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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Amazing factsAmazing facts 8 years ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Judging a Man By the Woman on His Arm 8 years ago

    The reality is that women judge men by the woman on their arm.   No matter what they look like, who they are, the woman they are with defines them.

    You might see Rick and think he is handsome or bright or […]

    • Opal replied 8 years ago

      I honestly couldn’t have said this any better myself.

    • If a man is judged by the woman by his hand what is a woman judged by is it the man at her side too? Just thinking. We have been taught in our early ages that we should not judge a book by its cover right? But do people ever take that seriously I don’t think. Judging a person because of their status or who they are is wrong, you may judge and get very disappointed that what you thought was good turned out to be the worst thing ever. People have often said that a man will take a beautiful girl out on a date so that his ego can be boosted or so that he can have status, it may be true but is it right? We need to know what it is that we want in our lives, if you have a lady who you think is not good enough to be seen with you in public do your homework and make her be what you want her to look like don’t look at other women and say that your girl is not beautiful. It’s your duty to make her beautiful. Another thing when you look at someone you cannot judge them by the way they look, that may say very little about them what matters is what is within. He or she may look gorgeous or handsome on the outside but what about the inside does it have love it hatred it’s all a matter of choice so choose widely.

      • yes. You are right I really agree with you. When a man does not find the thing in his lady his greatness lies in making her beautiful. This is called the true manliness. He should at least make an effort. Why search for a beautiful lady who has nothing to do with his status? The same lady can be used up by anybody to elevate some other’s status also. Now, what is happening to the very concept of status? Everything lies not in the beauty of the lady in your arm but in her inner beauty. It is a mere foolishness to think that a beautiful lady will elevate the status of a man. So much so the vice versa.

        • It is sad to say, but it works. A guy who walks in with a beautiful woman has his status raised. That is why many companies provide ‘escorts’. These are NOT Prostitutes, these are beautiful intelligent women who are paid to go out with a man. They don’t have sex with him.

      • When a woman is seen with a NOthing man, it is assumed he is rich or famous. It is assumed ‘he has something’. If, over time, it is learned he doesn’t well then people try to figure out why she married him… assuming some ‘back story’.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Being Honest and Not Played 8 years ago

    Jamaica has a high population of ‘Rent-a-Dreads’ and other such characters.   These are men who live off of women.  They ‘sell’ themselves like knitted caps in the market.   They go after every foreign or as […]

    • Some interesting things do happen in life In the case of Karen she misunderstood Dave who treated her only as a friend. She should know about that when she observed him taking a light of things. But, blindly followed him. She only assumed that Dave is liking her going a little bit further in understanding friendship.
      In the latter case, Joan was used of. Frank used her with selfishness He looked at her wallet and not her beauty He looked at the power of her money. She thought that the man is running after her just because of her beauty. What a funny and sorry thing One is involving misunderstanding and the other a simple PLAY. One should know that it is not the only man who plays off. But, there are women also who play with men nowadays.
      There are women who play with men and use them just for fulfilling their desires.

      • Yes, definately. People read things into relationships when they are clear to an outsider. It is like you giving a lift to a person who is on your route to work who works at the same or near place…the person could be a 19 year old man, a 60 year old woman… you are doing a favour.. this isn’t ‘romantic’.

    • You know a man and a woman are two different beings, we both think differently, and we all have our own ways of showing love. So the thing here is people need to communicate their feelings openly and directly don’t beat about the bush just say it as it is because there will be misunderstandings and someone will eventually get hurt. It’s really not about women misunderstanding themselves, it’s really about the men misleading the women. A man can make you feel like he is truly in love with you, he will lead you on and get you so comfortable to the point of you thinking that you are all that he needs, when In actual truth he is only using you for his own selfish gains. This is to the guys if you are going out with a girl it would be prudent enough to state your intentions right from the begining instead of wasting the girls time. And for the ladies please even if this but promised you th3 world do not fret to ask questions that will give you a hint on whether the guy is serious not. Never assume that a guy or a girl lives you be keen in the way they beha a around you and you will get some clues of you are in or out.

