• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    That is the purpose why we post print screen proof of payment. It encourages others to be more active.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Consistency is What Ticks Here at LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I joined LiteracyBase in May of last year and enjoy being here. Writing a blog having 300 words or more is not a great demand.  Unlike other writing sites however LiteracyBase gives credence to informative posts, […]

    • Good to hear that you are being paid regularly for your work which is being appreciated at Literacy base. A site which pays regularly and tries to understand its writers can generate good content through them. Ultimately it is good will which place a big role in any relationship and these are two way streets. Sites should always remember that it takes two hands to clap. So building trust and confidence with the writers is a very important part of these relationships as they work well in the long run and work for the the benefit of all people involved in this activity. Wishing you the best to receive more such payments.

    • Great to see you making repeat payouts and it also shows the site in a positive light. I have also reached my first payout and got the notification email as well.

    • Yes LiteracyBase is one of the best sites as I have experienced for many years because its rules and regulations are good and solid. Other sites use fake reports but LB does not use any such means and respects and regards their writers.

      I think it is the best site in the world of internet, Its payment procedure is also fine and simple.Everyone join this site as soon as possible. I think we are supposed to raise its status all over the world.

      I have planned to write 5000 posts on LB very soon to beat all world records in article writing. Its credit will go to LB.

    • I have seen you are a prolific writer and must be earning good here. Why don’t you send us proof of payments which will encourage others to participate here?

    • Waw .. it is good to invest what you are daily doing

      • I like this site as I can express my self which is then read on the Net and may be those readers could benefit from what I have written

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Online Disruptions and the Professionals 7 years, 9 months ago

    We’ll figure out when the time is right to allow the professionals in. When we’re facing problems which is related to legal matters then the ones who need to consult with the legal professionals should contact the […]

    • True trolling and bullying on online platforms has become a big nuisance. If anyone is having difficulty in the writings or expressions of view of the person who has done it. They can point out the issue in a polite and the person at the other end should also try and be sensitive and reply to the aggrieved party and explain. Everything should be sorted out by polite communication. The online platform owners have to create inbuilt mechanisms to see that such issues do not recur with the people who have expressed their views. But even those people who write or do anything online or in a public forum should understand that they are addressing a audience consisting of different thought processes and therefore should be careful in saying and doing what they say or do. Responsibility lies on the online platform owners and more importantly on the people who write, express or comment and those who react to it. Nobody should misuse the medium and the medium should not be blamed because of individuals perpetrating such acts.

    • There are some who win the confidence of Admin and dare do bully many and get away with it. With admin on their side there is little one can do to solve the issue

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just got a message informing me about payment from LiteracyBase.  This is my sixth payment. Here is the proof.  LBDecember


  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Received payment a sixth time form LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just got a message informing me about payment from LiteracyBase.  This is my sixth payment. Here is the proof.  LBDecember


  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Flowerless Flower Arrangements is a Work of Art 7 years, 9 months ago

    You really do not need flowers to have an arrangement to add freshness to your ambiance.  I do it all the time.

    I have several coloured leaves and even green creepers that have exotic looking leaves. Even when […]

    • looking nice i also want to decorate my house with flowers please help me in finding more ideas

    • This seems to be a special art and needs loads of creativity. It does look different and unique when seen. Art is making something out things which are thought of as waste or which people think it is no use of. As they have not come across such a thing in their lives. Such concepts however are not easily accepted by the conventional people. As people are averse to something new. But if they keep seeing such a thing again and again they will get used to it. As it costs nothing to make this art. It is a interesting article which has introduced a new concept which people can read understand and appreciate. Maybe they can also experiment with the same. This can be used for a change and adds variety to the art of decorating ones house. Keep up the good work. Look forward to more such articles.

      • Thank you for your appreciation. Rather than plastic flowers something fresh even if they are not flowers can change the ambiance of any set up.

