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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Those Plants Use As A Tea And Its Benefits 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am used to drinking a cup of tea every morning I wake up. It is a usual thing that I do before I begin my day. And so, I research some of the tea that is common and is good for our body.

    Raspberry The dried […]

    • The thing that gets me with tea is that when I was growing up there was only Lipton Tea. Now I’m a adult and come to find out almost anything can be made into a tea! That’s so wonderful! Can’t do that with coffee! 🙂

    • Yes. I agree with you. But, I have not heard of making tea using Lavender. Lavander is useful for taking bath in Summer season. It actually calms down the anxiety and stress and gives a pleasant feeling. The paste of Lavender is applied on the body as it absorbs body heat.

    • So nice to know about so many different types of teas. I am not a big fan of tea though but this sounds delicious. I also doubt if we will be able to find all those ingredients to make it at home. Researches are always interesting and that too researches on food is a very job. Taste experiments with healthy receipts make it more enjoyable. I too will try to make something like this. Anyways, thanks for this.

    • Does the raspberry tea actually taste like raspberry, the dried fruit part? I don’t usually like tea but would be willing to try it if it tastes like raspberries!

    • Its interesting that some of the plants that we consider to be weeds are beneficial to our bodies and are food to other communities. Thats just how different we are.
      Like when i see the lavander plant to me it was just a flower, it really didn’t mean anything to me. But now i know just how beneficial it can be. I just love this reading and finding out so much stuff that is beneficial. It makes life worth living for sure.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Herbal Plants and Its Uses-2 7 years, 5 months ago

    I have posted four lists of herbal plants and its uses previously and now, I want to add more of it. I have three more herbs to add to the list and these are:

    1. OREGANO We all know that oregano is a herbal […]

    • I like oregano oil to stop a cold. A few drops under the tongue works wonders. It does however taste vile. I wonder how the tea tastes. May try it for a bit of a change up.

    • I’m convinced that herbs and spices were always in God’s medicine chest and green leafy veggies are a means of feeding the masses.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Herbal Plants and Its Uses 7 years, 5 months ago

    Herbs or herbal plants are very useful to our health. They are commonly used as an ingredient in synthetic supplements and drugs. Tea is also one of the most product that is made up of herbs.

    I have some list of […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Tips On How To Speak English Fluently 7 years, 5 months ago

    For us, non-native speakers of English, it is very important to know how to speak the language because it is a necessary tool in communicating to a wide range of people. One focus of learning spoken English […]

    • Very nice tips and are actually all true.

      Indeed we can practice speaking English by always speaking English. In high school , i was really practiced on how to speak English because we were required to.

      We were even made to be on declamation and on stage.

      Well, writing can also help us improve our language. We just have to listen to how it is being spoken so as to get familiarized with it.

      Practice makes perfect as the saying goes and that is so true. The more you practice , the more that you will be get used in speaking English.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Why Are Many People Want To Learn English Language? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Here in our country, the Philippines, many Filipinos are learning the English language because of many reasons. They will use it to an online tutorial, which is common now. They will use it to apply for call […]

    • Since, English is the most internationally used language or should I say it is a universal language, people are eagerly learning how to use it.

      AT least, when they know how to speak English fluently, it would impress the interviewers for jobs and would hire you for the job.

      Nowadays, even the Filipino children are speaking in English already. That’s because in posh schools, English is already being taught amd spoken.

      What I also noticed is that speaking English has now become a determinant of one’s status in life. If everyone at home is English speaking, that means the family is of a high social standing.

      Do you agree on this observation of mine?

      • I do agree with you @Dina. Sometimes, speaking the English language will definitely determine an individual social status.

        I also agree that speaking English fluently is an edge in applying for a job most especially in BPO companies as I have mentioned, teaching jobs (online or classroom setting), HR management, and so on.

        However, with the implementation of K-12, local dialects most especially in public schools are used as a medium of teaching. Unlike before, we are forced to speak English inside the classroom.

    • English is the second language of our country. Even those who did not complete their education can communicate even in broken English.

      Our education system did this because they saw the advantage of having English as our second language.

      The only disadvantage I can see in this is that our foreign visitors does not bother to learn our own language because we can converse with them fluently.

    • It really is to an individual’s advantage if they can fluently express themselves in English.

      Dina, you are right that it is a status symbol if you are an English speaking person. As they say, you are ‘sosyal’.

      Me, I have difficulty in talking or speaking in straight English. Sometimes my tenses are wrong.

    • English is a universal language and is spoken by many people all over the world. It helps travellers to manage their needs when they talk in English. Further call centres use English.

    • I remember when I started to learn English in primary school, I hated the language. But now it is my preferred language over my French-Canadian provenance. But I also wish I could learn other languages like Spanish, German etc.

    • English is recognized globally as common language nowadays. It is an interesting article to me as non Filipino to know that studying English in the Philippines is so serious and advanced process.

