• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Rice laddoos simple and yet delicious – a Christmas goody 7 years, 9 months ago

    Here in this part of the world where I live there are traditional Christmas goodies and among them is the rice laddoo. Here is how it is made

    Boiled or red rice 2 cups
    Jaggery 1 cup
    Half […]

    • Thanks for posting. Reshared to my foodie blog.

    • If you like coconut and jaggery this is a great snack. You must be having an interesting food blog. How is it faring?

      • To date, my Food Ways blog shows 30 published posts. I used the Blogspot platform. Just recently set up a foodie blog on Tumblr for more sharing of more food-related stuff. That’s where I shared your post. Well I don’t know if other people like the blogs but I like them! There is always the goal of successful monetization. However, if I were to draw on my past experiences there are only 4 possible outcomes for my blogging adventures: (1) the blog will be deleted by the site owners, (2) the blog will be allowed by the owners but won’t get any traffic, (3) the blog will be allowed by the owners and might actually get subscribers and followers, and (4) I’ll die and my surviving family members will delete all of my online activity OR let it stay online but ignore it. They ignore what I do now anyway! 🙂 🙂 You’re sweet. Thanks for asking. 🙂

        • I like your logic about what could possibly happen to your blog. I hope your point No.3 is what will happen to your blog. I too have a couple of them there but I also know hardly anyone in the family would be interested in retaining them when I kick the bucket going by their lack of interest in knowing what I do when I am living (lol)

          • LOL. I enjoy talking to you. 🙂

            It’s the strangest thing but when my mother passed away, my brother was going through some of her things and found her handwritten notes. It was a collection of quotes she had written down over the years. They revealed something about her character and nature that even her children didn’t know. He read some of the quotes at her funeral service.

            Comparison? The thing is … I don’t think my own children really know me that well. Also, I have grandchildren and a great grandson. One grandchild I see regularly. But as for the others, circumstances keep us apart and so we don’t really know each other. Perhaps they might find my writings online and read them to learn a little something about me. Who knows? Maybe my work might connect us in some way. It might guide their steps if they need advice, or encourage them or cheer them up, if they feel down.

            That’s my hope. It’s a prayer. 🙂

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Putting Up the Christmas Tree 7 years, 9 months ago

    Then we have the ritual of putting up a Christmas Tree. There is no noteworthy reason why this tradition came into being but suffice it to say putting it up does once again give one an opportunity to get the […]

    • I think there is some truth in your saying. Once the conifer branch is cut and after a day it becomes a dead wood But, it is coming as a tradition. Bringing the entire family under a tree is a great idea It is this idea that has to be viewed with appreciation. A sense of togetherness is involved in decorating the Christmas tree. No doubt the tree will be decorated with many other items also. But, one has to honor and appreciate the interest shown in decorating the tree
      Even in the Hindu religion, there is a similar tradition. Here the people worship an AMLA tree during KARTIKA MASAM
      They actually have to worship the Amla tree lighting a lamp under it. All relatives are invited and they dine as a group sitting under a tree
      During Kartika Poornima, it will be followed very meticulously. They name it VANABHOJAN.
      But, in cities, it is possible to perform such activity.
      So, most of the people purchase a branch of Amla Tree and place it in the prayer hall. They light a lamp under it. They arrange all food items under it. Sit around it and dine along with all the invited guests. After the ritual the branch has little value and it will be thrown out.

    • Christmas is one of the most important religious ceremony on earth because it reminds all of us Jesus Christ’s arrival and departure from this fickle world. In modern age every religious ceremony has become the part of old tradition and lost its religious spirit due to our materialistic thoughts.

      We must ponder over the importance of Christmas Tree reveals the mysterious death of Jesus Christmas. I think all religious festivals must be made with full pomp and show to make alive the dead spirit of religion all over the world.

      • Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ and I am not sure if the tree has anything to do with religion per se.