    • I do not have to go far or buy anything for my arrangements. I have them all in my garden

      • Oh! I love gardening, and I was so amazed with person who have gardens around their houses. Gardening is not that easy, it requires proper caring to the plant, and I admire you for that.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Siblings Relationship: Same or Different Sex Gender 7 years, 9 months ago

    In this post, I will be discussing about the same sex and different sex of siblings.

    Sex indicates the gender of the person.

    In other words, same sex means all girls or all boys siblings, different sex means […]

    • I have observed this scenario and have seen that same sex siblings are having good relationship in some families whereas in the case of others it is not so and the same happens to be the case in the case of the brothers and sisters too. I feel that parenting the kind of atmosphere and treatment meted out to them and they not feeling left out because of the other all play an important role in this case. I have also observes when these kids grow up many have strong bonds whether it is same sex siblings or be it a boys and girls. The chemistry between the two since the childhood and the behaviour of the elder sibling also have a role. But on the other side, I have seen them ending up in a cold relationship in both the cases due to one reason or the other. It all depends of their peer group, their parents and who they look up to. To be their role models. A very good article with lots of aspects to be thought about and analysed. Look forward to more such articles.

    • I can relate to this blog about siblings.

      Having a sibling is not that happy all the time. There will always a conflict and misunderstanding. Sometimes, it came to a point where siblings will ignore each other. But at the end, siblings will always be siblings. Conflicts cannot be eliminated to everyone because it is what makes a relationship stronger.

      My younger sister and I are close with each other. We almost share everything, clothes, foods and even our secrets. But we also come with many conflicts, but we try to resolve it after we get calm.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Seniors and the Digital World 7 years, 9 months ago

    Seniors I notice have assumed that working on computers is only for youngsters. I am a senior and proved it otherwise. Spending a bit of time to get myself acquainted with it was all that was need for me to start […]

    • What you have told about seniors is very true. I think one of the reason they are not comfortable is that they find too many commands, websites, software, programs and too many service providers providing 101 different options to confuse the already confused individual. While there is a category of people like you who are willing to learn and be with the times by accepting the changes taking place, there will be more than 80 percent of the population in our country who have got used to a system in which they have spent all their life and they suddenly feel left out and see the system is outpacing them by leaps and bounds. Let us take the case of software version or a mobile phone the companies want to make money more than innovations and they want to thrust them on the market to run their respective shops and earn revenue in the process. As people grow and get aged they find it difficult to accept change and would like status quo. Now with economic reforms being thrust into peoples throats in India we are going to see more of these problems coming to the fore. This can be tackled as it is a blessing in disguise. The government has to invest by providing jobs to people in IT sector to teach and enable the rest of India to move forward. If they do this they can provide employment to youth and elders will be digitally educated. Orientation courses have to be conducted on a mass scale. I have written three to four articles about demonetisation and its impacct in the forum in Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely. A good article written by you touching on an important aspect of common mans life especially senior citizens.

      • You are right when you say upgrades are made just to earn and not to improve the life of anyone. Not many will use those additional features but just get those upgraded gadgets to compete with others.
        I have a basic mobile with no internet facility. I prefer my pc for that. The screen is so small and that could be a strain on one’s eyes. And now with digitisation everywhere I may have to change it to a smartphone most unwillingly though.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Channel Tunnel and Euro Star 7 years, 9 months ago

    Most organised package tours turn out to be great but our stay in London unfortunately  was very disappointing as we landed there during the week end and most of what we wanted to see was not available. All in […]

    • Felt good about reading the Eurostar. But we cannot see anything as we progress through the journey as it happens to be below the ocean bed. Now for so many years people have been travelling but till date nothing problematic has happened which speaks of the premium put on safety of the passengers. It is a modern technological wonder and if I am not wrong the only one in the world at that. No other project of that sort and magnitude has taken place. Travel to Europe if on individual travel is a different one compared to the groups. Here in the case of individual travel we can buy train tickets which are flexible and costs will be saved if travel is to an interior tourist spot in Europe. Eurail has different trains which offer excellent value for money and a good ambient scenic atmosphere for tourist travel.

