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    kaylar replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    I was sure they were gone, all their stuff taken down.  I don’t know why people are trying to scam us so much.  Many people here are not in America and really… what do they expect to get? A VISA..? Don’t they realise most people are NOT American?


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    kaylar wrote a new post, Learning How To Pace Yourself Watching Television Programs Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    You are sitting in front of your television set.  The show you are watching ends with a cliff hanger.  You don’t know what happens next.  And you either have to wait until next week or next season.   Now tha […]

    • yes. This is what we have to pace up But, people are addicted to seeing the episodes o TV only but not online. With the introduction of Smart, T.V everybody is preferring seeing them on even bigger size T.Vs. They are allocating more space on their wall exclusively for this arrangement. Moreover, this has become a status symbol.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, You Got What You Wanted (Part II) 7 years, 5 months ago

    Kris, whom I’ve known forever, shocked me when he became the head Trumpeteer.   He supported Trump from day one, (despite not being white or Christian).

    I could not believe that he, the equivalent of diarrhea on […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Those who are always Believed 7 years, 5 months ago

    It used to amaze us, when we were kids, that everyone always believed Patti.  She was a liar of the first order, but everyone always believed her.

    When I say everyone, I mean, her parents, teachers, her friends, […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    I saw it and just sighed.  But I think it’s been removed

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Rather Distasteful Super Villian 7 years, 5 months ago

    The Movie, the ‘Silence of the Lambs” became notorious because of the villain; Hannibal Lecter.   Yes, now, if you view that movie, you do find ‘Hannibal the Cannibal’  ridiculous.  You almost embarrassedly hi […]

    • Ok so it seems that you put a lot of work into it but there are a few things that you should work on you need to be more enthusiastic about your blogs and posts and when ur titling them make them titled related to the topic thank you for sharing I hope this helps your future posts and work😊

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Bad People Expose Bad Intentions 7 years, 5 months ago

    When we were at school there was a ‘clique’ of girls.  Today they’d call them ‘mean girls’ but in my day, I called them ‘class queens and their ladies in waiting’.

    These girls would ridicule others, they clung […]

    • This kind of people are envious people, insecure and minds dull.They are not also busy in their lives so their target to compromise their situation is attacked those they believed lucky and fortunate. That is as escape goat.

    • I have a childhood friend like this. She definetly wants to be somebody else. I already knew her since we were kids. She wants the attention of everyone. She always brag about her so called buddies in school that they rich, where they went, want they eat and exactly what they do. When i accompained her at her school i was disapointed with her grades it was totally a flop. You see, her parents working very hard to send her to school but she’s not studying well. But if you going to ask her what is the story of the novel she reads she knows everything even the smalest details of the book. Due to her laziness and dullness she ended up marrying someone she doesnt even know well with no stable job, doesnt own a house, and still living together with her parents and siblings. It is really true that you’re friend is you’re greatest foe. Some people i came accross are hypocrites blinded by their pride and motive to ruin a person.

      • The girls in the ‘clique’ none did very well. Many barely passed their subjects, more interested in hair style than history.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Strange Genesis of Television Serials 7 years, 5 months ago

    American serials, be they drama, science fiction, comedy, thriller, or a combination, all begin being ‘episodic’.

    The term means that each episode stands on its own.   The same characters, yes, the same basic […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, American Air Strikes in Syria 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am not, never have been, never will be, a Trump supporter.   I say this at the outset.

    I know a number of people, non-white, non-Christian, the kind Trump would deport in a heartbeat, who Support him.   P […]

    • If the USA (or any nation) has or had the power to act on behalf of the innocents for this egregious inhumane and horrific attack, then they are morally obligated to step up to the plate and start swinging. If a leader can use chemical weapons on his own citizens, what would he do to those people he believes are his enemies? Assad is scary!

      • What shocks me, is that many of his blabbering supporters are upset about it. To me, well… I expected it. I don’t know why, but it was like, when I heard the news it was like hearing ‘due to the flooding, a state of emergency was called’.

        I would have assumed anyone who supported/voted for Trump would expect a reaction, would assume there will be something like this in North Korea.

    • I pity the people of Syria especially the children!

      • Civil wars are always the worst. And neither side will stop and even if it stops, the resentment will last for generations.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Facebook doesn’t want to be Fakebook 7 years, 5 months ago

    There’s a big uproar at Facebook.   The ‘Fake News’ argument has ignited and ‘something has to be done!’

    It was decided, to post an advertisement above the ‘news feeds’ giving users tips on how to spot the false […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Mistaking a Six For a Nine 7 years, 6 months ago

    It happens infrequently, but it happens.    It happens when one doesn’t really investigate but slaps a label on another and deals with the label.

    There are people who are taken for heroes, who simply were there a […]

    • we have instances where in History people are not given adequate importance as along as they are alive but they get fame after their demise.

      Considering 6 as 9 is a human nature to think of something negative of a positive thing and worrying about it all day. This affects our performance also.
      Let us hope today will be a fine day for all of us.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Not Letting People Pull Your Tongue 7 years, 6 months ago

    ‘Pull my Tongue’  is a Jamaican expression which means allowing people to get you to say something or respond to something they say.   It is kind of a trick, kind of a setting up, in which you ‘throw words’ and I […]

    • I dislike such people. I cannot stand them really, they can really annoy you. I have encountered such people who will always want to say things that will provoke you to say something. The best way to deal with such people is silence or ignoring them. I guess what you did was the best way to deal with that lady. Though I must say you regard her with so much contempt as much as she got you mad how can you say that she wasn’t so pleasing. Anyway you alone know how she looked and how she reacted.

