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    bestwriter replied to the topic What Kind of Dog or Dogs Do You Have? in the forum Group logo of Dog LoversDog Lovers 7 years, 10 months ago


    I just have one now. I finally managed to upload this image.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 10 months ago


    We have no issues. And as for the eggplant also known as brinjal it is my favourite. I cook it in many ways. I will surely write a blog on it here. Be on the look out   😀

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, There is Nothing like Having Full Mastery Over English 7 years, 10 months ago

    Be it those who have English as their first language or those who have had a good exposure to English it is the same story. It is the constant exposure to this English is the only way this language can be […]

    • I really wanted to be in mastery of English. I have been taught and learned this language since I was in grade 2 or 3 during my elementary days until I was in college days. Until know that I’m 42 years old I find I’m not yet master or shall I say still a newbie in English. My grammar is not good but I am really trying to have a good communication skills in English, I just hope I can make it even here in writing.

      • You need to be exposed to opportunities, opportunities that let you be in touch with those who speak and write good English. Finally it is the exposure that matters.

    • English is the language of modern age because the source of earning in country and out of country rests on spoken and written English. To be master of English on not difficult but you must be full of conceptions.
      First of all we write just conception, thoughts, feelings and emotions and nothing else.

      There are three things that are must to be the mater of English micro skills as reading and writing skill, listening and speaking skill. To be the master of English you must know three things fully, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation pattern.

      Grammar structure tells you how to construct ideas in an organized way, pronunciation will help you in spoken language and vocabulary will help you to express your ideas. Besides, idioms and phrasal verbs are most important to be the master of English.

      The best grammar AJ Thomson and Martinet written, Name Practical English Grammar, Pronunciation pattern is defined in the best way in Advanced Learner Dictionary by AS Horn By, for vocabulary building Chambers Dictionary is the best because you can find all worlds in it old and new.

      I will write a full article very soon how to be the master of English micro skills for my readers’ guideline.

    • There is no logic that can help one master the language. It is only the constant use and exposure can help grasp the language.

    • I have never heard of breadfruit. Is that a British fruit? Yes, American English is so different from the English of those from Britain or even Austrailia. We have certain words here in America that mean something different in England and vice versa.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Drop Counts – Save Water 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is no shortage of water in our household. We have a well that provides enough liquid the whole year through. But I cannot see water being wasted. Our helpers do that and that gets on my nerves. And these […]

    • You say right that every drop of water makes seas and river, canal and lake but a few know its importance at home an out of homes. It is said that drops make seas and rivers.

      Many people are unaware of the amount of water they waste on a daily basis. But the truth is, water is a critical resource in every
      bodies lives, and unfortunately, we simply cannot afford to waste perfectly good water.

      How to save water at home:

      Replace shower heads, toilets and sinks with more efficient, low-flow water models. Using a water efficient shower head can save up to 750 gallons a month.
      Always wash only full loads of laundry and dishes. Whenever possible, choose the short cycle at low water levels.
      Do not let the water run when brushing your teeth or washing dishes by hand.
      Shorten your showers by about a minute or so, and you can save up to 150 gallons per month.
      Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for cold drinks instead of using the tap. This way excess drops are not wasted down the drain each time you pour a glass of water.
      Ditch bottled water, and drink the tap water. Most tap water is no different than bottled water, and this reduces the waste that the would end up in a landfill from the plastic.
      Water your lawn and garden in the evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
      Repair leaks! According to the Department of Health and Human Services, a leaky faucet that drips at one drop per second wastes up to seven gallons of water per day.
      Make use of leftover water. Keep a pitcher of water near your sink or shower and use the unused water from showering or drinking to water house plants.
      Harvest rainwater to use to for a variety of reasons. Place barrels outside to catch the excess rainwater, and use that water to water the lawn or garden.

      • Right when I designed my home I had laid channels to wast water to lead to trees. It is the individuals that make or break anything on earth and saving water comes under that.

    • We are not living in urban area but we can still feel the shortage of water every summer. From the month May the water in the deep well started the shortage. Even though we are living in rural areas but the water become so short during summer days. We are not depending on water system but even the houses depending in water system experienced the shortage last season.

      That is true, conserving water is one of the best answer to avoid this problem.

    • Good topic and an interesting one at that. Wasting water is a cruel thing to do in this world of scarce resources and is an attitude of careless individuals. We sometimes feel like let go when we see our taps just dropping water without knowing that a little drops of water make mighty ocean. We should realise that there are places where water is more like gold and very expensive as a result not waste it. We should know that is a gift from the most high God to humanity and wasting it is a way of not appreciating the gift from God.

      • It is not at all difficult to save water if individuals become responsible citizens. It is not just water anywhere and everywhere with a bit of thought this world could be a great place to live but sadly man seems to be a selfish animal

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holland a Place with History 7 years, 10 months ago

    As a part of our Europe tour we were taken to Holland. We covered Amsterdam and Rotterdam but we just missed the tulips in Amsterdam. Who can forget the song Tulips from Amsterdam

    We had a look of Amsterdam  by […]

    • Holland is one the best heaven for the tourists as I have read in many books but unluckily I have not seen Amsterdam with my physical eyes many time I have seen Amsterdam with my spiritual eyes in dreams and pic.

