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    suny wrote a new post, China‘s increased influence in Asia 7 years, 5 months ago

    I hate to admit it but the fact is China is doing its best to influence countries South East Asia region and all the member states of SAARC namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and […]

    • Power abhors a vacuum. India and China are the two Asian giants in terms of economic and military power. In Geo-politics it is necessary to project strength in order to promote and protect one’s self-interests. Will China resort to military adventurism? Only as a last resort if negotiation and diplomacy fails. It is the United State that is trying to create an alliance among neighboring Asian countries against China. This is not for the welfare of those countries but mainly to project and maintain US power in the Asian-pacific region.

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    suny wrote a new post, Dalai Lama is hot issue in between India and China 7 years, 5 months ago

    So we have strained relations with China over the issue of Dalai Lama in last couple of months over the issues of Arunachal Pradesh in India and other Tibet related matters. I don’t think there should be any […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Criticism for Fun- What say? 7 years, 5 months ago

    So what do you think about criticism… Are you game for the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes? But don’t you think that we all do it and do it w […]

    • When person does some thing ‘unworthy’ it deserves kick in bottom not pat at back.
      What you wrote is confusing.
      What you wrote is asking people to love you because you hurt them and it is sadism.
      And hilarious.
      Good criticism my friend, yes?

    • giving negative criticism to other people for FUN was never a good thing to do. Just think of the circumstances and anxiety the person will be experiencing when he or she was criticized just for FUN. Although giving criticisms can also be taken as good step in improving mistakes. but there is always a right way in telling something to a person, make sure to be conscious enough and choose the words that will come out from your mouth to avoid misunderstanding and to avoid to hurt the feelings of others. by the way this is a good article. kudos!

    • One should only give criticsm to other person when one truly understand that person.

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    suny wrote a new post, How to make someone feel comfortable 7 years, 5 months ago

    Everyone has his own quota of good and moments and so have I. But I have learned to live with my own quota joy and sorrow and as we all know that we cannot avoid them but we have to face them. Problems are part of […]

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    suny wrote a new post, I post images as an amateur photographer 7 years, 5 months ago

    Actually I was reading a forum post yesterday by one of the members of another site. He has invited members to join a site flii.by (no ref-link) that has great features of sharing photos and images, sounds and […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Simple and selfless wins the race 7 years, 5 months ago

    It’s a psychological proven fact that when someone talks in terms of ‘me or I ‘at most of the times people lose interest in his talks because no one is interested in self praise coming from a nondescript perso […]

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    suny wrote a new post, We are still far behind in online business 7 years, 5 months ago

    I know we Indians have yet to cover a lot of distance in the field of online business activities.  Do you know that we are a country of more than 500 million internet connections and thousands of ecommerce […]

    • For any business to get the success it should develop and win the trust and confidence of its customer. Unfortunately, these two elements are missing in online business though not in every case but in most of the cases. The policies, availability of products, prices, etc., vary from one online site to another online site. Most of the times they rely on offers and discounts to increase their markets totally neglecting a sound return policy, delivery time, customer care. They still adopt old marketing techniques which actually do not attract the modern customer who cares more about the quality, availability, return back policy, delivery of product, customer care, guarantee and warranty etc., than mere discounts and offers. They should realize this attitude of the present day customer of the new generation and design a suitable marketing policy to increase their business.

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    suny wrote a new post, Gem Stones: Relation with Karma and Planets 7 years, 5 months ago

    You must have seen many people wearing number of gems as suggested by astrologers in the hope of getting good result for their life. Or shall I put it this way to get favor of planets people use gem stones, rings, […]

    • As per Hindu tradition, Astrology is the study of plants and their influence on Human Lives. The nine plants in Astrology manifest different qualities and each is associated with a particular color.

      When a person takes birth depending on the time of birth a particular quality will be predominant in his horoscope. This is to say a particular planet representing that quality and thereby the color associated with his horoscope. Similarly, other qualities (associated with plants and colors) are also shown in the horoscope. A perfect balance has to be maintained for the smooth running of a life. If there is any imbalance is noticed that particular color associated with the planet can be substituted by prescribing a gem.

      It is not necessary that one should use the only gem only. Any crystal, paper, color glass, the colored cloth can be used. But, the quality and the amount of color will not be pure in its form and there is the likelihood of fading away in due course. As such a gem which provides a good quality of color for life long is prescribed. Sometimes, the astrologers also suggest using some colors on a particular days only.

