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    peachpurple replied to the topic Worldwide GLOBAL shut down. in the forum Group logo of Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back?Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back? 8 years ago

    I thought there is save the light day, right?

    that is the day when I don’t on my gadgets, laptop, cellphone, tv, etc.

    I just read books, play boardgames, walk around.

    Trying to save a little but not everyone is into this gig yet

    Maybe, it should be a compulsory holiday then, everyone will follow the steps

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Addressing the Elderly, our Parents with Respect in the forum Group logo of Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back?Old Fashioned Values can we bring them back? 8 years ago

    yes it would be nice to do so, but how many of us can remember those old fashion values?

    My mom didn’t tell me about those values, only my grandmother knows but she is gone now.

    Furthermore, I don’t know either, let alone my aunts and uncles, they don’t know either…

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Double Treat Payment for Me in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    congrats, having paid by both sites, I am sure that you are super happy

    I haven’t try at tinycents yet

    I was thinking whether I have the time or not since I had been busy writing 3 posts daily here

    How did you managed for both sites?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    yeah, nobody can edit the post, whether approved or still pending.

    But you can request admin to help you out by going to CONTACT

    Give him your reasons and which part to edit.

    I did that for my featured image

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chawanmushi Custard Recipe 8 years ago

    The first time when I had tried Chawanmushi, I thought that it was just another egg
     pudding, which was my first impression of it.

    However,I was surprised that Chawanmushi is part of the side meal, a tasty egg  […]

    • Custard is a food of love. That’s what I say! 🙂

    • I never heard about it. As such I am interested trying it. I actually try different recipes at home whenever I get leisure. Chawanmushi is the name of the Dish? Why has it got that name?. This is purely made of egg. why are we using chicken also? The name is quite interesting.
      The next important thing is the ingredients chicken and egg both do cause heat. So it must be prepared at home occasionally but, not regularly.
      This is ideal for a side dish as per the information. Am I right?

    • Looks like a delicious dish of baked keisch using a dozen of eggs(not sure of the spelling. I like sweet custard desserts which I never tire of savoring after and traditional meal.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Wow friend this seems a dramatic recipe hehehe, why? simply because it looks so mysterious. It seems only eggs are mixed with it, but many others.I want to taste this recipe. My sister is always happy every time I hand over here another recipe.This recipe is also very nutritious. I am so sure the kids at home, my nephews would surely like the taste of this. Thanks .

    • Why is Chinese good so comply eyes of I may ask? I say that because I have never heard a Chinese meal that only comprises of two foods in th3 plate there ar3 usually so many foods incinerated with something. And i also find their recipes a bit complicated. Now yo this recipe custard is known as a dessert to many people soft sweet and succulent yet light to th3 stomach. Why do you have to spoil th3 taste with something sour or salty mmhh I wonder what this dish tastes like. Is it a sweet sour taste?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Bacon and dried shrimp hash brown 8 years ago

    Whenever I have breakfast at McD, I never miss out Hash Brown for sure.

    Crispy Hash Brown, hot and steamy, when I tear it into halves, ohhh, you can see the steam oozing out.

    Hot and delicious!

    Hence, […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Learn How To Cook Pineapple Fried Rice 8 years ago

    Okay, let us all agree, fried rice is the meal to […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Malaysian Cuisine: Nasi Minyak aka Fragrance Rice 8 years ago

    This is a mouth watering rice that I had tried out
     today at my friends place. 
    My Muslim friend mentioned that this is called 
    Nasi Minyak. 
    If you direct translate it, it should be oily rice but it 
    so […]

    • It looks good in the dish and I think will be tasty in eating sure but it is most difficult in making at home. Here’s a simple but fragrant rice which goes great with rich, flavorful dishes while still boasting a presence of its own.

      Shallots, ginger and garlic are sauteed in ghee along with cinnamon, cloves and green cardamom to release a wonderful aroma that will uplift your kitchen. Raisins and cashew nuts provide a juicy and crunchy texture. You will love it! This is a family recipe and another one of those dishes that make me think of home.

      usually cook this in a rice cooker. I’ve never understood why people painstakingly cook rice over the stove. I’ve done it with risotto and it was torture. You don’t have to baby sit it, your arm won’t fall off with the constant stirring and the bottom doesn’t burn in the rice cooker. If you are serious about delving into Asian cuisine, do yourself a favor and go buy one of these. You can thank me later.

