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    kaylar wrote a new post, Just Starting to Watch the Original Twin Peaks 7 years, 7 months ago

    I only heard of this series in by the way comments, and with a lack of watchable programs, decided to take a glance.  I am about three quarters of the way though the first 1990 episode.

    Firstly, it is dated.

    If […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Otherside of Racism and Sexism 7 years, 7 months ago

    The News was just released. Scientists seem to have unlocked why people are prejudiced.

    A paper released by the  American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, states that the brain of each […]

    • I don’t trust science finding because they will one day come and disprove their own findings and tell us different things meanwhile they have created an information in the mind of people. They told us there were 12 planets in the univers and this was taught in schools over the year wbut now they are telling us they have found other planets disproving their own findings. There are many such things i cant talk about.

      • One of the reasons why this item caught my attention is because of the ease that people fall for scams. I won’t go into the numerous scams that run in my country… but why do people fall for them?

        I have found that obverse of the scientific ‘otherness’ finding; that the person ‘just like you’ is the best scammer. The ‘businessman’ ropes in business men, the high school grad ropes in high school grads…

        In court the accused scammer looks just like the people he scammed. They way they dress, talk, hold themselves, often age groups.

    • Interesting as one thing I learned when I ran pre-school is that children settle best when their key worker looks like their mum or main carer. We do bond best with the earliest good caregiver and so are likely to prefer people like them. As the caregiver is usually the same race and ethnicity then that would figure. It does in a way, come down to survival. That said, most people when you scratch the surface are the same under the skin, but every family is in itself, a culture even within cultures.

      • The research proves this; the ‘us’ and ‘them’, which is the basis of racism… difference. I have observed a lot of scams and find that the automatic trust we give to ‘us’ can be used against us.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When You Know Someone Can’t Be Trusted 7 years, 7 months ago

    If you hire someone you know is dishonest, you have no problem.   You know this helper steals so you watch her, and you keep an accurate record.  So when you can’t find something, you’ll say; “Odette, please f […]

    • I get beatuflies in my stomach anytime i read blogs on trump and we are been asked to irgnore a charactor like him. I see him as the world biggest threat now who must be watched carefully. the kind of appointment this guy is making should tell us that he is up to something fishy. He is appointing people who will agree to his lies so when he said african are monkeys and so must be killed they will say yah and act. it is like given osama control the worlds weapons. we must watch trump rather

      • Our eyes see the same because we are outside of the ‘American Net’. The fact this guy lies, and has been caught in so many lies, tricks, and the Americans are going along with him, amazing. We in the 3rd and 4th world have to quickly re-set our priorities our trading partners, our outlooks.

        Although a lot of Americans are against him, enough are to keep him in power.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The True King of Fake News 7 years, 7 months ago

    One of the things you learn in life, is that people often attribute their flaws to others.  If you listen to people castigate another, they are often talking autobiographically.

    People see their own faults in […]

    • But he’s right about BBC, CNN and Buzzfeed. I have yet to validate a single claim of website such as buzzfeed. Lot of crappy articles on buzzfeed. So Trump is right on that part.

      • Buzzfeed is not serious news. The BBC/CNN are. They may ‘spin’ an item, but they don’t fabricate. Trump fabricates. He lies and demands you believe it. The Good Thing is that the world knows he is a liar, a shifter, who will say one thing here, another thing there, such as his Sweden thing. So no one believes anything from the US now.

        • There are lot of spin items at BBC. They were the one who said pakistan is safe country. In reality it turned out that country is the one shipping ISIS mindset all over the world. Same with CNN. They sided with china and guess who is providing support to ISIS and Jem leaders? China. You need to dig very deep to understand where BBC, CNN and Buzzfeed type sites are in order to understand what is fake news and real news.