      • Christmas Tree is part of Christmas celebration, Since the birth Jesus Christ is wonderful in which the wise men came to worship Jesus Christ as the savior of the world.Jesus was being honor by these people. I think by raising Christmas trees, we are honoring the birth of our Lord Jesus Chris.
        He came to die for us, the raising of this Christmas tree is more than tradition

      • I totally agree with you..I enjoy this time of the year. It seems like no matter how bad your years been Christmas always puts joy in everyone’s heart and puts a smile on there face and best of all brings the family together. Don’t you just love it!!!

    • Sorry to hear about your father but I am sure he will be happy if you continued the tradition. And as for relatives that drift is felt the world over.

    • It is time to thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ who had accepted to died for our sin and rose again on the third day, so raising the Christmas tree because we are celebrate the the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy to be doing.
      Any living soul who know the important of Christ’s coming to this world will raise Christmas tree for Him

      • @timothy I understand and believe Jesus was sent here to die for my sins. You mention Christmas tree for Him being born. Wouldn’t a Christmas tree be better suited for Easter in your line of reasoning as it would signify the wood of the cross that He dies on for our sins? I do have a Christmas tree put up and do it for the Christmas spirit. But am trying to understand your argument

    • A thought has just crossed my mind why do people put up Christmas trees and decorate them? I know I am one of those people because it was a family tradition during Christmas to cut a tree and get it into the house then decorate it with all sorts of ornaments. Come to think of it we never really use to think about thedudus or aunts for those who may not understand dudus. I remember my brothers going around theestate looking out for a nice tree that they would cut down and bring to the house regardless of whether they had ants or not. Anyway at least I can say that we never had any issues with the ants they were clean trees. Once the tree was in the housewe would go out of our way to decorate it with lights and cotton wool to bring out the feeling of snow, the little balls and the star on the top of the tree. Back in the days having a Christmas tree was a big deal so if you didn’t have that would make you feel like Christmas will not be nice. So it was like a mandatory thing back in the days. Nowadays this things are not so much in people’s minds.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Putting Up a Crib – Yet Another Activity at Christmas Time 7 years, 9 months ago

    In the good old days when socialising was at its minimum children got joy mostly during Christmas time as that was considered to be the best season for everyone.
    Planning started days ahead. While there were […]

    • Christmas is one of the major religious gala of the followers of Jesus Christ but people clever priests has turned it into mere a tradition and thus Muslim Eid, Hindus’ religious festival and Christian’s Christmas all have lost it religious spirit in broader sense. Hollow hearts are making religious festival all over the world that is why moral sins are prevailing on earth all over the world.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Cones Stuffed in Jackfruit Leaves – Yet Another Christms Goody 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is a food item that is prepared during Christmas time. Atleast my mother added that in the list of several other food items she prepared specially on this festive occasion.

    Stuffed cones are steamed and […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Precision is the Word While Making kokis 7 years, 9 months ago

    Kokis is yet another food item one only sees at Christmas time. Although the ingredients are simple one needs to be careful while dipping the kokis form in the batter and there lies the secret of making a perfect […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Spent a Day With the Mentally Challenged and Felt Rewarded 7 years, 9 months ago

    Each year we throw a party for poor kids at Christmas time and this year I ventured to have a party for the mentally challenged. I was not sure how it would turn out specially when their behaviour would not be […]

    • It would be a great idea to spare some time and to have the company of these little souls. These souls just need our attention.

      Spending some time with them will surely mitigate their sufferings and sorrows.

    • This is really touching. I love hearing about how others care. And it’s good to show this special kids that there just as special as anyone else. Yeah they may seem different but at the same time they still have a heart like we do. And it truly touches my heart to see others caring for the special needs.they should receive the same attention and respect as we do. If anything we should show kids like this just a lil more attention. Care for them in everyway we can. Don’t treat them different because their different. They still deserve a chance in life. It’s okay to hug them show them love they need it more than we do…Most important their still humans and we as people should never forget that.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Ginger Slices Cookies for Christmas 7 years, 9 months ago

    Christmas Day is just around the corner.

    I am very much looking forward to see my kids happy faces during this festive season.

    They love Christmas cookies and cakes which are home baked by me.

