BIANCA Rodriguez
@flaca6612 active 7 years, 12 months ago-
I like knitting from young years. My mom and grandmother were very good knitters, and I have learned from them, but somehow my three sisters never liked it and refused to learn. Nowadays I knitting very rare as now I have many new activities and there is a lack of time for everything. Sometimes seems it is easier to buy something than to make it myself. Saves time, but not money. But still time from time I knit for my pleasure.
Yes, it is easier to buy than do it. But I found it very interesting and am happy if I can create something and use it. I am fond of doing crafts, it lessen my boredom.
Work is worship and worship is God. So anyone who puts effort to earn a living and takes what is due to him or her after a hard days work is to be respected. More so people like those who are just a small part of a very large work force in many countries. I find it sad that their lives or work seldom gets respected. Which is not correct. I do not know what the individuals who possess wealth tend to think so. They act as if they have landed from mars and others who work are all good for nothing.
This concept called the dignity of labour has to be respected in all countries. Children have to be taught the same too as I find them putting down these workers or speaking about them in a degrading way. This attitude has to be changed during the childhood itself or it would be a problem for them and others whom they would be working with. They learn this from the elders and the elders should be behaving responsibly in the first place.
Very well said, Krishna Kumar. You are right, we have to respect them who labour so much to earn a little money and they do the lives of the moneyed ones easier too by offering their services.
They should be regarded as very important people too because without them, nobody will do the hard work, the manual labor which the rich abhor.
I am one of those people who really have a soft heart for these workers especially the old women peddling vegetables on the side of the walkway of the market.
I can see my sisters and mother in them. That’s why too I don’t haggle with their prices anymore. I take it as it is. It’s my help for them at least.
Even those service crews, I see to it that I talk kindly to them. When I want something, i really say please then thank you.
At least that way, they will feel dignity in working.
Some of the service crews are working students. They work while they study. It’s heartwarming that they finance themselves through college by being service crew of restaurants.
So, everytime we go to restaurants or fastfood chains we should also say please, thank you and smile at them.
Dignity for labor is a good concept. But, it does not mean that the children are targeted for it. The children are supposed to enjoy their childhood and the grown ups are suppose to earn for his family if it warrants so. Their primary concern should be for education only. But, this situation is not prevailing anywhere means there is something wrong went wrong with the policy makers and Administrators and this is continuing without any interruption. We all show sympathy but when it comes to practice we stand somewhere in the corner and watch the situation. Of course, this is changing slowly as there are many N.G.Os which are taking up such situations seriously and working to improve the situation. Even in India also, this is picking up pace. This is enough if we support them of course, with a little bit of caution which should always be there as showing sympathy nowadays has become a SIN.
the lady is too vain.. she has undergone 3 surgeries before that another 3 which caused her death. I feel sorry for her kids, they are too young to lose their mom and the lady is too young to die.
Yes, it could be due to vanity. She’s already beautiful, I don’t know why she still wants to look more beautiful! She’s only 29 years old.
Beauty lies in our eyes. What is beautiful for one is not so for others. I read about an African lady weighing — more than 500 kg or so — being given treatment in Mumbai , India. Such treatments involve quite an amount of risk and must be resorted to only when it is essentially needed.
Supposing one weighs 150 Kg plus then also — it is better to reduce food in take and take other form of exercises and not resort to operation like this. May her soul rest in peace
Thanks for your reply. Yes, such medical procedure to lessen one’s weight can be done if the person is too much overweight like the lady you mentioned who weighed 500 kg.
If not, diet and exercise are the best things to do rather than putting life in danger.
The news is really a sad one. So young and so pretty. She may have reasons for seeking these enhancement procedures. We will surely never know her reasons for she is not around anymore to answer the question.
But as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Another thing, inner beauty is much better than the outer beauty.
But we cannot blame people if they choose this kind of enhancement procedures, like people in the movie industry. They have to invest on their physical appearance, otherwise, they may not have any more projects to do. Even veteran actors and actresses, no matter how good they are, they are requested to do some ‘beautification’ if they want to have projects.
Whether or not you need these enhancements, check first if your body can endure the procedure you will have to undergo or seek 2nd opinion or ask around for any side effects of the procedure.
I was so shocked when I first heard the news on the early morning show news. I really got so interested that when I arrived in the office early, I read the news online.
Yes, she was so beautiful. In fact, I keep thinking if her nose was also enhanced because it was a very well chiseled nose, that I envied her. he he he
Anyway, my officemate said that in the news it was said that she’s a single mother. So they said at the office that maybe she needs to beautify herself to catch a rich and handsome father to her child.