    • Looks like elections held in different countries in the world in the year 2014 to 2016 had see fine people lossing to old trump like charactors.Two of such trump like presidents is the nigerian oldman buharrie and ghanaian oldman nana addo.
      This two figures are another laying individuals who came into power through lies and decert and they are mantain those lies to suvive in power. The world is in trouble with trump in charge of america.
      He will one day wake up and tell his troups to bomb the world because he could smell a grand agenda of the world raising up against america. where from this hitlar kind of personality. we must watch out.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Useful Reality of Being Jamaican 7 years, 7 months ago

    Perhaps, once, many many years ago, the Island of Jamaica was considered a pathetic little island with a population who had never been exposed anything like scams or tricks or hoaxes.

    I doubt it.

    Although he has […]

    • Hmm the legendry ananse has surface in jemica too. this is the charactor we use in our folkalar story telling in Ghana. Rose smith has send me similar mail before. once you reply they get the chance to brainwash you with some pathetic refuegee or money inheritance story that they need your help in. Am fringe interest just to understand their stupidity. Am not a fool to allow a scammer to outsmart me. They have tried many scams in different form but non got me.

      • Anancy comes from Ghana…in Jamaica he’s just a trickster… very little good traits. How can someone try to samfie a Jamaican or a Ghanaian? Rose Smith is very stupid.

    • Well this is something interesting to store up to tell my mixed race (English/Jamaican) grandson. He will need to know his roots. As for scammers. Most are stupid. The other day one got onto my facebook as messaged me as my friend. It was rather amusing as I was actually on the phone to my friend at the time and waited for the request for money and then we both had a good laugh when I called the scammer out. Like you say. Most scammers are not that bright.

      • Well, Anancy is central to Jamaica. He comes from Ghana. He is a spider… there are many folk stories about Anancy. The nicest one….

        One day there were only five pears (avocados) to eat, and it was Anancy, his wife and four children. He gave everyone a pear. The little one said, ‘Daddy what are you going to eat?’ Anancy said, “It’s okay, son, you eat.” “No Daddy, here take half my pear.” “Yes!” said the other children, “Take half of ours!”

        As usual Anancy got more than anyone.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When There Are More Guests Than Cake 7 years, 7 months ago

    Imagine you are hosting a birthday party.


    It is time to Cut The Cake!

    But wait… this is one cake and there are a lot of people.  A lot of people.  There is no way you can cut that cake in the normal s […]

    • Happened with me few times. But not for the cake but for other things.

    • it is not every one who goes to even and expect cakes under the occassion in my country. it is good advice anyway

    • If the situation is already known before the cake is cut all is well but when that is not the case then you can use our home method HPKO – HOUSE PEOPLE KEEP OFF (lol)

      • I’ve had a lot more kids show up to a birthday party than I expected, so when I had to cut the cake, I made my border, gave that out, made another border, gave that out… I got 14 pieces from the first border, about ten from the second, leaving a small six inches in diameter cake which I made into about eight pieces, so I did get everyone 32 people some of that cake.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, What To Do With the Worst Peanut Porridge Ever 7 years, 7 months ago

    Let me start with the fact that I love peanut porridge.  It a breakfast more of a dessert.   There’s a company that makes an instant porridge, just add water, into the micro-wave, delightful!

    It is almost as g […]

    • Interesting, but are you eating for the taste of the porridge or the nutritional value your body needs out of what you are eating. Old brands are difficult to do away with but it might be for a reason that the mall redraw it from the self. once the new brand gives the needed nutrient just enjoy it. You will be used to it soon.

      • It is a fairly new concept to make instant peanut porridge. The brand I used was delicious. This one… good stuffing… peanut porridge is really nice

    • In Jamaica we’ve had peanut porridge for a long time; it’s a very long process to create, and many people don’t make it any more. The Instant porridge is (the first brand) excellent. Peanuts are nutritious, and healthy… if you’re not allergic.