    I started […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Malaysia Food: Eggplant with Oyster Sauce 7 years, 9 months ago

    Locally, eggplant is also known as Brinjal, you can usually see this purple color long curvy “J” shape vegetable sold in supermarket and wet market.


    There are 2 types of eggplants sold in the mark […]

    • Eggplant is an unusual vegetable that has a unique range of health benefits, including an ability to help build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis, reduce symptoms of anemia, increase cognitive function, improve cardiovascular health, protect the digestive system, help lose weight, manage diabetes, reduce stress, protect infants from birth defects, and even prevent cancer.

      Eggplants are native to the Indian subcontinent, but are now found throughout the world in a number of different cultural cuisines. In England, the vegetable is called “aubergine”, and it also goes by the name brinjal, melongene, and guinea squash. The purple or black glossy fruit can grow more than a foot in length in wild varieties, though they are considerably smaller in normal agriculture. It reached the Middle East and the Mediterranean region approximately 800 years ago, and was being referenced in England by the 16th century.

      There are a number of varieties used throughout the world, and they are included in cuisines in many different ways. It is commonly called the “king of vegetables”, at least in India, as it is one of the most versatile and functional foods in the cultural gamut. It has the consistency of tomato, in terms of texture and density, and it is a perfect addition to soups, stews, sauces, as well as a stand-alone item in many dishes. The best part about the food, it is not only a flavorful and delicious addition to many meals, but also a massively healthy vegetable that can help you live a healthier and happier life.

      Nutritional Value Of Eggplant
      The wonderful health benefits of eggplants are primarily derived from its vitamin, mineral, and nutrient content. Eggplants are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K,vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium, and manganese. It is also contains almost no cholesterol, or saturated fat.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Chinese Fried Rice For Kids 7 years, 9 months ago

    Chinese Fried Rice is a famous local cuisine that you can dump in any ingredients that you can find in your fridge, that is what my mother said.


    Whenever she is lazy to cook lunch or dinner, Chinese Fried […]

    • Seems delicious. Actually, I love cooking fried rice. I enjoy eating meals if the rice is cooked with those species or ingredients being discussed in above.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Left-Over Turkey and Potato Patties 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is a great hit with kids and adults alike for a simple light meal for the next day, after Thanksgiving Dinner.


    My mom used to buy a whole cooked turkey from the supermarket for Thanksgiving […]

    • Thanksgiving is over but most of use still bake turkey and ham for Christmas. And of course there’s always plenty of bird left. Yeah we may get tired of eating it. But there’s lots of ways to spice up that Leftover bird so we can enjoy it even more.


      -1lb turkey (Shredded or sliced)
      -1lb Kraft shredded cheese
      -1bl bacon
      -Tortilla wraps

      Warm your turkey in the skill with a pinch of salt pepper and Parsley.cook bacon to a crisp,lay your wraps out layer each wrap with the cheese then turkey and top it off with the bacon roll it up like a burrito bake on 350 for 10min or till brown enough.


      -1lb turkey
      -6 boiled eggs(or desired)
      -1cup of miracle wipe or mayo
      -1cup of grapes
      – 2tbs diced pickles

      Shred turkey as fine as you like,dice up boiled eggs mix in mayo then pickles finish it of by adding grapes and mixing all up

      turkey bacon sausage pizza

      – 1 roll of pizza crust
      ( Or buy crust made already)

      -Sausage -turkey -bacon
      -shredded chedder & mozzarella cheese
      -1 12oz jar pizza sauce

      Roll your crust out spread pizza sauce on to crust layer with cheese then top with all your meats and bake to desired

      Hope you enjoy!