      • Too many people either ‘read’ something into a relationship which is not there, or ignore the facts. There are many people who think you are ‘good company’ and might invite you to some public function. That doesn’t mean they love you or want you. There are many people who see what you have and want it, and befriend you to get it. So you just have to live in the Now.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Dumbing Down, Blah-Blah, and Idiocracy 8 years ago

    Years ago, the British Broadcasting Company was the unquestioned news provider for the world.   The BBC was considered a reliable source of the highest quality  The presenters spoke perfectly, went into the s […]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic The Secret of Diseases on Earth in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    You are right but if we get rid of greed we may be positive anon. Greed is our enemy on earth and crushes our souls like a tiger tears into pieces a deer. I always think of others’ goodness because goodness has reward on earth and in heaven.

    Mood is nothing depends on our positive and negative thoughts, greedless and greedful intention. The world…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Amazing Need to Cheat To Win 8 years ago

    There are many free games one can play on the Internet.   Some of them are the mindless type, just keep clicking. Others require a bit of thought, such as word games.

    Scrabble is a famous game.  We used to play w […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      There are many cheaters in the world just to have money in return. Jobs done in cheats never prosper.There is no short cut in everything we do and like. Cheaters surround the world, in an office and even in a writing site where we can find many scammers/ spammers , they are idiots and idolatry is a crime.

      By the way, I like you photo image which I also have in my discussions. I also noticed some of my photos are seen in some bogs. I plan not to include photo in my discussion.

      • I have been unable to load any image. Guess give with one hand/take back with another. So I could not publish without an image so I tried to find one. This frog is so cute…

        but with Scrabble…you win nothing. Nothing. So why Cheat?

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Distasteful Practice of Wife Bashing 8 years ago

    It was a number of years ago, but I’ll never forget it.

    I was meeting a client at a restaurant.  Very often I prefer the semi-social environment to discuss business as it is a lot more relaxed and, if the client […]

    • That is why nowadays women are not leaving men and are becoming more intolerable. They are learning to be bold enough to come out openly with verbal arguments and if possible they are even engaging others to beat their man. This is how the relationships are existing now
      Men, most of them are now on account of their social interaction with different people are learning the meaning of LIVING TOGETHER IN HARMONY and are treating women with respect both inside the house as well as outside
      Of course, the bashing of women is still taking place. But, there are always people who interfere in such occasion and are not hesitating to take the man bashing the woman to task, even by lodging a police complaint

      • The term ‘wife bashing’ means verbally abusing one’s wife to a 3rd party. It is not physical abuse.

    • This thing called marriage is getting more and more complicated owing to the fact that people are getting married at a very tender age and most of them are not actually ready for that commitment, we keep hearing of early divorce, there is the abuse, no one knows when to be submissive or when to compromise When a disagreement comes up everyone raises their voice, and what ends up happening us a lot of noise coming from either side. It’s quite unfortunate. Men who go discussing about their marital or home affairs to other women definitely have a problem. Most of the time man would keep quiet and try to deal with the problem in their own way. He will not even take his problem to a fellow man for fear of being taken as a coward. That is what a grain man would do. Butbthe young one’s will not even think twice about going to tell their friends about their arguments. So I think she has everything to do with it the older you are the better, you will handle things in a more mature way. There are those men who will confuse in another woman after thinking so hard about it. And they will only arrive to this decision when they feel talking to a woman will give them a better incite on how to deal with the problem. There is also a way he will approach it not by bashing the wife or calling her names. He knows that he needs to accord her all the respect that she needs.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Make Up Your Mind to Stop Being a Victim 8 years ago

    Years ago I ran into a woman in her sixties.  She was a professional and I was posed to ask her some questions based on a recent event in her profession.