      Everything is designed scientifically by our ancestors. Unfortunately, we with misunderstand, and immature scientific knowledge twist the things with a biased mind. No one is going to lose anything if one does not believe in astrology. This is only after careful thought one will go and opt for it. Some people who are not so matured in their thinking follow certain saying with diligence and experience the benefits.

    • I love to wear gemstones too, depending on my mood for wearing it. I somehow believe that it brings good vibes, but I do not totally rely on it for my good fortune. Of course one has to strive to make his life good or better instead of relying on birth stones or gems or any lucky crystals.

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    suny wrote a new post, Business and workers both will suffer 7 years, 5 months ago

    Recently we have seen a number of new rules replacing the existing ones which has made life of workers a little more complicated in Australia. Some of these rules are related to foreign workers on work visa and […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Hair Care products for winter 7 years, 5 months ago

    I was just wondering what products I should use as winters are approaching fast in the area where I currently live! Australia is generally different from my native country India so your hair needs constant care […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Contribution of Indian corporate in Education sector 7 years, 5 months ago


    Couple of years back Narayana askd from his fellow workers and business associates a crucial question. Let me explain what he basically wanted to know or what was going on in his mind then. But I will have to […]

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    suny wrote a new post, I am alone because that is how I love to be 7 years, 5 months ago

    Why is it so that people feel lonely even though there are more people in the world than ever before! I think we as people are lonelier than ever because we are not willing to disclose our internal world with each […]

    • At times I like to be alone too and avoid talking with people, especially people I do not like (because of their different attitude); but I like conversing with interesting people too.

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    suny replied to the topic Have You Reached Your Goal This Time? Month Of April Almost Ends in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @cely  I have just started working for April target and I am sure I will reach there by the end of this month 🙂

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    suny wrote a new post, I follow my heart- What about you? 7 years, 5 months ago

    When we can’t speak our heart out or we have to accept our mind many of us fall into a deep pit of confusion. One may not feel much difference between both, but look close into your life or recheck what you need […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Conversation is an interesting art 7 years, 5 months ago

    We all agree with people who feel that when two British meet the first thing they talk is about weather. Maybe the uncertain weather in their country is the reason for that or it is also possible they do it for […]

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    suny wrote a new post, A simple formula for a simple life 7 years, 5 months ago

    There is a very simple answer if someone asks me a tough question like “What according to you is simple life?” As I said I have a simple answer for that, “simple life is deliberately avoiding chaos for peace. […]

    • i think the way of simple life is satisfication.its a simple word but very difficult to implement it in our life.we have to kill our desires to implement it and it is very hard to kill our desires.we have seen or seeing daily that a labour is much happier than a rich person.i am not saying that he has no problems ofcourse he has but the way of thinking is different.a satisfied person always enjoy every little hapiness but an unsatisfied person kill all small hapiness to achieve big desires.

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    suny wrote a new post, The beginning of Indian development story 7 years, 5 months ago

    Over the past 25 years India has been witnessing ongoing social and economical changes. Starting from last decade of last century Indians have felt liberated from the past closed economical environment and social […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Smiling Faces and Private Sector 7 years, 6 months ago

    I think most of our present businessmen have forgotten the old tradition of having a smiling face that was symbol of friendly relations with their customers. But trust me a customer doesn’t mind walking a few m […]

    • Once the Customer enters inside a Bank he generally expects some attention from the employees. He expects somebody to come and assist him so that he can leave the bank finishing his work with confidence. He needs some trusted people. Here in this aspect, the Banks especially Private Sector Banks are far ahead of their counterpart Public Sector Banks.

      A smiling face will always have its value wherever it is. A small smile with an attention and care towards a customer will do a lot than a routine attention and care. They smile and give you information politely explaining the things with a lot of patience. This is one of the positive signs of Private banks which we all should appreciate and the Public sector Banks need to know. It needs special training of the employees the value of which the Public Sector Banks have now realized and are implementing. They are picking up now.

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    suny wrote a new post, Courageous or defensive- Your choice 7 years, 6 months ago

    Being defensive is fine but there should be a limit to everything. However the fact is that most of us have become too defensive to the extent where we stop thinking of taking any risks or try to think out of the […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Your good behavior makes you younger than your age 7 years, 6 months ago


    I don’t remember who said it but it’s a fact that it takes just a moment to make someone feel bad or angry but to make someone happy takes a lot of your efforts therefore it’s advised to stay happy, that helps […]

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