      Stick a finger vertically into the pot and measure the height of rice from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Mark it with your thumb. Now move your finger (with the thumb still marking the spot) and rest it on top of the leveled rice and measure the height from the top of the rice to the top of the water. The water level should be equal to or 1/2 inch more to the measurements from the bottom of the pot to the top of the rice. Easy right? Who needs a measuring cup?

      Ghee rice goes well with Cucumber Pickled Salad (Acar Timun) and Minangkabau Beef. The tender, spiced beef with coconut undertones meld with the fresh cucumber and sweet pineapple juices from the salad on a base of fragrant rice. What’s not to love? The combined aroma of these three in the kitchen always brings back the nostalgia of home. What food scents remind you of home?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Motorbike Riders are not Wearing Helmet 8 years ago

    I just couldn’t understand these motorbike 
    Seeing these young residents residing at the 
    same residential area, everyday I could see
     young riders riding motorbikes without
     wearing helmets.


    • yes, you say that every motor biker rider must wear helmet on head to save his body while driving keeping in mind road accident by chance. If you drive carefully, other may trike your bike anon and any life may waste without reason. Therefore I suggest all must wear hamlet while driving.

      Helmets are considered as an essential safety gear for protection from head injury. Wearing a helmet while you are riding a bike might not be very comfortable, but it is obviously the most secured way to ride a two wheeler. Wearing a helmet can give you many riding advantages and it can actually make your riding experience more splendid.

      If you think your helmet is bothering you while riding, you should opt for a good quality lightweight helmet, but should not decide to go without it. First we will discuss on how does a helmet work? And then we will take a look at the advantages of wearing helmet.

      While riding a two wheeler in speed the wind noise can be really bothering for the ears even if the weather is not windy. The more is your speed the wind noise gets that much louder and can be really disturbing while riding on the highways.

      In case there is wind it can even become difficult to ride a two wheeler without a proper helmet. Keeping your ears covered from noise of wind make it possible to listen to the surroundings better, which can be helpful to avoid an accident.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Warm Potato Salad with Bacon 8 years ago

    I couldn’t think what I should do with 3 bags of Holland potatoes
     that I had bought at Tesco.
    I know that I am greedy, but it was 50% discount! 
    Just couldn’t resist the huge bargain!

    Went to the fridge, fou […]

    • As I read your article I find it delicious and good. But there is one thing that really caught my attention because it has been my practice of peeling off the skin of the potato.

      Now, I know the reason why I should not take off the skin of potato. I know the health benefits of it, and I should just clean it thoroughly and not peeling it off.

    • Thank you!! I just finished making this dish. It is absolutely amazing. Delicious. I will definitely make this again.

    • That looks like comfort food with double love! 🙂

    • I heard about it but never tried at home. The Holland Potatoes you are mentioning may be good. But, generally, Potatoes are rich in Carbohydrates. They slow down the process of digestion. You are adding Pork which will increase heat in the body.

      In the beginning, you advised not to peel off the skin of the potatoes. But, in the method of preparation, it is stated to peel off the skin of the boiled potatoes. It is somewhat confusing. Will you please clarify?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Fried Rice with Ginger Strips 8 years ago

    Ginger is known as a wonderful spice in Chinese, Malay and 
    Indian cooking methods. 
    Its’ natural strong, spice flavor produce a fragrant smell in most
     dishes, both Asian and Western cuisines.

    I love to use  […]

    • I love fried rice especially the chao fan of Chowking though sometimes I cook my own version of fried rice at home. I have not known the ginger for fried rice and as I read the article, I was given the idea to use it in my future recipe. I just hope the kids would like it because of its spicy taste.

