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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, WHY THE WHOLE BODY CHECK UP? 7 years, 5 months ago

    As I was browsing the internet I suddenly saw an advertisement that popped up saying ‘Whole Body Check Up within Rs.1099/- only’. Though such advertisements are common nowadays, they drew my attention when I was […]

    • Maybe the super specialty hospital is performing executive check-ups or one that involves so many tests to determine a person’s health status. But only people with so much money can afford it, or those with health cards courtesy of their companies.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Is Psorifix Fake or Not In Curing Psoriasis? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 5 months ago

    I suffered from Psoriasis. After two or three visit doctor confirmed that it was psoriasis. She did not want to upset me. Finally, she revealed it. She prescribed Psorifix. When I applied to the feet I experienced hell really. Instead of giving relief it pinned me. I immediately consulted the Doctor and got it changed.

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    Radhika posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    good morning

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    Radhika became a registered member 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Trust brings you trust and even valuables. Trust makes you dear and approachable. Trust makes you positive. Trusting somebody is not a negative sign. This is a positive sign which you should be proud of to have. […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, THE CLEANSING ORGAN IN THE BODY ONE SHOULD BE CAREFUL ABOUT 7 years, 5 months ago

    Human Body a complex structure consisting of so many fluids, blood cells, Boney, skin, teeth, ear, nose, nails, stomach, sexual organ eyes, lungs, heart, nose, ears……each and every part is assigned with some […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, PAINTING IS NOT SO EASY AS THOUGHT OF 7 years, 5 months ago

    Painting a house..just purchase a can of paint, brush, some turpentine or paint thinner, some duct tape, the job can be done easily by anyone, was my assumption before I ventured upon doing some painting work. I […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, THE INGREDIENT WHICH MAKES BIRYANI A HEALTHY FOOD ITEM 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am a favorite of Biryani. I could really enjoy the taste of this food item for the first time in the year 1983, December,  when my sister prepared it at home with the active guidance and directions of Mr. B […]

    • I have never tried Biryani but I know I would like it because of the ingredients; especially cinnamon.

    • I tried Arabic biriani and its super tasty really you feel there lots of tastes are and there are rich of every taste at the same time, I like it with ham not chicken and I like it with red rice. I guess each country make it in different way and some name it different way, in general i love to eat salty things alone, do not like to mix the sweet taste with the salty taste, like checken with pinapple or here adding cinamon to the biriani, i like your recipe, going to try it with out sweety taste with it, these are good healthy items for sure and I will love to add it to Biriani, but do you have different way for biriani too, is so please post it in here as i like to learn new recipes everyday from the worl wide here and there, Thanks for the well written post and full of detiales still simple and easy to follow at cooking at home at any second

    • It sounds tasty, but I have never tried Biryani as you described here. What country’s cuisine it is? It is great that we can try different cuisines. It’s enough to search online or watch Youtube and we can prepare very interesting new dishes. Thanks for sharing.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Mr Donald Trump and Obama Care in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    We are always looking Mr. Trump with suspicion. During his election campaign he promised the people of the U.S that he would construct a wall along Mexico, he will ban the entry of Muslims associated with terrorism and ISIS activities. People laughed at him. They criticized him in various degrees. In spite of that he won the elections as it is the…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic What Are The Best Ways To Stay Cool And Healthy In Summer in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    The best ways to drive away the summer heat are also the following

    1. Wear lightweight cotton clothes. Avoid tight clothes.

    2. Crush an Onion and tie it in a cloth. keep it in your trousers pocket. It prevents heat from being absorbed by the body.

    3. Try to take an Umbrella when you go out or ask other elders to hold one when they need…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic What do ladies give when it comes to love or relationship in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 5 months ago

    I do accept with one thing. Ladies are more selfish when it comes to a relationship….relationship, I mean not the one confined to her husband but to his parents and other relatives.

    I know a lady who after marriage started telling some lies about her in-laws and spread them to the neighborhood. The only sin the in-laws committed was accepting…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Where Have All Your Childhood Friends Gone in the forum Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 5 months ago

    Coming into contact after a gap of 25 years is really a boon. We organized a Old Students Meet for this. The function was arranged collecting some money. Many of us are well established now and money was not a problem. A date was fixed for the meeting and suddenly we gave it a new twist by Honoring Our Teachers who taught us and who were…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam joined the group Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 5 months ago