That’s how it is when you have lots of money to spend. She’s a successful businesswoman.
It is not bad to have an enhancement. I would certainly would like one , to remove my eyebag and flatten my stomach. But I don’t like them to be done through the knife, but rather through laser which is safer. I think they can be done through laser.
But you are right, natural is beautiful , though if the enhancement will not require surgery then it’s okay.
That is true she is so beautiful business lady, actually she was a regular customer to that beauty clinic. That time it was her boobs and butt to be improved, yet the doctors failed to analyze that their patient was asthmatic. That was the reason why along the way of enhancing her, her heart stopped breathing.
That hospital was on suspension order by the Supreme Court.The doctors are in jail there are two of them all Chinese doctors relatives of the owners. They were not the usual doctors that enhanced her. May she rest i peace.
Beauty lies in eyes or somewhere it a different matter.
It really sucks to here that the young kids lost their young mom.she, in all her eagerness to enhance her beauty met a tragic end.
The liposuction is taken up unless the doctor makes basic tests. He can not recommend this test for each and everyone. He takes all precaution how much fat one has got in the body and how much is safe to remove. These are the basic things. This is actually a safe method to enhance beauty as the patient will not have to stay in the Hospital after Liposuction. But, it is made a complicated one by the Doctors who fail to take into account the basic precautions meant for the surgery.
This surgery is preferred by men also sometimes.
In the year 2013, a person in Hyderabad preferred to reduce his belly fat and preferred this surgery. Everything was done and he returned to his house. But, all of a sudden he developed some complications and was again taken to Hospital and he could not be saved.
Ladies on account of the nature of their profession prefer to have this surgery for certain profession it is not the inner beauty that is preferred but the personal appearance. The personal appearance without any elementary knowledge, mannerisms, gestures, education etc., will have an edge over inner beauty in certain profession. -
Death is indeed very cruel but we sometimes bring upon ourselves with the things that we do. I feel sorry for the lady who lost her life doing a procedure that did not go well with her may her soul rest in peace. Sometimes I ask myself is it really worth the pain and time to go through this things? Yes I know we all want to look pretty and up to date in the society but some of the things we have to go through to get nice looking bodies is very disturbing.why can’t women just accept themselves the way they are and avoid so many problems surely. This surgeries that are done in our bodies only bring lots and lots of pain. Yes you will achieve the look that you want but how about the consequences later do you ever think about that? I guess not. You can still get the results you want if you only eat right and exercise more often that way you won’t have to worry much about how you look because you will be looking good. Food make a you look good if you eat it in the right way and the right quantity. Stay healthy and well.
thanks for sharing this, I never knew the photos in the media library were provided by literacy base, now I understand that those were saved from photos uploaded by writers..
Yes, they are uploaded by writers. Sometimes it is alright to use them if they match your blog, or so-called generic photo. You can use free photos from Pixabay, pinterest, etc.
@ acela
Like what you mentioned, we should watermarked before uploading our personal photos, so that if ever they use it, it’s there in the photo already and they cannot deny anymore that it’s yours.
Thanks Ruby. Yes, our photos should have a mark so other people will know they could not use it, or if ever they use it they should mention that the photo is yours.
I never knew also about this phone media, and all that, nice posts thanks and i like it but the thing is that using some words that are technical which make no clue to some
Just to be safe, it is better to upload own photos, or if you don’t have available photos, get it from free sites like Pixabay free images; Pinterest, etc. Just put some attribution when you use them. Thanks for your reply.
I thought they were free to use…. I usually look for the pinterest type or the kind with the little attribution… like if you use getty
I can relate, especially when our daughter was just a kid and is already going to school in her primary grades.
I have to think of what our helper will cook for breakfast while I am at the office about to go home. It has to be rice with a viand like sausage , eggs and the like and that she should have milk. That being so, it will also be our breakfast of course.
Lunch too would be thought as to what already, in the evening before the day. And so with dinner.
I always take into consideration our child. Good thing for us, we can eat whatever she eats. And since she’s a kid and picky, I have to make them palatable and yet healthy.
It’s hard indeed to be a working mother. You work and you meantime should think of what to cook, since our kid goes to school.