    She launched into a diatribe which turned into a […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When Your Attitude is Just below Indifference 8 years ago

    There is a point in which you say; “I don’t care.”   That tends to show that there might have been, at some time, a moment when you cared.   Beneath that is Indifference.   When whatever it is or was is no lo […]

    • In life there is always a downfall where you feel like giving up to the dreams of yours you were fighting for but when goals seems unreachable for you there is always a tendency that you would feel helpless but this difficulties should not be a hindrance but a test how far you can go to succeed in life. One should not lose hope but face the challenge with positive attitude, strong motivation, and perseverance to surpass them all in order to achieve the victory of success. Its more worth if you succeed with your own determination to succeed inspite of the many hardship your going to face in your life’s battle. In every difficulties that one person will encounter we should take it as our training ground to mold us into a better character to fight for our dreams, to aim high, for us to high high and reach for the stars that you’ve wanting to have.

      • You reach a point where you are somewhere left of indifference. it is like going to a particular supermarket and explaining to the owner that they should move the carts so that there is more parking. The Owner doesn’t move the carts. So you go to another supermarket.

        At one point, you cared. You wanted to shop here. You made the effort to inform the owner of the problem. You returned, the problem was not fixed. You shrugged, now are indifferent. You go to another supermarket. You have no intention of going back to the first.

        You don’t care if they are having a sale or if that first supermarket goes out of business. The mere fact that there is no where to part because of the carts has demotivated you.

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Wonders of Air and Water on Earth 8 years ago

    After describing the wonders of fire and earth now I will describe the wonders of water and air that are also most important and significant for all of us but a very few people know these wonders on earth because […]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar started the topic The Secret of Diseases on Earth in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    I have thoroughly studied the secret of diseases in human body I find nothing but the reveling negative thoughts  in the whole body through human pores. Every disease enters into human body trough water and air. Human thoughts are air and nothing else.

    When someone thinks negative about anything or watches any negative things the negative air…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar replied to the topic Mom is back in hospital in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    I am very sad over your mother’s illness but If you accept my advise I recommend some medicines for your mother is my mother because parents are equal.

    take Aniamonintart 200x,  5 dropsn  daily three times in a day, quebracho qx 5 drops in a day three times, and Five Phos tablets 4 tablets in a day three times. You mom will be safe from lungs p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar replied to the topic THINK OVER IT in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    Careful planing leads men to success but a positive intention is most important in any work just planing is nothing. The seed of success lies in positive thing not in planing we all must keep in mind. yea, if you plan something, your thinking is negative your planing will be futile surely is the secret of success.


  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, A Magical Herb, Sanjevani: The Mother of All Herbs 8 years ago

    Sanjivani means in Sanskrit life giving force. It is an herb that full of wonders and I call it the mother of all herbs on earth. It is described in the ancient books that Sanjevani herb has power to revive a […]

    • I have heard about these plants. They come and tell me about them. One even went to the extent of injecting this herb. He asked me whether I was free from blood pressure and sugar. I said yes However, he postponed it. If you are from India you might have heard many such things. I had a lot of experience with people saying these things. They also say that there is a red aloe vera which can cure cancer instantly. There is a black leaf the touch of which turns everything into black color.
      One more herb they talk about is Black Turmeric The test is that if ten white paper bundles are kept and if a line is drawn with black turmeric a black line appears on all the remaining white papers. So far nobody has seen it.
      We should not believe such things unless we see and test them.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I am so impressed with this blog.It is so awesome and God is so awesome too.He gave us many things that help mankind without a doctor, but sad we all do not have knowledge like this plant.I wish to see this plant in person.Where can we find this plant? Is it only in internet? Or in India? India is a gifted nation for it has many miraculous plant, but why is it that most medicine cam from China and most f them fake?I like to buy medicine made from India, but I cannot find it here in our pharmacy. I hope Indian government supports the scientists there so that other nations can benefit ,plus it could hep augment their economy.There are so many plants and herbs there in India f only taken int action by their government India might have become a superior country.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Deadly Habit of Making Enemies 8 years ago