      Amsterdam has very old links with the United States. In 1780, John Adams opened the first American embassy in the world in Amsterdam. However, the first contacts with Amsterdam were actually much older. In 1609, Henry Hudson left Amsterdam’s Schreierstoren in his ship De Halve Maen. After a long journey, he reached the island of Manhattan where he founded Nieuw Amsterdam, which later became New York City.

      The beer traders from Hamburg may well have been the first foreigners in the fledgling city of Amsterdam. Since 1600, Amsterdam has been a favourite tourist destination for German visitors, which becomes apparent from many travel journals. German visitors are still ranked at an honourable third place on the Amsterdam Tourist Barometer.

      • The ‘red light’ area is open unlike how it is hidden here in India. Thanks for providing all the historical stories about Holland.

    • I don’t know much about Holland except that a friend, one of my former co-workers, went there on vacation and she said that the tulips were a big deal! 🙂

    • Tulips are a big deal there but as I have said in my post I missed the season. I was so hoping to swim in there 😀

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Jelly Recipe: Coconut Milk Jelly with Palm Sugar 7 years, 10 months ago

    The best way to learn how to make new dessert is to get your best buddies to share with you their recipes online.


    One of my best buddy who had just developed a passion for baking and cooking, had been […]

    • That looks delicious but I think there is a difference to the agar-agar of your friend than the agar-agar we cook in our place. In our place the ingredients include fruits like cubed apple, papaya, cherries, pineapple and many more. But in here the brown sugar is one of the ingredient. I actually thought this is a nata de coco which our place really good in making this.

      But the most important is the many recipes we can make from the coconut fruit. We sometimes make buko salad which comprises of many kinds of fruits with the main ingredient of the coconut. This is just good for this Christmas season.

    • You always share great recipes. I need to go back and revisit your posts. 🙂

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Dessert Recipe For Kids: Lychee Compote 7 years, 10 months ago

    At first, I wanted to try cocktail but since my kids are keen in trying it, I decided to make Lychee Compote from the can which was quicker and tastier for them.


    If you are planning for a nutritious […]

    • nice and healthy food is good for well living

    • Will never forget the first time I tasted lychee. First of all, I was attracted to it because it’s my favorite color but when I taste it? I was very happy! 🙂

    • When I was growing up my favorite time of the day is when I got to get a yummy treat.

      Kids love when that get treats it excited them.especially if they get to help make them. And I’m sure you remember growing up it was so much fun to get to help make treats.

      I always enjoyed when I got to help make cakes and pies, best part was when I got to lick the bowl the mixture was made in.
      Ain’t nothing like spending time in the kitchen with the family getting all creative.
      My favorites were ice cream cakes(we did ours a lil different) and kool-aid pies.

      Both of these were really fun to make. There really yummy too.

      Here’s how we made our ice cream cakes.

      + Place two rows of ice cream SANDWHICHES down 3 in each row layer some vanilla ice cream on top shape it up put two more rows of ice cream SANDWHICHES layer with wip cream then drizzel some CHOCHLATE SYRPT on top.

      (Make in a cake plate that can be placed in freezer)

      you can also make cake is big as you want just use more ingredients.


      +2 packs of orange kool-aid
      +1cup of sugar
      +1 12oz wip cream
      + 1 pie crust

      Blend KOOL-AID,wipe cream and sugar together place mixture in pie crust.



      This a great for spring and summer

    • Ancient Chinese legend has it that dedication to the health benefits of lychee prompted consumption of several hundred lychees per day. The results of this practice aren’t reported. But there is medical proof that lychees can relieve coughing, ease abdominal pain, and have a positive effect on tumors and swollen glands. The seeds are prescribed for testicular inflammation and neuralgia pain.

      Tea made from lychee peelings is said to cure smallpox and diarrhea. In India, the seeds are ground to make tea for stomach trouble. Parts of the bark, root, and lychee flowers are gargled for sore throat.

      Lychee is rich in dietary fiber to help maintain optimum regularity and a healthy weight. One of this fruit’s most plentiful and unique nutrients is oligonol, which contains a number of valuable antioxidants with the ability to fight flu viruses, improve blood flow, and protect the skin from UV rays.

      Lychee is loaded with vitamin C, providing 119% of the recommended daily value in one serving. This further protects against colds and other infections, helps the body develop resistance, and fights inflammation.

      Other nutritive ingredients in lychee include high levels of B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, as well as potassium (which helps help control heart rate and blood pressure and stave off strokes and heart disease), thiamin, niacin, folate, and copper (which produces red blood cells, maintains healthy bones, prevents thyroid problems, and anemia). All these are vital for maintaining carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolization.

