Emmanuel alfred
@bigrichwordz active 7 years, 7 months ago-
This is what the students lack this time to apply their highest level of thinking called critical thinking.No matter how the teacher helps the learners, but the latter seem deaf and mute to challenge themselves. It is very hard for them to transform this time because of exploitation of technology, which they themselves tolerated. What they always have on their hand, gadget and if ask about a critical question, they refer the answer to Goggle.
This means to say that only few were able to transform themselves to become a better person.
The transformational learning is totally lacking in most of the schools. Though the students are learners they are not encouraged to participate in the right direction with an out-of-box thinking. There are some schools where the students will not be allowed to question.
The Transformational learning gives an opportunity to analyze, to think, to question, and to interact. It is the last element which is totally lacking in modern schools.The revision is the duty of the Management of Schools. They should study the developments that are taking places in the field of teaching. Sticking to the same old methods of teaching will not yield any good results and produce a quality education. It is needed providing refresh training classes to the teachers and send them and encouraging them to attend such courses in the best interest of students as well as the Institution.
Though, there is a lot of things happened in the field of teaching there is something more yet to be achieved and introduced in the transformational learning. The transformational learning is important not only for students but should be for teachers as well.
Once this concept is realized the purpose of transformational learning will be achieved to the great extent and will benefit the student community as well as to the teachers
yes. The college life involves varieties of challenges. Each day will be a challenge. You will come across many challenges each and every moment in the college. A new teacher and understanding his teaching is a challenge. A favorite teacher leaving the college will bring some sorrow. you should overcome this feeling. This is another challenge.
A new friend turns out to be quite unfair.To tackle him is a challenge A good friend comes closer and to maintain his friendship is another challenge.
Meeting the day to day expenses in the college is a challenge. Taking hand-loans and their repayment becomes a challenge.
Many persons with different psychologies and personalities have to be tackled and new relationships have to be maintained. Everything is a challenge.College life leaves good memories besides some bad and sad experiences.
But, the college life molds the character and personality of a person. Sharing and caring is given a strong foundation which again becomes quite useful when you come out of the college premises and search for employment.
This again will be a gift to our parents who with a lot of efforts and hope to send us to college so that their children would become a good citizen of the society and contribute to the building up of the nation.-
Boy did you hit that one right on point!
Image college student myself and I must say there’s a lot of challenges. It also makes changes in your life. Things can seem to get a little difficult, but it’s all worth it in the end.
Yes, collage life is the best part of life when young children join collage with full zeal and zest but a few leave the collage with aims and objects to serve the nation and other do menial jobs because they waste their precious time in college.
I think if the training of character is good in child hood the students will enjoy college with a definite aim to do something for self and nation and future nationals also will set a cert good example.I have sen most of the students join collages to pass times or to waste time in loving or making bill and coo and call it the best days of college life.
I think collage is the best platform to utilize all natural abilities for the coming generation. College is the second step to go forward in future villa of dream.
I always loved sunflower seeds but have not bought them in years. I am interested in them helping lower blood pressure as I recently was given medication for high blood pressure and am interested in lowering it by natural means, too. Does it make a difference if they are salted as I have read the sodium in salt is bad for high blood pressure? Do they even sell them unsalted?
According to what I have read, for a healthier benefit, it is good to toast the seed as is without adding salt.
Though it is tastier if we buy it salted, but for the benefit of our health, most especially in your case, it is much better to avoid salty foods. Or it is always good to ask your doctor about it. 🙂 -
Many health benefits indeed, and this ought to be consumed in good quantities.
I, too, really love sunflower seeds. I also found out that sunflower sprouts can also be eaten.
We all must keep in mind that all religious feasts and festivals teachings teach us to love human being, men and women, old and young, great and small birds and beasts…The Christians’ Christmas,the Muslims’ Eids and Hindus’ Festivals…all teach us just one lesson to love human being and worship God at one platform.
But I have seen and observed that the essence of all religious teachings has disappeared along with it fear of God and trust in God has also fled from men’ and women’s heart. Now we all are standing in dark and dreary land forgetting friends and foes killing each other in the wood of ignorance.
I think sometimes in lone we ll must love all human beings with their whole hearts but alas we all have forgot love and pursuing hate and greed in practical life. Think, where we are going? WE have left or true track that leads us all to heaven.
Let us think all in love how to spread love on earth among men and women, birds and beasts, old and young…Come out of the shell of ego and greed and make above selves than materialism and greedism.
Christmas means a lot to me. During the Christmas program , we do have so many program that make some sinners got saved and even the whole world knew that there is a particular program- in the town. So Christmas makes me also remember that Christ came and died for our sin.
Christmas period prepare us for a new year ahead -
Christmas mean to me that has brought a special thing into my life. It thought me that we should give ourselves to God. We remember that God through Jesus Christ came to the world and redeem us from the everlasting perdition so as to gain paradise, the place God.
@Timothy, your belief about Christmas is somewhat the same of what I believe it is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts where anyone would relate from it, im sure.
In a Christian context to.me Christmas marks the day out savior Jesus Christ was born to come and redeem the world from sin. And that to me is the greatest gift of christmas knowing that i was redeemed off of my sins. Now in the “worldly” contact if I may call it that, it’s simply a time of making merry being with your loved ones, having fun cooking and eating is the most ideal thing during Christmas. People travel far and wide to be with their loved ones so that they can share the joy of christmas together. We will share gifts to each other and just spend a wonderful time together. This is also a time when people take time off work to go and spend time with their families after working the whole year without a break. So even as we do all this things let’s not forget the actual reason for christmas. Am sorry to say this but nowadays Christmas has become more of a materialistic thing than what it really is. We hear of people doing crazy things just because they do not have a dress or a gift for christmas and that should not be the case.
Christmas is a time of remembrance and love for me.Yes I show love all year round, but at Christmas, I get to see those family members i haven’t see throughout the year. We jokingly calling once a year family because we only see them at Christmas. But this is the time when there is a lot of cooking and variety and food items we haven’t had throughout the year. It is also a time when new family members get introduced whether they be boyfriends, girlfriends, or babies. We share stories, laugh and play games together. It is a fun time.
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