      • I have always preferred conducted tours as everything is taken care of. We get to meet new people and also the tour conductor is with us which makes one feel comfortable.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Computers Have Taken Over Jobs of Secretaries 7 years, 9 months ago

    In the good old days there were not many avenues that were open for women in the jobs arena.  Most aspired for becoming secretaries or teachers.

    To become a secretary it was necessary that one was equipped […]

    • You have touched upon a very important subject. Yes computers have taken over jobs of secretaries and many others like accountant’s, record keepers, typists, telephone operators and others. This is one of the negative fallout’s of new technology arriving. Computers, tablets, cellphones with I phones have become like calculators today. They have taken away many of the jobs like the one mentioned above. Even the bank ATM is one such product. So is email. Today we find people sending money and gifts or payments and mails through electronic systems due to its many advantages. Now with new economic reforms in India this problem is only going to aggravate. Children in schools have computers but the knowledge is limited to a large extent and they do not want to pursue it till the tenth class as their are no marks for that subject and they do not count in the final tally. They end up like a blank page when they pass tenth class. Then go for computer courses paying huge fees in a volatile market. Many of their years thus get wasted. Educationists have to seriously look into this anomaly and do course correction. To get a good crop of very well computer literate youngsters.

      • Those computer courses teaching how to work on a computer are a waste. I bought those books – Windows for Dummies and picked up from there. A friend of mine guided me and that was it. Today I can do many things on my computer including creating movies and slideshows.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, How to be Productive in Life 7 years, 9 months ago

    In order for productivity to occur one must remove the toxins. It’s pretty difficult to work when there’s a lot of distractions around the worker. There will need to be some sort of shutting down. Tuning out […]

    • A neatly compiled article covering all the aspects which needed to be covered. Time management skill also play a crucial part in today’s life and distribution of time into small compartments will help one in not getting overworked and leaving them fatigued. Multitasking is important but it is better task to concentrate on one task at a time and finish it then switching on to the other. A healthy mind, body and soul are crucial for giving optimum output. It also does not toxify the body due to stress build up which is a common occurence when one is overworked. The list of do’s and dont’s are very useful. Very often we tend to forget these simple things in the hustle bustle of life without our knowledge and later regret when we fall sick and are in bed. As the saying goes ‘Prevention is always better than cure’. We need to train ourselves by reminding ourselves about these points daily. That becomes a pattern and a habit.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Parenting Skills- Parents as Role Models 7 years, 9 months ago

    To be good parents is not easy as 1,2,3.


    Every veteran parents know that it took them years of trials and errors to bring up their children with good moral and educational background.


    However, p […]

    • Agree with you on many of the points discussed in the above topic. As parents are the role models it is the responsibility to see that children grow in a emotionally strong and secure bond. The positive vibes among the parents plays a very important role in forming the personality and character of the children. Children first look at their parents and then other elders and senior peers and learn their mannerisms as they keep growing. Parenting is a continuous process and does not stop at any particular age. Parents should stand rock solid with their children as it matters them a lot in times of turmoil and tensions which in turn may affect their personality and behaviour. The suggestions given are useful to any aspiring parent or to anyone interested in the topic as they can communicate this wherever it is needed to be communicated to. Keep up the good work and also visit Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely for articles written by me. Looking forward to more articles from your end as it makes an interesting reading.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Multi-Tasking Jobs for Housewives and Students 7 years, 9 months ago

    If you search in the Internet, “Multi-tasking” means to do a few tasks at the same time whether for the same or different reasons or purposes.

    Adult working people and parents are good at performing mul […]

    • wow it is a nice one wish i can receive clear information on the site which this is done

    • Great. Sticking to just one or two sites is a better idea. Man is not meant to do multitasking as it causes stress and many other issues. I liked your policy about Hub pages and going to follow it. It seems good.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Lamb Leg With Honey and Rosemary Glaze Recipe 7 years, 9 months ago

    If you are stressed over what Christmas dinner recipe to serve your family members or guests that you had invited over the holidays, fret no more!