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Foods That Give the Christmas Feel 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are some food items that are only made during the Christmas season. Each country and even each State sometimes have their own delicacies. The aroma that fills the house while making these goodies truly […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, There’s Many Forms of Prosperity 7 years, 9 months ago

    Some may few prosperity as having wealth but prosperity can also be in the form of knowledge. Knowledge is a way to gain more prosperity. When one is gifted with a craft, the craft can produce wealth may take some […]

    • Wow what an inspiring piece. I totally agree with you on this. There is a saying that goes like this where there is a will there is a way and at the end of every tunnel there is a light. Surely anyone who reads this understands what it’s all about. We don’t just prosper you have to always face trials and temptations go through turmoils to get to the place of prosperity. There are others who may not go through the trials but still prosper have you ever stopped to ask yourself how and why? I have many times and the answer is even with all this riches there is always someone who will pay dearly for you to prosper. So for me i don’t envy those people who have so much going for them, riches come pouring out at them while they are just sorted I would rather work and see how I am getting those riches, see myself climbing from one level to another. That way i will appreciate every little thing I have for I know how i got it and what I had to go through to get it. That’s what matters most. Prosperity has never come easy for those who have been there. It has many ups and downs and it needs a lot of patience to be able to receive or get what you want. Many at times we may work so hard and still not find the satisfaction that we are looking for but in the long run of you learn to be patient with yourself you will surely get deserving break that you having working for for so long.

    • I feel happiness comes first, then comes prosperity followed by success in whatever good one is pursuing, leading to abundance which in turn will attract money. People have become materialistic and they measure others by the amount of money and job which one has. This has become a sad fact of life. The rich always seem to keep on hoarding money which actually be increased by them for themselves and for the nation and its people by investing it in more businesses and creating wealth and not money alone.

      If the wealth trickles down from the top downwards and reaches all the sections of the society then the nation will become strong as the people will possess both skill, job and wealth. For this to happen we need people who have a heart to do something for their country and its people and not think what they can get out of it more. A well researched article.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Parenting Skills: To Spank or Not To Spank 7 years, 9 months ago

    Many parents had been pondering over this question:

    To spank or not to spank your kids?


    Although it is a dinosaur age question, that had been lingering for thousands of years, before the modern […]

    • Training a children is good but creating fear spanking create fear in them. If you look at it very well, children love staying with the mother than father. because, some father are always spanking on the children and this cause in direct between them.
      To correct a child. it should not be by spank or shouting. Training is by love. You can can beat a child a little but spanking is absolutely bad.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Reasons Why Students Should Not Bring Cellphone To School 7 years, 9 months ago

    10 years ago, students in secondary school and pupils studying at primary schools were not allowed to bring cellphones to school.

    Back then when my teenager was still in secondary school, teachers would conduct […]

    • Could not agree with more on this topic. The cell phone menace in the school has assumed very high proportions and their use is starting since class 7 or 8 or even less. For some it has become a fashion statement. For others it is to be a step ahead of their peers by getting the latest model. If the parent does not buy the phone many have committed suicide or hanged themselves. Some others do not behave properly with their parents treating them as their enemies. Today’s children are smart but a lot more vulnerable to pulls and pressures of school system, society and image. Counselling and guidance is very much the need of the hour. Trust and belief between parents and children plays a crucial role in this matter. Cell Phone does work as a security system for the children but it depends on whose hand the phone is. It has its plus and minus features. But more minus features. In my opinion children should be given a cell phone only when they land in a job after they are major having completed 18 years. A timely and useful article.

    • RE: Schools IN America
      First, let me start my comments by saying I have put 10 children through the American public school system and my 11th child has two more years until she gradates from high school. Never gave any of them a cell phone. The main reason? Couldn’t afford it!

      That being said … any receptionist or phone-answering personnel that doesn’t pick up the phone at a school SHOULD BE FIRED!! Especially for an elementary or middle school. Lunch breaks and other breaks can be staggered so that at all times, somebody is available to answer the phone. With children (including teenagers) there is no such thing as a “convenient time for an emergency!”

      That being said … given the fact that in America we have had several mass shootings at our schools, ALL teachers should have a phone in their classroom. Cell phone or land line? It doesn’t matter. There should be a way to communicate and call for help!

      Should the child have a cell phone? I have heard all the reasons against it. All the reasons don’t eliminate the real fear of a parent thinking a mass shooter is going to get into the school where their child is a student. It’s a legitimate concern.

