drawn by peachpurple
Writing at LiteracyBase is easy since the minimum word count per post is 300 words.
Some writers could write 5-8 short posts per day while I prefer to write 2 posts daily of 500 words.
However, posts submitted do not publish immediately because Literacy support and admin team needed to check through our posts for plagiarism and whether these articles are suitable to be publish online.
Each post that we earn fluctuate, depending on the SEO and keywords used in the post content.
You can earn approximately from 5 cents to 35 cents per post. With 5 posts published you could earn roughly 50 cents to $1 per day.
However, while awaiting for your posts to be approved by LiteracyBase which usually takes around 24 hours, you could also make money through other ways.
Recently, I had found that I had made some money in a day while awaiting for my new posts to be published.
Better than earning nothing, you might as well try these tips to earn extra 30 cents to 50 cents !
Here are 5 tips on how I had made some money:
Check on your NOTIFICATIONS which is located in your profile page.
Look out for writers who had commented in the forums that you had created and those forum questions that had been posted by other writers.
Choose those forum questions that you are interested in.
Then it will be easier for you to answer comfortably and make your replies as lengthy as possible.
Each time you reply to them, you will earn approximately 0.005 cent to 0.01 cent depending on the word count of your reply.
I had noticed that if I wrote 100 words per reply, I could earn 0.01 cent.
For shorter ones, 0.005 cent.
If you could submit 20 replies on the forums alone, you could earn 20 cents in a single day!
In addition, there are a wide variety of forums and groups for you to choose from.
Yes, each time you had created a NEW Group / Forum Topic, you will earn money too.
For 100 words per New Forum Topic, you could 0.010 cent.
For 150 words-200 words, you could earn 0.02 cents.
Try to think of topics that writers are keen in seeking for answers and voicing out their opinions.
Most writers are interested in:
“About LiteracyBase”,
“making Money Online”
“Anything Over Coffee”
“family & relationship”
You can check out the number of members that had joined these groups.
with more members in that particular topic, you could receive more comments from other writers and you have the higher chances to reply and communicate with them.
Browse through the “Blog” which is located next to “Members” at the top of the main page.
Choose those posts that matched your interest or liking.
Support your friends and newbies by reading their posts from the beginning to the end.
Leave some helpful and insightful comments in the comment box.
You could earn around 0.005 cent to 0.01 cent depending on the word count of your comment.
Always share your posts URL links at Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest.
For every person who had visited your posts, you will earn 0.001 cent per “Referred Visitor”.
In a day, I could earn 30 -50 visitors for both of my posts.
In addition, each time someone registered under your referral link, you will earn 0.010 cent.
The advantage is, you will earn 10% of your friend’s earnings each time he/she published a post and comments.
Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple
Photo belonged to peachpurple
Read more articles written by peachpurple HERE
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experience with us while earning money
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View Comments
Good to see a new published post after 3-4 days! A very beautiful sketch as usual and some great tips to keep earning when no new posts are being approved.
I think the purpose of publishing @peachpurple post is to tell us to be patient!
They are probably too busy testing the new system, and the system has bugs that they have to resolve.
thanks for your compliments.
About my sketches.
I found that these tips that were shared by our friends Kyla and leeka worked out for me.
So, I decided to share them here so that we all can earn $$$ together
I am only wondering how your post is published when three of my posts are pending for days. It seems the site is not following any norms like 'first in first out' or the like. Very bad on the part of the site.
But I had saw 2 of your posts already published now. And I am sharing your posts at my FB and Twitter now too.
Aww... maybe you just have to wait.
The admin and support are trying their best.
Honestly, I find your posts are very helpful.
That is why I always share your posts to my friends at FB and Twitter
Hi @peachpurple,
May be. But that is only after your posts. Thank you very much for sharing my posts on FB and Twitter too. Wait...? How long? How do you know that the "admin and support are trying their best" when they are not all bothered to respond to our queries? Once again thank you for finding my posts helpful. The reason for you to share my posts to your friends at FB and Twitter is good.
I would also add that you can share anyone's posts - or even forum threads - in order to earn the visitor referral bonus. I can see 80-100 visitor referrals a day because I have shared many posts across several different networks.
yup, you are absolutely right Kyla!
I had share my 2 posts url today at Twitter and Facebook, plus other writers post withs, my referral, in just 30 minutes, I had earned 130 refer visitor, earned 13 cents!
That is awesome!
You can say that social medias are some of the ways to help us earn $$$ when our posts are pending.
@peachpurple I'm glad that worked so quickly for you, Peachy! We do seem to get lots of traffic from social shares. I'm hoping that means good things for the site.
@peachpurple I was doing that when approvals were hanging fire, specially the categorywise posts commenting.
I remember that some of your suggestions have already been mentioned by @support on the other ways to earn money here aside from our blog post. I have read these ideas from Support's activities page.
I had posted a post but it seems that 24 hours had passed and it wasn't published. Hopefully, they can sustain the said rules for the approval of blogs. It would be nice to see the compositions being posted.
My post appears to be within the guidelines of the group I posted to but has not been approved in what I consider a timely manner. How can I find out what the status is? Has it been looked at? Will I be notified? Is it not within the posting guidelines? Did it go in a black hole?
Note: I duplicated my post with additional information hoping that if the first posting was not "legal" the second one would be.
I have a growing group that currently consists of 12,000+ members. I see that the count of pending approval posts are not correct. Some posts pending approval, as well as some members pending admin approval to be members, are not showing up as they do on the count.
For example, right now it shows 34 posts pending approval but clicking on the list does not show anything but the message, "No posts pending approval." I have members asking me personally to approve their posts but they just doesn't show up.
I tried with accounts from different admins to no luck.