I agree it take into your mind all the effort and all the fridge too, you will think what i have , what this like and what that like, how to cook it in oven or use the stove, shall i do it that way or that way, ok maybe they will east little so to make that amount of half the amount, ok then when to do it now , or later. its hard and needs effort just to thing and decide what to eat and what to cook for us, make the plate that all of the family like also is hard, think and think to find something, the things for us is that we are not many so we like to eat light breakfast like eggs and cheese and tea of course, but lunch is what make me think and change lots and lots and lots, maybe doing list for every day weekly good thing, i did not try that but maybe, i have to do that alone any way and no helper nor assistant from the family as i like to do what i like in the kitchen and take my time then go put on the table
I share your frustration in learning how to drive.
I actually was already learning how to drive through my husband. However, once with my hubby on the other side of the front seat and me on the driver’s seat, I tried to drive. It was at first slow and smooth until I saw a big truck coming. I got so nervous imagining that i might hit my side when we are already near with each other.
I drive the car on the side and stopped and told my husband, I can’t drive.
From then on, I never tried again. Now, whenever I see my batchmate driving her car from our practice, I would feel a little envious that she could drive.
Though, I don’t let her big 4 by 4 car go inside the small rough road going to our neighborhood because I fear that it might not fit and scratch on the small road with both sides of concrete fence. ha ha ha
She too is nervous of trying to let her car go in. So, I would be dropped by the main road and would walk a small distance to our house. ha ha ha
Yes, I even posted that it’s already summer already, since the past 5 days before today, it was so sunny always. But last night too it rained a bit. Then this morning it was a bit gloomy and it drizzled. But as of now, I can see the sun shining again.
Well, I like it if summer is like this- a rain once in a while. At least, it won’t dry the fields and the plants and will not be so hot.
But as to exercising, I just exercise at home, in our bedroom actually, in the space like a small sala , while my hubby sleeps. No need to go out. I just dance like crazy so all my body will be shaken. I do dancing, some dumb bells exercise and the tummy trimmer. At least, it helps me to lose some unwanted fats, even for a bit. ha ha ha
That’s the positive side of it. The weather became cooler, until now, the sun is not shining so hot unlike in the past days.
It is good you religiously exercise even inside your bedroom. That’s great!
This day it rains so hard here and thankful for my decision to time out under time because I see dark clouds . I was so afraid . I remember the last months flood in our university when 5,000 were stranded, water height was so high. When i arrived home the rain dropped so hard. I am afraid I will wake up too early tomorrow to avoid walking again in muddy road where the bridge is still on renovation, We feel so sad whenever it rains here,yes it is summer but ket us be thankful that there is rain sometimes to let plants grow and survive.
I hope you can have your usual activity tomorrow.
So it is also raining in your place? Yes, it could be a blessing in disguise because plants and trees will become green, so with the farmers’ crops. They can have water even it is already summer.
Thanks, I guess it will not rain tomorrow morning.
Very useful article for garden lovers. Especially for those who would want to grow organic vegetable in their own garden. I used to put seeds of leafy vegetables and they used to grow in the garden without much effort similarly chilli, lady’s finger, brinjal and tomato too used to grow easily. Now we are having the season of mango’s and they are growing well and so do we have coconut trees and guava. If one likes to spend time and do gardening it is very good. Gardening also acts as a therapy.
Yes, gardening is so easy, and plants grow easily if the soil is good, along with the weather, and of course it needed to be tended regularly. It is indeed a stress-reliever.
It is very nice and useful to garden.
Yes, it is good to have your own mini garden out of cuttings from the vegetables you bought from the supermarket or market. Some vegetables like carrots, pechay (the one in the photo), beet roots, usually have some roots in it, so you have to cut the upper portion and leave an enough amount at the base with the roots and you can plant that stump. Soon it will grow.
We do not need to spray pesticides because eventually it will be absorbed by the plant and it will endanger our health. It will also poison the soil. Yes, gardening is a nice activity.
How I like to have veggie garden at home, but we have smaller space in the city unlike in the province.When I was a teenager, I liked to live in the province for I liked to plant fruits and vegetables, but when I graduated in college and acquired a property in the city the house and lot and work here too, I no longer had planted a single veggie and fruit.At home this time grown in the yard two grown ups moringa hehehehe. Every morning, as usual as a Filipino with east breakfast usually fish tinola and we add some moringa leave and tomatoes, onion, that always make our day fulfilled.
Hi Cely! You can plant too using pots or recycled containers, as others do in urban gardening. Anyway, you can plant in your province when you are on vacation.