      So what we have here IN America is Phone Control -versus- Gun Control.

      America’s politicians are dragging their feet regarding gun control. How I see it? As long as they’re “working on NOT coming up with an IMMEDIATE practical solution to a CRISIS SITUATION!” … give the kid a phone!!

      Or at least let them wear one of those “emergency button beepers” – a Life Alert button – around their neck so they can push it!

      We’re only talking about life and death.

      If you can train a child to know how to use a cell phone, then you can teach and train them how to use that life alert button! It might save their life!

    • The topic you posted is one of the best I love to read. The reason is that I like student because they are youth and the leaders of tomorrow.Take phone to school or using phone by student is dangerous to their education.
      By making use of phone during the school hour will make them lost the concentration in there study. instead of facing the study, They will be pressing phone and some of them will be browsing

    • Using of phone must be stop in the schools. This blog makes me remember a incident that happened to one student some years ago. She came from a rich family and her parents always show to love to their children by giving them whatever they ask for. This student have been using phone for months.
      But on this devil’s day, One boy called the lady through her phone and the girl have to keave the school and went away to meet her so called boy friend. To cut the story short, the lady student in question was raped.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Pineapple Crumble Cake for Christmas Day 7 years, 9 months ago

    The first time I decided to try my hands on sponge cake, I was pleased to know that you don’t need to use 250g of unsalted butter nor use more than 2 eggs which would induce the sponge cake very dense and d […]

    • Yesss! This is one of my most favorite topics to talk about. Im a big fan of bake goods and sweets, try not to eat all the time tho because it really isn’t good for you. But besides all that I really enjoy eating them. Bake goods are a big YES for the holidays. The kids really get excited over them. (Make sure they eat first) My favorite goods for the holidays are red velvet. Ball (red velvet cake in small balls dip in white chocolate) and of course peanut butter balls Yesss!You can make those several ways.dipped in white chocolate or milk chocolate. Nuts on top of you like.mix peanutbutter with powder sugar till able to make into quarter size balls,or you can make into different shapes,then dip them in the chocolate you choose. Don’t you just love this time of the year. There so many more holiday treats. The different types of sugar cookies and cakes. Yummy!!!I feel the joy already.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Macamadia Shortbreads for Christmas Day 7 years, 9 months ago

    Search online, you will notice that shortbreads are usually baked round in shape, rarely stamp out cookies or other shapes.


    However nowadays, shortbreads are sold in many different type of shapes and […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Cheese Heart Cookies for CHristmas Day 7 years, 9 months ago

    Christmas is around the corner, get ready to bake a huge batch of Cheese Heart Cookies for your little ones and friends to enjoy this joyful festival.

    You will be amazed that Cheese Heart Cookies are SO TASTY […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chinese Soup: 3 Treasure Meaty Soup 7 years, 9 months ago

    3 Treasure Soup is locally known as San Bao Tang.
    San means 3, Bao means Treasure and Tang means Soup, a direct translation that you can google through Google Translate.


    3 Treasure Soup is a combination […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, With Christmas Come Special Features 7 years, 9 months ago

    There is no limit to what one does to get into the Christmas mood. Here are some are all of the freatures one gets to see at every nook and corner.

    1. There will be new clothes planned for the entire family
    2. […]

    • i love christmas, i always get to either travel or do a safari or stay home with family, either way this christmas will be a special one in Kenya as it’s the eve of an election year and a lot of times with elections comes with tension, stress, so much happening. so this year, i am definitely celebrating christmas with style and my favourite people.

    • It is indeed a season for everyone to meet and have parties galore. I just had one for the mentally challenged yesterday. It went off very well.

    • I normally have parties for poor kids. I had one yesterday and this time for the mentally challenged.

    • Christmas for me is family time. I enjoy everyone participating in cooking, laughing and sharing stories. It magnifies the love.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Got the Payout Email from LiteracyBase! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    Congratulations. It is the first payment that evades us but once you get there rest is smooth. Hope to see more payment proofs from you

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