      However, consume lychees in moderation because they contain fructose, which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, All About Arkansas – a Tourists’ Paradise 7 years, 10 months ago

    Arkansas is located in the Western South-Central US, and is surrounded by the States Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. Like any other US State Arkansas have enough features to […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holistic Approach to Healthy Living and Aloe vera 7 years, 10 months ago

    Holistic approach to healthy living  is the order of the day. Despite being in the world of fast food more and more are becoming aware of the need to remain healthy.  This approach would include,regular e […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, What Holds us Back is a Question that Needs to be Answered 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all have talents. Some do not even know that they have them. While some are responsible to help us discover them some play the opposite role. Having said that it is still possible to search for them on our own […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, When Dealing With Problematic Events 7 years, 10 months ago

    It can be quite difficult to solve some problems immediately. Some issues are just too great to solve, especially on our own. Sometimes we’ll need to communicate with professionals in order to solve some problems […]

    • Problems are part and parcel of human life but problems must be handled carefully and sensibly. very day, we meet all kinds of surprises and unexpected events. Most of them are of minor importance, but sometimes, they are major, or life shaking events of unpleasant nature, causing difficulties and problems.

      Life is full of surprises and events that sometimes, shatter one’s daily routine. Some of them might be good and some of them not so good. Some are pleasant and others unpleasant.

      Most people like to be in control of their lives, and therefore, are more at ease living the same kind life every day, following the same routine.

      Tips for Dealing with Surprises and Unexpected Events:

      Acknowledge the fact, and learn to accept that surprises and unexpected events are part of life and are unavoidable. When you accept this fact, to some extent, it will be easier to deal whatever happens in your life.Life is dynamic, not static. Change is part of life, and the sooner you acknowledge and accept this fact, the better it would be.

      The key to everything is your attitude. A positive attitude is an asset in unexpected situations.Not all unexpected events are negative. Sometimes, what seems like a problem, or even a disaster, could be a blessing in disguise. A negative event can awaken ambition, motivation, and persistence, which would lead to progress and success.

      Even getting fired from work, could eventually turn out well, as you might find a better and more satisfying job. A loss or failure can make you search for something better.

      When making a plan, always have an alternate plan, in case the first plans fail. This would prevent you from falling into a state of helplessness, fear, and not knowing what to do next.

      Wait for a few moments, before blurting out when confronting unexpected or unpleasant turns of fate. Before getting angry or panicking, look at what happened and assimilate the news. In many cases, this might something of minor importance that is easy to cope with. Maybe what happened is temporary, or something that can be easily fixed.

      If what happened is irreversible, what good would you gain by becoming angry, stressed or panicked? You would gain nothing. Instead of getting flustered and confused, angry or feeling helpless, it would be much more useful to think constructively where you are going from there. You need to think how to adjust to the new situation and either fix it, improve it, or make the most of it.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Mesmirising Formation of Clouds 7 years, 10 months ago

    Clouds can provide photographers great opportunities to capture them in different avatars. The cloud formations are given names and meanings. There is a whole lot of information on the formation of clouds and […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Overcoming the Challenges in Life 7 years, 10 months ago

    Life is filled with all sorts of challenges but no amount of challenges should cause a defeat. The mind can play tricks on us and we’ll start thinking that we’re unable to “overcome.” There’s nothing that we’re […]

    • This is so true we aleays fight battles to make it

    • I love this topic! I do agree that everything occur in our life there is a reason and something to be learnt from it. I believe relax and take it easy, forget those unhappy things , can make life easier.

    • Challenge is life of a brave and the death of a coward. Those who do not accept challenges remain poor and mentally unhealthy seen in practical life a;; over the world. fate always appears in the veil of challenge and those accept it find fate and blessings fo God on earth.

      I think that if you compared your troubles, or challenges, with those of others, you would surely find that there are those whose troubles make yours look like minor inconveniences.

      Part of the challenge that comes with striving for success is how the entire journey comes with its own fair share of failures and disappointments

      Likewise, family caregivers can go a long way toward helping parents or other loved ones stay in their own homes, but only if they understand the challenges of caregiving and know how to get help and support.

      Smiling is a wonderful way to get a boost of happiness. The next time life presents you with a challenging situation, take a deep breath and smile.

    • I think its so pwoerful to see those words at morning and in the weekedn it make you wnat to rerrange oyur life, your thoughts your dreams even, and thingking of that is really enough to make you take new directions in life and make you reach small goals even, and make you happy setting wherever however

    • Life was not meant to be easy. Not even Jesus had it easy. We must make sure that our concern to have what we lack does not make us neglect what could give us life now. One of the greatest obstacles preventing the liberation of people is our own greed. Our God comes all the time through events that unexpectedly ruin our plans.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Garden Should have an Incinerator 7 years, 10 months ago

    A passionate gardener will fill their garden with as many trees as possible least realising what will be in store when leaves start to fall.

    Where there are many trees there is bound to be a shower of dry […]

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