    • My Japanese friend introduced me to ginger. I have never regretted it. 🙂

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Ways to Self-Motivate when Feeling Down 8 years ago

    What do you do when you are down and out?
    Everyone has a time when he may feel stressed out due to
     failure in relationship ( or friendship ), financial problems ,
     family matters, job related problems and st […]

    • Very good suggestions indeed- could be hard to implement but can be real stress busters.

    • Maybe procrastination will help you as long as you do it to set goals that you would want to achieve or reach. But if you set and makes you just lazy, never do it. And the number 6 which is declutter, I think not always. I have once talked to a boss who’s table are always messy because of too many papers and things above it, but he said “do you know why this table is messy, that means I am always working.” That is true, when the table is organize and very clean, we can say the boss is not working because its always clean.

    • Usually when am feeling down I like to listen to music it helps me quite a lot. Never underestimate th3 power of music, however said that it speaks to the heart was not wrong it is very true. Just listening to the music that you like can boost you up at anytime. Then there is also the thought of being positive with oneself. Declaring to oneself that you are able and annoited will do magic. You wont6even know how positive that will keep you going.When we keep speaking negative things and thinking negative thoughts we don’t do ourselves any favor other than put ourselves down, making us feel unworthy, unwanted and useless. Another thing is to always be around people who make a difference in your life, do stuff that makes you happy. If it means going out meeting up with friend will keep you away from stress than at all means do that.

    • Go fishing

    • Good advice. Also, if you have memories of a time when you had an abundance of energy and bounced out of bed each day and conquered the world … try to remember. 🙂 Say to yourself: “I did it once. I can do it again!” 🙂

    • Your tips and advice are inspiring especially the one about music. I do not listen that much to music but I do enjoy a good up beat tune once in a while. But putting on music when I am blue or depressed never occurred to me. I wonder why? Oh well, now I know what to do when the self-doubt, the self-negativity etc creep in, I can always rely on a good tune to cheer me up. I have to admit that I rarely procrastinate. I am always cleaning and decluttering my place. I hate having a messy surrounding. That also helps me but not for long usually.
      By the way, very good article, very well written and informative and entertaining.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      @peach purple, I am feeling down now,I want to change my email add and I wrote the admin last night, but got no reply. The yahoo mail that I presented here is not pay pal connect.The first time I applied here they did not accept my email pay pal affiliated and now the problem comes for I cannot redeem. My email add here is not affiliated with pay pal. Do you know how to remedy this problem? Thank you sis.

    • When I’m down I appreciate the little things like physical and mental health. Afterward I decided to eat anything to get my mind off what’s bringing me down. If all else fails I begin to exercise and that surely takes the brain off of whatever I was thinking about because I’m too busy trying to stop sweating.

    • Very inspiring. I do struggle with keeping my head up. Its very difficult being in a small apartment by yourself while your husband is at work all the time. I love the fact that you included music in this post. Music has helped so much. It gets rid of the loneliness and the silence.

    • In times I felt down, sometimes I cannot control myself from setting in one corner thinking so deep. I am focussing on the problem and thinking what is best to do and it really depressed me.

      However, I agree with you that we need to stay in a happy mood so what I usually do is to listen to my favorite country music or pop music. It can turn my mind into positive thoughts rather than think of what makes me sad.

      Listening to music probably a good tip to have a good and happy mood despite downfall.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 10 Tips to Cure Snoring Problems 8 years ago

    Snoring is not a small matter to be laugh at, making jokes
     about it would hurt the snorer feelings and pride.
    Calling […]

    • Those are quite a number of things or tips to follow so that you avoid snoring. I don’t know how effective they ar3, because I think when you ar3 tired it’s very easy for you to snore. Whether you ha e the above things or not it’s inevitable Anyway the only thing that I have tried is to stop sleeping in your back that will help. Putting your back suspended could cause more snoring instead of stopping it. The next time I hear anyone close to me snoring I will try your methods and see how it all goes.

    • What you have mentioned here really helps but I think there is now a machine or gadget to use that is so effective it does really help. Snoring, I have also experienced this, twice in my life that I encountered two people (in different venue) who have really a very loud snoring. The exaggeration of snoring like a horn of ship, maybe its not. Its really so loud that you can hear it even 10 meters away. I cannot sleep at those occasions. Snoring problem was never really a joke to those people concerned.