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    kaylar replied to the topic What social media sites are you using to share your posts? in the forum Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 7 years, 7 months ago

    I also use Facebook

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic What social media sites are you using to share your posts? in the forum Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 7 years, 7 months ago

    I also use Flipbook and every millennium, Reddit

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Dealing with the Spoiled Brat 7 years, 7 months ago

    Years ago I ran into a very good friend of mine at the Plaza.   She had her son, who was about three years old with her.   We were talking and I followed her into a clothing store.  Suddenly, her son threw hi […]

    • Hahaha equating the attitude of the child to Trump is serious but the fact and the difference is one can not be irgnored. The child have no control over his mom so he can be irgnored but in the case of trump the will not be safe if he is irgnored. The man Trump is a terroriest against himself, america and the world. if he get the attention he will be able to reveal his intentions against the world so he can be stoped where possible.

      • He acts like a brat, throwing a tantrum. He is very dangerous. Some Americans are beginning to realise it.

    • My belief is that when you toilet train a child early, they learn how to control themselves. When you don’t they never get a grip on their behaviour and continue on like Trump.

    • I’m curious to know why you think Trump will hurt the world. Most of what the media says about him is not true. Most of what he says himself he believes is true. He is giving voice to what many Americans believe — that the people who have been in charge of the government for the last few decades don’t care about ordinary people and are not in touch with what most Americans face in their lives. We are willing to overlook some of Trump’s personality traits because we believe in his policies.

      Compared to the population of American, only a small percentage is protesting, and many of those are paid. I won’t say any more now since I don’t know how many of you really care about this. I do not think Trump is having temper tantrums, either. He isn’t always wise with his words, but are you always wise with yours? Trump doesn’t show one personality in private and another in public. He is who he is and you know exactly what he’s thinking.

      Can you give an example of what you consider a temper tantrum he’s had?

      • The ‘so-called judge’ is how he labeled the Judge who ruled against his badly thought out executive order, which has led to a law suit. The way he castigates the press… how he spoke to the Australian Prime Minister, these just pop to mind. If I did the research I can give you a pile more.

        Further, the fact the Women’s Protest was 3x the size of his inauguration.

        I know there are die hard Trumpies, they hated having a Black man as their President. They want America to be white, christian and male. And I’m sure they’ll get it.

    • I can completely relate to your friend. These days all the kids fall into this difficult to handle group. And ignorance towards there tantrums is the best remedy. They eventually stop doing it.

      Though it take some time but it is far better than shouting or hitting the child.

      • To me, this grows out of a child who has no self control and the parents must, when they get the child home resort to ridicule. “Oh, you should have seen Joey! He made such a fool of himself, I could barely could keep from laughing,” and go on about it, and say, “I don’t think you can go to the zoo… what if you throw yourself on the ground and scare the animals?”

        This works.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, If You are an Immigrant in the United States 7 years, 7 months ago

    Forget that plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

    Forget all they hype you’ve heard about the United States of America.  That country that used to exist as a ‘beacon for the world’ is gone.

    Forget that beyond Native […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Reason Three why Women put up with a Cheating Husband 7 years, 7 months ago

    They married young, and were hard working and ambitious.  The wife never liked the sex act.  She found it a bit painful, a bit unsatisfying, but put up with it in the early days as part of the passion of a new m […]

    • Is this a true story? It probably is. I don’t know of any people in a relationship like this, but couples have “arrangements” I suppose. Although if both are aware of what’s going on, that’s not really “cheating”. We won’t split hairs over it. 🙂

      But there are 3 reasons a woman stays with a unfaithful man.

      ~ LOVE. No matter what anybody says “Love can cover a multitude of sins.”

      ~ MONEY. She can’t (or she thinks she can’t) take of herself financially. In psychology I think it’s called “learned helplessness”.

      ~ TRADITION. She lives in a society where her back is up against the wall. She either kills herself, escapes if she can, or lives in hell!! It ain’t right. It ain’t fair. But that’s her reality.

      • It is true. Many women don’t enjoy sex. It might be the man’s fault. Also, a woman might marry a good looking man who goes to seed and becomes repulsive. I can think of one man who was beautiful in college… I mean movie star… and then… like twenty years later… don’t look.