      • She quite an unpleasant sort. What shut her up is that she had argued with an empty room for about fifteen minutes.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Are You Traveling to America? Nope 7 years, 6 months ago

    The facts are in.   People are not visiting America.   The prices have dropped, trying to catch the eye,but few are taking advantage, preferring to go elsewhere.

    This drop began as Trump stepped into the White H […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic My internet is so slow it hampers my desire to write more blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    Never happens to me… keeps telling me I need an image.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Reason Why I Doubt 7 years, 6 months ago

    I live in the 4th World.  I live in Jamaica.  I have personal experience of the attempt the United States made in the 1970s to Underthrow the government of my country.  I was here.  I saw, I heard I lived it. […]

    • This is happening with every country and everywhere nowadays. The media can give a twist and make relentless efforts to make you believe what they want. This practically did not occur during the recent U.S Presidential elections as most of the U.S citizen were in favor of Mr. Trump than Mrs. Clinton. The media tried heavily to criticize, demoralize, and unpopular Mr. Trump. But, it could not get success and finally, the people got what they want and Mr. Trump could swear in as the President of U.S.

      • The majority of people voted for Hilary clinton; it is the electoral college which gave Trump the mandate. He has a 34% approval rate today. I don’t know what you read, or where you get your information, but I would try to get other sources. Doing a short search on the Internet of Trump’s approval ratings today will turn up the figures from various sources.

    • Hmmm the media has become a force to recond with. They seems to become misinformed group of people who do not appreciate the truth and fact anymore as that do not sell as much as falsehood and lies. They have become laws unto themselves as they fed the general public with false information which will excite people and paint others bad or black as they say it. I don’t listern to the media any more in my country because they have all become progovernment press who sees nothing wrong with government policy. Let watch them carefully.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Some People are Misled 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was at college I had one of those part time jobs on campus.  I don’t know if it happens where you are, but there were a lot of little jobs over the vacations and one would make some money to help them […]

    • Maybe he just wrote the name of Mr. Big Shot, because he thinks you will not verify if indeed he is recommending the applicant.

      That is why, when we are applying, we should see to it that we put a reference who knows you well because you were once in his employment. Besides, see to it that you have a good track of work records so the recommender will also give good reviews.

      Never just write a big shot, when the big shot doesn’t even know that you have written his name for reference. It’s discourteous to do that.

      • No, John Chance knew we would contact those he put in as references… I am sure he believed Mr. Big Shot would recommend him. We should check first… before we name anyone.

    • If you are a grown up, you have your own mind to make good decisions but most of us would rather go with what we are told. The thing is if the guy asked for a recommendation from the other guy, it’s obvious that he asked him if he would use him as his recommenderecommender, why then would someone write you such a bad recommendation letter? If you knew that the person was not qualified you should have told them from the beginning. But tarnishing the name of the candidate is not a good thing. That’s why it’s always good to ask questions before you get favors from people or even close friends .

    • There are times when we come across people who will be an influence of negative behavior and if we are not careful, we will probably be misled. You are responsible for your own actions, so when you involve yourself around negativity, then most likely,you will become negative. It important for us to determine that you should not blame others for your actions.

      Being misled is tricky. In some sense, you can be misled by being lied to. That is one reason why a person can be misled. It is wrong for someone to lie for personal gain. If you are a strong willed person with any kind of intelligence, you will not allow anyone or anything to become a negative influence. You should always push for positive influences. A person can also mislead themselves, another person does not have to be the one to mislead you.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A few of my Super Powers 7 years, 6 months ago

    I realised when I was just a kid that I had ‘super powers’.    It was very creepy in a way because it was as if I could see things that ‘weren’t there’ and ‘hear things’ no one else did.

    These are the super p […]

    • Wow, reading on, I realized that you are a very gifted person for having those qualities or super powers as you call it.

      Indeed listening can be a power by itself. Even knowing when to be silent is a power also.

      Observing too is a super power. These 3 are what I should learn to have. I am not observant, maybe because I always hurry. I don’t even sometimes observe how a person is before I speak my mind. Now I know, I should be.

      Listening, I sometimes just blurt out without letting the other person finish what he is talking about , so much so that argument will ensue. This is true with my hubby and me.

      Thank you for making me realize I can have those super powers too. 🙂

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    kaylar replied to the topic My internet is so slow it hampers my desire to write more blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    I write off line then upload.   The prob is often the image… to download the image and then paste it. Once I just grabbed a previous image.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Less is More; the Shortening of Word Count 7 years, 6 months ago

    Years ago, authors were paid by the word.  So, more words more money.   People expected a few pounds of a novel and a few days or weeks of reading.   In those days, More was More.

    Books of one thousand plus pa […]

    • One can write three hundred words but still it is concise. Short and sweet!

      • The interesting thing is that where a few years ago writing 1000 words was no problem, today, one becomes so concise that a topic is covered in 280 words, requiring one to go back and add.

      • Yes, one can write a 300 word article yet it already has taken all the important aspects.

        It is challenging to write more than 500 words. You must have the experience for your topic and very familiar with what you are writing for you to write that long.

        • In the old days people were in the verbose habit. They went around and around before making the point. Today it is very boring to read that kind of stuff.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, To See Ourselves as Others See Us 7 years, 6 months ago

    There was this chap who came from a family of achievers.  His parents were professionals, his sisters were professionals.  He was… not.

    He was a tall guy who wore glasses and hated them so got contact lenses.   […]

    • I hate airheads or braggarts. I distance from the, the moment I notice that he is one.

      You can never win over an airhead. It is already inculcated in his head that he is right and no one can beat him.

      Sad, that this attitude is what people don’t like in a person. he is being laughed at or hated when he turns his back to the people he was with.

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