    • Truly, english is a language of business wether you will used it for applying a job, on business meeting, or even on speech english is pre requisite to pass the test. If you know how to speak english fluently you can used this as your own advantage with others. Lets face it, most companies in entry level position are looking for a competitive employee whom they see that will have a potencial to be somebody else in the near future. Probably, what they are seeking is someone who is tough, full of aspiration and ambition, responsible, with a strong communication skills. Basically, business is all about communication. Talking spontaneously without delay and the ability to express themselves in an instant who has the power to convince other either it was an oral business proposal or written. Speaking english is a must if you want to be successful in your chosen field and look for greener pasture. 😛

    • Learning english is as easy as 1 to 3 just read books, magazine, watching english movies as one of the way to widen your vocabulary but what important is your diction how will you going to pronounce the words in english in a proper way that everyone will understand the words you are transmitting with them. You could also try to talk with others not only with your self in order for you to master the art of communication in that matter you will know if you can effectively communicate with others and express yourself easily if you failed and find its hard for you to speak in that languange don’t lose hope but always try and try until you succeed. Remember you could never gain the glory of success if you don’t even undergo the pain of failure. In your spare time, why not do a formal theme just to practice your vocabulary like writing a topic that best suited your personality or anything that you’re interested in. Let your inner self unleash the power within you to be able to express your thoughts, your desire, and your wants, that will put your heart into something that you could never imagine that you do to express yourself freely with your own touch of hand.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Tips For Single Women On Their First Date 7 years, 5 months ago

    For a woman, it is so difficult to be on a first date with a man. It is hard to adjust because some things might go wrong that will let her down in front of the man. And, as usual, some men are most of the time […]

    • WOW! You said it all! Basically, we should be really aware, attentive, and keen observer to whom were going to met because its the first time you would laid eyes with that person to know the other side of him, which both interest you and to determine if you have something in common. I think be ourself and be real pretending not to be someone else just to get attention. Its more better in the first met that you know something about each other enjoying each other company with some chit chat to spice things a bit. And who knows? There would another date or so. It is really important thay you are comfortable with each to says something whats on your mind and you can talk anything everything under the sun that would be a superb dating experience ever to know that he or she is interested about the kind of person you are and how you are at ease with your date as if something connected between the two you. THATS SPARK! ;-P

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, How To Cook Sour Fish- “PAKSIW FISH”? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Milkfish have been one of my favorite seafood to cook for viand. When cooking the said fish, I want it boiled. Although I do deep fry it sometimes.

    Why do I like milkfish among other fishes? Well, aside from the […]

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    I have once used a photo from pixabay, I downloaded it from the site and uploaded to LB unknowingly that is used by other members of literacybase. I don’t know if it’s my fault to use it but really it’s a waste of time to check first the media album of this site to see if someone use the specific photo or not before using it on my own blog.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, This Is The Best Definition of My Women That Men Should Know 7 years, 5 months ago

    Are you a woman? Have you known all who you really are? Have you identified all the possible meaning of you being a woman? Have you known all that you can cause to this world? In this article, I want to talk none […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, What Is The Definition Of Woman/Women? 7 years, 5 months ago

    If I am going to give a definition to a woman or to women as a whole, I would say it this way:
    Women! Women! Women!
    Women are man’s fantasy.
    Women are said to be a good relationships heart.
    She is a nature’s swe […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Types Of Hair According to Geographical Aspect 7 years, 5 months ago

    When you are roaming around the city, you will probably see people with different hair style, and different color. Yes! People are of different hair type. All hair are created differently.


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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, ONE MISTAKE DEFINES YOU- A Poem 7 years, 5 months ago

    Have you done a mistake and everyone around you easily judged you? Did you experience being the topic of the town because of a single mistake? Well, you are not alone because I experienced that too. I experience […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, THESE ARE THE OTHER HIGH SCHOOL POEMS I WROTE 7 years, 5 months ago

    And I will live the life I want, not what you want
    And I will decide for my own, not your decision
    And I will laugh any time of my day, oh I will
    And I will love the one I love, I really do
    You […]

    • You are good! So very expressive.

      At least you have an outlet for feelings you cannot say out loud for they might judge us the wrong way.

      I am happy, at least you know how it is to love someone. Present or past, it doesn’t matter, you know what love is.

      Why don’t you compose more poems and have it printed like a book. There is this online coffee table book printer, but not sure about the site.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MY POEMS WHEN I WAS IN MY HIGH SCHOOL 7 years, 5 months ago

    These poems are my high school poems that I found recently in my old notes. It is actually a poem that I laughed at because I didn’t know if they are good enough to read. I just realize I can write one. 😀 I w […]

    • I used to love peom then i hate it when it become everywhere only about politics then again i like it about life, but no time to read any book now, maybe later, but not powem as poetry in old days are much pure and prettythan todays poem and poem writers, as i like to call them, thank

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, William Shakespeare: One Of The Most Notable Author 7 years, 5 months ago

    If we could only talk about great and known authors, William Shakespeare is always on the first lists. When we read English Literature, Shakespeare is one of the famous names.

    During my high school days, I really […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, The Scary Place That’s Killing Me- A Nightmare 7 years, 5 months ago

    The Scary Place That’s Killing Me
    That place! Oh, that place!
    I went into that place so dark and scary.
    No one is around but me.
    I feel the coldness touches my skin.
    Making me quiver in chill.
    I look around and s […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Here Are Simple Ways Of Relieving Stress 7 years, 5 months ago

    With lots of daily activities that make us feel stress like working the whole day with a horrible boss, heavy traffics, and lots of projects, we need to at least give few times for our body to do good relaxation […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Four Of The Most Common Alternative Medicine 7 years, 5 months ago

    I presume that most of us heard the word alternative medicine. Well, alternative medicines are a term used to define the distinct forms or kinds of medicines aside from the synthetic and conventional ways of […]

    • That intro is very educational. All this time I thought everything was homeopathy.

    • I had tried acupuncture some years ago. But it should be done by an expert because it is too dangerous if there’s error. It can cause paralysis on the patient.

      I don’t know there’s still different branches of alternative medicine.

      • Paralysis? Sounds frightening! Yet friends of mine who have tried acupuncture said it was successful for them. But it’s not a treatment one should try if they have a fear of needles no matter how good it is. I have a fear of needles. I would have to be completely blacked out for someone to perform acupuncture on me.

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of I gave my Bird a NameI gave my Bird a Name 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of 3D Modeling Computer Designs3D Modeling Computer Designs 7 years, 5 months ago

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