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    bestwriter wrote a new post, What Holds us Back is a Question that Needs to be Answered 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all have talents. Some do not even know that they have them. While some are responsible to help us discover them some play the opposite role. Having said that it is still possible to search for them on our own […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Mesmirising Formation of Clouds 7 years, 10 months ago

    Clouds can provide photographers great opportunities to capture them in different avatars. The cloud formations are given names and meanings. There is a whole lot of information on the formation of clouds and […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Garden Should have an Incinerator 7 years, 10 months ago

    A passionate gardener will fill their garden with as many trees as possible least realising what will be in store when leaves start to fall.

    Where there are many trees there is bound to be a shower of dry […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Word in Praise of my Ever Faithful Camera 7 years, 10 months ago

    I cannot praise my camera enough, that just with a little bit of effort it  produces great  results. The features in there automatically adjust to situations. All what I need to do is to focus and shoot. Thanks t […]

    • That’s a wonderful passion you have, photography. And yes, only a few have that kind of skills.
      I tried taking pictures many times with my phone but I am not satisfied with the outcome. I cannot say there is wrong of my camera because when my sister uses it, she got some good pictures. So, I must say, it’s not a passion of mine. Maybe I am just a lover of nature that I want to take some souvenirs of them through photos but I cannot do proper photography. 🙂

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    bestwriter replied to the topic How can I cure Bad breath naturally in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

    Most have already talked about teeth and gum problems. There are issues that concern health.  One’s lungs, liver and other organs if rgwt are damaged that could lead to  bad breath.

    Drinking plenty of water helps.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Your comments have appeared repeatedly here. I wonder why.

    To check for number of words you must first write in ‘Word’ where the number of words is displayed.


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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The ‘Kulfi’ Did the Family Bonding 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is said that a family that prays together stays together. But these days this has become difficult as each member of a family thinks differently. It is however necessary that some activity is done together  to […]

    • jhsayyar..well done. We cant forget good days when we all had our lunch and dinner together.Now modern inventions,especially computer and mobile, have changed everything.How strange that even small kids have their own mobile sets.They receive messages and calls. They play games and use net.This tendency has spoiled their habits.They even dont hesitate to use their mobiles during lunch and dinner.This tendency must be curbed by parents.

      • Just a small correction. This post is written by me – bestwriter 🙂

        Those days of praying together, eating together and even sitting together is history now.

    • Yes, you say write that pray together and stay together for ever, I think we all human beings are thankless to God when we talk about staying together we pray and we eat and drink we do not pray because it is our habit to eat without raising the name of God,

      We must start every work with the name of God on earth because there is a solid reason behind and a few know it that there are thousands of evil spirits roaming on earth preying human beings those are straying on earth forgetting God in their works.

      What Evil Spirits on Earth
      Evil spirits roan on earth just to astray men and women so that they could lead astray the innocent people of the world. We must not forget God in our daily life thus we shall get life prolonged and you will enjoy health and wealth.

      • You are right when you say that one does not have to pray before eating. I only said we must pray together. It is rather thanking than praying.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Gardener Always has Countless Happy Moments 7 years, 10 months ago

    As I have often mentioned, planning gives me more joy than the end result and this applies to gardening as well. These zinnia seedlings have a story.

    Someone was passing by with a whole lot of zinnia plants […]

    • As you have rightly said gardening is a complete package. 🙂

    • We are in the same flock because me too is so engage in gardening. We have lots of flowering plants in our front that includes roses, daisies, hibiscus, bougainvaella and many more. It is true what you have said, and this really inspires me for my every day.

    • Yes it true that a gardener has many happy moments in life than any other person. There was a day when I grew all my own annual flowers from seed — as many as 25 different varieties. Though my garden is now smaller and my ambition has mellowed a bit, I still start many flowers from seed. Here’s why:

      Say you want to plant a 12-foot row of zinnias along your walk, or put 40 white impatiens in your shade garden. Buying these plants at your local nursery will probably set you back at least $50, whereas a packet of seeds will run you about $4. That’s an extra $46 to spend on some other gardening essentials!

      Another reason I start annuals from seed is that even the best garden centers don’t offer some of the most worthy garden annuals. To make sure I always have love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus), Nicotiana langsdorfii, Phlox drummondii, Salvia horminium, lavatera (Lavatera trimestris) and other favorites, I always start them myself.

      I don’t know why it is, but seed packets rarely provide the basic seedstarting information a gardener needs to know. The packet usually won’t tell you whether the seeds should be started indoors under lights, or should be planted right in the garden. You won’t be told if the seeds need light or darkness to germinate, or if the seedlings are frost hardy.

      These days, with so many unusual varieties available from seed, you may also wind up purchasing seeds for something exotic, like the Himalayan blue poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) that even a highly experienced gardener would have difficulty bringing into flower.