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic What is life? Think Twice or RIP in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am feeling happy to read it. Just the truth is God. Better we understand that. He is there to take up everything on his shoulder and guide us. Even to think about the judgment day it is only He who should bless us. We are nothing…nothing..nothing…If we visualize the whole universe, our significance and identity become a big question. We are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Why Does This Happen To Me? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    Yes. The last two things looking like the situations to laugh at. But, as you said taking the name of the God if you can not recover from the fall, and  getting into a fall with an unexpected shock both are different. One may get into fall with an unexpected shock but it depends upon the personality how he responds to such situation. There are…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic ", my husband make me happy." does or no in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    yes. One is responsible for one’s own happiness. How can be another person responsible for your happiness? Maybe a husband may be a wife, it does not make any difference. We must learn to enjoy each and every moment of live. Whether we are rich or poor, whether we live in Palacios palace or small hut they will not make one happy. But, it is only t…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Be strong enough or better seek spirituality… in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    yes. One should have spirituality and practice it. But, what is this spirituality? It puts many under confusion. Leading a disciplined life, sitting before the Almighty and praise him? Doesn’t he know what we are actually? Spirituality is only a state without any ambitions. It is the state which one gets after a lot of practice. Just wearing white…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, WHY NASA IS LOSING IT’S CREDIBILITY? 7 years, 6 months ago

    The science makes new theories and the technology makes the things to make our life easy and comfortable to live in. When we do not accept any science and rely only on technology it leads the humanity to nowhere. […]

    • nasa is not losing any credibility, i guess they are great at their area, and i would not trust any thing else in that area but them, many agrees with me, i also know that they are human so mistake is expected but not to be big or many, thakns for the post and the view point you expressed

    • So what’s their explanation on the fluttering of the flag? And why would NASA tell lies? They would surely lose credibility if they do so.

    • NASA has to be rational and objective and not selective when it comes to doing their job. Whether NASA tells or not or believes or not I am not concerned. Many Indians like me believe in the Rama Sethu. Indians have to come with superior technology as this is a good opportunity for them to further establish their credibility and unravel things which were thought to not exist by other people. If they specialize in this they will get more such projects from countries who would want to know about their history.

      The launch or 104 satellites in one shot and the launch of Mangalyan or Mission to Mars only at a fraction of the costs which developed countries spend is an achievement in itself. The ancient city of Dwaraka where God Shri Krishna lived and which is under the ocean was also discovered by the scientists in India. There is no limit in what we can do if we really set out achieve the same. Agencies like NASA or other such agencies should not play around with people of the world, their sentiments and the history. Professionalism is expected from such agencies which have a high reputation. If they play around with their reputation it will be at their on peril.

    • NASA is an unreliable source? That’s news to me! (O.o)


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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, WALLPAPER Vs PAINT? WHICH ONE FOR HOME ? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Whether it is a big house or a small house everything can be transformed in a day. The big room in a house can be made look grant by applying a light-colored paint over its wall. A small room can be made very cozy […]

    • My take on this is if one would want to use wall paper use it where children are not there like in an office or a hotel or similar other spaces. It can also be used in homes but only thing is that it may need to be changed a bit more than compared to paint. But when you change the same you can also get some new design or aesthetics which will be appealing to one and all and would look different.

      Paints is what I prefer the majority of the homes where I have visited are using paints too. I feel that today there are specialized paints which are available in the industry due to innovation and these paints allow one to wash off the stains or any dirt which may have accumulated over a period of time. The number of years a house will look nice if painted also is more compared to wallpaper. This will save costs for the home owners in the long run. The only issue with paints is they contain chemicals like lead and other such things which are toxic to atmosphere and also to humans especially children. So they have to be checked and a good paint is to be used. A interesting article. Thanks for the share.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, SAY A BIG ‘NO’ TO PROCESSED FOODS 7 years, 6 months ago

    As soon as I return from my office, the hands automatically search for something to munch and reach the refrigerator to pick out something that may be available readily. The Juice bottles, the jams of various […]

    • you can not say no for completely life with no processed food, since its in everthing you will find these things, in baking, in restaurants, in sweets in chips in tea or coffee in juice, there is nothing without processed food but too many little things and these things are high price, so we can not live without processed food, life is pricey now actually very pricey , so processed food rescue people, reduce it is good idea, but no for sure will not help any to live properly, also makeup has processed things and it goes to skin can people stop it, no. hopefully economy change and maybe then we can eat fresh food

    • It is a good decision which you have taken. But I feel totally stopping processed food would not instantly possible. But if we decided to go for it and are able to do so it is a good thing. But the important thing is we should not stop this in between and this should be a decision which we should continue for the whole of our life. It is wrong on the part of companies too to not inform the public of what they are doing and what are the harmful effects of the processed food. There should be some sort of labeling done for the public to know which food produced and packaged causes what harm and side effects.

      Thirty years ago there was not much of packaged food industry. Majority of them were being manufactured by small scale industries which were family based. The quality was also good and so was the digestion. If one consumes additives and other things over a period of years it causes health issues which will be different among different individuals which one will not know till a long time. By this time the damage to the health would have been done and things would be irreversible. It is always better to be safe than be sorry. It is better to limit consumption of packaged food if not totally stop it. A important issue and a good article.

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