    Mr. Campbell had an ego six times his size.   He was an obnoxious guy, had a little power.  Bob was no one in particular.   He’d gotten a job, was trying his best.   Campbell hated Bob for breathing, and dec […]

    • There are people who exhibit this ego openly and this is very bad. They can not control their ego. The only thing they know is to show their superiority
      But, what is the reason for this temperament? A thing to be examined. The reason may be due to internal problem

      Some people remain cool They maintain a balanced posture irrespective of the nature of the position they are involved in. They always succeed and win over their enemies even.

      Making enemies deliberately means the person is suffering from some psychological problem He should contact a doctor at the early stage itself

      • The problem is that the person making the enemy doesn’t see himself as wrong. Doesn’t see any mistake. It is not a person who realises; ‘why am I acting like this?’ He doesn’t even analyse his actions.

    • The reasoning or rationale for why a person would intentionally set out to make enemies eludes me. Can’t follow the “logic” at all. But for the record, even though we all know this, I’d like to state that some people have deadly enemies and they did nothing to bring on the HATE! They were not even trying! They HAVE enemies. They did not MAKE the enemies! And these enemies are deadly! That means these people’s lives are in peril just because …

      Just sayin’.

      • You have some people who do things.. they may lie about them… they may not even realise what they did. I can list deadly insults that people have dropped casually… unthinkingly.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Only Error that Anis Amri made 8 years ago


    Over the decades various ‘government to government’ trade deals were created.    The European Union was the most ambitious.

    As many agreements made by Governments,  it had the usual ridiculous asp […]

  • Profile picture of Tiffanie Boucher

    Tiffanie Boucher and Profile picture of seun okikiseun okiki are now friends 8 years ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Wonders of Fire and earth on Earth 8 years ago

    If we analyze the structure of the whole universe we come to know that four elements are working on earth and in heaven fire, air, earth and water but two are most important fire and earth to perform all types of […]

  • Profile picture of Melissa Combs

    Melissa Combs and Profile picture of Ameer hussainAmeer hussain are now friends 8 years ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, NOT LETTING PEOPLE PULL YOUR TONGUE 8 years ago

    Every so often someone will ask you a question. Often it is what you think of (insert name) so as to ‘pull your tongue’, that is, to get you to say something.
    You can not trust many people.
    Some are looking for […]

    • yes you are right These are worthless people Their job is to entrap others They involve you in some discussion and seek your opinion on somebody or on the decision of somebody
      These are very dangerous. We come across such people in everyday life Their behavior in office will be quite dangerous. They seek your opinion with sweet words and again use it against you. They even report it to the higher authorities only to create a bad impression on you To deal with such people one should be quite clever and knack.It these tools is employed properly we can be safe and if not we will be nowhere.
      There are occasions in which due to this tongue pulling people have lost their promotional opportunities and even jobs. This is a very dangerous attitude which should be discouraged.
      If they repeat our words as they were told, there is no harm but this does not happen on many occasions They add some more words and give it additional color to the words. This is very dangerous
      To discourage such thing I generally keep my cellphone right in front of me on the table if anybody, by chance take an opportunity of seeking my opinion on somebody. The moment I put my Cellphone on the table they stop talking. They discuss what they want and leave the place. This is found to be quite an effective way of dealing with such Agents. Sometimes, I even before their talk, I ask them to listen to the voice of other (which is nothing but only a big drama) that I had recorded indirectly giving them a hint that the same will be applied to them also.
      I could overcome this problem very easily
      In case, I do not possess any phone or if it is not readily available I just listen to them and ask them to meet me after an hour or so to discuss the issue. It is just gaining time to fix the other person.

    • Philosophical discussions can always be used to divert.

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