        • If you choose someone based on their looks then you made a life choice for the wrong reason. We all get old and wrinkled. Except … unless you’re Michael Jackson’s mother. That woman does not age! 🙂

          Some men do change “personality” once married. But then the question remains? If he tricked you, why are staying with him? He deceived you! Run away! As fast as you can. What else is he capable of doing to you? Marriage is about love and trust. Not lies and deceit.

          Marriage is a commitment for life. If you don’t want to be committed, then don’t get married. Only women in certain societies are FORCED into marriage. Other women have a choice so they should choose wisely.

          • There are some people I adore; physically they don’t attract me at all. They are friends and nothing near romance ever happens or comes near to happening. There are cases in which the person you marry… and looks always have something to do with it… is not who you married. Not just older but .. unattractive. Like a big belly or a way of holding their face in this sour look they didn’t have when young.

    • What’s the use of staying in marriage, if both of you isn’t committed to what you have promised before God, when you got married.

      If she finds sex painful, then early on she could have told her husband, so her husband will make a way not to hurt her that way, whenever they are lovemaking.

      They could have even approached a gynecologist about her pain so it could be given a remedy.

      Besides, there are many ways for a woman not to feel pain during their lovemaking, but instead enjoy it everytime it’s being done.

      • Although it may be shocking, for a number of people, sex is not important. They enter a relationship and put up with the sex, but never really enjoy it.

    • Adultery is a major sin. But many men commit it. Most women will walk out. Those who don’t have a reason why. I was giving the three major ones; money, having an affair of her own, or not liking sex.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Reason Two why Women put up with a Cheating Husband 7 years, 7 months ago

    A young woman married an older man. He had money, he had a position, and she bore him two children. He was unfaithful.

    She was very upset and was consoled by the Gardener. He was young, good looking and […]

    • I never would stay with a man no matter how much money he has , who cheats and find his cheating a reason to cheat too.

      One cannot correct a wrong with another wrong.

      I would rather equip myself with money by working, separate with him and find another man who can love me and not cheat on me. AT least, that way, I will not sin also.

      As I have observed, some women indeed would stay with their husband, because they are so dependent on him to sustain a living.

      Look at those career women, when they are cheated by their husbands, they separate with them, file divorce, so they can find their right man.

      • I don’t disagree, but in the situation I mentioned, it was a peculair kind of relationship in which both the wife and gardener needed the husband’s pocket.

    • I am sure, if the Gardener hadn’t been there, and if the relationship between the wife and gardener hadn’t been so loving, the wife would have left. As the husband had money, the wife had a high standard of living, the gardener had an easy job, so staying in the relationship made sense.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Reason One why Women put up with a Cheating Husband 7 years, 7 months ago

    This is a true recountation of a real situation.

    After some suffering, a wife attended a particular attorney. She had enough. Her husband, with whom she had weathered the hard times, was now an international […]

    • Why wait for the husband to die, when during his lifetime of cheating, the woman can make means to stash money for herself and one day file for a divorce because of his cheating ways.

      At least on top of her stashed money from her husband, he would be giving her alimony.

      As to the children she should also see to it that she will have them for herself and that they be included in the divorce agreement as to their allowances until they are of matured age and can already be on their own.

      • The fact is, she’d of walked out with the clothes on her back, but the Attorney made a lot of sense. One has to realise that once a man commits adultery, that’s the end. Now the wife has to consider her future. And in this case, she did.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Best Sites to Watch Free Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have been asked, often, for the best site to watch television programmes online.   My response is not straight forward.

    Firstly, every site goes down now and then.  This could be a joint attack by commercial i […]

    • Good information. I,personally, like to watch the old TV shows and programs. Websites are good but now companies are focusing on apps. There are many apps available in which you can see old movies, shows and even cartoons. Hulu is, also, available in apps and most of the new TV shows are available. So, the field is wide for anyone to see TV and does not have to spend a fortune. Cable TV will soon have to change or lose money because customers are wiser and know that there are alternatives to TV and movie watching.