    • This is absolutely true. I can never imagine myself not gardening at all. I think I will always go back to my seeds and soil.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Had a Bad Day to See a Peacock Die 7 years, 10 months ago

    With concrete jungles mushrooming everywhere we often see groups of peacocks roaming the streets here in our neighbourhood. They also walk right in and even fly up on our roof.

    I had a good  capture in my […]

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of PhotographyPhotography 7 years, 10 months ago

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    bestwriter replied to the topic What is depression? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

    Depression is when one loses interest in doing anything. Depression could be the result of bad health

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Old age in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am a senior and well prepared to handle the situation. It is folly to expect family to rally round as they have their own issues to deal with.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Photographer Needs to be Alert to Get the Best Nature Shots 7 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks to technology it is no longer an arduous task to click photos of everything under the sun. And this photo is about the sun. One needs to be alert lest one should miss the  shots of a life time.  It is not e […]

    • It seems you are a great photographer. Modern cameras and cell phones are there to make photography a more simple and enjoyable activity.

      Now we do not need to develop photos in the dark rooms. We don’t need to go to some studio, just take your camera or cell phone with yourself, select some scene and consider your job done.

      We are now in a better position to capture the beauty of nature. Capturing natural scenes with the help of a camera is a fun.

      I do love this activity. I make good use of my cell phone whenever I see some natural scene.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Birds Too Have Emotions and Feelings 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is only when I saw these birds on our dead cashew tree chirping that I realised that birds could be having feelings too.

    We lost our cashew tree a few years ago, a tree that has left behind countless […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Noni Fruit is Packed with Health Properties 7 years, 10 months ago

    Least did we know back  then that we had a tree growing in our backyard which I now know is packed with goodness. Mother warned us not to touch those fruits as she thought that they  were poisonous. She only u […]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Mom came home in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is an unhappy situation for you.  Hope under your care she will show some improvement.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beautiful Moments to Cherish While on Tour 7 years, 10 months ago


    Travelling abroad on holiday has become easy these days with state of the art travel agents beckoning you to buy their packages.Any country will have loads of sights that one can visit but for that one needs […]

    • Consulting a travel agent is a better idea when it comes to touring as it saves a lot of time and money and we can enjoy better by doing so.
      They do planning and we focus on enjoying the natural beauty.

    • I am forever in the attitude of gratitude that I was able to see the world quite a bit. Just keep wishing and you will too.

    • Human life is also a travel and that is why we all like travel in life and travel of life, I cannot forget the happiness of Being tour with my friends two years before I cannot for get the moments in my life.
      Being the massive capital of China, Beijing is bound to be beautiful. It does great for a trip and once your trip is over, you will cherish the moments in Beijing forever. After Shanghai, Beijing is the second largest city of China. This city is the perfect combination of ancient and present buildings and structures. You can watch some of the most amazing monasteries in the place and structure that you never knew was possible to build.

      Did you know Beijing has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites? The Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs, Zhoukoudian, Great Wall, and the Grand Canal all resides in this great city. The Great Wall of China has been on your list for years and years, it is time to finally listen to your heart.

      What are the things to look for in Beijing?

      • Historical monuments like the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs.
      • The well preserved historic culture like zigzagging hutongs. So don’t miss the Hutong tour.
      • The longest man-made structure in the world, The Great Wall Of China
      • The largest and finely preserved ancient architectural complex in the world, the Forbidden City
      • The largest city square in the world, Tian’anmen Square
      • The Beijing Tour Package also includes Panjiayuan “Antiques” Market and Xiushui Street Market for local tourism

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Aim and Shoot Cameras are Here to Stay 7 years, 10 months ago

    At the time the image above was taken I had a very simple camera that did not have a zoom feature. There were these 4 owls that made their home in our garden.

    Normally one does not see but just hear them […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Waterfalls a Gift From Nature 7 years, 10 months ago

    Rain or shine these waterfalls continue to do their job,  a job that is never ending. Sitting by the waterfall provides one a great opportunity to unwind. Some writers and artists get inspired by just watching a […]

    • I was feeling very sorry whenever I was reading about waterfalls. I could not see Niagara waterfalls. But the chances of visiting are still there for me.
      But during my Sabarimala tour, I had the chance of visiting Shimoga District in Karnataka . My colleagues have planned to visit the Jog falls and I accompanied them It was really a mind-blowing to see the waterfall. All my friends went near the waterfall and had their bath that too in the biting cold weather. I had no guts. I could take bath but not go near the waterfall. It was really a thrilling experience to see jog waterfall.
      If I get another opportunity I will definitely go and enjoy the spot again

    • I love waterfalls and everything around them. They not only do good to my eyes but also to my ears and in short my whole body.
      The sight of water falling from such a height and that too with such a force sends thrills all through my body.
      The sound of falling water is simply out of this world.
      The scenic beauty of rock and stones around is just so good.
      The entire aura around is worth experiencing.
      I never fail to lose any chance of visiting a water fall.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    You can redeem any day of the month but they will pay on or after the 10th of the following month. They paid me on the 12th.

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