Gardens so nice, my teens love it and set lot of hours, plated garden still should be given lots of work and sttnetion and this and that, like spending money for the soil and the plants it selves, but its good thing to enjoy at the end of the day or morning when you wake up hold you cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the view
Having your own vegetable garden is really nice. You feel a sense of accomplishment and it is really nice to watch the plants grow.
Gardening is really good, it can relieve you of stress, and produce your own food. But as much as possible, do not use pesticides because it is harmful to the body and to the environment.
It is very important to provide outdoor activities or even indoor games for children. These games will help children confidence in themselves, make them more sociable and not become an introvert. While learning a bicycle is better than a motorcycle as it is safe. Especially if the child is too young. Communication skills will improve a lot and chances are they will learn new languages other than their mother tongue. Which will help them in the future. The article covers most of the important points which need to be covered on the topic appreciate the same.
Why parents are afraid of children going out is the crimes, violence, children who will be troubled by adults, deviant characters in the society. Injuries which the child would get in the course of play which will be a nuisance value for both parents as well as the child. Too much of studies as education system has become such. Medical bills becoming too costly and in many cases unaffordable. All these create and many other issues and parents being overprotective as they have a single child become causes why children are being denied their proper play hours. Thanks for the share.
Thank you Krishna Kumar for your reply.
There are so many factors why parents today tend to be overprotective, and one of them is criminality. There are cases when children are kidnapped, or bullied by other children, or if they are hurt while playing the cost of medication is high, and parents who are working will have to absent from work to look after their child.
In the past, children have more freedom to play outside their homes because it was safer during those days.
What you have written in the article is very true. I have seen many elders who are aged but still want to travel a lot. In some ways it helps them but it is a problem for them in most of the cases. Many find it difficult to walk on the platforms in the railway stations or climb the stairs with their suitcase and the whole crowd is there. They face the same issue at the airports too. As the terminals are long and they find it tiring. Especially long distance travel. It is better when they are old they travel and eat light as it would do a great service to them.
Nagging health issues is also a problem which many face due to health related issues due to age. My take is if they would want to travel out it is better they go out somewhere nearby in the morning and come home by the afternoon. That way they will be in control of things. They can rest after they return. The trip is better if it is traveled somewhere nearby from home far distance travel is best avoided at that age. If one is very healthy and does not have to take any medicines then it is ok other wise it better avoided by the remaining people. Home and neighborhood are the safest place to move around. Thanks for the share.
Thank you Krishna Kumar for a very good response. It can be a blog in itself! (joke). Yes, you are right, adults should not travel very far from home if they are not physically able to do it.
So while young, people should take the opportunity to go places and meet a lot of people too! When they grow old, they would be happy to reminisce the people and beautiful places they had visited.
Thanks for the information and the tips , it make sense, but travelling old is nice too, other wise you would not see them everywhere, i went to holiday and i found the old travellers more than the young ones, really was surprised, but that how, i guess it is depending on the couple and the money how much
Thanks for the information but wasn’t it is better to travel when you are old because this is the time that you have plenty of time to spend than during young when you are too busy with your job. I know that it might be really troublesome to travel when old but why fear when you are near the end of your life. You should be enjoying life at this old age not fearing that you might face problems during the travel. But of course it is better if you travel with friends or family so that if anything happens, they can take care of you.
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I know what you mean about people misusing photos and selecting featured images that don’t even relate to the post. It’s even more frustrating when it’s your image and somebody else is misusing it! Glad you learned how to watermark. Going to share this tip in my social networks. Others may be having the same problem.
Thanks Treathyl FOX. Yes, we can help other members from having copyright issues; just use or upload photos from free sites like, but though it can be used for free, give it credit, mention the name of the site to help it too.
They can search the tutorial on Google.
Good to know that the photos of your’s which were being used by others without giving credit. Those blogs were removed by the admin. You have made a good suggestion that literacybase give names of sites from where they can be uploaded. In the article you have not mentioned the watermarking tutorial site name. If you can do so it will be useful. One more thing is watermarking to be done only on the photos which we have taken personally or can it be done on other photos which have been uploaded from free sites pinterest or pixabay and the like ?
Anyways useful information given by you. How much time did it take for your learn and do the things which needed to be done? If we can use our own images made from paint even that would be good in my opinion. Appreciate the good research done and the results published in the blog.
Thanks Krishna Kumar. We can only watermark photos that we took ourselves, or we do really own the photo. For some of my photos, I just used paint app.
Anyone can search for it on Google. The tutorial videos for beginners on how to watermark or label your photos.