@frayo4luv active 8 years, 3 months ago-
Nice thoughts indeed but I didn’t get to read the first part of the article. Any I like what you have shared and the facts are right. If you really want to get things done well always a plan about how your going to them then start working on it. Starting up something then leaving it halfway is not good those are sure signs of failing in what your doing because there is no focus on the work. Like you have said when you start doing so.thing always take the time to focus on it and finish it at that particular time. Because for sure if you leave it and go and do something else you might not put in so much effort as you did when you started it. Thanks for sharing those sentiments.
I like the thoughts tht you translated their into words, first lines felt to as if from the heart, let me start by saing that life is full of failures but that is not the point the focus must be having these people to stand and get over the failing. It is needed to be the point that makes you stronger and make you sentiment but make you better sure, something may fail you and its not just excuse, you need to do more than what you can to get rid of that feelings and go for more good news and success also in your life so fail is not bad thing but the bad is to keep fainling and label that person who feels that he is failure or did really.
but you need to learn from the failing as more and more you fail more and more lessons you have to let you stand up and make better at the other things or other trials you do in the future, do you get what i mean in there? thank you for the awesome topic and the world that has everyday people of failure in every house and area
There is a great difference in politics and governance. Politics is the art of ruling and looting the country but governance is the art of how to implement laws upon the citizens equally between the poor and the rich.
I would define governance as the day to day running of the nation. Most laws, when passed, are not actually directly actionable. They direct agencies to do things or set guidelines, and the agency in charge of that area of law has to figure out how to make it happen. Most of it is frankly done by hired (or appointed) bureaucrats rather than elected officials.
Politics is the dealing and grand standing required to get elected, so that one is in a position to direct governance. It is appealing to the electorate in order to win votes, and may or may not be sincere.
Passing laws is both. The actual content of the law, directing such and such an agency to behave in such and such a way, is governance. But why that law was passed it, who signed it versus who authored it versus who introduced it, and why some laws are passed as addendums to completely unrelated laws, that’s all politics.
People have always misunderstood politics and governance. They have confused the two to be the same. There is a fine line between the two, as you have also tried to bring about in your blog post. Governance should never be confused for politics. Good governance and strong leadership is what the countries of the world need now the most if they are to survive the coming centuries. Thanks for depicting the two ideas so clearly and accurately. Keep posting more. 🙂
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So there was a complaint about lack of funds. I imagine that a “hindrance” like that must be like a “walk in the park”. They have already overcome so much more!! 🙂 I’m saluting them and applauding them! 🙂