      • I’ve been watching free online for a long time. I pay no fee, I belong to no site. I have a TV yes, but only use it to watch the news and one South African soapie.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Nothing New About Fake News 7 years, 7 months ago

    There have always been hoaxes.   in Ancient days, many were written in newspapers or spread as rumours.  Today, we think there is something ‘new’ about them,  but that is because we don’t know history.

    We do […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Writing and Posting an Ebook 7 years, 7 months ago

    Years ago there were two magnificent and linked services; there was Booktango and Bookcountry.  You’d write your book, you’d upload it, and then pick your cover, set your audience and your price, and you were […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Do People (Still) Support Trump? 7 years, 7 months ago

    It has been, at this time of writing, twenty eight, (28) days since Donald Trump became President of the United States, (POTUS).

    People voted for him for various reasons; some were racists and xenophobes, some […]

    • There is a saying that birds of the same feather flocks together so it is not surprising that some people will support an empty barrel because they themselves are empty. How can educated people follow a man whose words are not even coordinated. He speak lies and they take it as truth. this is where america will break up and terrorism will hit america soon.

      • It is part of the dumbing down process. Americans have gotten dumber and dumber over the years until they can elect someone stupider than they are. The fact is, he’ll bring America into such derision that it will take a long time for it to recover.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Running like a Fine Tuned Machine 7 years, 7 months ago

    In Jamaica, our favourite comedy programme is a Trump Press Conference.

    There he comes, the President of the United States of America, once that awesome neighbour to our north, now the Greatest Circus on […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How to Study for Exams 7 years, 7 months ago

    I was in the supermarket and a young man who works there is currently in University.  He has those exams every so often and the usual terror.   I told him what to do, and hopefully he will follow this advice.   […]

    • Noting down in the classroom and again rewriting with all decorations and necessary techniques using circles in place of a dot, underlying the important information may be useful to get it back into your memory during an examination may be a good idea.But it works in lower classes only. Once you catch up the steps one by one in the ladder of education system it becomes a herculean task which needs covering various subjects.

      • You’re wrong. It works in Law School, which is pretty much at the very top of the hill when it comes to hard subjects, a lot of information, and needing to think. It works.

    • All the techniques used in school studies help to keep in mind all that have been learnt in the process of teaching.The use of personal diction is not ruled out.At times the use of symbols and unique writings help only the student.

    • Note-taking also works well for me. And even when I’m done with school, I still do a lot of note-taking for research and article writing. Handwriting and copying important lines helps reinforce my understanding of the text.

    • I do that when I was in college. I rewrite all that I have taken notes in the classes I attended.

      Then after rewriting , I would read them aloud. That way, I am already at least putting them in my mind.

      Like you said, I put highlights in those I think are important. My highlights are of different colors. Color coding as it is said.

      Pink would be the most important items and should be memorized.
      Green would be those that need not be memorized but should be understood on how they are like that.

      I also take time to relax after I have reviewed what I have written. I listen to music after that, or watch a nice show or eat.

    • I need not to take exam anymore for the time being and the past ten years , I only busy with napkin and breastfeeding, haha!

      Anyway, I love and miss those study time when I was a student, reading and studying is the most enjoyable task in my life.

      I might go back to school for further study in the future. But, e-learning is more common nowadays!

      • Even if it is elearning you want your Beat Book, you want to sit outside on the beach or in the garden, and relax and learn.

    • The best way for me to study was to re-write everything i wrote in class. The more i wrote, the more i memerized. I would sometimes just read the material various times to memerize but it was easier to memerize when i would write it down.

      Your method is also a good way to. If you have a specific way to write things down that will help you learn then it becomes easier to study also.

      When i was still in school i didn’t study that hard because i was a fast learner and i would just re-write my notes for coleagues and that would be my study session.

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