    If you are keen in quick and easy Christmas recipe that gives […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Delicious Wine From Cashew Apple 7 years, 9 months ago

    I came across a site where homemade wines were being discussed. The person whose blog it is talked about how she visits fruit and vegetable market and picks up over ripe fruits that are discarded and even some […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fruits That Can Safely Replace Drugs 7 years, 9 months ago

    For every ailment drugs are prescribed and most drugs have side effects. Those with high amount of bad cholesterol drugs that have niacin are prescribed but this drug too has many side effects.  I have a fruit in […]

    • A well researched article about health benefits of fruits especially about egg fruit. Nowadays there is high demand for organic products including fruits as awareness has increased among the people about the negative effects of medication. But people still continue using them as they are used to allopathic medication. I have come across some families which are used to other forms of treatment like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and others. These medicines take time but the remedy is permanent whereas allopathy has instant results but with negative results in the long run. When we buy fruits it is preferable to but fruits which are available in plenty as it is their season. They will be fresh and healthy. I think your garden gives you a regular supply of good fruits all through the year.

    • I always have bumper crops not knowing what to do with them as there is no market here for our produce. But we enjoy these fruits which get ripe naturally unlike what one gets in shops.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Eggless Gingerbreadman Cookies for Christmas Day 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is a special recipe for kids who love Gingerbreadman cookies.

    Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are favorite holiday season where kids favor for animal or nature cookie shapes with colorful chocolate rice […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Exercise Tips: 7 Exercise Myths Debunk 7 years, 9 months ago

    Exercise is a healthy way to keep your body fit and strong.


    However, there are numerous of workout myths that had driven people to avoid exercising in order to keep themselves save and sound.

    Here a […]

    • To build an more muscle do you work out everyday or every other day?

    • About this exercise and fitness matter, I have one Question: Is it possible for a mother who just give birth to do any exercise? Or when does a mother do any exercises after giving birth?

      As observe to many mother who give birth in our community, the elders always told to them not to do any chores at home or do any exercise or even walking in a long distance. Why is that so?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, When Nature Provides Man Takes a Back Seat 7 years, 9 months ago

    When compared to Singapore which has a size of  719.1 km²   and Nepal with a size of  147,181 km²  what we see in Singapore by way of progress is great compared to what we see in Nepal .  Since Nepal is blessed w […]

    • You are right. Nepal is a great place for tourists. I think it is famous for mountains and peaks.

      I would prefer enjoying the beauty of a skyscraper to a high mountain.
      We must be very closer to nature when it comes to our mental and physical health. Nature is our best friend. We must try to save and preserve it.

    • I prefer mountains 😀 although modernisation is needed to enrich our lifestyle.

    • I’m a nature lover so i really appreciate all the beautiful landscape scenery as well as the fresh air in the rural city, the breath taking views of the mountain, the sun set biding goodbye at the end of the day, the shimmering waters of the ocean, it was really a picture perfect and a sight to behold. I hope somehow i would like to be close to the nature to see its beauty beyond words.

    • It is only after reading posts of users like you that I have realised how beautiful Philippines is. You are lucky to be surrounded by mountains.

    • We shifted from a city to a semi rural town just to be with nature. Here it is peaceful and I have created a lot of greenery around me.

    • Each country has its charm and highlights. While countries like Nepal are ancient and have lots of pagodas and temples. In the case of Singapore it has developed well after independence. Its main income is shipping industry, tourism, infrastructure to name a few. In the case of Nepal a big part of it is preserved eternally in nature and that adds to the beauty of the place and the people are also the natives who have been living their for centuries unlike Singapore. Two different cities with contrasting styles. If you want peace of mind Nepal is a better place to be at. You seem to have lot of pleasant memories which is good.

      • Nepal is indeed a place a getaway when one wants peace. There is not much development but nature has gift enough to attract tourists. Singapore on the other hand is a well laid out country – also a place where a tourist can enjoy mostly the cleanliness around it.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Situations Work Better Given a Second Chance 7 years, 9 months ago


    In any relationship be it formal, informal, business or personal there are situations when a need arises to part company. It is not always that anyone gets back but if they do, that pact gets better results […]

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