    • An interesting and informative to get rid of snoring habit. Problem to health which can arise due to snoring are also clearly mentioned. This is generally found among those people who sleep with their mouth open or have some problem related to ENT. It affects the overall health and well being of the individual. It also disturbs the sleeping pattern which is required for the individual to remain healthy and it also disturbs the sleeping of your partner or others who may be sleeping with you. Thus spoiling their health too.

      Now a days solutions are available to this problem- sleep apnea. The sooner people having problem to snoring visit a doctor the better it is for their health as their being healthy is crucial to them and also for their family too. Appreciate this informative article.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Nutrients Your Body Needs 8 years ago

    Do you know how to balance your diet?
    A well-balanced diet means to eat food that
     provides all the essential nutrients your body needs in
     order to be healthy, strong and fit.
     It is wise to know what nutrient […]

    • Thanks for the info. Always looking for healthy ways to eat.

    • That is great- getting information for balanced eating is very useful and always welcome.

    • Very informative your post. I think our body needs the body nutrients but the problem is we just don’t know how to do it and sometimes we just ignored it. With this informative post, this really help to us.

    • Those are some good tips to follow. I always try to incoperate my daily good with a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc. I k is how healthy eating is good for your body, so I try to keep up with routine. Though sometimes it’s hard especially when you have people in the house who will want to eat something totally different from what you are used to it what you want to cook. Like there are people who will eat the same good every single day and when you try to change the diet that would lament and say that good will not satisfy them or they don’t like that type of food. How can you convince them that it is good for them. And these are the same kinds of people who don’t take juices or tea that has milk neither are they keen on taking water after meals. Honestly I don’t know how some people survive without taking water the whole day it buffles me.

    • Yes, vegetables are full of vitamins not minerals. Human body makes just scan vitamins when we take vegetables as vitamins A B C D E ….these vitamins are most important for human body if our body is lack of vitamins our great and small intestines will not work properly and we will have a lot of problem.

      The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body’s mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients.

      The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body’s mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients. Click on any of the vitamins below to find out more about its health benefits.

      Vitamins can be consumed in a variety of ways. Most common vitamins are acquired through the foods we eat, but depending on your cultural or cuisine traditions, it is possible to be low in some natural vitamin intake. Therefore, the nutrition industry has made supplements available that can boost the vitamin content in your body.

      A multivitamin is often considered one of the best options for improving the overall balance of your body, particularly if you have a job or a lifestyle that frequently causes you to miss meals, eat at strange times, or eat the same food very often.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    oh yes, my posts are approved too.

    At least, they are published, don’t have to worry much.

    And got paid too!

    Happy to be here but sad that the forums aren’t moving much

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Oat Crunchies 8 years ago

    A few years ago, I had found this Oat Crunchie recipe in the local newspaper , cut it out and paste it into my recipe scrap book.
    I must admit that this is the best cookie I had ever baked, very satisfied […]

    • One is supposed to eat oats to keep cholesterol in control. But eating porridge every day could be quite boring. This could be a great alternative.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      This is a very long recipe,but worth to cook this. I also keep some of your recipes for future cooking especially during summer when i am free, no work and only cooking will be what I will be very busy about he he he. I hope it won;t make me fat as i am maintaining my weight 55 kilos.I have to discipline my appetite or just do series of dancing to break the calories ,lol.Eating does a lot of fun and the body does not react and refuse hehehe.

    • Oats in the crunch mode in our mouth, wow, this cookies rocks. This might be good to my children and I think it will give them health body because of the oats, of course. I think I need to learn this too.

    • A crunchie is the perfect sweet treat to enjoy with a cup of hot coffee or tea, or with ice-cream for dessert. Follow this easy recipe and make a batch or two of the crispiest oat crunchies on the planet.

