• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic has anyone cashed out and received their money here? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    I got my pay out today… I’m usually last

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Site Killer; a True Story 7 years, 5 months ago

    There are people who know how to ‘play’ a site.   They find out how and what and when and who before they join. They research how to get the most ‘points’; be it getting on the Front Page, getting the most money, […]

    • A site dies because of users. They play games, cheat spam and help Google to cancel the sites adsense account.
      It is important for site owners to keep a vigil on such activities and if they do not do it then they will be out.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    So far, Niume plays with hits, Mylot pays little but wants little work, and here… which is sort of.. iffy sometims.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    Most of the sites are gone… the survivors, most of them, don’t pay.

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    kaylar changed their profile picture 7 years, 5 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Didn’t take One Hundred Days 7 years, 5 months ago

    If one listened to all the remarks, promises, and the rest of the verbal vomit that fell out of Donald Trump’s mouth, one would be zombie-fied  if… if they actually believed him.

    Trump is a deceptive liar.   H […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    One of the ‘tricks’ many sites do is to pay for ‘hits’ or ‘views’ and fudge them.   Usually, when you join you seem to get a lot of hits, make that pay out, and then, no matter how many hits, comments you get, the money barely climbs.

    Niume is known for that.

    You make your first $10 in about month.  Your second?  You will reach something like $3…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Some People Don’t Think of Consequences 7 years, 5 months ago

    This is a true story, the only things I’m changing are the names and some locations.

    Errol was married to Roberta and they had two little children.  Errol had not really settled down.  His company sent him and h […]

    • Yes, it is true. Some people think that posting such pictures will make them famous or cute, but for psychologists, it has a different meaning. Not all people can be fascinated by t and it will reveal the kind of a person(s) they are!

      • Exactly. You are not hiring an accountant, a lawyer, even a technician whose face book page is full of that kind of stuff. At the highest, they don’t look serious. At the lowest, they seem to be mindless.

    • It is true, some people do not think of consequences behind their actions on what they are doing. Some people get too caught up in what ever is going on at the time. When ever the thing that you are doing, comes into the light or someone else finds out, of what you are doing…most of the time, it doesn’t always end well.
      Before you do a thing, it is important to acknowledge the person that you will be hurting. I am not or never has been a person of retaliation, because I know that it may cause more harm to myself than good. Why I say this is for this reason…for example..I will use relationships.
      If you are in a relationship or married and you decide to be intimate with someone else, first of all…it is wrong. Second of all, to the women…you have to understand, in society today…we are looked at, depending on what we do to our bodies are very important, especially to keep our sanity and our WORTH! We are very important to society rather you realize it or not. If we as women, place ourselves in situations where we are having sex with more than one partner, while we are with someone at the time….what does that say about us. We cannot do what men do, in that department but sometimes we don’t care because we are angry at the time or hurt. Yes, I do understand what it feels like to be hurt and it is not a good feeling but you will eventually get past it! Do not lower your self esteem by sleeping around with different people. You will be respected more and someone will come along and worship you because you have maintained yourself as a woman. I realize that men will be men. There are some good ones out there.
      Just think of our daughters….would you want them to grow up, thinking that is ok to sleep around. I have a beautiful and intelligent daughter, which I raised her kind of being strict. I was very hard on her because I did not want her to grow up a certain way, especially with the young children that are being brought up today. She was always a straight-A student in school because I constantly instilled in her the importance of education as a black child growing up in today’s society. No, I am not saying that I was a perfect mother, because I had my faults as well. My daughter did not see me with different men all the time, she did not witness me going out with friends to clubs, looking for a babysitter so I can do what I want to do for fun….When my children were born, it was always about them…I was a single parent and it was not an easy task.I had relationships and they were long relationships, it just didn’t work out.
      You have to be careful what you do because it usually comes out in the end and people don’t think about the reaction from a person once it has been exposed. One thing that I realize is that you can not change a mans’ ways if he is not ready to change. A good man can change a woman for the better. I know this from experience because my husband changed me. So I am not trying to put us women down but you have so much value within yourself…shaking your butt, exposing yourself on social media,wearing no clothes, etc. is not cool. This does not make you look good for the right man, that is if you want a good man! Yes, for the time being….you are looking good until they get what they want and you give them exactly what they want, then you wonder why they don’t give you respect or talk to you a certain way or basically cut you off…. because they already got what you put out there for them to see. That is a fact! If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect men or even your children to respect you. This is also a fact. Where are the beautiful queens at?

      • What you are saying is very true. And trying to hurt someone often has a bounce back. Which it did in this case.

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    kaylar replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    Cely, you might be right.  It could be a ‘bot.   It could be a computer program which logs on and goes to request friendship from users.  A simple program.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The almost Psychotic connection to Cell Phones 7 years, 5 months ago

    Another person was killed in New York City’s subway system.   This time it was a thirteen year old girl who dropped her cell phone on the tracks, and jumped down to retrieve it, when a train was arriving.

    For […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Backing the Wrong Candidate; Putin’s surprise 7 years, 5 months ago

    If one examines all the statements that Donald Trump tweeted, (in his own illiterate style) one would have no difficulty in assuming he was pro-Vladimir Putin and wanted closer ties to Russia.

    That is, if one […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Any One Going to Fly on United? 7 years, 5 months ago

    We have all seen the video.

    It is all over Facebook and everywhere else.  The images are shocking, the facts are even worse.

    A person books a ticket on United Airlines.  A Person pays for the Ticket.  The pe […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    I can’t get in touch with Support most times… I wish they were taking more notice of this.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Purpose of Dumbing Down a Population 7 years, 5 months ago

    What I write does not extend to every corner of the Earth all the time.  Like tides, the process comes and goes, depending on the situation.

    There are times an educated population is required, there are times […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hopefully the Scammers will go somewhere else.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Before Mars, A Colony on the MOON 7 years, 5 months ago

    The First step in building a colony on Mars would be building one on the Moon. Figuring out how much and what and where and when supplies become crucially low;   right there, just a few days away from […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, China Thinks Trump is a Lobster 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’ve been doing my research on how China really sees Donald Trump.   After all the months of attack and insult spewing from the mouth of the Orange Clown, I needed to get behind the diplomatic smiles and the nice […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    I used an image and Pop!  Another writer instantly copied it!

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Buying Education for the Brat 7 years, 5 months ago

    In my country there is a very expensive ‘Prep’ school.   It is the place the rich send their brats.   You will never see that school winning anything; not a debate, not School’s Challenge Quiz,  not even an egg ra […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Feuds on Sets; How Actor’s Write Their Burn Notice 7 years, 5 months ago

    One of the problems with actors are their egos.   Each one thinks s/he is superior.   When the Star, the one people turn on to watch has this attitude, well, the little co-stars either accept or get fired.   Wh […]

    • Greys Anatomy has been one of my personal favorite shows, I was sad to see George go because of slander. I feel like his story didn’t get to truly blossom all because of a behind the scenes argument. They should have fired Burk, when you work in this environment you need to be prepared to encounter all lifestyles, do you need to be an advocate? No. But you need to be able to put your differences aside and do your job, ACT! So Burk should have been fired so George could have still been an amazing actor on the show. Other shows like this would be Glee. They fired Santana because the main girl didn’t like her. REALLY! Are we children now? And that is only teaching already entitled actors that it is ok to be that way. To me this is just sickening and bad business for television.

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