      180g margarine
      2 cups oats
      1 cup coconut
      1 cup flour
      1 cup sugar
      1 tbsp syrup
      1 tsp bicarbonate
      Melt butter and syrup together.
      Add bicarbonate and stir until it froths.
      Mix dry ingredients in.
      Flatten the mixture out on a greased baking tray.
      Cook at 180ºC for 20-30 minutes.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Egg Tofu with Minced Meat Sauce 8 years ago

    This is an easy entry meal!
    A perfect main course dish for my family, who loves tofu and minced meat very much .
    Yesterday, after I had browsed through the fridge for any left-overs ( my hubby always reminded me […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I salute you peach you are a very hard working lady in terms of cooking.I hope your kids are not over weight hehehe kidding aside. I love tofu. I can cook this.I bought a recipe in the mall that contains only different recipes of tofu, so I learned to cook the recipe of my preference.I am so thankful that I have just dined or else I will be so hungry hehehehe.Good work @peach purple.You have many posts approved this time.

    • Your husband is correct, no waste on food. Even when I eat at restaurant, I’m always the last one to finish because I sometimes eat left overs in the bowl. Its been my habit because there are so many people not eating in a day and here we are just wasting these leftover food. I salute you for making some twists food in your fridge.

    • I think your recipe is a bit different for me because I am male and I tried to make the dish you mention in the article but could not make properly and got disappointment standing in the kitchen. Now I read in the nook and find this recipe that is very easy for all. as

      1: What you will need. Ingredients: You’ll need water, 3 cups of dry soy beans and 2 TBSP of Epsom Salt. …
      Step 2: Soak and Blend. …
      Step 3: Stir and Simmer. …
      Step 4: Strain Out Milk. …
      Step 5: Coagulate. …
      Step 6: Add to Mold. …
      Step 7: Finished.

      Tofu is great in so many recipes and easy to make. Along the way you will also make soy milk and have some okara left over. Okara is basically just bean pulp but it is great in breads, burgers, or cookies.

      You’ll need water, 3 cups of dry soy beans and 2 TBSP of Epsom Salt. As an alternative to the Epsom Salt, you may use 75ml of lemon juice. Most of the nicer grocery stores will have the soy beans and you can find Epsom Salt at the pharmacy.

      Food processor or blender, 2 large pots, 1 colander, 1 strainer, and a mesh bag. Instead of the mesh bag you could also use a few layers of cheesecloth.

    • Egg tofu, as its name suggests, is made a type of savory tofu flavored with egg. It is usually (if not always) available in the tube form.

      As with all tofu, egg tofu is high in calcium, protein and iron, while being low in calories at the same. It helps guards against colon cancer and heart diseases. It is also known to promote energy production and aid in weight loss.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Handle Your Stress with your Child 8 years ago

    Sometimes, when I am facing stressed out, I couldn’t make myself cheerful in-front o […]

    • Our child is the joy of our home but of course, sometimes, they cause stress because they might be annoying because they are just too repetitive and stubborn. Or maybe they break some porcelain or appliances in the house.

      Your tip to handle stress is so important to us, I think this really helps to us.

    • The main cause of stress is that when someone’s be uncertain about the problem he or she facing in such condition uncertainty terror spreads in human soul and we call in stress in modern language.

      When someone makes a corner in his or her mind the preaction result of any action causes stress in human soul. Actually it is created in human soul and its appearance becomes on human mind screen and its mirror becomes human face.

      If you have stress in such condition think what is your mistake in this matter that causes stress because there is no action that has its reaction. The same formula is applied in case of stress. You do something wrong in any shape and its reaction appears in semblance of stress prevailing on human face.

    • At present this is the best blog that I can relate to.

      I’m really short tempered and handling a naughty kid is no more than a big challenge for me. I usually cannot handle work pressure be it household or professional.

      The situation further worsens when you have a kid eating up your head the whole day long.

      But i shall follow your advice from now on and really hope the it will help me to make my life better.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Congrats to you.

    Last month I did reached $10, but as for this month, I don’t know yet.

    Right now, I am in the midst of $4, still a long way to go

    I guess I have to write 3 posts per day in order to reach the min payout

    Best of luck to all

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    congrats to you.

    I just got mine to , 11 sept, very happy even though my earning is smaller than yours, but am happy.

    I am glad that LB still pays us on the dot.

    Hope that everyone is being paid

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